
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg, so sorry about the inquisition! When my son was very little he did that and it drove me nuts. Now, his son does it to him, and I just smile. (When he was older he didn't talk to me at all.)

    My arms are absolutely my worst body problem. They were HUGE when I was really fat, and I hated things that were tight on my arms. But actually, my arms were big before I got fat too. In the service, and even in high school - when I was anorexic for Pete's sake! - I would buy long sleeved shirts and cut them off so I would have enough fabric to enlarge the sleeves. I made a triangular gusset and sewed it into the underarm seam. Now, I have about six inches of empty skin swinging from the south side of my arms. It's pretty disgusting. If I shake my arm it looks like a cuttlefish swimming. But my arms do now fit into sleeves, and I kind of like them snug now, because it controls the flopping a little bit. And I like that my arms now fit into standard blood pressure cuffs. No more sitting on the exam table while the nurse shouts down the hall for somebody to being her the extra large cuff.

    I woke up about 3am and couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up for a while. I was really queasy. Finally got back to sleep about 6, just in time to get up at 7. I'm going to be dragging today. My tummy still feels upset, but maybe it's hungry. I'm trying to establish a low salt version of that low-residue diet, and it's tricky to get enough calories.

    Well, I need to get dressed and deliver my bowls this morning. I hope you all have a great day.


  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Sick with fever and deep chest cough today so taking it easy. Steadily losing a pound per week. Wish it was faster, but I'll take it!

    Diana in NE Indiana
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Woke up early this am as my DH and I are heading down to the Boston area for work today. I am hoping that just getting ready will not tap all my strength before our appointment. I hate having to be "on" when you don't feel well. Still working through this horrible sinus infection. I think DH is now coming down with it.

    My thought for the day:

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

    Beth in Kennebunk Maine
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi All,
    Sylvia and Meg - I have always said that boys lose the power of speech when they hit their teens and don't get it back until they reach 20, but then they become friends instead of sons and nephews! Not sure which is worse the forever talking or the teen 'grunting'.

    And Sylvia well done on the bowls and poster and for giving Home Depot a good talking to!

    Joyce - it sounds as if you had a lovely time with your sister. Love the thought of the half slice of carrot cake you took home, I would have done exactly the same.

    Sassy - I bet your mum and aunts were giggling inside at the sight of all those apple cores swinging on the tree :-)

    Grandmallie - Isn't it wonderful how everyone thinks that reception is an 'easy' option?
    I do love being on reception but there are a lot of times when it is very difficult to keep everyone happy.

    I am off to visit family again this weekend, grandsons 7th birthday tomorrow :-)

    Have a lovely weekend and I expect it will take me a couple of days to catch up when I come home again.

    Gilly, Suffolk UK

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Excuse me, my friends but I need to take a moment to vent. Feel free to skip over this little rant. I felt like I might be getting a cold last night when I went to bed. It wasn't bothering me but I couldn't get to sleep. I finally got up about 1:30 to take a sleeping pill. Finally got to sleep around 3:00. Woke up at 7:00 and while I was in the bathroom heard DH cursing about the power going off. It just stayed long enough to have to reset all the electric clocks. I was having my cuppa coffee when he left for the grocery shopping. Luckily I had made refrigerator oatmeal last night so had that for breakfast. It tasted aruful with this full blown cold that I woke up with. Came upstairs to log my food and of course the computer had turned off. It takes a while to restart when it's just turned off and not shut down properly but finally came on and finished checking every last program on it. I was about to log into MFP when, yes, the f%$#^%in power went off again!!!! ppffttt I don't like being sick and it makes everything in my life seem so much more traumatic. What can I say? Again, it only stayed off for a moment and this time it took even longer for the computer to come back on. I called the power company to see if this was going to keep happening all day. They checked and said they had to turn it off for just a sec for a contractor but those two times should be it. We will see.
    Oh, gee, I think that is enough of a rant. Thank you all for being you. I'll return with the real Janet when I get DamitJanit >:) out of this chair.
    Love you all,
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,050 Member
    mollywhippet, don't worry, they will all be bought.

    fanncy - my "rest day" is when i don't work out as hard, i still work out, i just don't push myself as much, then i go to the hot tub. this will usually be on sunday. for me, that's a rest day.

