Just for Today - month of February. Would you like to join me, as we take this one day at a time.



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    For anyone wanting to join us, this is not set up as a "Group". We would love anyone that wants to post = you do not have to write and ask to join us. Love to hear from anyone wanting to take this one day at a time!
  • windamere16
    windamere16 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes please add me
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    This is an awesome group. So much support. So far it's a good day, but I do well at work, because I don't have all those snacks here. At home I have 2-16 year olds and I get them snacks. I do get them snacks that I don't like which helps me alot and then I try to stay upstairs and not come down except on occasion if I need to do things.
    This weather is totally sucking here, there is a chance for frozen precipitation tomorrow right at the morning rush hour. So if it gets bad, I will be back at home again, in which I get bored, which is a bad thing for me, because I want to eat.
    Well, I'm just going to keep trying to stay strong and I know I will prevail as long as I keep trying and don't give up.
    Everyone have a good evening and I enjoy hearing from everyone on this post.
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    Losingrae: I totally understand about crying about the snake. lol Thanks for the support.
  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    Made my goals yesterday!
    For today
    1) Stay under calories
    2) Run (30 min)
    3) Circuits (30-45 min)

    Happy Friday!! x
  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    @joan6630 So sorry for your loss :( No apologies or explanations needed, thank you so much for starting this thread and helping all of us. We are here if you need anything!
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »

    1. Take a walk. I'm taking extra clothes with me so I can get a hike in the snow. :D Hiking in snow is harder than I remember. But I did have fun. :D
    2. keep track of my eating and no snacking after 9pm. :D
    3. Relax and enjoy my half day off. :D I know grocery shopping is not relaxing for some people, but I enjoyed getting a chance to pick out healthy choices for my next week.

    Bonus I had enough time to cut up some fruit and make a salad that I can grab for my lunches the next couple of days. :D

    So Happy Friday Everyone! Just for today I will

    1. Take a walk. I will be able to get out of work for a while, so I need to get to the mall and walk.
    2. keep track of my eating and no snacking after 10 pm
    3. Focus on the positive. Dwelling on the negative does not help anyone.

    Have a Good Day!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    edited February 2015
    Yesterday, 2/19
    1. Carry a glass of water with me so I remember to drink instead of eating :)
    2. Log everything I eat :) I SO wanted to get a cookie at McDonalds, but I stopped myself. Then last nite I went to my quilting club meeting - they had all these goodies all over the place - cookies,chips, even brownies! But I told myself I was not hungry, and walked away. A huge victory for me. I want these smiley faces!
    3. Report here tomorrow how I did, and do it again tomorrow!! :):)

    So Just for today, friday
    1. Carry that glass of water with me all day to remind me to drink water
    2. Log everybite that I eat
    3. Remember that to change old habits, develop a new habit. I have a habit of eating in the evenings - my worse time. So working on developing a new habit instead of eating!
    4. Report here how I did - and do it again the next day!

    I hope you all have a great FRiday!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Saw this quote - and its perfect

    "You haven't failed until you quit trying"
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Just for today I'll concentrate on getting myself to my personal training weekend without spending time worrying about whether I'm ready, or going to pass, or fail, or whatever.
  • earthakin
    earthakin Posts: 15 Member
    So glad to have found you! Starting today, and just for today:
    1. Log everything I am going to eat today
    2. eat only what I log ahead of time, if I want something else I can have it tomorrow
    3. drink 8 glasses of water
  • joan6630 wrote: »
    Saw this quote - and its perfect

    "You haven't failed until you quit trying"

    Thanks, Joan. A quote to remember,for sure !!!
  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    ruby70 wrote: »
    just for today Wednesday 2/18
    1.) do my workout on the treadmill after work today for 40 minutes + :) (I did it, YEAH)

    just for today Thursday
    1.) Get through the appraiser coming to my house today for my refinance
    2.) Get through a day of work with these horrible cold temps we have
    3.) be okay with taking a day off from working out, I have a full load today. Try not to feel guilty about missing one day.

  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Hit a wall yesterday so I allowed myself to rest & just be OK that I'm not perfect.
    Was great to share with my MFP friends.
    Feeling good this morning.
    Just for today:
    1) Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    2) Don't binge on Quest products because they are "better" :p
    3) Manage calories a little better
    4) Stay grateful :)
    Make it a great Friday (*)
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    Good Morning everyone. Congratulations on accomplishing your goals!!! :D
    I was able to accomplish my goals and came in under my calories.
    Goals for today:
    1) Drink 6-8 glasses of water
    2) Walk/jog 55 minutes on treadmill- done
    3) Work out on weight machines for 30 minutes
    4) Stay at or under 1200 calories
    5) Stay out of the kitchen unless I am cooking for the kids and then not excessively taste testing what I am cooking. (A bad habit of mine.)

    Everyone have a great day!
  • February 20th -

    1. Stay positive
    2. Take time to meditate
    3. Eat veggies !!
    4. Yoga home practice
    5. Write in my daily journal ( which I am terrible at completing !! )
    6. Fierce Forward
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    2/20 Goals for today:

    1. Do my workout at physical therapy
    2. Read a chapter of personal development book
    3. Stick to my calorie count
    4. Log my foods
    5. Drink water
  • meenuchadha
    meenuchadha Posts: 2 Member
    Proud if myself ...drank 2.5 lts , went to reebok Crossfit , ate before 6.30 pm , and under calorie limit for today
  • hward27
    hward27 Posts: 7 Member
    2/20 Goals for today
    1. Complete 2 workout apps
    2. Stay within cal count
    3. Don't snack at relatives house
    4. No eating after 7:00pm
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 2/19
    1. exercise 30 minutes :)
    2. log everything :(

    Logging seems to be such a struggle, but I'm gonna take a win. We met a friend for dinner after work yesterday. Got home around 7:30. It was dark and drizzly out. I meandered around the house for a about 15 minutes trying to find a reason NOT to get my walk in. Then I just did it. So happy I did!

    Just for Today 2/20
    1. exercise 30 minutes
    2. log everything (gotta keep trying)