Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • gbjess204
    gbjess204 Posts: 27 Member
    I am 28 years old and I started at the beginning of December weighing 230. I am now 218. I do cardio and weight 5 days week. I am getting frustrated that I think I should have lost more by now, but I am weight lifting too. I am getting married in 40 days and I really am trying to lose 10 more pounds. I eat pretty healthy and once a week I will eat what ever I want. My goal is about 16lbs. I have had to tweak and change my methods as I learned that what works for one person does not work for everyone. MFP has really helped with encouragement from friends and many ideas for meals and exercising. OP if you would like to add me and we can share stories on what has and has not worked for us.
  • gbjess204
    gbjess204 Posts: 27 Member
    gbjess204 wrote: »
    I am 28 years old and I started at the beginning of December weighing 230. I am now 218. I do cardio and weight 5 days week. I am getting frustrated that I think I should have lost more by now, but I am weight lifting too. I am getting married in 40 days and I really am trying to lose 10 more pounds. I eat pretty healthy and once a week I will eat what ever I want. My goal is about 16lbs. I have had to tweak and change my methods as I learned that what works for one person does not work for everyone. MFP has really helped with encouragement from friends and many ideas for meals and exercising. OP if you would like to add me and we can share stories on what has and has not worked for us.

    My goes is to be at 160lbs not 16lbs
  • SaraD72
    SaraD72 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello! I'm a 42 year old wife and mom of two girls ages 13 and 11. I've been using MFP off and on for a while now, but end up getting frustrated and quit, especially if I miss a day of tracking. I finally got over my fear of the scale and weighed myself this morning. It was disappointing but not surprising, so I'm back to finally slay this dragon once and for all. I need to lose 120 or so pounds. My goal for this week to to track all of my food and to walk Monday-Friday. I'm glad there is a group for accountability. :)
  • zena_marie
    zena_marie Posts: 15 Member
    didjaever wrote: »
    Welcome @zena_marie‌. Try to plan ahead as much as possible. I always plan to the night before what I am going to eat and that seems to help.

    Yes I definitely need to start doing this! The problem I have is that my daughter doesn't really eat much (I think it's a phase) and everything I make ends up getting chucked so I tend to just not reallybother and opt fpr the easy way lol
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces!! @zena_marie, @frogprogrammer, @gbjess204, and @SaraD72 hope I didn't miss anyone!

    @zena_marie I was a single mom of little ones and I know what a hard job that is. My crockpot was a lifesaver. One thing to remember is to make things that can be saved or frozen so you can get multiple meals from one time cooking.

    Try to find things that you can make together so even if you don't eat the same thing you can cook them once. Seapak makes frozen shrimp 170 cal for 7-8 (I forget) I would make those for me and fish sticks for the kids...with a big salad (mine with all kinds of veggies the kids just lettuce, or what ever they would eat...
  • Bobzfit
    Bobzfit Posts: 41 Member
    Meal planning and preprep is a lifesaver. And I agree that crockpots are a winner. My wife makes sure we dish out portions and then put the leftover away so we do not refill, buffet style.
  • Bobzfit
    Bobzfit Posts: 41 Member
    I like to cook up red rice or quinoa for the week too. Hard boiled eggs are kept on hand as an afternoon snack or to mix into tunafish.
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    @SaraD72‌ I can't keep daily track of my calories. It overwhelms me. Stresses me out and I eat more. I have to just mentally do it in my head. I also have to stay educated and aware of what I take in so I have a good estimate of my intake.
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    I love quinoa cold. I make a batch portion it out and eat it with veggies and tuna!
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Where is a good place to find some good recipes? I love love love my crock pot and would love to find some healthy ideas
  • didjaever
    didjaever Posts: 32 Member
    @Hippychick5983‌ I like skinnyms.com for recipes.
  • Bobzfit
    Bobzfit Posts: 41 Member
    prof_newme wrote: »
    I love quinoa cold. I make a batch portion it out and eat it with veggies and tuna!
    I mixed the quinoa (1 cup dry), with a 15 oz can of Italian diced tomatoes. Came out really awesome.
  • Bobzfit
    Bobzfit Posts: 41 Member
    Where is a good place to find some good recipes? I love love love my crock pot and would love to find some healthy ideas
    If you enjoy Indian cuisine I would recommend The Everything Indian Slow Cooker Cookbook by Prerna Singh.
    Indian food is so healthy and this book features vegetarian and vegan dishes too.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome @zena_marie, @frogprogrammer, @gbjess204, and @SaraD72! So I went over my calories today. That's what happens when you don't plan ahead. You come home tired and ordering pizza is way easier than cooking. LOL But tomorrow is another day and I did have a huge salad with my 2 slices! :)

    Oh and frogprogrammer... there is never a too late! Glad you've joined us!

    Have an awesome evening all!
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    Great attitude @shirayne. I'm not sure I can stop at 2 pieces, pizza is my weakness.
  • Bobzfit
    Bobzfit Posts: 41 Member
    Happy St Patty's Day everyone!
    Be mindful of the portions with all that is offered today. I know I can pig out on beef if I'm not cautious.
    Try to get in some exercise, even if it's setting the coffee cup down in between sips and walking to the other side of the room. Every step counts and you CAN do this :-)
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Since I have a good part of the day off today due to a physiotherapy appointment I'm going to wander the city with my camera to take pictures :) It's a fun way to get moving without realizing you're doing it!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I bought a scale today that shows body fat %, muscle mass, water, and bone density. It made me cry :(
  • Bobzfit
    Bobzfit Posts: 41 Member
    bregalad5 wrote: »
    I bought a scale today that shows body fat %, muscle mass, water, and bone density. It made me cry :(
    I use these with my clients to track progress. You have to know your starting point. Monitoring the body fat is a great indicator of inches lost. I prefer using a hand held BF% monitor over using a scale.
    Don't get discouraged.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Bobzfit wrote: »
    bregalad5 wrote: »
    I bought a scale today that shows body fat %, muscle mass, water, and bone density. It made me cry :(
    I use these with my clients to track progress. You have to know your starting point. Monitoring the body fat is a great indicator of inches lost. I prefer using a hand held BF% monitor over using a scale.
    Don't get discouraged.

    The reason I'm frustrated is that I went from about 280 to 185 and I'm now back at 255 after a couple years of being quite depressed. There's a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff going on that's causing a whole hell of a lot of frustration and stress right now (moved back to Russia for work in September, left there and moved to Germany in January, new country, new city, new language, no friends...), and this just overwhelmed me. I obviously know I need a starting point, and that's why I bought this scale. I did it for a specific reason, I just needed to vent my frustration at my starting point to people who understand.