    MomKim, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    drkatie- i like the middle bowl, all r cute, but that's the one i like

    dianaloves- feel better - 1lb a week is great!, better than nothing don'tcha think? we all want results NOW, i know i know... be patient grasshopper, this too shall come

    just thinking as i read this stuff, who thought of DD, DH, HG, I get dizzy trying to figure it out, lololol... VD, DVD, STD, VHS, OMG, IUD.. Wowzers...
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,050 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Excuse me, my friends but I need to take a moment to vent. Feel free to skip over this little rant. I felt like I might be getting a cold last night when I went to bed. It wasn't bothering me but I couldn't get to sleep. I finally got up about 1:30 to take a sleeping pill. Finally got to sleep around 3:00. Woke up at 7:00 and while I was in the bathroom heard DH cursing about the power going off. It just stayed long enough to have to reset all the electric clocks. I was having my cuppa coffee when he left for the grocery shopping. Luckily I had made refrigerator oatmeal last night so had that for breakfast. It tasted aruful with this full blown cold that I woke up with. Came upstairs to log my food and of course the computer had turned off. It takes a while to restart when it's just turned off and not shut down properly but finally came on and finished checking every last program on it. I was about to log into MFP when, yes, the f%$#^%in power went off again!!!! ppffttt I don't like being sick and it makes everything in my life seem so much more traumatic. What can I say? Again, it only stayed off for a moment and this time it took even longer for the computer to come back on. I called the power company to see if this was going to keep happening all day. They checked and said they had to turn it off for just a sec for a contractor but those two times should be it. We will see.
    Oh, gee, I think that is enough of a rant. Thank you all for being you. I'll return with the real Janet when I get DamitJanit >:) out of this chair.
    Love you all,
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    i'm sitting here just lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't help it. damnit feel better, or stay sick and frustrated, you're funnier that way ;0)
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Pip between your acronyms and responses to damnit...I'm in stitches :D

    Janet if you constantly have problems with power you can always buy a UPS ...ya ya another acronym better known as "uninterruptible power supply". I bought one for my parents as the power is always going out...gives you time to shut down a computer elegantly
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    OK everybody I took the day off from work today as a birthday treat and I STILL do not have time to keep up with all this posting! MFP is trying to tell me to post because I put something in the reply box a couple of days ago and now it will not go away even tho I no longer want to post it! I see it on every computer I use. Hoping to make it disappear by writing something! I can tell I am not home alone because I am hearing sounds in the attic -- a sure sign of spring at my house -- chipmunks I think. Oh well. The nutritionist who told me about this site is happy I am losing weight but I do wish it was a bit faster. Hoping to allay any dessert calories that might come my way by going for a swim at the Y soon. Also need to check out the 1 inch tall crocus shoots outside -- the ones that are where the snow melted are trying their best! It will be good to say goodbye to this crazy winter we had in WNY. I am envious of the person who is watching her seeds sprout as I have not gotten around to even ordering any. It is wonderful to watch things grow. I was happy to find out last year that our wonderful public market has many heirloom vegetable plants for sale so I do not have to babysit tomato and pepper plants indoors this spring. Also, I too hope to put in a skylight in my dreary bathroom. Sounds wonderful as I live in a very cloudy place. Everyone have a blessed day and I hope all the people who feel ill will get better very soon!
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member

    Peeking in with the Mister by my side... Just marking my spot! We are stealing a little time in the sunshine! WOOT!

    Sassy aus Austria
    • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    • Being Fat is Hard.
    Losing Weight is Hard.
    Maintenance is Hard.

    Choose Your Hard.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! I feel better today than I did yesterday. I ended up leaving work about an hour early because I just felt so tired and kinda yucky. I changed clothes and spent the rest of the day lying on the couch, then I went to bed early and slept all night. I guess my body was just really tired. I've been stressed a lot lately and I think it has all caught up with me. I hope I have enough energy to run a few errands after work today!

