Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • 2ledbetter
    2ledbetter Posts: 199 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ Love your sense of humor and that little rebellious streak.

    @Tayna949 I see that you are going to clean your fridge next week. Will you start posting your food tomorrow?

    @melifornia‌ That sounds like a good way to start your day, all stretched out.

    @RobinsEgg I've never heard of digital mammogram, I also have density issues according to my last mammogram.

    Today was beautiful, the sun came out and was shinning. We had 28 children in Sunday school this morning, note to self...trying to have them make resurrection eggs need to never do again! Lol. On the flip side, who knows what impact they might have on the families.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I've been reading daily, but haven't posted much. My logging has gone better the last few days (except for Thursday, which I already reported).
    Love the cakes. I love cake, but rarely make it because I don't get enough help getting it eaten. Today I made chocolate fudge, vanilla fudge, and peanut brittle. I got them packaged up to take to Utah tomorrow, so I can leave it alone. I managed to have a bit and stay under calories. My family really enjoys the homemade candy so I try to take some with me when we visit.
    For Sunday share I wanted to share some things a friend shared with me. She sent me an article from an AARP magazine about how to lose that last 5#. Some of the suggestions really hit home for me. Getting enough sleep is a challenge for me. It just doesn't happen, and I'm not sure how to change it. Drinking enough water is something I should be able to change, but am still struggling with. The other one was to stay out of the kitchen. They said that one hangs out in the kitchen without eating. My kitchen, dining area, and family room are all kind of one room. I live in the kitchen. I was discussing it with Cathy. The non-food part of the kitchen has carpet. She suggested that I try to consciously think about it before I leave the carpeted area. I'm going to really work on that.
    Thanks to my tablet, I will continue to check in while we are gone. I hope those of you who have spring break will be able to really enjoy it.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @lleecc - I finished my breast cancer treatment in October - I went through 16 rounds of chemo and 33 radiation sessions. My advise - don't wait to start treating the irradiated area with moisturizer - start right away and don't skimp - and don't hesitate to use the ointments and lidocaine. Just remember, any side effects you have will be short-lived and will heal quickly once you are finished with your treatment. I hope you don't have to do chemo but if you do, your doctor will have lots of things to help with side effects. I pray you have a good support system. Just remember you are going to come through this with flying colors, we are all on your side.
    - BTW just FYI, if you do have chemo, puffiness is a pretty common side effect, but it goes awy fast after treatment. Don't let it get you down!
    - I got those coveted words in January- you are Cancer-free! I still have to take Arimidex for 5 years but that's ok, and so am I.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good morning All.
    @GOINSTD12‌ So glad you heard those magic words. An hope hubby is doing well today. I was diagnosed with colon cancer on my first colonoscopy and am cancer free for 3 years.

    @grandmakaye44‌ Good tip about the kitchen. My kitchen/family room is all one room with the carpet/flooring divider. I spend most of my time in the kitchen. I too will be making a conscious decision when crossing the "line".

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ Yea on the well deserved spring break. I did notice you still have grading on your goals. I hope you get plenty of time for you in this week.

    @melifornia‌ Love the cardio numbers keep up the good work, your miracle morning seems to be agreeing with you.

    @lleecc‌ So sorry about the cancer. These things are never easy but I hope yours goes as well as possible. Check in here so we can keep up with your journey.

    @brown_eyed_frog‌ great NSV on the snacking. These days I am not sure I would have the strength you've shown.

    Missed out on the Sunday Share so here goes: My name is Lori, 54 down a total of 109 pounds in a little over 3 years. I live with my husband of 34 years and two grown sons, ages 22 and 27. I own my own custom drapery business and work with my sister.

    I am a steady gym junkie and am there most days. I plan on doing a triathlon in July and am in training for that event.

    AFM: Food is still not on target. I wish it were. One of my inspirational quotes "Don't wish for it, work for it" is not working for me at the moment. I will have to dig deep to get my mojo back.

