The most ridiculous diet tips you've ever heard?



  • AshZie
    AshZie Posts: 49 Member
    Not necessarily a "crazy diet tip" and NOTHING against Veganism for those who live that lifestyle.

    Back around Christmas my boss told me her New Year's resolution was to become Vegan because she read an article online that told her to. (Insert eye roll here...) She was convinced that was her only option to lose weight even though she was dreading it. Sounds like a recipe for success, right? In the past, she has always fallen for gimmicks like diet pills, even though she wouldn't eat healthier or workout and then complain nothing worked for her. Anyway...

    January 1st rolls around and she walks into the office with...wait for it...a grocery bag filled with those bottled Naked/Odwalla juices. This is her new Vegan "diet". ONLY pasteurized, nutrient-void, sugar loaded juices. I'll spare you the details but she lasted about 4 hours until she was starving and went to our work place cafeteria to load up on junk food. (Even though they have awesome, healthy options that could actually help her reach her goals) I'm pretty sure she weighs even more now.

    Her and another woman I work with know how I'm losing weight. They see what I eat and know I workout. Yet they still try all the quick fixes. I don't get it!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,276 Member
    Diet food is " expensive". I don't know where people get that mind set from.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    The worst? The HIV diet. (Yes that it exactly what it sounds like).

    Background: was in ER speaking to a nurse about a pt who had lost a lot of weight due to HIV. Dumb girl who overheard the conversation goes: "oh! I should try that diet!" I face palmed and walked out. I sincerely hope she was kidding, but sadly I fear she was not.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    Everything that comes out of the mouth of overweight people who swear all they eat is a cracker a day. Then there's the underweight people who swear they just have a fast metabolism and they eat all day, but then you find out they ate an egg white for breakfast and an apple for lunch. I'm plagued by both kinds at my work. Let's be honest peeps!

    I worked with a girl that would eat a 100 calorie cheezit pack and a 100 calorie almond pack for lunch. Some days it was the almonds and a couple baby cut carrots. She was so thin she looked like a walking skeleton. Then she went and bought a wedding dress that was too small and announced she had to go on a diet to fit in it. I don't think she had even much muscle left to lose.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    The worst? The HIV diet. (Yes that it exactly what it sounds like).

    Background: was in ER speaking to a nurse about a pt who had lost a lot of weight due to HIV. Dumb girl who overheard the conversation goes: "oh! I should try that diet!" I face palmed and walked out. I sincerely hope she was kidding, but sadly I fear she was not.
    Ugg, I thought people wanting to infect themselves with tapeworms for that reason were bad enough.

  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I use to work with the *kitten* that was convinced the Hcg diet worked and all he has to do was eat 500 calories a day and put this stuff under his tongue and he would lose weight.
  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
    Ohwhynot wrote: »
    My trainer told me a couple weeks ago something like I needed to eat celery to replace my electrolytes because celery had hydrochloric acid and iodine or something really f'd up like that. I just nodded.

    He probably meant sodium chloride (NaCl = table salt).
    I considered that, but celery doesn't have iodized salt in it.

  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Back in the 90s dieting was all about counting your fat intake and not so much your calories. So maybe she remembers that? And I knew of a girl who went on the M&M diet. I'm not even kidding. She just munched on a big bag of M&Ms all day long and drank water. That was back in the 90s too. Coincidence? Hmmm. Maybe.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Sjmsr wrote: »
    I told my wife that sex burns 3 times as many calories as running for the same duration.

    She doesn't believe me. :(

    This sounds like something my husband would tell me :) I appreciate the creative effort.

  • AshZie
    AshZie Posts: 49 Member
    Diet food is " expensive". I don't know where people get that mind set from.

    This too. My coworker admittedly lives off of McDonald's meals for dinner most nights (sometimes breakfast, too) and she spends a large amount of money on monthly doctor visits & medications for health problems related to her weight, but she "cannot afford" to eat healthier. I almost guarantee I spend half of what she does.
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    When my dad was getting chemo treatments another patients friend was saying "I should see if I can get my doctor to approve chemo for me since you've lost so much weight". All of us in the waiting room just stared at her, her friend looked like he wanted to strangle her.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Diet pills

    Meal replacements like shakeology

    Also workout programs in general that advertise that you can lose so much weight doing the program. That's entirely dependent on what you eat

    Eating 500 calories a day

    Cutting out random things from your diet. Like gluten. (Unless you have a sensitivity to it)
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    When my dad was getting chemo treatments another patients friend was saying "I should see if I can get my doctor to approve chemo for me since you've lost so much weight". All of us in the waiting room just stared at her, her friend looked like he wanted to strangle her.

    Mind officially blown.
  • rdfaye
    rdfaye Posts: 39 Member
    Not touching the chemo one. Eye roll

    I have rheumatoid arthritis. Several years back there was a diet that would "cure" RA and help you lose weight. Just eliminate all sugar products, all corn products, all wheat products, all starches, all nightshade vegetables, all citrus, and all meat except fish. Ummm, what's left to eat??
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I use to work with the *kitten* that was convinced the Hcg diet worked and all he has to do was eat 500 calories a day and put this stuff under his tongue and he would lose weight.

