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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited March 2015
    kah68 wrote: »
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

    @Morgori (Tom)~Come out come out, wherever you are! :wink:

    kah68 did you ever see the movie The Warriors (1979) ? That is what came to mind when I saw you wrote that. :D

    I have had double ear infections , bronchitis and a hurt back since I stopped posting and my work has been so busy I do not have a lot of time for doing much else. So those are my excuses ;) I probably should start posting and reading this thread more. After last nights shenanigans beer/whiskey/pizza I need to get some control going. I know you are thinking pizza for St. Patrick's Day, but here is the pizza I ate:
    Sausage & Stout
    Made with Honey Malted Guinness Beer Dough, House Made Mozzarella, Beer Sausage, Caramelized Onions, Fontina, Green Onions, Crushed
    Red Peppers, Beer Salt & Sweet Guinness Reduction.
    $28 for the Pizza.
    $33 with 2 Pints of Guinness.
    We did corned beef on the weekend and have plenty left. I put one in the smoker and Amy put one in the crockpot and one on the stove and then in the oven.

    I have been reading most of the thread but did not think I would be missed so I got in the habit of not posting. I think you and Laurie were the only ones that mentioned me not being on here. I figured I had kind of run my course. Hopefully work will slow down and I can continue to post.
    I read you are looking for a change in your job, hope you get the one you want.

    National Agriculture Day

    “Attitude: It is our best friend or our worst enemy.” ~John C. Maxwell

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Last weekend Cyrus and I flew to Columbus, OH for a long weekend. My BFF since the 3rd grade lives there. We had a great time, BUT this week is draining me. I just cannot catch up. Plus, I have about 5 extra loads of laundry of my spring/summer clothes. Everything was in totes and clean, but after sitting in the garage and on the moving truck for 2,000 miles then stored again they need refreshed. The rest of this week will be so busy. Also, another single mom friend of mine just landed a new job after being laid off 12/31. Luckily, she found something, but has to go to Chicago for a week of training. Her 13-year old daughter is going to stay with us all next week. She goes to Cyrus’ school so they’ll just ride the bus together, but it does add an extra body to the house. It will be kind of nice to have another girl around.

    @MountyMary/Barb – I guess that’s why I keep coming here (well, there’s many reasons). The one being someone else has either gone through or going through some of the same roller coaster emotions I battle with this journey. We just have to keep pushing through until something sticks. I know we can!!

    @RobinsEgg/Ellen – Yikes!! My sister use to live in a condo and those assessments are not pretty. Luckily, they had quite a bit in reserves, but even then you could get hit. I guess this is one reasons I’ve been steering clear of any type of condo/townhouse community. I know some friends who have lived in them for years and love it.

    @Tanya – You’re exactly right. I say that I hate exercise, but I am really proud of myself when I accomplish it. Before I left Las Vegas, I did that 6-week boot camp type challenge. It kicked my A**!!!! I’ve never done some of the things I was doing. It wasn’t pretty and I didn’t do a lot of reps, but I tried. I lost 27 lbs in those 6 weeks. Seriously??!!! My food was very strict also with high protein, but it worked. I really think having a team supporting me helped too. Before I was always a solo person, but perhaps I need that accountability from someone. Now I just need to get this heel pain to go away since I can barely walk anyway. I do enjoy a nice hike though and with the weather coming I’ll definitely get out. Did you get the FitBit in the mail? I reserved one a few months ago, but I got a notice the other day it’s now not shipping until May. I was shocked! So I just saw the post about the Big Mac. You ate it. You wrote about it. Now get over it and move on. No more fast food this week for you. :wink:

    @Melifornia – 10 kids? No thanks!! I barely keep up with my one. I know the good Lord graced me with what I can handle. LOL!!!

    @Momjeeps – Welcome! The thread moves a lot during the week and the weekends are pretty quiet. This group will support you all the way. There’s about 15 folks that are on here daily. I’m not one of them because I get in funks, which is happening right now. Quite a few have been on here 3-4 years so we know each other well, but always welcome new folks with open arms. It’s up to you how much you want to participate and get the support. Married 18 years – congrats!! 4 kids – congrats to that too!!! I have one and like I told Melifornia above that is enough. He is a great kid though and life is good!

    @Angelika – Great seeing you again!!

    @NK1112 – Happy Belated!!! Sorry I missed you yesterday.