    Hubby and I are still communicating. We found out our counselor is leaving her group and we will have to find another. These changes are never easy but this may be part of God's plan for us. The next one may have a different take on things. Hubby went back to work today. I am so very glad about this in so many ways. I hope things go well for him today.

    Work for me is a little crazy. Almost every job quote I send out is coming back with a deposit check. Good for the bank account, but means the to do list gets longer.

    Sister and I have tickets to see Annie this week. I've never been to the live show and am looking forward to it.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • brown_eyed_frog
    Sunday was a bit more chaotic than I was expecting, so I'll combine my Sunday and Monday answers for today. This post isn't the most positive, sorry.

    Sunday: A little about myself. I'm 31, married, and have two puppies. In my spare time I like to pursue creative outlets. Art and writing are my two favourite hobbies, followed shortly by acting, although I don't get much of a chance to act these days.

    Monday: Monday check in. How am I doing? Not well. Although I've stuck well to the program and haven't eaten any binge happy food, I seem to be having a heck of a time actually eating my calories. Most days I only hit between 600 and 800. People tell me not to worry about it, but I do, because I'm kinda scared of eating now and screwing it all up. I think that's a really dangerous path to go down, but for me there's no middle ground. It's eat everything in sight or don't eat.

    This is complicated by a gigantic fight my husband and I had on Sunday. After all the fighting was done my stomach hurt like crazy, and it's still hurting now. That's a day and a half of pain. Never had that reaction before and if it still hurts later today I'm going to see a doctor about it.
  • brown_eyed_frog
    @cblue315 Ooo! Annie! Please update on how it goes. I love watching musicals, but have only been to see two. And a triathlon sounds like a lot of work, but worth it. Is it the usual kind with running/biking/swimming, or a different kind?

    @lleecc Cancer free! Good for you! My father in law was just diagnosed with bladder cancer (which I didn't even know was a thing) and is going in for surgery next week. I'm happy to see a success story! I hope all continues to go well.

    @grandmakaye44 You baked three cakes and managed to stay on point? WOW! Good job! Home made cakes with home made icing are my kryptonite. I struggled with drinking water too, and I suppose still do a little. The only way I can drink it is to get it REALLY REALLY cold. Then it's pure yum.

    @2ledbetter I want to know more about the resurrection eggs. They sound interesting. I loved Sunday school as a child. Kinda miss it, actually.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Breast cancer is one thing that is NOT in my family history, but now that I’m over 40 I will definitely be getting regular breast exams. I have two aunts (non blood related) that found it early and beat it. To add to the advice already given, they say that the best way is to have your husband give you monthly breast exams as he can probably be more thorough then you can (and then you can have some fun right afterwards – hee hee).

    @Mel…great going on your exercise!
    @Tanya…yes, winter can go away. While we had up and down weather (and no where near the snow that others did), the long, really cold stretches were tough on us. We had a sprinkling of snow last night and it’s annoying.
    @Angel…we had our family dog pass away in September while my husband held him overnight. My daughter asked (as soon as she got home from school) for another dog. My son, was not so ready to have “his heart broken” again. We got Tucker in October and everyone was ready by then. It seemed weird not to have a dog in the house.
    @Kaye…that’s why I do cake…I don’t LOVE it so it’s okay. It is a good thing I live next to family members that like cake though. That way when I want to try a new technique or have an extra cake, I can send it over to them and they get to enjoy.
    @Lori…good attitude about a new counselor. Everyone of them has their own take on things and some techniques to use. Glad you are getting new bids and keeping your bank account happy. My sister shared my cakes on a local “mothers” facebook page and I got 56 new likes. I had to turn down cake orders this weekend. I had three requests…two were too hard for my current level, one was over Easter weekend and I’ll be out of town. I sure wish I could have made the Easter one work as it was a cute design. I’m still waiting on the 350 cupcake wedding order…we’ll see about that. Like you said, good money but definitely busier.
    @brown-eyed-frog…You really need to focus on eating more. At minimum you should be netting 1200 calories a day or your body will hold on to every single pound in order to not starve. It’s probably also part of the stomach pain issue.

