
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    I don't call my beard a beard, I call it "thigh-liner."

    Edit, that sounds way more crude than I intended, when I'm being playful and get a comment on my beard, I'll refer to it as my thigh-liner. I don't just stand around calling it that.

    I don't usually type lol or say I laughed out loud, because I want that *kitten* to have meaning.

    LOL at your edit. I died.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    I don't call my beard a beard, I call it "thigh-liner."

    Edit, that sounds way more crude than I intended, when I'm being playful and get a comment on my beard, I'll refer to it as my thigh-liner. I don't just stand around calling it that.

    Well, that version would be much more entertaining!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: The 'Pushy Co-Workers' thread in Food & Nutrition is a real read. Wow, glad I am not the OP. I can only imagine the amount of people who want to ask questions but don't. :|

    We're all *kitten* here outside of this thread, I think. I just jumped down some dude's throat on another thread for not answering a question when he replied to a different comment and he wasn't even the one to whom I asked the question!

    This one is taking off now, too.

    It already has spiders and Moses on page 1.

    Oh, my - it's a wonder I ever get anything done! These threads. You just have NO idea what crazy direction they will take.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: The 'Pushy Co-Workers' thread in Food & Nutrition is a real read. Wow, glad I am not the OP. I can only imagine the amount of people who want to ask questions but don't. :|

    We're all *kitten* here outside of this thread, I think. I just jumped down some dude's throat on another thread for not answering a question when he replied to a different comment and he wasn't even the one to whom I asked the question!

    This one is taking off now, too.

    It already has spiders and Moses on page 1.

    I mean, I like you, but *kitten* off for showing me that. Why don't you want me to get anything done?
  • ddrhellbunny
    ddrhellbunny Posts: 119 Member
    So I about to go to work right now and I'm pretty sure my manager is going to make me taste some wine tonight so that way I can describe and recommend pairing for customers...
    I have about 20 wines to go through.

    can I tell you how GLAD I am that I actually have room in it for today and everything else is prelogged?

    +1 for wine.

    Now, I hope they don't try to do a food tasting alone with it because I will for sure go over for the day.

    We can save that for tomorrow :]
  • katalinax87
    katalinax87 Posts: 146 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession 1: For the first time ever, I decided to get some movement in on my lunch break at work. I am sure I burned extra calories, as I was going "faster" than the video because I was so paranoid someone would come back from lunch early and see me. (I am the only female in a 16 employee workplace)

    Confession 2: I do not understand peoples' obsession with beards (no offense "Tincan"...I think you are great and one of the main reasons I come back every day). When I see posts with actors pre and post beard, I ALWAYS think they are way better looking without the beard. Just not a fan, I guess. That being said, I haven't seen my husband without a goatee (not a REAL beard, I know) for over 12 years.

    I've NEVER seen my husband without a mustache and we've been together for 15 years. I think it would be really weird! Can't even picture it, really.

    My husband shaved once in the 17 years we have been together and I couldn't even look at him. It was like a stranger walked in the room.

    I just remembered my 2 year old daughter crying very hard when he tried to play/cuddle with her. That much of a change.

    My partner has a grade 1 hair cut but often leaves it ages between cuts. He looks so different after a haircut that when my daughter was a baby she would not recognise him and would scream if he tried to hold her.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: The 'Pushy Co-Workers' thread in Food & Nutrition is a real read. Wow, glad I am not the OP. I can only imagine the amount of people who want to ask questions but don't. :|

    We're all *kitten* here outside of this thread, I think. I just jumped down some dude's throat on another thread for not answering a question when he replied to a different comment and he wasn't even the one to whom I asked the question!

    This one is taking off now, too.

    It already has spiders and Moses on page 1.

    I mean, I like you, but *kitten* off for showing me that. Why don't you want me to get anything done?

    This is why when I'm working, I don't even open MFP to log. There have been days I've come in to add a string cheese and been here for an hour after, then still forget to log the damn cheese.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    So I about to go to work right now and I'm pretty sure my manager is going to make me taste some wine tonight so that way I can describe and recommend pairing for customers...
    I have about 20 wines to go through.

    can I tell you how GLAD I am that I actually have room in it for today and everything else is prelogged?

