No time for exercising



  • FredMikmik
    FredMikmik Posts: 58 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    Here's an article in the NY Times describing a 7-minute body-weight workout.
    It also links to the article/research from the American College of Sports Medicine, saying the same things, so this isn't just some blogger making things up.
    Do this as a break once an hour when you're studying, or at lunch, etc.

    Thank you :)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited March 2015
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    Who has been rude?

    I don't know if you read it all but some people have just been focussing on irrelevant things and not very helpful and there's also a lot of people who have said that I make excuses but it's hard for me to workout more than 4 hours a day and I'm really looking for exercises not getting to know that I need to get up at 3.30 am since I need to get good grades and also be well rested

    Holy cow....what a teenager

    Look, it's your've been given solutions, use some of them ...or don't

    I'm out

    There has also been people who have suggested some good things I weren't talking about you. I know at my problem and that's why I'm trying to fix it but people shouldn't say that I make excuses I'm just telling you my problem because I don't know how to solve it some people help me with giving me some exercise tips which I'm grateful for
    But that first sentence you wrote was unnecessary I don't know why people in here needs to write sentences that doesn't help anyone.

    It's the internet, it's how it goes. But, in the amount of time you've spent responding to people and arguing, you could have done some decent body weight exercises. Hell, I've been on the elliptical.

    Great point. The OP could have gotten a great workout in since thus thread started? OP, why didn't you do that?
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Am I the only one with the suspicion someone might be a tad younger than they claim?


    Could I get to know why you think that?

    Everything about you screams young teenager, from your attitude to your excuses. Don't worry that's not a bad thing, but a place like MFP is designed for adults and if you were interested in the weight loss part then you'd be better at sparkteens

    There's an attitude adjustment that comes, for most people not all, with maturity. You haven't displayed that. You remind me of my just turned 14 year old.
  • neaneacc
    neaneacc Posts: 224 Member
    Have you tried HIIT or Tabata style exercises. Basically it is high intensity cardio based over low times. For example: Tabata has you do 20 seconds hard work 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes. I will tell you that even a jumping jack feels like torture by the last round of this. However, the calorie burns are great and you can get good results in small sessions. HIIT is similar and Youtube has tons of great workouts you could try. If it only takes 10 to 20 minutes to get your heart pumping I think just about anyone could find the time.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Wow this thread got emotional!

    Okay, something no one mentioned that struck me right away, because my daughter is 18, and I still remember what is like to be at that age... At 18 one is still going through puberty. Their bodies are going through rapid growth and development..A *lot* of the bodies energy is going towards this and they actually do need sleep. Teenagers are not exactly like adults in this regard, who can function on 4 or 5 hours of sleep...they are still developing. The only phase of life that requires more sleep are infants and toddlers..for the same reason.

    That being said...most teenage boys are all lanky and weak looking, unless they are involved in a school sport, which isnt during class least around here, they are all extracurricular, and after school....which is when hes riding horses.

    Just because he is weak now, doesnt mean he will have to be forever if he doesnt find the time right now to do something about it. He's still growing into his body. Can't bash him for that...

    For health and development a mom!! I would not accept my daughter slacking off on homework time, or skipping on sleep to do something else instead because that seriously affects her ability to function and education. No messing with that and I would not accept that as a solution. School and being able to stay awake, and function is important.

    Instead, the only thing really is to wait it out until after hs, which is soon enough here, only a few months to go...or make fitness a priority over the horses. I know *nothing* about horses or keeping them in Olympic stables, so I cant comment on that..others with knowledge have chimed in to say what hes saying about it is legit. It seems riding horses and that being a part of your life is important. So just ride it out until graduation, your time will free up and then you'll be able to work focusing on fitness into your schedule.
  • FredMikmik
    FredMikmik Posts: 58 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    Who has been rude?

