Pet Peeves @ Gym l v



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    cskone38 wrote: »
    Pet peeve: 10 minutes of stretching for 2 minutes of treadmill

    Some people have physical limitations and they need the long stretch prior to a workout and that 2 minutes is as long as their body let them go for.

    I have some wonky leg pain going on and I've been lucky that I'm still able to run. But I tend to foam roll and stretch for about 20min before my group runs which are about 30min. And then I go home and I stretch & roll for at least another 20 min.
    Well unless it's dynamic stretching, static stretching doesn't really "warm" up muscles correctly. In fact static stretching before exercise weakens the muscle.

    Research on foam rolling before exercise seems to lean toward doing it, but from experience with clientele with many having had numerous types of injuries, dynamic stretching has seemed to work the best.
    Lots of heavy people can't hold themselves right when foam rolling (they weight is too much pressure).

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • WitchofWashington
    WitchofWashington Posts: 158 Member
    mitch16 wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    When the gym supervisor for the cardio room brings in their dinner (usually McDonald's)

    Sorry for that.

    Not McDonald's but KFC

    Gross. Who eats crap like that if they are at or going to the gym. Ew.

    I do. Because I can.
    MrM27 wrote: »
    When the gym supervisor for the cardio room brings in their dinner (usually McDonald's)

    Sorry for that.

    Not McDonald's but KFC

    Gross. Who eats crap like that if they are at or going to the gym. Ew.

    People who have figured out exactly how they can fit a Double Down into their day? Or cardio bunnies willing to sweat 600 calories out?

    That stuff is gross and I don't think it's even real food. I don't see how those fatty maybe not even foods could help you do a double down or sweat out 600 calories? Not to mention, have you see what it does almost immediately to your blood, so gross.

    What does it do to our blood? And I've never had a double down

    Hight fat food straight to your bloodstream
    Sorry but that is no way a reputable source.

    Got any that isn't a blog?

    Also, that video doesn't even support your argument. Sorry.

    ...There is a second video, which was the one I was looking for, which the doctor talks about this yellowy liquid coming from his veins before getting his blood. Turned out he had just eaten a high fat lunch at the local fast food place.....

    Sorry, but this is the most idiotic post in this thread. Not even close.

    The only thing in your veins is blood. It is pretty much evenly mixed throughout your body. There is no chance that when drawing blood you would get a "yellowy liquid" from your vein. Zero chance. You will get blood. It isn't like looking at the dipstick in a car where you can stick a needle in your vein and pull it out to see how far up on the needle the "yellowy liquid" goes.

    Tell me, are you a phlebotomist?

    Oh, and PS, blood is not all that is in your veins, there is plac and arteries clogged by garbage diets.

    Um, you posted a picture of blood that has separated into plasma, buffy coat, and red blood cells, which is standard for everyone who is alive.

    What exactly do you do for a living?

    Actually that is not what the picture is, but thanks for playing.

    Ummm. Actually, the picture that was posted was of fairly normal blood that had been drawn into serum separator tubes (SST/a certain brand's tubes of this type are designated by the red/gray marled stopper). The yellow (on top) is serum--not plasma--because the blood has been clotted and then centrifuged to separate it from the red cells. It might be a little too yellow-ish (serum should be straw-colored), but it's otherwise pretty normal looking (not to say that it didn't come from somebody who may be unhealthy however). The center layer--kind of creamy-looking--is a gel that comes preloaded in the tubes. It contains clot activators to help the blood clot and then, when centrifuged, it forms a barrier between the serum and the cellular layer. The bottom layer--dark-colored--contains the cellular components of blood: red cells, white cells, platelets, etc., as well as the fibrin clot.

    Tubes like this are used when you want to measure analytes that may be adversely impacted by prolonged contact with red blood cells--glucose, potassium, ionized calcium are some of the analytes that may be included in this list, but this tube type is used routinely for many more.

    Source: I am a clinical laboratory scientist.

    Did you watch the video because it explains what they are trying to show.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Something I just noticed.

    The people complaining about people taking to long of breaks or hogging a bench vs The people that like their rest periods, don't want their stuff touched or told when to use the bathroom. Which group is more likely to be asked DYEL?

    Those who get it get it...

    ...and those who don't never will.

    Heizenburg, DYEL?

    Ouch, bro.

  • joeboland
    joeboland Posts: 205 Member
    I've got one!

    People that go to the gym, and rather than focusing on improving themselves and what they're doing, focus on what other people do so that they can go home and type with furious indignation about it on their blog/forum of choice.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    Adam2k10 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.
    It is going to backfire. And hopefully anyone who has a couple warnings on them isn't the one flagging because I think that won't end well at all.