    I thoroughly disliked my previous gynecologist and have not had an exam in about 18 months to 2 years. My primary care doctor emphasized that he wanted me to get going with making an appointment so I did. I called UNC (University of North Carolina) yesterday (I get free care there) and they had an appointment open TOMORROW! *gulp* I decided that I would try a female this time around. I'm glad it's going to be over with -- that is the absolute worst kind of doctor to have to see a new one. I'll also be glad to be able to tell my oncologist that I've had it taken care of when I see her on Monday.

    My daughter has applied for a library position at Duke University. It is right up her alley and would give her great experience for when she completes her MLIS and possibly a foot in the door to move up within Duke's library system. Please send good vibes and prayers her way as she is reaching the point of being unable to pay her bills due to being unemployed.

    To whomever mentioned the teenaged boy grunts, I wholeheartedly understand. My son told me that he was eloquent and articulate when speaking with other people yet grunted at me because we lived together so I should be able to understand his grunts. :astonished:

    I'm off to get more work done! Hope everyone has a good day!

    Carol in NC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Chris MA - congrats on throwing away the chocolate. You are my hero!

    Sylvia - The bowls and poster are wonderful. We have a fund-raiser in the Milwaukee area that is similar. Yuck and congrats on the stinky possum situation.

    Drkatiebug - congrats on the job choice. I hope you find it very rewarding. The kids are lucky to have you.

    Meg - this menopause situation is for the birds. Hot/cold/crabby/weepy/hot and on and on and on. As for the arms - I was a tree-climbing gymnast as a kid, so I have huge upperbody muscles, which I packed weight on top of, and then gravity did it's dirty work. Even when I wore a size 4 pants I had to buy size 10 or 12 shirts. I keep my upper arms as hidden as possible. I will try the tailored situation Sylvia mentioned a few posts ago, that is a great idea.

    Barbie - glad to hear you are feeling a little better. I am always amazed at you and all the others that are able to get so much exercise. I just keep doing my best, depending on my RA pain level and flares, so thank you for the motivation!

    Sassy - The apple core story makes me laugh. I would have been right with you in that tree. My mom would have scolded me at the time while pinching herself to prevent laughing.

    Allison - I like the "little wrapped gift" idea. That's a wonderful way to say "I know what you did to me, and I will rise above it and your childish behavior" without having to use the words.

    Oatmeal conversation - I have been off my oatmeal kick for awhile, but have been thinking of starting it again next week. I love the hungrygirl recipe with the pumpkin puree. Sometimes I add diced pear, or apple, or banana instead. I almost always add natural honey and ground cinnamon (both are supposed to help with arthritis inflammation). I like mine a little chewy, so I buy Old Fashioned Oats and only microwave it for 1 minute.

    Everyone who is ill or crabby (Janet) today - HUGS! I hope you feel better soon ! ! !

    This morning I left the house on time, so I could pedal on the hand bike. PT said to limit that to 10 minutes, since I use a hill program. Hopefully my knees can handle the stationary bike during lunch (so far feels good).

    However, I am still feeling a little bit of guilt over leaving the house, but I have a reason (or excuse?) . DS and I have had the same morning schedule since school started in early September. I'm tired of cranking on him to get ready, so today was my cut-off. He is supposed to wake at 5:30am, get into the shower, dress, brush teeth, and be ready to leave at 6:00am (he lifts weights or works on homework at school). Today at 5:38am he was still sleeping, so I woke him with "this is your first warning. Get in and out of the shower within 5 minutes". At 5:50am I banged on the bathroom door saying "this is your second warning, you have 5 minutes to brush teeth and get dressed and be in the car." At 6:00am I said "this is your third and final warning. I am leaving with or without you." Well, when he came running into the driveway I asked if he had brushed his teeth. When he stated no, I told him to get out of my car, and I left without him. It is a 2 mile walk or bike ride. Natural consequences, right? It's not like today was the first day of this schedule. That's it, I decided. No guilt, if this kid is going to grow up to be a responsible adult that arrives at work on time, this is a great way for him to learn !!! Done. Thanks for letting me work through that !