    I don't know if you read it all but some people have just been focussing on irrelevant things and not very helpful and there's also a lot of people who have said that I make excuses but it's hard for me to workout more than 4 hours a day and I'm really looking for exercises not getting to know that I need to get up at 3.30 am since I need to get good grades and also be well rested

    Holy cow....what a teenager

    Look, it's your've been given solutions, use some of them ...or don't

    I'm out

    There has also been people who have suggested some good things I weren't talking about you. I know at my problem and that's why I'm trying to fix it but people shouldn't say that I make excuses I'm just telling you my problem because I don't know how to solve it some people help me with giving me some exercise tips which I'm grateful for
    But that first sentence you wrote was unnecessary I don't know why people in here needs to write sentences that doesn't help anyone.

    It's the internet, it's how it goes. But, in the amount of time you've spent responding to people and arguing, you could have done some decent body weight exercises. Hell, I've been on the elliptical.

    Great point. The OP could have gotten a great workout in since thus thread started? OP, why didn't you do that?
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Am I the only one with the suspicion someone might be a tad younger than they claim?


    Could I get to know why you think that?

    Everything about you screams young teenager, from your attitude to your excuses. Don't worry that's not a bad thing, but a place like MFP is designed for adults and if you were interested in the weight loss part then you'd be better at sparkteens

    There's an attitude adjustment that comes, for most people not all, with maturity. You haven't displayed that. You remind me of my just turned 14 year old.

    I'm sorry maybe it's the language. I don't get the thing about excuses. I don't have a lot of time max. 1 hour. I ride my horses and i saddle them up but that's what I'm aloud to. There are two people who work up in my stable who ride some of the very expensive horses, they are also responsible for the rest of the horses and they muck out, I'm not alout to muck out because it could disturb some of the other riders and they have special machines to do it. They have a machine that can take the *kitten* out, and they don't walk around with hay they have machines for that too so i can't. I don't know about my atitude it would be nice if you could explain please? And what do you mean with adults is it 18+ because then i can be here but if it's 30+ then maybe i shouldn't be here.
  • FredMikmik
    FredMikmik Posts: 58 Member
    neaneacc wrote: »
    Have you tried HIIT or Tabata style exercises. Basically it is high intensity cardio based over low times. For example: Tabata has you do 20 seconds hard work 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes. I will tell you that even a jumping jack feels like torture by the last round of this. However, the calorie burns are great and you can get good results in small sessions. HIIT is similar and Youtube has tons of great workouts you could try. If it only takes 10 to 20 minutes to get your heart pumping I think just about anyone could find the time.

    Thank you :)
  • FredMikmik
    FredMikmik Posts: 58 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    Who has been rude?

    I don't know if you read it all but some people have just been focussing on irrelevant things and not very helpful and there's also a lot of people who have said that I make excuses but it's hard for me to workout more than 4 hours a day and I'm really looking for exercises not getting to know that I need to get up at 3.30 am since I need to get good grades and also be well rested

    Holy cow....what a teenager

    Look, it's your've been given solutions, use some of them ...or don't

    I'm out

    There has also been people who have suggested some good things I weren't talking about you. I know at my problem and that's why I'm trying to fix it but people shouldn't say that I make excuses I'm just telling you my problem because I don't know how to solve it some people help me with giving me some exercise tips which I'm grateful for
    But that first sentence you wrote was unnecessary I don't know why people in here needs to write sentences that doesn't help anyone.

    It's the internet, it's how it goes. But, in the amount of time you've spent responding to people and arguing, you could have done some decent body weight exercises. Hell, I've been on the elliptical.

    Great point. The OP could have gotten a great workout in since thus thread started? OP, why didn't you do that?
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Am I the only one with the suspicion someone might be a tad younger than they claim?


    Could I get to know why you think that?

    Everything about you screams young teenager, from your attitude to your excuses. Don't worry that's not a bad thing, but a place like MFP is designed for adults and if you were interested in the weight loss part then you'd be better at sparkteens

    There's an attitude adjustment that comes, for most people not all, with maturity. You haven't displayed that. You remind me of my just turned 14 year old.


    And again OP, why didn't you take all this time you are responding to this thread and go work out instead.