    @Skinny/Karen – Cyrus is on track, but I’m still concerned about his reading comprehension overall. It definitely needs to be addressed and figured out before he hits HS. As always, thanks for the feedback. You’re right. I know what needs to be done. I’m already cleaning out the fridge, cupboards, etc. . . Menu’s will be written and only groceries bought that are needed. Exercise will be slow to start because of the heel pain, but I’m going to focus on the food first, staying under my calories, and logging every single BTL. Thanks for being such a great friend!

    @Andreasoulcastle – Welcome! Come back and participate as much as you can.

    @Hansea – Wow! How can people talk to children this way? Of course, the BIL’s family doesn’t want to believe it. No one does when it’s against them. Our job is to protect our children and that’s exactly what your sister is doing. My son’s grandfather was an alcoholic. I can’t tell you how many times his license was revoked or he drove without one. The family members just brushed it off that was just Charles. Well, I don’t care if that’s just Charles. He’s not going to be around my son. I think he met him only twice before he died. The family thought I was a total witch because I wouldn’t bring him to the funeral. He was a stranger to my child and I’m protecting him, which is my job. Drama, drama, drama.

    @Tlh0407 – I’ve had friends who used Sylvan, but I know it’s not cheap. Cyrus’ school on Thursday mornings actually offers an Organizational Session. It’s only 30 minutes, but they help him go through his notebooks and book bag. He’s going tomorrow and it seems to help. It wouldn’t hurt to try that’s for sure. I always love to hear about Jacob’s performances. I actually have my degree in Music Education with minors in voice and piano. I just never went that route, but always have a special place in my heart for music in our schools.

    @Kah/Kelley – I’ll be 47 this year so I know all of that crap is just knocking on my door. Yuck!!! Without getting too graphic, I’ve definitely noticed some changes when Aunt Flo visits and I think that’s part of it too. I’ve got my annual next week with a new doctor – YUCK again, but it has to be done. I’m definitely going to talk to her about all of this stuff that’s for sure. As for you, well, I know YOU can do it. 10 lbs 4 times. You’ve got this! Also, I saw your note about the FitBit. I asked Tanya about hers, because I was pushed to May now and I ordered back in January or February too. Sigh.

    @Morgori/Tom – I’ve been on and off so this is why I probably missed you too. Always great to see you though and the surprises you show us. The green beard – oh my!!! Hope you start feeling better. It sounds like you've been miserable. Get better soon!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @RobinsEgg‌~I meant to mention, I have a townhome & we have an HOA. I was on the board for 3 years, my first year we passed annual HOA fee increases to keep a good amount in reserve for such a reason. It worked to our advantage, we had a huge hail storm and almost every roof in the neighborhood had to have shingles replaced--because of the reserve the HOA didn't have to go to homeowners for extra funds to cover repairs. If u have HOA I highly recommend sitting on board to see how your fees are used.

    @Susan~do your feet hurt on bottom of your heels? Could be heel spurs, which are extremely painful, you might see if you can find some heel cups for your shoes--helps take pressure off. I think Dr Scholl's has some. I'll be 47 this year too! :astonished: My peri symptoms actually started in my late 30's. :frowning:
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Just a quick drive by to say I stayed under calories today. Yay! Thanks everyone for the encouragement; it really helps.
    I don't have time for personals tonight. I have to power read for book club tomorrow. Yikes!
    Thanks for being there.
    Barb (mountmary)

    I notice you were missing too Tom....green beard and all.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    edited March 2015
    @kah, @Susan... I ordered my fitbit from Amazon.ca on Saturday. It came Tuesday I think. I originally tried to order it from BestBuy.ca but they were out of stock on Large/Black. I went to Amazon and it was priced at $547!!! So I clicked on the small/black and it said Large/Black was available for the regular price of $179. Sheesh!

    So far it is exactly the same as my Force, but has a watch band. I think I'd actually prefer the old clasp band as I never had a problem with it falling off (well come to think of it, it fell a few times, I was able to notice it right away.) Because I wear it on my dominant wrist (I use my left a lot at work) I find it difficult to fasten with my left hand. I will get used to that I'm sure. Also have to get used to wearing it snug on the wrist as the HR sensor must be in contact with the skin at all times. And the green pulsing light of the sensor is a bit annoying when its off the wrist. I clocked 15K steps today, about 2K more than my normal day, but I think I may have to recalibrate the step length with this one too. My HR is accurate, but it appears that the HR affects the calories burned, and when at work and working at a "stressed" level, (my HR was up to 113 at one point) it gives me a bigger calorie burn than my old one did. Quite a difference actually. I did not do anything remotely exercise-wise and MFP gave me 1340 extra calories in exercise!!! My TDEE for today (at 8pm) is already 3457... a similar day on the other fitbit would be 2780 at midnight. So now I must find out if the HR function is actually more accurate and my force was reading LOW, or if the HR is artificially inflating TDEE. I'll be interested to see what you find with your fitbits when they arrive.