    Well, he WOULD lose weight.

    *and be malnourished and starving and probably be forced to eat eventually and gain it all back*
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    As I was reading this interesting article about a 1,000-year-old Chinese statue that was run through a CT scanner confirming "that the statue holds the mummified remains of a man," and the man who is mummified inside may have practiced something called "self mummification" which is "a gruesome process where monks from certain traditions prepare themselves to not decay after death through a combination of diet and consumption of poisonous herbs and embalming fluid" while still living.

    I09 gives has a short primer on how one can self mummify themselves...
    "Mummifying yourself is not a thing you do on the spur of the moment, especially in Japan's humid climates. In fact, there is a 3,000-day "training" process for turning an ordinary ascetic's body into a mummy's. The key element of the process is dietary; Japanese ascetics would commonly abstain from cereals, removing wheat, rice, foxtail millet, pros so millet, and soybeans. Instead, they would eat things like nuts, berries, pine needles, tree bark, and resin (which is why the diet of the sokushinbutsu was called mokujikyo, or "tree-eating." Over time, the diet would become more restrictive, starving the body of nutrients and eliminating the fat and moisture that can encourage bodily decay after death; X-rays of sokushinbutsu have even shown river stones in the guts of mummies. Jeremiah suggests that, beyond the weight loss, some aspects of the diet may have helped with the preservation of the body after death. For example, certain herbs and toxic cycad nuts may have inhibited bacterial growth. And at least some sokushinbutsu are said to have drunk a tea made from urushi, the sap of Toxicodendron vernicifluum, which is typically used to make lacquer. In addition to facilitating vomiting, the urushi may have functioned as a sort of embalming fluid, rendering the body toxic to potential flesh-eating invaders.

    Once the ascetic was prepared to attempt to become a sokushinbutsu, it's said he would step into a tiny burial chamber and has himself buried alive, with a small opening to allow air inside the chamber. There he would sit, chanting sutra and ringing a bell to signal that he was still alive. Once the bell stopped ringing, the chamber would be completely sealed, and after three years it would be opened again to see if the attempt at self-mummification proved successful."

    Insanely interesting stuff and a pretty ridiculous diet to say the least.
  • awesomewastaken
    awesomewastaken Posts: 92 Member
    Not eating after 6pm. I have never understood how that makes sense, I mean, if I go to bed at around midnight, I would have to be without food for nearly 6 hours - how is that healthy? And yet there are so many people who are convinced that eating after 6 is the only reason anyone ever gains weight. Bizarre theory.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Pupslice wrote: »
    tat2cookie wrote: »
    Eating cotton balls dipped in orange juice.

    Shut up. This isn't actually a thing, right? You made that up. Please tell me you made that up. Please.

    that's an old model trick but I knew girls in hs who did that. Fruit juice or flavored Jell-O. also they ate Kleenex. fills you up, 0 calories. sick and sad.

    Are we sure kleenex doesn't have calories? I mean, I can't imagine it occurred to them to analyze the nutritional information, but softened processed wood pulp can't be 100% calorie free.

    Now I'm thinking about that reality show that follows people who eat weird stuff like couch cushion foam and toilet paper. I wonder how many calories are in a whole couch.

    There's one who eats diapers. I don't even want to know.

    And there's a disease (it even has a name) where people eat *themselves*. <shudder>

    HAHAHA - Pizza the Hut - he was locked in somewhere (I forget) and "ate himself TO DEATH" - quote from Space Balls.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    There was one infomercial that I fell for- I forget who it was but this lady had this exercise bar with resistance bands that you did but the weird part was that she said all aerobic exercise was is moving oxygen through your body. So she had this "workout" where you took in a deep breath, held it for a few seconds and then forced it out of your lungs. The program was guaranteed to take so many inches off in the first week (maybe 2-5 I forget), which it did, but I think it was just moving around with the resistance bands a bit, not anything else. Hard to believe what you will pay for when you want to lose weight quickly with no work involved.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Pupslice wrote: »
    tat2cookie wrote: »
    Eating cotton balls dipped in orange juice.

    Shut up. This isn't actually a thing, right? You made that up. Please tell me you made that up. Please.

    that's an old model trick but I knew girls in hs who did that. Fruit juice or flavored Jell-O. also they ate Kleenex. fills you up, 0 calories. sick and sad.

    Are we sure kleenex doesn't have calories? I mean, I can't imagine it occurred to them to analyze the nutritional information, but softened processed wood pulp can't be 100% calorie free.

    Now I'm thinking about that reality show that follows people who eat weird stuff like couch cushion foam and toilet paper. I wonder how many calories are in a whole couch.

    There's one who eats diapers. I don't even want to know.

    And there's a disease (it even has a name) where people eat *themselves*. <shudder>

    HAHAHA - Pizza the Hut - he was locked in somewhere (I forget) and "ate himself TO DEATH" - quote from Space Balls.

    He got locked inside his limousine! Get it right, or else Pizza is gonna send out for you!