    Would like to but im at a family birthday :)
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    [/quote] You can ride the horses but you're not allowed to muck out? [/quote]

    Agreed. Anybody can muck out stalls and it's a good workout when you're running wheelbarrows, pulling down hay and straw bales. What kind of "education" do you need for that kind of work? I'm lost.

    When I rode horses (English) it was a solid workout. You should have strong thighs, calfs and glutes if you're doing it regularly. Plus your upper body and core get a nice workout if you've got good form. How in the world could you be weak from all that?

    There are lots of things you can do in short sessions if time is crunched--hand weights/kettle bell, climb up and down on a step, 10 minute power walk or jog, yoga, floor exercises, dance.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    edited March 2015
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    I wake up at 6 and have to be at school 730 til 5 and then I go straight to my horses and end at 8. The problem is I also got homework. But ok I guess I just need to get up earlier or go to bed late...

    weekends? surely horses are exercise.
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I agree...maybe Sparkteens would be better. Only because, the advice and expectations Im seeing here definitely would apply to an adult. Teens going through puberty just have different fitness, dietary and sleep needs than adults do.

    Also, jeez...cant fault him for being at a family event. If I told kiddo we were going somewhere and she was like, no I dont have time for that, Im doing my own thing, Id be like WTF? LoL That sort of freedom, to come and go and do whatever you please come with adulthood.

    Really, I think that once hes out of school it will be a lot more feasible.
  • FredMikmik
    FredMikmik Posts: 58 Member
    Dragn77 wrote: »
    I agree...maybe Sparkteens would be better. Only because, the advice and expectations Im seeing here definitely would apply to an adult. Teens going through puberty just have different fitness, dietary and sleep needs than adults do.

    Also, jeez...cant fault him for being at a family event. If I told kiddo we were going somewhere and she was like, no I dont have time for that, Im doing my own thing, Id be like WTF? LoL That sort of freedom, to come and go and do whatever you please come with adulthood.

    Really, I think that once hes out of school it will be a lot more feasible.

    Im 18 and i like to søens time with My family
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    Hi guys,
    I have 2 horses and go to school so I use a lot of time on that. I usually get home at 8 and I don't have time for much else. I really want to build up muscles because I get a lot of injures since I'm weak hehe... The problem is I don't have time and I'm hoping some of you can help me :)
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    Thank you everyone I have 5 horses I need to ride everyday so it's not that I'm making excuses not to workout. The problem is I don't have time to do a 1 hour workout since I need 8 hours sleep to function. I was more asking for some exercises that don't take a lot of time but are effective

    Where did the extra 3 horses come from?

    Anyhow this

    Get in your gym at school and do this

    But riding and horse care should be great exercise

    Relax I ride 2 horses in the week and 5 on weekends.

    So workout at the weekends

    Ride fewer horses to fit in a progressive lifting routine

    Volunteer to muck out the stables

    Can the excuses and just do something about it

    Or stick with the girlish "I'm so weak hehe"

    It's just that I can't help with the horses you have to have an education to muck out.
    But yes I do groom them. I guess I can just do some exercises at home maybe buy some barbells or something

    educations? do you mean some sort of course. my niece helped out at her stables at the weekend, no degree/course there
  • FredMikmik
    FredMikmik Posts: 58 Member
    debrag12 wrote: »
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    Hi guys,
    I have 2 horses and go to school so I use a lot of time on that. I usually get home at 8 and I don't have time for much else. I really want to build up muscles because I get a lot of injures since I'm weak hehe... The problem is I don't have time and I'm hoping some of you can help me :)
    FredMikmik wrote: »
    Thank you everyone I have 5 horses I need to ride everyday so it's not that I'm making excuses not to workout. The problem is I don't have time to do a 1 hour workout since I need 8 hours sleep to function. I was more asking for some exercises that don't take a lot of time but are effective

    Where did the extra 3 horses come from?

    Anyhow this

    Get in your gym at school and do this

    But riding and horse care should be great exercise

    Relax I ride 2 horses in the week and 5 on weekends.