    What people need to point out the frivolous flagging.
    runner475 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.

    Yup..I've noticed people have been flagging my comments too.

    I think they are upset at the comment and are flagging the comment per say as though to suggest they aren't agreeing.

    But that's not what the flag system is meant for. I have a feeling they aren't aware what goes on behind the scenes.

    Then say something to someone and maybe it will stop.

    Wait what?

    Are you asking me why I mentioned about flagging?

    I'm not following why you quoted me.

    What I was saying was that if you're noticing all the frivolous flagging going on then point it out to a moderator. We have people that give out good advice been flagged for no reason. Members need to be shown that they can't flag without actual abuse taking place.

    You are completely right about flags being abused but it's important that people also know that having 'flags' against you has zero consequences to yourself unless a moderator reviews it and considers it to be abuse or a violation of community guidelines.

    The only thing that we pay attention to with regards to member history are 'warnings', 'abuse reports' and notes between moderators (if we've messaged you, had to take any other action other than warnings).

    Unnecessary flagging does take up valuable time that we could otherwise be spending looking through reports of guideline violations and addressing other important issues so it is severely frowned upon for hopefully obvious reasons.

    Just to confirm though, having flags 'against' you will have absolutely no consequences to the person flagged, we simply review the reports and dismiss any that don't fall under the category they have been flagged for. Although you keep the number of flags made against you, the 'abuse' flags are at no point held against you and shouldn't be worried about!

    Have an awesome day/evening/night!

    Adam, MyFitnessPal Moderator

    So, that email I sent you guys more than a week ago, did you guys get that? Were you even going to respond, or should I just call my doctors for medical documentation go from there.

    Okay, I'm intrigued. What were you asking them to do that medical documentation would have any bearing at all? (The only possible thing I can think of would be to change the <1200 warning, but that's just a guess.)

    Not really relevant to the topic. I have a health issue that was triggered by some member after I asked them repeatedly to leave me alone, and the staff put it mostly on me. Since the incident occurred, that particular health issue has gotten worse and worse and it's interfering with my daily life. So, since it was a health issue triggered by bullying, I want something done about it one way, or another.

    So you couldn't block that person and just ignore them on the forums? Ummm.....
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited March 2015
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    Adam2k10 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.
    It is going to backfire. And hopefully anyone who has a couple warnings on them isn't the one flagging because I think that won't end well at all.

    What people need to point out the frivolous flagging.
    runner475 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.

    Yup..I've noticed people have been flagging my comments too.

    I think they are upset at the comment and are flagging the comment per say as though to suggest they aren't agreeing.

    But that's not what the flag system is meant for. I have a feeling they aren't aware what goes on behind the scenes.

    Then say something to someone and maybe it will stop.

    Wait what?

    Are you asking me why I mentioned about flagging?

    I'm not following why you quoted me.

    What I was saying was that if you're noticing all the frivolous flagging going on then point it out to a moderator. We have people that give out good advice been flagged for no reason. Members need to be shown that they can't flag without actual abuse taking place.

    You are completely right about flags being abused but it's important that people also know that having 'flags' against you has zero consequences to yourself unless a moderator reviews it and considers it to be abuse or a violation of community guidelines.

    The only thing that we pay attention to with regards to member history are 'warnings', 'abuse reports' and notes between moderators (if we've messaged you, had to take any other action other than warnings).

    Unnecessary flagging does take up valuable time that we could otherwise be spending looking through reports of guideline violations and addressing other important issues so it is severely frowned upon for hopefully obvious reasons.

    Just to confirm though, having flags 'against' you will have absolutely no consequences to the person flagged, we simply review the reports and dismiss any that don't fall under the category they have been flagged for. Although you keep the number of flags made against you, the 'abuse' flags are at no point held against you and shouldn't be worried about!

    Have an awesome day/evening/night!

    Adam, MyFitnessPal Moderator

    So, that email I sent you guys more than a week ago, did you guys get that? Were you even going to respond, or should I just call my doctors for medical documentation go from there.

    Okay, I'm intrigued. What were you asking them to do that medical documentation would have any bearing at all? (The only possible thing I can think of would be to change the <1200 warning, but that's just a guess.)

    Not really relevant to the topic. I have a health issue that was triggered by some member after I asked them repeatedly to leave me alone, and the staff put it mostly on me. Since the incident occurred, that particular health issue has gotten worse and worse and it's interfering with my daily life. So, since it was a health issue triggered by bullying, I want something done about it one way, or another.

    That's not how the internet works. If random people on it affect your health, you need to leave instead of expecting them to perform within parameters meeting your expectations. In fact, that sort of applies to life in general and all interactions with other people.

  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    Adam2k10 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.
    It is going to backfire. And hopefully anyone who has a couple warnings on them isn't the one flagging because I think that won't end well at all.

    What people need to point out the frivolous flagging.
    runner475 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.

    Yup..I've noticed people have been flagging my comments too.

    I think they are upset at the comment and are flagging the comment per say as though to suggest they aren't agreeing.

    But that's not what the flag system is meant for. I have a feeling they aren't aware what goes on behind the scenes.

    Then say something to someone and maybe it will stop.

    Wait what?

    Are you asking me why I mentioned about flagging?

    I'm not following why you quoted me.

    What I was saying was that if you're noticing all the frivolous flagging going on then point it out to a moderator. We have people that give out good advice been flagged for no reason. Members need to be shown that they can't flag without actual abuse taking place.

    You are completely right about flags being abused but it's important that people also know that having 'flags' against you has zero consequences to yourself unless a moderator reviews it and considers it to be abuse or a violation of community guidelines.

    The only thing that we pay attention to with regards to member history are 'warnings', 'abuse reports' and notes between moderators (if we've messaged you, had to take any other action other than warnings).

    Unnecessary flagging does take up valuable time that we could otherwise be spending looking through reports of guideline violations and addressing other important issues so it is severely frowned upon for hopefully obvious reasons.

    Just to confirm though, having flags 'against' you will have absolutely no consequences to the person flagged, we simply review the reports and dismiss any that don't fall under the category they have been flagged for. Although you keep the number of flags made against you, the 'abuse' flags are at no point held against you and shouldn't be worried about!

    Have an awesome day/evening/night!

    Adam, MyFitnessPal Moderator

    So, that email I sent you guys more than a week ago, did you guys get that? Were you even going to respond, or should I just call my doctors for medical documentation go from there.

    Okay, I'm intrigued. What were you asking them to do that medical documentation would have any bearing at all? (The only possible thing I can think of would be to change the <1200 warning, but that's just a guess.)

    Not really relevant to the topic. I have a health issue that was triggered by some member after I asked them repeatedly to leave me alone, and the staff put it mostly on me. Since the incident occurred, that particular health issue has gotten worse and worse and it's interfering with my daily life. So, since it was a health issue triggered by bullying, I want something done about it one way, or another.


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    cskone38 wrote: »
    Pet peeve: 10 minutes of stretching for 2 minutes of treadmill

    Some people have physical limitations and they need the long stretch prior to a workout and that 2 minutes is as long as their body let them go for.

    I have some wonky leg pain going on and I've been lucky that I'm still able to run. But I tend to foam roll and stretch for about 20min before my group runs which are about 30min. And then I go home and I stretch & roll for at least another 20 min.

    I don't have physical limitations, but I know what you mean. I stretch on the treadmill before and after these five and six mile runs, and nobody has ever given me the evil eye for it before.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    edited March 2015
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    Adam2k10 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.
    It is going to backfire. And hopefully anyone who has a couple warnings on them isn't the one flagging because I think that won't end well at all.

    What people need to point out the frivolous flagging.
    runner475 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    All I'm seeing is someone going around flagging valid comments. Whoever is doing it probably doesn't know your username get's sent to the moderators along with the post that you have flagged..

    If the moderators think it was a waste of their time they come back at you. In short it backfires.

    Don't do it for the sake of your id. You still have time to un-flag the comments.

    Yup..I've noticed people have been flagging my comments too.

    I think they are upset at the comment and are flagging the comment per say as though to suggest they aren't agreeing.

    But that's not what the flag system is meant for. I have a feeling they aren't aware what goes on behind the scenes.

    Then say something to someone and maybe it will stop.

    Wait what?

    Are you asking me why I mentioned about flagging?

    I'm not following why you quoted me.

    What I was saying was that if you're noticing all the frivolous flagging going on then point it out to a moderator. We have people that give out good advice been flagged for no reason. Members need to be shown that they can't flag without actual abuse taking place.

    You are completely right about flags being abused but it's important that people also know that having 'flags' against you has zero consequences to yourself unless a moderator reviews it and considers it to be abuse or a violation of community guidelines.

    The only thing that we pay attention to with regards to member history are 'warnings', 'abuse reports' and notes between moderators (if we've messaged you, had to take any other action other than warnings).

    Unnecessary flagging does take up valuable time that we could otherwise be spending looking through reports of guideline violations and addressing other important issues so it is severely frowned upon for hopefully obvious reasons.

    Just to confirm though, having flags 'against' you will have absolutely no consequences to the person flagged, we simply review the reports and dismiss any that don't fall under the category they have been flagged for. Although you keep the number of flags made against you, the 'abuse' flags are at no point held against you and shouldn't be worried about!

    Have an awesome day/evening/night!

    Adam, MyFitnessPal Moderator

    So, that email I sent you guys more than a week ago, did you guys get that? Were you even going to respond, or should I just call my doctors for medical documentation go from there.

    Okay, I'm intrigued. What were you asking them to do that medical documentation would have any bearing at all? (The only possible thing I can think of would be to change the <1200 warning, but that's just a guess.)

    Not really relevant to the topic. I have a health issue that was triggered by some member after I asked them repeatedly to leave me alone, and the staff put it mostly on me. Since the incident occurred, that particular health issue has gotten worse and worse and it's interfering with my daily life. So, since it was a health issue triggered by bullying, I want something done about it one way, or another.

    That's not how the internet works. If random people on it affect your health, you need to leave instead of expecting them to perform within parameters meeting your expectations. In fact, that sort of applies to life in general and all interactions with other people.
    100% agree.

    This is the internet, not the class room, play ground or the work place. If you don't like how someone is treating you on the internet, you leave.

    This is another fine example of how the few are trying to make the many conform.

    I will also add, this is an example of why MFP management is having the forums heavily moderated now.

    I will say though, that is the type of situation where the ignore function worked great. To bad when they updated the forums they removed that feature.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I'm noticing a wave of cross-fit like people doing box step-ups, shoulder circles, burpees, windmill kicks in the middle of the weight room. Pretty much everything they are doing can be done at home, or in a park, or in a parking lot...

    Why pay for the gym, just to take up space and flail wildly (it's ridiculously distracting) in an area where people are lifting weights? I honestly don't pay attention to what other people are doing, the people I am talking about may as well be wearing a neon sandwich board that says "LOOK At MEEEEEE"

    That's all that is bothering me at the moment. I have a feeling they will be gone with the rest of the new year's rush.
  • jen19855
    jen19855 Posts: 15 Member
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    Anybody else cringe when people hold the treadmill while walking/jogging and or on incline?

    This is why I worry so much about using the gym, feeling people are watching and judging me
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    levitateme wrote: »
    I'm noticing a wave of cross-fit like people doing box step-ups, shoulder circles, burpees, windmill kicks in the middle of the weight room. Pretty much everything they are doing can be done at home, or in a park, or in a parking lot...

    Why pay for the gym, just to take up space and flail wildly (it's ridiculously distracting) in an area where people are lifting weights? I honestly don't pay attention to what other people are doing, the people I am talking about may as well be wearing a neon sandwich board that says "LOOK At MEEEEEE"

    That's all that is bothering me at the moment. I have a feeling they will be gone with the rest of the new year's rush.

    Some people live in apartments on upper floors. And they are paying for the space, regardless if it's just the space or the equipment.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    cskone38 wrote: »
    Pet peeve: 10 minutes of stretching for 2 minutes of treadmill

    Some people have physical limitations and they need the long stretch prior to a workout and that 2 minutes is as long as their body let them go for.

    I have some wonky leg pain going on and I've been lucky that I'm still able to run. But I tend to foam roll and stretch for about 20min before my group runs which are about 30min. And then I go home and I stretch & roll for at least another 20 min.

    I don't have physical limitations, but I know what you mean. I stretch on the treadmill before and after these five and six mile runs, and nobody has ever given me the evil eye for it before.

    There's this one guy that does this very involved stretching routine. He's really flexible and everything... he has his feet up all over the treadmill. And he never wipes it down. Double squick factor.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    levitateme wrote: »
    I'm noticing a wave of cross-fit like people doing box step-ups, shoulder circles, burpees, windmill kicks in the middle of the weight room. Pretty much everything they are doing can be done at home, or in a park, or in a parking lot...

    Why pay for the gym, just to take up space and flail wildly (it's ridiculously distracting) in an area where people are lifting weights? I honestly don't pay attention to what other people are doing, the people I am talking about may as well be wearing a neon sandwich board that says "LOOK At MEEEEEE"

    That's all that is bothering me at the moment. I have a feeling they will be gone with the rest of the new year's rush.

    Some people live in apartments on upper floors. And they are paying for the space, regardless if it's just the space or the equipment.

    There's an entire area meant for this activity, like a giant open space of floor for it. They like to do it in the cramped weight room, why? Maybe it's specifically to make me laugh and fail a lift? I will never understand it. I feel like I'm on a hidden camera show every time I see it.