    AFM…another pound this morning! And yesterday I almost was perfect for my macros…39% carbs, 30% protein and 31% fat. It was the one piece of bacon my husband made for supper that got me off a perfect 40/30/30 day. I had planned on my chicken strips to keep focused on protein and then he decides to fry up some bacon. I did steal one piece. It did put me 93 calories over, but per Kelley, I’m going to not worry too much of that as long as my macros are on point. It did take a lot of planning to figure it out though…that’s for sure. But I did manage to work in my one piece of homemade strawberry short cake.

    My month of March so far:
    Water Intake – 75 oz 5 out of 7 days – 2/3
    Calories – within 100 calories of goal 6 out of 7 days – 3/3
    Lifting – 2 days a week – 2/3
    Cardio – 3 days a week – 2/3

    So far this week:
    Water Intake – 1/5
    Calories – 1/6
    Lifting – 0 / 2
    Cardio – 0 / 3

    Today: My sister and I have a date at Water Aerobics. Other than my regular goals, my only other thing is to get to bed by 11:00 tonight. I feel so much better the next day, but I sure get distracted in the evening.

    Hope you all have a wonderful start to your week.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Just a quick check in. My thoughts are with those of you who are struggling for whatever reason. Sometimes life throws some pretty hard punches.
    DH has gone to have the car serviced, and I am finishing up the laundry and packing. Right now I am at the stage I hate. Things still spread all over the house, and trying to decide how many clothes to take. I always over pack.
    Here's to a great week for all of us. I will get to see all of my sisters, just not all together this trip.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • mollybell13
    I love seeing all the support on this thread! I believe support is essential for those struggling to those weight.. Me being one of them. I need to lose around 100 pounds! Any support would be appreciated. Add me as a friend and hopefully we can support each other through this page! Good luck everyone!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    Happy World Meteorological Day!

    World Meteorological Day!

    If you don't get everything you want, think of the things you don't get that you don't want. ~Oscar Wilde


    P.S. Kaye I went looking for the last 5 lbs to lose article, I think this may be it. 

    1. Avoid environmental toxins
    If you store your leftovers in plastic, keep old receipts lying around or think nothing of eating an unwashed grape or two, you could be exposing yourself to chemicals that impede weight loss. "These substances slow your metabolism and increase appetite or alter hormones such as estrogen in the body to cause weight gain," says Scott Isaacs, M.D., an endocrinologist and author of Beat Overeating Now!
    What you can do: A new study in JAMA shows that repeated exposure to thermal cash register receipts is a significant source of the chemical BPA, so toss old ones. Plus, cut down on BPA by storing food (especially when it's still hot) in glass containers. And wash your hands frequently when you're at work; toxic compounds known as PBDEs are often found in office furniture and carpeting. To avoid pesticides in your food, thoroughly wash produce, and when possible, buy organic — especially "dirty" fruit such as apples, berries and peaches.

    2. Chill out
    Good news: There's a type of fat in your body that raises your metabolism. It's called brown fat, and it keeps organs warm by burning calories. Bad news: Obese people tend to have less of it. (You also lose this lean-making tissue with age.) One possible reason? People are too comfortable — thanks to modern-day heating and cooling systems — to stimulate brown fat activity. "We now live in a perennial spring," says Francesco Celi, M.D., chair of the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
    What you can do: Turn down the thermostat. Chilly temperatures cause muscle to produce a hormone called irisin, which stimulates the activity and growth of brown fat, according to new research coauthored by Celi. You don't need to turn your air-conditioning on full blast or switch off your heat in January, but lowering your thermostat from 75 to 68 degrees stimulates brown fat and increases calorie burn by 100 calories a day, Celi's research finds.