    So workout at the weekends

    Ride fewer horses to fit in a progressive lifting routine

    Volunteer to muck out the stables

    Can the excuses and just do something about it

    Or stick with the girlish "I'm so weak hehe"

    It's just that I can't help with the horses you have to have an education to muck out.
    But yes I do groom them. I guess I can just do some exercises at home maybe buy some barbells or something

    educations? do you mean some sort of course. my niece helped out at her stables at the weekend, no degree/course there

    I guess it varies from stable to stable at mine it's like that
  • anaisbutterfly7
    anaisbutterfly7 Posts: 71 Member
    OP, where are you from? That is cool that you board your horse with Olympic horses.

    Also, I LOVE that she is making excuses despite having just received advice. You didn't take our advice quick enough, so you are making excuses!

    OP, please try the good ideas and come back and tell us how they worked. :)
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    Find the time. I know single working mothers with toddlers who find the time to exercise.

    If you want to build strength, and eventually lean muscle, weight lifting is the way to go. Bodyweight exercises are another option if you can't get access to weights.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Former horse competition here Judge and instructor and coach.

    First of all horse riding is exercise and on high levels even heavier than some people can imagine.

    Indeed at a lot of sport stables they have special regulations and rules for different kind of jobs. Also mugging out.

    What made me worry is this. Why and were do you get your injuries from? I teached hundreds of girls ( and some boys lol) and in my more than 35 years i had 4 major injuries by students and major in the form of a broken arm or pulse My students rarely fall of their horse. As a trainer i could avoid/prevent most of the time situations like that.

    Another thing is you build a lot of muscle with good horse riding. thighs, abs, belly arms butt everything gets trained when you ride intensive.

    Looking at your pictures you dont to lose weight at all.

    I dont know your training level or what you do. But maybe it is time to put it all on paper the pro's and the anti's What are your concerns and why dont you achieve what you want.
    Maybe its you or maybe its the stable your riding

    It can be thousand times an respectable stable, but this doesn't mean its a good teaching stable. I had coaches i couldn't work with at all. And i had one very very good coach who trained me to a certain level i never would have reached without him. And he wasn't a qualified instructor. But he had many students at national and international high levels.
    Even Olympic too.
    So an Olympic stable doesn't impress me at all. It doesn't quarinty any form of skill regarding training your horse or you.

  • FredMikmik
    FredMikmik Posts: 58 Member
    OP, where are you from? That is cool that you board your horse with Olympic horses.

    Also, I LOVE that she is making excuses despite having just received advice. You didn't take our advice quick enough, so you are making excuses!

    OP, please try the good ideas and come back and tell us how they worked. :)

    I took the advice in when I got them
  • FredMikmik
    FredMikmik Posts: 58 Member
    Former horse competition here Judge and instructor and coach.

    First of all horse riding is exercise and on high levels even heavier than some people can imagine.

    Indeed at a lot of sport stables they have special regulations and rules for different kind of jobs. Also mugging out.

    What made me worry is this. Why and were do you get your injuries from? I teached hundreds of girls ( and some boys lol) and in my more than 35 years i had 4 major injuries by students and major in the form of a broken arm or pulse My students rarely fall of their horse. As a trainer i could avoid/prevent most of the time situations like that.

    Another thing is you build a lot of muscle with good horse riding. thighs, abs, belly arms butt everything gets trained when you ride intensive.

    Looking at your pictures you dont to lose weight at all.

    I dont know your training level or what you do. But maybe it is time to put it all on paper the pro's and the anti's What are your concerns and why dont you achieve what you want.
    Maybe its you or maybe its the stable your riding

    It can be thousand times an respectable stable, but this doesn't mean its a good teaching stable. I had coaches i couldn't work with at all. And i had one very very good coach who trained me to a certain level i never would have reached without him. And he wasn't a qualified instructor. But he had many students at national and international high levels.
    Even Olympic too.
    So an Olympic stable doesn't impress me at all. It doesn't quarinty any form of skill regarding training your horse or you.

    Thank you I've been to the European championship in showjumping so I don't doubt their the aching method but I'm also starting to think that there might be something wrong with my posture or something I have had an injured back and I never fell of my horse I just coughed a lot and then it kind of snapped :(