

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Cynthia - on my MFP I go to community then I clicked on the thread 50 Plus women you will notice that on the far right there is a star click on that start with will make this your thread to be reminded of. Then when I open up community at the top I see the icon of a bell which tells me those are my messages from this thread I click on that it shows all of the people that left a message I go over to the star which is highlighted I click on that that opened up the thread and I just click on the highlighted messages it goes to where I last left off reading.
  • Breezy3
    Breezy3 Posts: 52 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Breezy: Click the star at the top of the page you want to be able to find.It will turn yellow. For this group, you'll need to do it at the beginning of each month. When you log in, click the gray star at the upper left quarter of the Community page. It will take you to your most recent post.

    Meg: Sending virtual hugs. How long until you can have surgery? Pain is not good for health and happiness. It takes all the available energy that you want to use for personal relationships.

    Patty: Welcome back.

    Sylvia: What is a Martindale collar? I LOVE today’s joke about the pilot getting directions in the fog. This is laugh out loud finny. I even read it out loud to DH and shared it with friends via email.

    Barbie: I’ll bet your presentation was the very best one. Congratulations on making it through a stressful day.

    Michele: Thanks for telling me about the scanners with headphones. They would make a huge difference in a person’s comfort and ability to enjoy the races.

    Mary: Three cheers for perfect timing of your photo of DGS’s first basket! That is wonderful and will make a lovely wall decoration.

    Kim: I keep Quaker breakfast bars in both of our cars. One bar is about 90 calories and will stop an insulin reaction for DH, and take the hunger edge off for me until it is time for a meal. Here are some other snack ideas: one medium apple, carrots, celery, hard-boiled egg, string cheese snack stick. Choose, the protein you like best and fill up with veggies. Log every bite and swallow.

    Heather: Your description of fast food companies is spot on. They are exploitative poison vendors who fatten the population and pay their employees poverty wages. Subway is not included in that group in my opinion. I don’t know how they treat their employees, but the food includes healthy choices.

    Sharon in Alberta: You time with the DGC sounds wonderful.

    Cynthia: On my iphone I click on “more” and there is a list. Community is on that list and this group is part of community.

    I spent the day yesterday power washing our deck and got about half done. I plan to finish today. I sure am sore this morning! I am here to tell you that power washing burns a LOT of calories.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


    Thank you so much! Haven't been here in awhile and could not figure it out! I appreciate your help.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited February 2015
    CynthiaT60 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone!
    Anyone successfully using the community on an iOS device? Where IS it?
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia - No success here either to "community" from my tablet. I am able to access it if I open the webpage rather than the app. So that is what I do. But I do not have an iOS. So my advice may be no advice whatsoever.

    I am having a really hard time getting back into the swing of things. In a funk, tired, not thinking straight. I spoke to both my sisters and they have similar experiences. We have all just been so intensely busy with our mom's last years and death that all of us may be suffering from exhaustion. It is speculation. All 3 of us have also been having so many things going on besides that. It seems to manifest mostly in forgetfulness and fatigue. At least we can commiserate.

    I can't turn my head or I already don't remember what I want to write or do. So...better give up for today. Do something mindless, like watch the Oscars. :D

    Please know that I think about you all, celebrating your successes and empathizing with your problems.

    <3 Renny
  • current6439
    current6439 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Busy day, DGS made his first basket today and I got a picture of the ball dead center in the basketball hoop!

    Meg - the Chicken fajita salad is really good and only about 250 calories, the chicken and cheese make up most of the calories and 2 c of lettuce makes a very satisfying meal.

    Welcome to the new and returning ladies! Gotta go through have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • GrandmaSue06
    Did pretty good for January lost about 3 lbs. I joined MFP about 10 days ago. I used to do WW (they got to be to much of a hassle.

    February goals:
    Walk more, get to the gym at least 3 times a week.
    Looses some more lbs.
    Get ready for fun run/walk in March it's one mile.

    Jacksonville, NC
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday and did 36 minutes of Wii Gold's boxing before breakfast = 208 cals all i am doing. Food = 1821

    We have stripped our bedroom of furniture and Stan is vaccing and I will steam clean soon. Nead more shampoo.