    3. Check your medications
    Weight gain can be a side effect of prescription drugs, says Lawrence J. Cheskin, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center in Baltimore. For instance, some diabetes meds, such as insulin and sulfonylureas, may increase your appetite, making weight control — key in managing the disease — even more challenging. Antidepressants such as amitriptyline and mirtazapine (brand names Elavil and Remeron) are associated with weight gain, too. In fact, people taking some psychiatric drugs are up to three times more likely than others to be obese.
    What you can do: Check to see whether weight gain is a side effect of your medication, and if it is, ask your doctor whether it makes sense to alter your dose or switch drugs. You may be able to substitute an alternate diabetes drug such as metformin, which is linked to weight loss. Similarly, the antidepressants fluvoxamine, desipramine and trazodone (brand names Luvox, Norpramin and Desyrel, respectively) are not associated with weight gain, a 2010 study reported. Word of caution: Always talk with your doctor before you stop taking a medication.

    4. Work your cellphone
    People who use their cellphones frequently (up to five hours a day) are less likely to be physically fit, a 2013 study found. Why would you want to go to the gym or take a walk when you're lying on the couch using your phone to play games, surf the Web or text friends?
    What you can do: Your cellphone can actually raise your activity level, as long as you use it to connect with friends to go for a walk in your local park or meet for a tennis game. Try apps such as Fitocracy ( or Daily Mile (, which tap into your social networks to get you moving.

    5. Rethink the kitchen
    Organizing your kitchen is about more than just deciding where the pans go. Kitchens have become destinations, says Brian Wansink, author of Slim by Design: Mindless Eating Solutions for Everyday Life. "No one hangs out in their kitchen and doesn't eat," he says. We're also three times more likely to eat what we see first, so unpack your groceries strategically. "People who keep sugary cereals or soda — diet or regular — visible weigh 12 and 22 pounds more, respectively, than the neighbor who doesn't," says Wansink.
    What you can do: Make the kitchen less of a gathering place by removing comfortable chairs and the television, Wansink advises. Plus, he suggests stashing soda in the back of the refrigerator (behind the almond milk) and storing cereals, cookies and other unhealthy treats in a dark cabinet that's inconvenient to reach. Using 9.5-inch salad plates, as opposed to larger dinner plates, can help you eat 22 percent less, Wansink adds. And opt for red plates. They signal "stop" to your brain and, according to a recent study in the journal Appetite, decreased people's consumption of chocolate chips and popcorn, compared with the amount eaten on blue or white plates. Finally, break out the Miles Davis tunes. Another study in Appetite showed that listening to jazz makes food taste better. Truly enjoying your food means you'll be satisfied sooner and, yes, possibly even eat less.

    6. Follow a budget
    Women who have trouble paying their bills are more likely to be obese, a new study in Economics & Human Biology concludes. (Men, interestingly, aren't affected this way.) "If you're suffering financial hardship, you might rely more on low-cost — but high-fat — fast foods," says study coauthor Susan Averett, a professor of economics at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania.
    What you can do: It's never too late to develop a budget and stick to it. "This may help women both manage their finances better and lower their BMI," says Averett. She suggests the program StickK (, which helps you set and commit to a goal.

    7. Zap nighttime light
    Do you sleep with your iPad next to your bed and check emails in the middle of the night? That constant exposure to light may be a contributing factor to disease and obesity, a recent study in the journal BioEssays finds. "Our body clock tells our organs and hormones what to do and when — and this is primarily controlled by the light," says José Ordovás, director of Tufts University's Nutrition and Genomics Laboratory in Boston. "Nighttime light disrupts the normal regulation of sleep, appetite and stress."
    What you can do: People who get enough sleep and who maintain a consistent sleep-wake schedule are thinner. Because blue light (the kind emitted by electronics) decreases your body's production of sleep-promoting melatonin, switch off your devices at least a half-hour before bedtime, and move blinking light sources out of your room.