    And speaking of changing step length, do either of you (or anyone else) remember where to do that on the site?
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    OK, stride length has not changed in my settings... need to account for an extra 2K steps. Maybe I walked more than I thought? Will need more time to collect data.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Howdy folks.
    Once again working hard to feel positive.
    @RobinsEgg‌ @mountmary84‌ @susan2396‌ and all the others who may be struggling. I am there with you. I have been in the same 3 pounds for the last few weigh-ins. The trainer really slammed me on Tuesday. I know we can do this. We have done it before. We will do it again. WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!

    @Morgori‌ - I did miss you. I must admit I did not always ready every word you wrote but I did enjoy those I read and actually did extra research on several topics you presented. You are a vital part of this thread and am so very glad you are back.

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ Any more info on the relay? I seem to remember there is one coming up and you were working on putting a team together.

    AFM - Looks like the ghosts have left my car. No haunted episodes yesterday and today. I am hoping for the best.

    Hubby and I had a very productive talk/fight last night and I think we are gaining on the nasty bits in our relationship.

    Oldest son is in deep. So far up to $25K on the fees/court costs/lawyers by the end of this year. Not sure what to do about all of this. He has agreed to go back to treatment as soon as he can get in. The phone calls were to be made today. I will talk to him when I get up in the morning. He gets home at 2 and I get up at 4:30 so that is when we can get together.

    My swimming is improving pretty well. I can now do a flip turn and push off the wall on most of them. I have 2 weeks left with the coach and then am on my own.

    Food is back on track the last couple of days. My sis brought in date bars she made and I did eat some. I did track it and managed to stay under calories so I am feeling successful to day at least.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I left MFP because of the time it took to help my dad with mom, but her Alzheimer's turned out to be rapid onset type and after a fall and broken leg she was unable to do the therapy to get well so she remains in a care center. We had neighbors from @#$% move in at the condo and a motorcycle gang leader took over as Condo Associate President so we got no help. We got certified to be foster parents and within weeks were given the sweetest, funniest 11 year old boy who looks so much like my husband people call him Mini-D. After being threaten with violence by the neighbor (and his two year old son) we decided to move and God got us into the cutest house in a great neighborhood. Our old dog passed away but about a week later someone told me about a dog that needed "re-homing" and it took the edge off. My hubby started a better new job and we started adoption for our son. Last weekend my hubby fell through the ceiling of our garage (a storage space is above it) and landed on his back. He is doing well considering he fractured two bones in his lower back. We pray he will be back to his old self asap. SO long story short, I stopped thinking about what I ate and now I have work to do.
    Skinnyjeanzbound - no time to play petanque now, but plans to build a "piste" in the back yard soon.
    Can anyone tell me a fast way to find where you have left messages? I used to know but I forgot.
  • So, this is my first time posting to this thread.

    I'm doing okay so far. It's my 3rd day in so it's not exactly trumpet worthy, but I'm glad I'm getting there. The first few days are always the hardest for me. I'm really hoping that this'll be the last time I have first days.

    It said on an earlier post that Thursdays were supposed to be a day of truth, so here's mine: Everyone in my family wonders how I've gained so much weight, but I've binged in secret for a very long time (since I was a teenager). I'm pretty sure I have an eating disorder. I've eaten when I've gone out and then hid it, I've carefully hidden the wrappers under other garbage or specifically travelled to a garbage can to hide the evidence so no one would know. Taken out cash so it wouldn't show up on the banking record... Most of the time I'm hiding that I'm eating junk food or sugar, but I've also had times when I've hidden that I've eaten normal meals like toast for breakfast.

    So although eating healthy and getting in shape are part of my goal, the majority of this fight is trying to stop my secret eating.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Another day with no time for personals (work is CRAZY)!