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good Day to All!!
    Just got back from a walk with Jake...BRRRRR!!! The wind is making it very uncomfortable out today, so we couldn't walk as long as we like. Fortunately it is a good day for Beth to travel to the Boston area, bring and sunny.

    Sylvia...your bowls are beautiful. I don't think you should worry at all about selling them. Loved the story about the principal's artwork.

    GoodMomKim...loved the picture of Levi...what kind of dog is he? He has the same coloring and soulful look as my Jake. Loved the term adopt-aversery.

    It's so timely that the subject of arms is coming up today so frequently. Just this morning, as I was applying lotion after the shower, I actually looked in the mirror and was horrified by what was going on with my upper arms!! They were never great, but things are really getting bad. My problem before was cellulite on my upper arms (although others claimed not to be able to see it) and now the cellulite is gone but I have batwings. I think the weight loss has caused this or made it worse. Do they make clear duct tape so I can tape them up in the summer so they don't jiggle? I have been working with weights and I think I will really have to step things up. I have been telling myself that this slowwwww weight loss is good to prevent sagging but this blows my theory right out the window!!

    Back to work...
    Chris in sunny and very cold and windy MA

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Terri - Bravo!! I didn't like leaving my son at home alone to catch the bus in middle school (partly because it meant I would have to leave work and go back home to get him), so he rode with me on my way to work. After a few weeks of gnashing teeth and incredible stress, I finally told him that for every minute I was late to work, he would go to bed 15 minutes early that night. It took two nights!

    Sylvia - I forgot to say how awesome I think those bowls are! Some of those kids are incredibly talented!

    Nose back to the grindstone...
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,969 Member
    SSC1958 wrote: »
    Pip between your acronyms and responses to damnit...I'm in stitches :D

    Janet if you constantly have problems with power you can always buy a UPS ...ya ya another acronym better known as "uninterruptible power supply". I bought one for my parents as the power is always going out...gives you time to shut down a computer elegantly

    And here I was thinking UPS was the big brown truck. Silly me!

  • SpeedRacer13
    SpeedRacer13 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi...I am new to the group...and just want to say hello....not really responding to any posting ... just interupting I guess!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,050 Member

    old pic of me and my husband, with way short hair that I miss after day 1 of the MS ride. why do yo say? cuz, just cuz I wanna show off my handsome husband who will be 60 this year that's why :0)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,050 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    SSC1958 wrote: »
    Pip between your acronyms and responses to damnit...I'm in stitches :D

    Janet if you constantly have problems with power you can always buy a UPS ...ya ya another acronym better known as "uninterruptible power supply". I bought one for my parents as the power is always going out...gives you time to shut down a computer elegantly

    And here I was thinking UPS was the big brown truck. Silly me!

    see what I mean???? what the hell happened to United Parcel Service ! lololol
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,050 Member
    Hi...I am new to the group...and just want to say hello....not really responding to any posting ... just interupting I guess!!!

  • bedfordd
    bedfordd Posts: 6
    Please allow me to join in on the fun, motivation and success of this group. I am looking for support and friends to keep me going and that I can help as well. This is certainly a journey whether you have 10 pounds or 100 pounds to go. It's all ATTITUDE!!

    Sodium, fat, starches, carbohydrates. I have got to learn once and for all HOW to keep a balanced diet!

    I quit smoking January 20th and, since then, have gained almost 10 pounds. Being a yo/yo dieter all my life hasn't helped either. So, today, after a wonderful St. Patrick's Day weekend, I've decided that enough is enough and I must get back on track.

    I've started the day off with the right attitude and the right foods. Thinking, well, for lunch, maybe I'll save all my calories for dinner and just have broth. Calories are low so that sould be a good plan right ... OMG, the sodium content is off the charts!! I may have to rethink that.

    Wishing everyone continued success and am LOOKING for supporting partnerships here to keep me going, so please stop by, say hello and let's be friends along this journey.

    Let's CHEER each other on!!