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @Morgori‌ Thanks for the tips.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Tom That is an interesting article. Thanks for taking the time to look it up for us after Kaye mentioned it.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Where did the weekend go? I need another one already. I knew I had a long week, but the weekend was jammed pack getting caught up after being gone the previous weekend. On Saturday, four hours was tied up at the ball field for pictures and a game. Luckily, the weather was awesome - finally! Always great watching Cyrus, but it took a chunk out of my day. The rest of the day was a TON of laundry, switching out the fall/winter for spring/summer clothes, cleaning house, beds, etc. . . I was exhausted and saved groceries for Sunday, which of course was down pouring rain. Just lovely. Plus, our house guest arrived yesterday afternoon. She’s a sweetheart though and it will be good for Cyrus to have some company this week. 12 days until Spring Break. Woo Hoo!!! The beach here we come!!!!

    @RobinsEgg/Ellen – I believe the dates are the same weekend around 9/12. We’re still chatting about it so nothing has been confirmed yet. I can’t believe your schedule is still out of whack. Hopefully, things will straighten out soon and you can actually get a good night’s rest not day rest. I love Amy’s products. I normally do the Tortilla Black Bean Bowl when I need a Mexican fix. They’ve got great flavor and sodium is somewhat OK for a frozen meal.

    @Tanya – Thanks for the feedback. It all sounds positive so far. I’m not a big fan of constricting things like I never wear jewelry especially watches, rings, necklaces, etc. . . But, I’m going to make myself wear this because I really want the HR feature as well. Also, I saw your post to Laurie about climbing trees. You go girl!!! I don't know about pine trees though perhaps a big oak instead. LOL!! Plus, glad to see the headache went away last Friday. They sound just awful.

    @Skinny/Karen – Boy, your post about your co-worker brought back so many of my memories watching my friends and their battle with cancer. It's a totally debilitating disease for the patient and caregivers. I knew the last time I was saying goodbye it took everything in my power not to break down until I got outside, but once I did I couldn’t stop. Your friend and her family, friends, etc. . . are definitely in my thoughts as she battles. With a good support system, she will stay as positive as possible. You crack me up about your apples portrait. It doesn’t surprise me you did something different. You don’t like the norm that’s for sure, which is a good trait to have.

    @Morgori/Tom – Darn!! I missed your post on 3/21 about it being Single Parent Day. I didn’t know I had a day and I missed it. Lord knows I've been feeling it lately.

    @Brown_Eyed_Frog – Your Saturday success was awesome!! Two of my favorite things are ice cream and Chinese so your froyo and pot stickers would have been my demise. You did great!!

    @Goinstd12 – Yikes! Your past 2 weeks have been brutal. Hugs my friend. First of all, I’m so sorry you lost your four legged family member. It’s so hard, but you were a responsible pet owner and did the right thing no matter how difficult. You mentioned before your husband wasn’t doing well and this added stuff doesn’t help. I hope this week is better for both of you.

    @Tlh0407/Tracy – Girl, the cakes look great!! WOW!! I’m always in awe on Pinterest. While I don’t have any interest, for some reason I love pinning them. Crazy I know. A girl can dream – right??!! I remember when you took the classes. You really haven’t been doing them that long, but you are really good. Very impressed.

    @Melifornia – I like the simplicity of your green cake. I’m for the flashy, fun stuff too, but simple is good.

    @lleecc/Laura – Welcome back!! Of course, we wish it would have been earlier until different circumstances. I had my first mammo done last year at 46. I know I should have had one earlier, but just kept putting it off. Shame on me. Like Robin, I also had dense tissue so they wanted me to come back in 6 months. I think for me dense was a nice way of saying fatty tissue. It can be hard to see. While I hate this happened, thank you for the reminder and it can save our life!! I’ve got my annual next week and part of that check-up will be scheduling mine.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @susan--maybe I missed it, but are you and cyrus going anywhere for spring break? I know you really had a rough time with your friend's passing due to his cancer. My friend is in great spirits and has a ton of support, but this is just the start of her battle. She's still completely healthy (other than some nausea from the chemo) and I have no idea how long she will stay this way. Another friend was saying she knows someone in a similar situation--treating but not trying to cure his cancer--and he's been living a pretty normal life for about 10 years. I don't really know how to ask the questions about her prognosis and doctor's predictions without completely breaking down about it. Regardless of the answer--it's not going to be a happy one. She's never going to have the privilege of not worrying about her health and her future.