    Cannot remember who mentioned Mildred but she has been dead for a week and i still miss her. Found a tooth under the bed, hers.

    OK need to report to Tom

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Thanks for the description of the Martindale collar. I’ve seen them in action, but never knew what they are called. I love today’s joke. I’ll take the bed with a reading lamp and computer connection, please.

    Selena in UT: I love your thoughts on body image.

    Heather: Sorry to hear that your ex is in hospital with health problems. I hope he’ll get through it in good shape.

    Cynthia: I clicked on Community and got a lot of choices. There is a black band at the top under the word “community.” I click on the star in the black band and I get right to Women ages 50+ for February. Here’s the list I see that is below that black band: My Profile, Goals, Nutrition, My Recipes & food, Reminders, Steps, Blog, Community, Friends, Messages, Apps & Devices, Settings, & help. I have an iphone 5S. This group is under Community but I can get here directly by clicking on the star. What kind of phone are you using? I don't use the phone to post. It is too tiney for comfort. I use my computer for posting.

    Renny: I think that forgetfulness and fatigue can come from grief. I’m sorry for your loss.

    Lesley: My previous dog has been gone for eight years. Even though I have another dog, I still miss her. Grief has its own timetable and can’t be hurried along.

    I power washed our lower deck yesterday and finished it today, plus I also did our upper deck today. I have had a nice hot bath, gone out for a meal, and I’m still tired. We’ve cleaned our deck every spring since we’ve lived here, but this was my first solo effort. On the plus side, things look BETTER and power washing is on the Cardio Exercise list. I earned 739 calories for today’s efforts and even more for the work I did yesterday. I have taken the opportunity to indulge in a piece of cheesecake.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening! I've had a good day. Went to my clay club meeting and didn't have any trouble with snow. It was snowing lightly but blowing and nothing stuck. I enjoyed the meeting, laughed a lot and ate some fruit. Then when I got back I went to the studio to look inside the kiln. I was expecting a disaster, but was pleasantly surprised. The issues with the bad clay did not cause as much trouble as I thought it would, so I got more than enough bowls for the two fifth grade classes to decorate. I lost about a dozen that were not useable. I cannot tell you how very relieved I am! Hubby loaded them in the van for me. I'm delivering them to the school in the morning, then when they are all decorated I'll go pick them up again. Yippeeeeeee! All that work was not wasted! Now I can take a deep breath and start working on glazing the rest of the bowls I've made. (Sorry the picture is so big)


    Now I'm home, resting and ready for Downton. I hope you are all safe, snug and happy tonight.


  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi everyone,

    We have more bad weather expected tonight so my TOPS meeting and weigh in for tomorrow is cancelled AGAIN! I think this winter episode has convinced me to buy a scale for home. Do any of you have any suggestions for a good one?

    I have made some notes but don't feel much like comments right now. Came down with a really bad bladder infection today. Suffered through work and must wait until tomorrow to see the doc. I haven't had one for years. Maybe being out of the pool for a week has thrown my body off. I will check in tomorrow.

    Everyone stay safe and have a good evening...

    Toni in Tennessee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Heather - quest bars? Hmmm I will look at those…. I do really need to see about something.. the idea of a stash of tots is a good one. I love your description (accurate!) of Fast food joints.

    Cynthia - I am not sure how things work in your field, but you have between now and June to broaden your network, update a resume and see what is out there… then a paid year to continue on, giving up working at home and flex hours is a drag but not as big a drag as un-employment and just grab on and visualize what you really want…. Who knows what is out there!

    Jane – 50 cards in 2 days!! Wow, could be all the sitting and leaning over creating cards that was hard on your back.

    Sylvia – the bowls look great!!!!