    Check in for yesterday:

    1. At or under calories 6/7 days every week and at or under as a weekly average.

    Week 3 - 3/7 days
    Week 2 - 6/7days
    Week 1 - 6/7 days

    2. Walk at least 6 times per week, at least 3 miles each walk.

    Week 3 - 3/7 days
    Week 2 - 6/7 days
    Week 1 - 5/7 days

    3. Note daily calories and miles in calendar and weight on Thursday morning.

    Week 3 - 4/7 days
    Week 2 - 7/7 days
    Week 1 - 7/7 days

    4. Check in here every day if only to read the posts and keep current on the thread.

    Week 3 - 4/7 days
    Week 2 - 7/7 days
    Week 1 - 7/7 days

    2015 Mantras:

    Live like someone left the gate open (Live Joyously)
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Thursday Truth: I am having a hard time getting out of bed each morning and a hard time going to bed each night. I am mad at myself for continuing to over eat at night, even though I know the results when I do that. I want a magic pill. Sigh.
    I will go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight!
    I will clean my house today! (I've been working a lot of extra hours in the last couple weeks, and things are out of hand here. Disorganized house makes me an angry lady.)

    Tom- I'm glad you've been reading along. I was afraid you had dropped off! Nice beard! :)

    Tanya- I'm glad that McDonald's is now offering a side salad in lieu of french fries now. Helps make those occasional fast food stops a little less damaging to the food diary!

    I forgot to bring a snack last week for my daughter to eat while her brother had karate practice....she has reminded me now less than three times in the last 45 minutes to remember to bring snack today! LOL Sheesh.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thursday Truth: I’m mad at my kids (not really). The dentist told me they both needed to do a better job of cleaning their teeth but didn’t have any cavities. Then I sat in the chair and she remarked how wonderful of a job I do keeping my teeth clean but I have 4 cavities. How? She said that I have groves in my teeth that as I get older will be more prone to cavities and that there isn’t anything I can do about it. WHAT??? She said they don’t know what causes it but the theories range from not enough calcium as a child (I was allergic to milk until the age of 2) to a virus while teeth are developing. UGH!

    @Kelley…I’m 41 and that is about the age that my mother thought she had gone through the change. She had a baby at 42. HAHAHA! I might not like Italian, but I can’t believe you don’t like French Fries – I wish that was my opinion of them.
    @Mel…That’s how I would be if someone came to my house to do some work….I’d talk to them so much (did I mention I hate working from home – hee hee).
    @Tanya…you’ve done really good with the fast food and I think you made the right choice. If not having it caused you to keep eating then it was best to just eat it and move on. I agree that the banning of certain foods doesn’t work for me, just makes me crave them more. I’ve just learned that I buy the small version or have some and then have my kids/husband eat the rest quickly so I’m not tempted for more.
    @Tom…you were missed by many. Wow you’ve had some tough things going on in your life. None of your St. Patrick day feast makes me crave it in the least. My husband loves corned beef and cabbage – I’d prefer if he cooked it somewhere else as the smell makes me gag. But I let him since I love him.
    @Susan…glad you were able to get away with your BFF. My BFF and I went from living together in college, to living an hour apart, then 1 ½ hours and now different states. We pick up right where we left off, but I do miss just running to her place for a weekend. Now it has to be planned in advance and take a few days off work.
    @Angel…sounds like you’ve had some tough times but things are looking up for you. Hope that continues.
    @Hansea…I’m with you about staying up too late. I just need to take a day and finish reading this book series so I quit staying up late at night.

    AFM…met both the water and calorie goals yesterday. VERY happy about that. I think the part I liked best is that I left drinks unfinished because I didn’t want all the extra calories. At lunch, I had planned on having a 16.9 bottle of Coke – ½ done. Then after my Mom’s group another Mom and I decided we would go to Starbucks to visit (we had 30 minutes before the next activity and I’ve wanted to get to know her better). I don’t drink coffee, but had a strawberry smoothie…again only half.

    Today I just need to take my car into the shop again -- see if they can actually fix the door this time. And then I'm full force on three cakes due this weekend.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited March 2015
    @brown_eyed_frog~Welcome, you found the best kept secret on MFP. Everyone here is very supportive and offers great advice, so jump in when you feel comfortable. My two cents on your post is it sounds like you may have a food addiction; you might be interested in this article that was part of a newsletter I receive from Living Healthy periodically:

    http://obesity.about.com/od/Obesity-and-Behavioral-Health/fl/Are-You-an-Addictive-Eater.htm?utm_source=cn_nl&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_term=Living Healthy Daily Newsletter&amp;utm_campaign=livinghealthy&amp;utm_content=20150318

    @Angelika~Wow, you certainly have been through a lot since you were last here but sounds like things are back on track. I hope your hubs is back to 100% soon.