    @tom--thanks for sharing the article kaye mentioned. I loved the tip about turning down the thermostat. I will have to use that argument the next time DH and I are arguing about it. He always wants it at 72, and I'm all like "put on some socks!" as I turn it down to 68. LOL Also, love, love, love that Oscar Wilde quote. Who am I kidding? I love all of Wilde's quotes.

    @molly--welcome! I think a lot of us on this thread tend to focus most of our support here. I know I'm terrible about supporting others on the general newsfeed, but come back often and you'll get tons of advice, motivation, and cheers!

    @kaye--I also always overpack. I'm already trying to figure out a way to take a carry-on bag only when I travel to Nashville in May. Like you, I know I need more sleep but can't figure out how to actually get it. I know the easy answer is "go to bed earlier"; however, I just have a hard time unwinding in the evening. I have friends who go to bed at 9 pm, and all I can think is "how do you ever get anything done?"

    @tracy (tlh)--After reading the advice/discussion regarding your macros, I checked to see how I've been doing on my protein. Not good. I've been averaging about 20% so I'm going to work on getting mine up to 30%. I find if I just focus on that number, my carbs and fat naturally fall into place.

    @browneyed--I'm sorry you're struggling with your food intake. I understand the fear of going on a binge, and I tried looking at your food diary to offer some suggestions, but it's private so I can't see it. Are you eating once a day? Twice? Do you eat bigger meals or smaller snacks? Are there certain foods that seem to trigger the binges? I know for me, if I start on the sugary high carb foods, it's hard to stop--especially when the food is out for a party and everyone is just grazing all day. At home I have an easier time reigning it in b/c I don't keep the really "dangerous" stuff in my house, and I can weigh/measure out a portion or two of any treat I do bring home. As for your stomach--could you have as ulcer? When I was a teenager, my bodies stress response was a stomach ulcer. Arguments with boyfriends or worries about those relationships used to be my worst trigger. In fact, I used to joke that I stayed with my husband b/c he didn't make my stomach hurt.

    @lori--Yes, I still have grading, but also have some down time with friends and family already scheduled into the week. Enjoy Annie! When I was a kid, I wanted to be Annie--I would sit in my basement for hours playing the soundtrack belting out the lyrics to practice for my "audition." I really have no singing talent--I can carry a tune, but that's about it--but my parents didn't have the heart to tell me I would never make it to Broadway. They just let me sing. Finally, my dad bought tickets for us to go see the musical on stage--one of the highlights of my childhood.

    @2ledbetter‌ --Haha, I think anyone who knows me would tell you my rebellious streak is far from "little." If you tell me I can't do something, I will immediately try to find a way to do it. My dad figured that out when I was very young and used it to parent me. My sophomore year of HS when I started talking about getting into second tier universities like Georgetown and Loyola, he said "oh, your grades aren't good enough for those schools." I got straight A's my junior year. My mother still hasn't figured it out, but she's still a great mom.

    @angelika--the new pup is adorable. Is it a cocker spaniel?

    Monday Check in:
    Weight is holding in the middle of my normal 5 lb range. As I mentioned to tracy, I need to work on my protein intake. I think whatever April challenge we decide upon, upping my protein intake will certainly be a personal goal.

    Well, I'm on Spring break and we got 4 inches of snow this morning. :angry: No walk for gunner--I just can't bring myself to bundle up for it. So instead I'm at starbucks--going to make a dent in this grading before going to dinner at my friend's house.

    March Challenge:
    At or under calories 5/7 days every week and at or under as a weekly average.
    Week 1: At/under calories 4/7 (but one day I was only over by 7 calories) UNDER FOR WK
    Week 2: At/under calories 5/7 OVER FOR WK
    Week 3: At/under calories 3/7 OVER FOR WK

    All-in strength challenge=core work 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 core; PT DONE; 1/3 runs (sick most of week though)
    Week 2: 1/3 core; PT DONE; 1/3 runs
    Week 3: x/3 core; PT DONE; x/3 runs YUCK
    Week 4: 1/3 core; PT; 1/3 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/64 AP essays
    2. x/16 AP analysis activities
    3. x/12 America Poem analyses
    4. 45/60 Gatsby tests
    5. 1/64 Wuthering Heights journals

    Exercise Goals: (week 4)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--walk gunner NOPE
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just updating my progress. :smile:

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/64 AP essays
    2. x/16 AP analysis activities
    3. x/12 America Poem analyses
    4. 60/60 Gatsby tests DONE
    5. 1/64 Wuthering Heights journals
  • KMHtime
    KMHtime Posts: 6 Member
    How do you figure out how much protein you need? I am a vegetarian (dairy and eggs are fine- can't handle the texture of meat) and I struggle to get enough protein. Any suggestions?
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @KMHtime - here's an interesting article I found when researching alternative protein sources:
    - "... You probably know that animal products—meat, eggs and dairy—are good sources of protein; unfortunately, they can also be high in saturated fat and cholesterol. What you may not know is that you don't need to eat meat or cheese to get enough protein. Here are 14 good vegetarian and vegan sources, and tips on how to add them to your diet today."
    - Green peas, Quinoa, nuts & nut butter, beans, chickpeas, tempeh & tofu, edamame, Leafy greens such as broccoli, chard, or spinach, hemp (you can buy hemp protein powder now), chia seeds, sesame, sunflower, & poppy seeds, seitan, non-dairy milk, and (yeah!) unsweetened cocoa powder are all explained in depth in this article, along with some yummy recipes to try.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am back after a few days off from the thread. I have been extremely busy the last couple of weeks and this weekend was no exception. I am still struggling but the weight is dropping- gotta love that water weight. I just want it to continue dropping without rebounding again.

    Just a few quick responses- love the cakes, sorry about the illness, happy for those you of you have beaten illnesses.

    Karen enjoy your Spring Break and please don't spend it all grading those papers. I have one more week until Spring break.

    Susan and Kelley- I don't care if I go to Atlanta or Chicago to do the run. I just think it would be fun to meet up with others from this group. Susan, I would like to stay with you, it would be a fun slumber party.

    Robin- I think we are looking for a location that will meet most people needs. Chicago is not the best for Karen this year so maybe next year. Hope you can join us, where ever we go.

    This weekend was successful at the swim meet. I beat all my seed times and swam the 500 yds. in under 10 minutes. This was exciting for me since I could sprint at the end without being too winded. This week my focus switches back to triathlon training and running. It will be nice when I lose the extra weight since running should be easier. Tonight's workout was good in that I was spinning for 30 minutes then running for 30 minutes plus a warm up and cool down.

    My goal for the coming week is to check in here more often.

    Exercise plan
    Monday- trainer
    Tuesday- rest
    Wednesday- swim/ run
    Thursday- run
    Friday climb
    Saturday climb
    Sunday gym- brick

    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Your protein calories should be about 30% of your total intake. When you set up your goals on the profile, MFP will set a calorie goal based on your current weight, activity level and your goal (ie: lose 1 lb/week). You can tell MFP what macros you want to track (such as protein, sodium, carbs, sugars, etc), and tweak your diary for specific meals to include (a friend of mine has a Hobbit inspired meal plan, including 1st breakfast, 2nd breakfast, elevenses, supper, tea, dinner, etc!). Hope that helps.
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    I haven't been on in awhile but am slowly getting back on track.

    @Morgori‌ thanks for the tips