    Katla – the breakfast bar is a good idea too..I’ll do some reading in that isle of the store. I also like the idea of sitting and savoring my snack…

    Yanniejannie – I need to learn to like sharp, my hungry go to is a sweet… that helped me get into the weight mess I am in… grrrrrr

    Read everyone else’s posts….
    I have gone back and looked at my food posts and the nutrition part of it, I am low in protein almost every day, while I am not a vegan or vegetarian, I am not a big fan of meat, I kinda use it as a condiment… what have others found, with the increased exercise, the protein is more important? Right? Hmmmmm maybe apple and nut butter…

    On the issue of grief, of a fur baby or a human – these things seem to have their own time table and some times part of the grief process can be delayed because other parts of life get in the way, accept the feelings as they come and share if you wish… one of the things I will be dealing with in counseling is some buried grief that is 30+ years old… and needs to be processed…

    My fun things this week were:
    1. working in my yard for a couple of hours – I am re-doing my front yard and am slowly making my mental image into reality
    2. taking a walk with a stop for breakfast with my new hiking group
    3. not till this evening – watching Downton Abby

    Feb. goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been reading as I watch the Oscars. I have only seen one of the movies so it doesn't really matter to me who wins. I have to get back in control of my diet. Monday is a good day to start over.
    Sue in TX
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    I'm also watching the Oscars, but did switch for Downton.........only saw The Imitation Game so my fingers are crossed for that.

    I truly appreciated the Joan Didion quote during the memoriam portion: "A single person is missing for you, and the whole world is empty". It seems to sum up that empty lost feeling of grief so well.

    G'nite all, sleep well.
  • Breezy3
    Breezy3 Posts: 52 Member
    Did pretty good for January lost about 3 lbs. I joined MFP about 10 days ago. I used to do WW (they got to be to much of a hassle.

    February goals:
    Walk more, get to the gym at least 3 times a week.
    Looses some more lbs.
    Get ready for fun run/walk in March it's one mile.

    Jacksonville, NC

    Congrats on the weight loss!

    It is good to have goals. I have goals too! I wish you the best on your journey.
  • Breezy3
    Breezy3 Posts: 52 Member
    a quick hello today..
    well we have made a decision and getting the wall microwave oven... but the one in the best shape at sears outlet is 2 hours away,, guess who is taking a road trip after a snowstorm today? We are :o dont want to spent the 100.00 to have it shipped.. they open at 10 so hubby is out snowblowing, as it is warming up this snow is the heart attack kind uery very heavy.. so I am going out to do more shoveling, and then we will go.. wish us luck... will check in later.. he wants to get back to watch the race..
    Michelle have a good time. we have the scanner too..

    Did you get you? Hopefully the drive there was not too bad.
  • Breezy3
    Breezy3 Posts: 52 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Breezy: Click the star at the top of the page you want to be able to find.It will turn yellow. For this group, you'll need to do it at the beginning of each month. When you log in, click the gray star at the upper left quarter of the Community page. It will take you to your most recent post.

    Meg: Sending virtual hugs. How long until you can have surgery? Pain is not good for health and happiness. It takes all the available energy that you want to use for personal relationships.

    Patty: Welcome back.

    Sylvia: What is a Martindale collar? I LOVE today’s joke about the pilot getting directions in the fog. This is laugh out loud finny. I even read it out loud to DH and shared it with friends via email.

    Barbie: I’ll bet your presentation was the very best one. Congratulations on making it through a stressful day.

    Michele: Thanks for telling me about the scanners with headphones. They would make a huge difference in a person’s comfort and ability to enjoy the races.

    Mary: Three cheers for perfect timing of your photo of DGS’s first basket! That is wonderful and will make a lovely wall decoration.

    Kim: I keep Quaker breakfast bars in both of our cars. One bar is about 90 calories and will stop an insulin reaction for DH, and take the hunger edge off for me until it is time for a meal. Here are some other snack ideas: one medium apple, carrots, celery, hard-boiled egg, string cheese snack stick. Choose, the protein you like best and fill up with veggies. Log every bite and swallow.

    Heather: Your description of fast food companies is spot on. They are exploitative poison vendors who fatten the population and pay their employees poverty wages. Subway is not included in that group in my opinion. I don’t know how they treat their employees, but the food includes healthy choices.

    Sharon in Alberta: You time with the DGC sounds wonderful.

    Cynthia: On my iphone I click on “more” and there is a list. Community is on that list and this group is part of community.

    I spent the day yesterday power washing our deck and got about half done. I plan to finish today. I sure am sore this morning! I am here to tell you that power washing burns a LOT of calories.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

    Thank you Katla.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    You know something, even tho I know it's a bad habit, I do find that not eating at the computer is giving me less computer time. I many times would multi-task, eating and being at the computer. Now I can only eat away from the computer. It might wind up being good for me in that I won't be able to snack.