    Are you referring to previous posts or private messages? The private messages (emails) are accessed through the envelope at the top of the home page. MFP did an overhaul of the forums back in October—previous posts/threads are no longer accessible, so you kind of have to search for what you may have contributed to prior to then (places you've posted no longer appear on your profile page either). To bookmark this thread and find your way back: click on the “star” at the top of the thread, then it will appear under the star in the upper right corner of the forums pages—you’ll also know when posts have been made after you (or your profile name is mentioned via hyperlink) under notifications (which is the “bell” in the upper right corner of the forums pages). I hope this helps.

    @Morgori (Tom)~Glad to see you popped in, green beard and all! We miss your quotes and daily insights. We miss @MrsMorgori too! :wink:

    @cblue315~Oy, I can’t believe the costs your son is accumulating. :astonished: I live in a huge city with electronic signs for traffic/government alerts, when there are no current alerts they usually have a message reading: DUI: think before you drink and drive, you can't afford it." Amazing how quickly fees add up. I’m glad he’s agreed to return to rehab, sounds like that is what he needs. I’m very happy to hear you and the hubs are working through your issues, fights and all—it’s good to get stuff out and be honest with one another. I hope you are both able to heal and move forward with a stronger relationship.

    @Tanya949~Yep, Amazon’s price gouge proves the high demand for the Charge HR. I’m glad you got yours so soon; it looks like on Fitbit’s site that the black is available but the plum (my favorite color) is out of stock. So I wait (impatiently). :confounded: I never adjusted my stride on the Fitbit, probably should have for better accuracy (for a tall person I have a short stride). I think the Charge HR may be a little more sensitive, I hope more accurate (I feel like the Flex misses steps sometimes). I’ve read on the Fitbit help blogs that the HR isn’t always accurate but I would expect us to have higher caloric burns because now it bases it on more perimeters rather than just steps/miles walked—it could be inflating TDEE though, definitely watch it for a couple of weeks and see what kind of data results.

    @Hansea47 (Amanda)~I’m having a hard time getting up, too. I think it’s the time change—I always takes me a month or two to acclimate. :sleeping:

    AFM~Well, I think spring has sprung here in Texas—temps ranging from 70s to 80s now, soon the stormy season will begin. Oh joy! I have a 2-story house and it’s been hot upstairs, so far I haven’t run the a/c—just can’t bring myself to do it yet! But I am ready to get flowers planted, will probably wait until after Easter (just in case the weather turns cold one last time). Tonight starts my great cookie caper baking marathon—six dozen cookies to bake and deliver to church by Saturday morning. What was I thinking?!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited March 2015
    Is it the first day of spring yet?

    Thank you everyone for the birthday well-wishes. I am not there, weight-wise, at my new age of 70 as I had planned to be ... always was a bit slow on some things! :p

    @hansea47 … your Thursday Truth could have been written by me .. as well as your “I will”s.

    Welcome @brown_eyed_frog … your Thursday Truth reminds me of something I did at one particular time of my life … Buy fast food on the way home from work and eat it in the car, hide the evidence, and have a normal dinner with the family. I Don’t understand why we do such things …but I suppose we all do weird sometimes. Honesty is the first step … use your MFP diary (it can be set to private) and record every single thing you eat. Consider it a lesson in nutrition … you can run reports to see what kind of and how many micronutrients you have taken in .. so that’s a healthy reason to record.

    @AngelikaLumiere … There is a email function in MFP from both your Home and Profile pages at the top of the screen … the icon look an envelope. Click on that and you can type in the name and write your message. You can also send a message by clicking on the persons name while in the thread, it goes to their profile page and you should see a ‘send message’ link next to their profile picture.

    @Morgori … isn’t it nice to realize you have been missed, you funny man!

    Thursday Truth ... ditto what Amanda said.
    Over-ate yesterday. Gotta tell that ex-beau to stay away cause I overeat when he doesn't!

