

  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    I gave up chocolate for Lent this year and its been REALLY hard.....I cannot wait until Easter, I am going to have a large piece of chocolate for dessert that night!!

    And by "night" you mean 12:01 a.m., right?

    The struggle is real.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I've promised myself food as soon as I finish doing my economics even though I'm not hungry. Sigh. It will take a while at this rate though, so maybe that will work out v_v
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    I gave up chocolate for Lent this year and its been REALLY hard.....I cannot wait until Easter, I am going to have a large piece of chocolate for dessert that night!!

    You know, technically Sundays are not included in Lent. We remember the resurrection on Sunday so it's really a feast day. Have your chocolate.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    chubbard9 wrote: »

    3. Non-weight loss: I've complained for months and months on end about my brother's cat... But when he's not around, I treat the cat like he's my child, and show him bundles of love and feed him even though i refuse to feed him when anyone else is around(it's my brother's cat, he should feed him)... And then complain about the cat when my brother's home... I think this is due from the fact that I wanted a cat for years, and was always told "no", but my brother brings a kitten home, and it's suddenly cool... Not.

    Sometimes it just happens that can't take it personally. My daughter asked for a cat for YEARS and I always said no because I did not want a cat. Last July my friend found a five week old kitten abandoned outside and asked me to keep her overnight as her older cat is aggressive.....the cat is still here. LOL

    My daughter left for Uni in the fall, she was not impressed that she asked for a cat forever and then we got one five weeks before she left for school. It was not planned, it just really had nothing to do with her, and more to do with this kitten that stole our hearts......

    As a parent, I would find it odd that you wanted a cat for so long, and now its in the house and you complain about it. It would make me feel like you do not know what you want, and glad I did not get you a cat if you are only going to complain about it......

    I love my cat to pieces but I still complain about her all the time, lol. She's a cat, ie, she can be very annoying and OH SO CLINGY.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    chubbard9 wrote: »

    3. Non-weight loss: I've complained for months and months on end about my brother's cat... But when he's not around, I treat the cat like he's my child, and show him bundles of love and feed him even though i refuse to feed him when anyone else is around(it's my brother's cat, he should feed him)... And then complain about the cat when my brother's home... I think this is due from the fact that I wanted a cat for years, and was always told "no", but my brother brings a kitten home, and it's suddenly cool... Not.

    Sometimes it just happens that can't take it personally. My daughter asked for a cat for YEARS and I always said no because I did not want a cat. Last July my friend found a five week old kitten abandoned outside and asked me to keep her overnight as her older cat is aggressive.....the cat is still here. LOL

    My daughter left for Uni in the fall, she was not impressed that she asked for a cat forever and then we got one five weeks before she left for school. It was not planned, it just really had nothing to do with her, and more to do with this kitten that stole our hearts......

    As a parent, I would find it odd that you wanted a cat for so long, and now its in the house and you complain about it. It would make me feel like you do not know what you want, and glad I did not get you a cat if you are only going to complain about it......

    Her brother has something she always wanted. While it's probably not the case, it reeks of favoritism at worst, and at best the parents not knowing what they want or don't want
  • AndreaEIE
    AndreaEIE Posts: 33 Member
    I plan how many calories I'm going to burn by what I plan to eat that day. For instance, if I know I want Chinese food on Saturday night, then on Saturday morning, I'll workout for like 3 hours...
  • AndreaEIE
    AndreaEIE Posts: 33 Member
    nam985 wrote: »
    I baked peanut butter cookies the other day, ate half of the batter and didn't log it because technically it wasn't a cookie yet lol. Whatever, it happened, I'm still under my net kcal for the week. I regret nothing!!!!

    The batter is totally the best part!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I gave up chocolate for Lent this year and its been REALLY hard.....I cannot wait until Easter, I am going to have a large piece of chocolate for dessert that night!!

    You know, technically Sundays are not included in Lent. We remember the resurrection on Sunday so it's really a feast day. Have your chocolate.