    Mary - congrats to you gs. So glad you got a pic of it.

    Kim - I find the Organic Just Peas to be quite satisfying. They do make you want to drink water, but that also helps to fill you up. The package says that something like 3 servings are in a package and if you portion them out, it's really quite a few peas. Another thing is the chocolate bran muffins that I make. They only have something like a little less than 60 calories per muffin (this is a full size muffin, not a mini muffin). They are high in bran which also makes you want to drink more. I think the bran is what is filling. Take 3 cups of wheat bran (lately, I've been using oat bran), one egg (for the binder), 1-1/2 cups of water, and one box of the low fat chocolate brownie mix. Mix it all together and put in a muffin tin. Makes about 12 muffins. I will warn you that they are low in fat so don't use paper muffin liners, spray it with no stick spray. Bake for 30 min at 350. I make a full dozen then freeze them. When I want one I take it out of the freezer and nuke it for 25 seconds. Hungry Girl suggested adding chopped cabbage to soups and things like that to add bulk to soups, etc.

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Sorry, didn't copy everything. Here's the rest:

    Didn't do any formal exercise today. Got up, got dressed, had some breakfast, went to the store to get a paper, then we left for Daytona. Met up with our friends. After the race we always went to Picadilly Cafeteria while the traffic eased up. Only we found out this year that they were closed!

    Pretty uneventful race. The is the first time we saw our new seats. They are nice, they are supposed to be 2inches larger than the previous seats, not sure about that. There are drink holders on the seats in front of us so our drinks are very accessible. They redid the bathrooms. For the first time ever there was a LOOONNNGGG line for the men's room but you could just walk into the ladies. Cheap me was not about to pay $3 for a bottle of water (especially not at the rate that I drink water) so I took 3 bottles of water with me along with snacks. I think I did pretty good. The one bad thing about our new seats is that they aren't covered. Then again, none of the seats have a cover. We had one before these renovations. But they do have escalators now so we don't have to climb all those stairs

    Alison - congrats on getting that microwave. Just got back from the race. Uneventful. I was thinking that there might be a big wreck at the end since there was a red flag, all the cars were close together, and I thought something might happen when they restarted. But it didn't. Too bad about Kyle. Vince didn't realize that his wife is pg expecting in May. But the weather was absolutely gorgeous.

    Kim - at McD's can't you ask for no barbecue sauce on the chicken wrap? The other positive is that you'll know that yours is freshly made and hasn't been sitting around

    katla - I was scanning for Kyle Bush (since it was Matt Crafton's first time in that car, I thought that might be interesting. It was, you could see how he was told things that normally they don't need to say to the regular driver) and Danica then listening to NRM. This is the first time this ever happened to me, but my earrings were bothering me when I had the headphones on so I just took them off for the race.

    Sylvia - cute joke about normal people. Fantastic bowls

    Heather - ((((hugs)))) for your ex

    Susan from NC - welcome and congrats on the loss

    The plan for tomorrow is to go to yoga and then take a step class at the Y. Then I'm thinking that I may do some running around. Tuesday I'll do some strength training at the Y and then i'll go down to Port St. Lucie to see a friend of mine. Then the people we went to the races with today are going to come down here Thursday. I'll probably do laundry Wednesday

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Selena from Utah - very good words about body image. As women, we seem to underestimate ourselves.

    Curled today, lost in the 1/4 final, so only one game. Came home and hugged by little GD, I hadn't seen her for a week at least. then Finished up my 10,000 steps for the day on the trampoline while I watched the Final of the Scott Tournament of Hearts. Manitoba won so they will be off to the World's.

    Work tomorrow - so I better get to bed.

    Take care everyone.

    Lillian from West Central Saskatchewan
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :D Kim, I like your plan to find a new group of friends. I have made friends among the line dancers. Most of them are friendly and supportive and I keep my distance from the ones that are filled with complaining or righteous indignation. I have Isagenix bars to eat after a long walk. They are easy to transport and filled with good nutrition and not a lot of calories.

    :D I am way behind on reading and will catch up tomorrow.

    <3 Barbie