    Follow-through (please do it) Niki
  • mhanispeedy
    mhanispeedy Posts: 50 Member
    i just started to loose weight, i want to keep my self motivated through out , anyone willing to help me please :(
  • Tricia8008
    Tricia8008 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    It's nice to see everyone supporting each other on here.

    Thursday Truth? I have over 100 lbs to lose and have been working on it for 15 years. I lose the weight and then gain it back. I started up on MFP again recently and realized the first time I started using it was in 2013. Although my weight has gone up and down over the last two years, my weight was only 1 lb off from my starting weight in 2013. Ugh... It seems like this is my default weight.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Morgori wrote: »
    kah68 wrote: »
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

    @Morgori (Tom)~Come out come out, wherever you are! :wink:

    kah68 did you ever see the movie The Warriors (1979) ? That is what came to mind when I saw you wrote that. :D

    I have had double ear infections , bronchitis and a hurt back since I stopped posting and my work has been so busy I do not have a lot of time for doing much else. So those are my excuses ;) I probably should start posting and reading this thread more. After last nights shenanigans beer/whiskey/pizza I need to get some control going. I know you are thinking pizza for St. Patrick's Day, but here is the pizza I ate:
    Sausage & Stout
    Made with Honey Malted Guinness Beer Dough, House Made Mozzarella, Beer Sausage, Caramelized Onions, Fontina, Green Onions, Crushed
    Red Peppers, Beer Salt & Sweet Guinness Reduction.
    $28 for the Pizza.
    $33 with 2 Pints of Guinness.
    We did corned beef on the weekend and have plenty left. I put one in the smoker and Amy put one in the crockpot and one on the stove and then in the oven.

    I have been reading most of the thread but did not think I would be missed so I got in the habit of not posting. I think you and Laurie were the only ones that mentioned me not being on here. I figured I had kind of run my course. Hopefully work will slow down and I can continue to post.
    I read you are looking for a change in your job, hope you get the one you want.

    National Agriculture Day

    “Attitude: It is our best friend or our worst enemy.” ~John C. Maxwell

    Bet that pizza was delish, it sorta qualifies as St. Paddy's celebration food. :wink: I'm sorry you've been sick and work has been crazy. I can relate to work too--I'm ready for change.
  • sineanbroc
    sineanbroc Posts: 25 Member
    Hey guys,

    Back after a week, Thursday truth: I am really bad at remembering to do stuff I set out to do, but I'm back and will hopefully be getting to know you guys over the next few weeks/months

    @melifornia asked about my research, I am a materials chemist and my work involves using magnetic nanoparticles to develop the next generation of contrast agents for MRI

    As you can imagine, I haven't a clue what it means a lot of the time either, but it seems to be going ok at the moment :)

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy Poultry Day
    Date When Celebrated : Always March 19
    Poultry Day celebrates chicken, turkey and other birds we commonly consume. Chicken and turkey are lower in fats, and cholesterol than other meats, making it better for your health. They also give you your breakfast eggs.
    Celebrate Poultry Day with eggs for breakfast, a chicken sandwich for lunch, and barbecue chicken for dinner. Don't forget to cook up some chicken fingers for the kids.
    Most famous Chicken: Looney Tune's Foghorn leghorn.
    Oh yes, it’s a fowl, fowl day – Poultry Day, that is! Celebrate this whole range of domestic feathered friends that are raised for their meat and eggs by thinking about just how boring Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holidays would be without the addition of a turkey, chicken, duck, goose or pheasant to the table. How naked would your fancy salad be without a quail’s egg quivering at the top? How incomplete would that Chicken Pot Pie be without…well…the chicken?
    It is for all these reasons and more that we pause and say thank you to poultry for enhancing our diets and giving us opportunities to fight over the wishbone, draw lots over who gets the last drumstick, and encourage sibling rivalry by letting them fight out whose turn it is to crack the egg into the cake batter. Whether it’s a honk honk, gobble gobble, or a cluck cluck, it all sounds the same to us – delicious!

    “What you eat in private will show up in public.” ~Unknown

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    sineanbroc wrote: »
    Hey guys,
    @melifornia asked about my research, I am a materials chemist and my work involves using magnetic nanoparticles to develop the next generation of contrast agents for MRI

    As you can imagine, I haven't a clue what it means a lot of the time either, but it seems to be going ok at the moment :)

    Interesting. I work for a radiology facility, albeit in a financial role, but know enough to be dangerous. :wink: