Admit it.



  • Shrek55
    Shrek55 Posts: 14
    I watch Family channel's wizards of waverly place and hanna montana with my kids and love it!
  • secondsnooze
    I am going to see the Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block with my hair dresser. I am 52 Y/o LOL!!!
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I secretly love Miley Cyrus' song "Party in the USA", and chair dance to it in my office...
    I like using IT terms at work to make fun of people so they won't know it.
    I can still sing every word to "Ice, Ice Baby", and will do so anytime it comes on, no matter where I am.
    I'm still afraid of clowns. Ever since seeing "It" as a child, they freak the **** out of me!

    Haha i love Party in the USA...i used to hide it whateva!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I got 5150'd.

    Not embarrassing but life changing and permission to clean the thrash out of my life. Human trash.
  • kaholmes18
    kaholmes18 Posts: 8
    this is great

    I am obsessed with Harry Potter (i am 20 yrs old) i have read and watched all the movies and books so much that I am on my 5th copies of the book and 2nd for movies

    I hate underwear (only wear them if i am wearing jeans or TOM) (sorry if TMI)

    I am deathly afraid of thunder and lightning

    I hate elevators

    I go through a travel size bottle of hand sanitizer weekly ( i have a full size bottle in evry room in my house)

    After watching the Childs PLay(chuckie) movies I locked my lifesize dolls in a trunk, put them in the back of my closet and locked the door with a paddlelock (we moved and i left them there, lock and all)
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    I watch Family channel's wizards of waverly place and hanna montana with my kids and love it!

    Cool how that grows on ya. I watch those even when my daughter isn't here. Did you know the dude that plays Hannah's brother is 34 years old?:noway:

    And Arnold rules!
  • secondsnooze
    OMG, my kids do that now! takes just as long to actually brush! LOL!
  • xXAlana21Xx
    xXAlana21Xx Posts: 183 Member
    when i was a child i watched those kiddy learning shows longer than i should (i felt i was too old to watch them but i watched them anyway)

    I used to turn them on and claim i was watching them for my sister because she's almost 8 years younger than me. :)

    I was the youngest of 2 so i couldnt blame it on anyone... i just changed the channel when someone would come by
  • xXAlana21Xx
    xXAlana21Xx Posts: 183 Member
    I LOVE DISNEY CHANNEL and i dont think i will ever grow out of it
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    You are all amazing for posting, just saying, kinda fun to read what others have posted, and giggle a lil, just saying:bigsmile:
  • PhoenyxRising
    PhoenyxRising Posts: 68 Member

    Let's seeee.... sometimes when my hubby isn't home I will eat all the crap I yell at him for buying and then tell him I threw it out or I claim ignorance. LOL!!

    ummm... when I was a kid, I used to fantasize that I had a long, sleek cat tail... the fantasy has followed me for 20 years. If you walk behind me and I am in la-la land I might swish my butt like I have a tail. ROLMAO!!!!!

    giggles... This isn't a secret, but it is HILARIOUS! My 5 year old niece asked me at my mother's bday dinner why my belly was so big. The silence and looks lon my family's faces were priceless! I answered immediately, "Because I'm fat" and started to roar! I'm howling now! LOLOLOL!!

    I don't know why but for some reason out of all of the responses, this one made me laugh the hardest. I also love to laugh at myself. I mean there isn't any use sugarcoating what I am by claiming I am "bloated", "fluffy", "big boned", "curvy", "voluptuous", or the dreaded... "BBW". I'm FAT. OBESE. OVERWEIGHT...and it is JUST that. Its unhealthy and unattractive and the damage it does to your body inside and out is serious business. However, that doesn't mean we can't work to make changes and laugh in the meantime when we call it like it is. Anyway- off my soapbox and on to the secrets----

    1. I am deathly afraid of spiders. If I see one... even a tiny one.. ALLL the way across the room I will scream until someone comes to kill it.

    2. I play World of Warcraft. I even enjoy it. Nerdy? Maybe. Fun? HECK YES! :)

    3. I am sometimes jealous of my 13 year old daughter for being so young and beautiful and for having a body not stretched and droopy from having children and not eating right for 30 some odd years. I wonder sometimes if people my own age find her more attractive than me, and that scares me in more ways than one. :-(
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    OMG, my kids do that now! takes just as long to actually brush! LOL!

    Haha yeah....i didn't realize that at the time..HAHA!
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    I cant go to sleep with anything pointy pointed at me

    Me too!
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member

    *****Dont worry...i brush my teeth now:laugh:********

    LMAO. Yeah, here too.

    Adding another:

    Ya know this kid?

    That's the kid from Pet Sematary. Little *kitten*. He freaked me out so much when I first saw that movie. When I went to go pee in the middle of the night, for years, I insisted on running back to my bed and hopping onto it -- to avoid getting close to the gap between the bed and the floor. That little f-er is not gonna cut *my* goddamn achilles tendon.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I'm a complete nerd. I can pretty much quote the entire Lord of The Rings movies from start to finish. I'm not quite as good at Return of the King though. Oh and Harry Potter, all of them. I've already watched the Deathly Hallows part 1, nine times. I'm kind of a loser, but at least I know it.


    Showers with curtains instead of see thru doors freak me out.

    I'm afraid of heights yet I've been cliff diving...

    I'm a dork... oh wait everyone knows that already...
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I hate clowns, too.

    Also, Bon Jovi.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Shaq is my favorite rapper... EVER!
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Oh i cant go to sleep with someone watching me or if the light is on and someone is in the room...DONT ASK why cuz i dont know.If it happens..whether hot or cold...i pull the blanket over my head!
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    1) I still believe I am superhuman due to my body receiving pretty bad injuries and I'm still working as a regular human

    2) I only asked 1 girl the 3rd grade

    3) I am more into white,black,asian girls than my own ethnicity (hispanic)

    4) I really like watching Suite Life on Deck (when I have the time)

    5) Even though I am not as geeky as before, I can't wait to get a Nintendo 3ds, when better games come out.

    6) I play a lot of America's Army 3, Company of Heroes, and Team Fortress 2. Also sometimes Ps3.
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    Options of the things I always do when I get into my car on a dark night is check the back seat. That is because I saw a Chucky movie where is suffocates a guy with a plastic bag from the back seat. That *kitten* doll.

    Also, my little sister had one of those "life size" dolls as a child, I locked it in the closet at night.