No time for exercising



  • jchite84
    jchite84 Posts: 467 Member
    edited March 2015

    This workout takes 15 - 20 minutes per day and requires no equipment. Some days it has pullups, so if you don't have a pullup bar, you could probably just skip those, or replace with some other exercise (burpees?) I did it for about 2 weeks, and it seemed alright, though I prefer lifting. But, it's good for a person a) with a time crunch and b) who wants to do some conditioning before transitioning into something more strenuous.
  • FredMikmik
    FredMikmik Posts: 58 Member
    Derpes wrote: »
    No time to exercise? That is a bunch of horse-pucky. Too much horsing around....

    In all seriousness, while you are busy, you can find plenty of training circuits on youtube that are 15 minutes or so as a starting point. Go to youtube and search for a "15 minute workout" and you will find many options.


    Haha thank you
  • FredMikmik
    FredMikmik Posts: 58 Member
    jchite84 wrote: »

    This workout takes 15 - 20 minutes per day and requires no equipment. Some days it has pullups, so if you don't have a pullup bar, you could probably just skip those, or replace with some other exercise (burpees?) I did it for about 2 weeks, and it seemed alright, though I prefer lifting. But, it's good for a person a) with a time crunch and b) who wants to do some conditioning before transitioning into something more strenuous.

    Thank you!
  • SportyCanuckChick19
    SportyCanuckChick19 Posts: 361 Member
    I think the point is, we could all be supportive, but your mindset needs to change. EVERYONE has busy lives. I have four small children, just finished my college education while raising them, I worked, took care of their needs including their and my homework, homeschooled one of them because he was beaten repeatedly by bullies. I also had a small side business, but I found time. Some days its getting up earlier, sometimes staying up later, there are many 20 minute workouts available online, youtube, buy a dvd, use your stairs at school all the time, walk on breaks. I will work a 12 hour nightshift and go from there straight to a hike before home. I make my health a priority as I have spinal disease, and two arthritis' in my body. EVERYONE has busy and hectic lives.. its your choice to make it happen in small ways. You have a firm grasp of this language as well, with the extensive wording you have used, so I am certain you can look up what you need, that will fit your schedule. Now if you will excuse me, I have some math to teach my son, and while he does his assigned questions I am going to fit in a Turbofire workout. Good Luck and best wishes
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »

    Find time or stay weak. There are no other options.

    yup yup . i have 3 kids, a disabled husband, own a business, 11 cats, 2 dogs, care for my elderly grandfather, volunteer at my church, go out with my friends, and a million other things.

    yet i still find time to.... got to the gym 3 days a week, go to a zumba class once a week and walk between a mile and a half and 3 miles a day.

    if you want it, you find time for it.
  • GodlessHeathen
    GodlessHeathen Posts: 27 Member
    edited March 2015
    I have 2 kids..a job..a mom with cancer that has m-f Dr appointments I drive her to. I also homeschool my youngest kid. Time can be found. You do not need to work out 4 hours a day everyday.
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    You can do stuff like lunges, squats, planks and push ups. Especially squats and lunges you can do anywhere at anytime and doesn't take a lot of time. On breaks at school take short walks. Also, Google body exercises. You can find lots of good excercises on there. Some are easier than others to do anywhere. But, you don't have to do all of them every day.
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    I work out every day from 9:30 to around 11:30. Exception for Sundays, where I have a normal, 3 hour ride in the daylight (or basement now... too much snow outside).

    Long days at work, two toddlers, etc. Like everyone else, I guess. The point is, if it's important to you, you make time for it. Some games used to be important to me, but they are no longer a priority so I stopped investing time there. I also work out at noon instead of having lunch at work. Again, because it's important to me.

    So, if your horses are that important, and other responsibilities take all of your time., then maybe other physical activities are secondary and that's the price you pay. Everything we choose to do means we choose not to do something instead. That's life :)