    I know, technically, I -could- have it on Sundays, but my family has never done that. I will wait until after Easter dinner to indulge. The only exception is that my daughter gave up meat for Lent, but will have meat with dinner on Sundays to try and get some protein....I do not feel like it is enough of a sacrifice if you are still indulging once a week!

  • alastria
    alastria Posts: 65 Member
    Remember that Seinfeld episode, where George is at a party and he sees a half eaten eclair in the trash (on a paper plate, not touching any other trash) and he takes it out and eats it?

    I've done that.

    Lol me too xD
  • rayangel07
    I went from being 135 pounds to 203 pounds the daycI gave birth to my daughter. I'm not 183 pounds and haven't had the motivation to do anything about it.. She's almost two years old, and I feel aweful about my weight.
  • amandarunning
    amandarunning Posts: 306 Member
    Ok so it's Monday again and I'm at work so caught up on this thread...makes me look forward to coming to the office!

    MY husband says I'm the only person who could fall out with someone on a DVD - I cannot stand Tonya/Tanya or whatever her name is from Insanity/T25. I beat her *kitten* at the fitness test and finally stopped and watched her on Level 3 Drills and she failed after 4 measly push ups - victory was all mine! I also swear a lot at Tony Horton and only occasionally at Shaun T...
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    I once logged "playing guitar" just to get my calories out of the red.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    My husband told me yesterday that he doesn't care about his physical fitness because he thinks it's vain. That made me sad for multiple reasons.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My husband told me yesterday that he doesn't care about his physical fitness because he thinks it's vain. That made me sad for multiple reasons.

    That's a weird adjective. It's kind of vain to want 6-pack abs, but being able to walk up a flight of stairs or two without gasping is simple good health, no?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Contrary03 wrote: »
    I lost sleep last night because the thought of a donut being in the same room drove me nuts!!!! Thank you, my dear husband!!! Funny thing? I don't even like donuts!!!!! I wanted the Bavarian cream filling:)

    This is just totally random but you and I have the same hairstyle.

    I'm glad because it also looks like we have the same face shape and I've never really been sure if my hairstyle suited me or not, but I'm crediting you with good judgement so validating my choice. Lol.

    I found this hilarious coming from the picture in your avatar! Then I looked at Contrary03's pic, and yes, beautiful hair, but before checking that would have been really funny!
  • rhoffman33
    rhoffman33 Posts: 19 Member
    edited March 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My husband told me yesterday that he doesn't care about his physical fitness because he thinks it's vain. That made me sad for multiple reasons.

    What does doing it for your health have to do with vanity?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    I bought the diet patches actually bought them (they look like band aids lol) thinking it would work, slapped one on my body, ate as I usually do and wondered why I didnt lose weight. I am not a stupid person honestly I'm not but that was so stupid!

    You didn't use them right. They work great if you apply them over your mouth.

    They also make effective birth control if applied elsewhere.

    Hahahaha! So true.
  • feffyweffy
    feffyweffy Posts: 16 Member
    I don't track block cheese. I don't know how big an an ounce of cheese is and I don't eat that much of it anyway...feels good to get that off my chest.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    gemm30 wrote: »
    I sweat hideously at the gym, It literally runs off me. I hate it.

    That's me. It's so embarrassing! I am trying really hard to not let that be what keeps me from working out. I can see people staring. I religiously wipe down every piece of equipment I touch in hopes to make up for grossing people out.

    No, don't let it stop you! I'm a profuse sweater as well. And my face gets red, which I REALLY hate, but I just ignore it, hit my workout hard, and move on with my day. I've even had people comment on it, "Oh, your face is so red! Are you ok?" Ummm, yeah, thanks for asking, but I'M WORKING OUT, it's supposed to look like it! I just thank them and continue on.

    From what I've seen from my many years at the gym there are sweaters and non-sweaters and I don't think one group is out of proportion with the others. We tend to just notice the things that bother us personally.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    Gem_Runner wrote: »
    I just went to vitamin shoppe yesterday to buy some Quest Protein bars that were on sale... I am thinking about braving this winter storm warning and getting more since the sale ends today.

    Can you order them online? Oops. Never mind. I see I'm a day late...