    +1 for wine.

    Now, I hope they don't try to do a food tasting alone with it because I will for sure go over for the day.

    We can save that for tomorrow :]

    As a food buyer, I have to know much about wine too, I go to tastings and have a fun "wine wheel" to help describe the flavors of wines.

    Another movie recommendation, it's called "Somm" and it's a documentary about 4-5 guys who are all going for their Master Sommolier exams. If you want to see a perfect case study for narcissism and obsessive compulsion.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    edited March 2015
    81Katz wrote: »
    Confession: The 'Pushy Co-Workers' thread in Food & Nutrition is a real read. Wow, glad I am not the OP. I can only imagine the amount of people who want to ask questions but don't. :|

    I saw that one.

    It reminded me too much of the time my SO, his son and I were supposed to go out of town together and the son wanted to go to a particular restaurant for supper. SO asked him to check out the menu online to see if there was anything I would like (I eat pescetarian) and the son said, "They'll have salads, she can just order one of those". Grrrr.

    I'm not on a diet, nor am I vegetarian... a salad is not a "meal" in my world, it's a starter... and if we're going out for a nice dinner I sure as hell don't want to order just a salad.

    I totally over-identified with that poor girl.

    edit: spelling
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    edited March 2015
    I hate the word "delicious." It sounds so stupid to me. Especially when a guy says it.

    I also hate when people say (or type) nom nom nom to indicate that something is delicious.

    I have no idea why these things bother me.........

    My better half insists that you cannot use the word "delicious" to describe beverages.

    I respectfully disagree with your better half. For exampe "That beer was DELICIOUS I think I'll have 10 more."

    It's all about context you see.
  • mkn69
    mkn69 Posts: 7 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    ovinas1 wrote: »
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    mkakids wrote: »
    When people ask me or my brother what our favorite dessert is and we say "brownie batter", they always look at us quizzically and say "...brownies, you mean?" No. Delicious, raw-eggy brownie batter.

    While I sympathize with the weekly trap you've found yourself in, I'm glad to have found another Batter Enthusiast.

    (Are you making it from scratch, or using box mix? I can't keep any sort of quick desert options in the house. If I want something sweet, I have to make it, so it happens less often. Not that brownie batter is hard to whip up....)

    Have you even frozen brownie batter? OMG......AMAZING. it never fully solidifies, and is like batter soft serve. Heaven!

    Today I had to actively stop myself from buying a box of brownie mix today at Target and doing this. I had the box in my hand and everything. And I was trying to think of ways to portion them, so I could have frozen brownie batter for the next week or so.

    I know, I want to do it also. Shhhhh >:)

    LOL. This may be the wrong thread for us! :p

    I'm thinking the same thing! I'm this close to going to get this stuff after work!
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    Good news!

    For those of you who do not like the taste of Marshmallow Peeps, you can still get all the benefits of the cleanse, without the nasty Peep taste!

  • breezy0906
    breezy0906 Posts: 164 Member
    I don't call my beard a beard, I call it "thigh-liner."

    Edit, that sounds way more crude than I intended, when I'm being playful and get a comment on my beard, I'll refer to it as my thigh-liner. I don't just stand around calling it that.

    I don't usually type lol or say I laughed out loud, because I want that *kitten* to have meaning.

    LOL at your edit. I died.

  • breezy0906
    breezy0906 Posts: 164 Member
    I hate the taste of red wine but sometimes i drink it to impress people.
  • DressedInDreams
    DressedInDreams Posts: 96 Member
    Just had Chips Ahoy ice cream cake for dinner. Yum!
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good news!

    For those of you who do not like the taste of Marshmallow Peeps, you can still get all the benefits of the cleanse, without the nasty Peep taste!




    This is going to destroy my profit margin!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Good news!

    For those of you who do not like the taste of Marshmallow Peeps, you can still get all the benefits of the cleanse, without the nasty Peep taste!




    This is going to destroy my profit margin!

    After you posted the what do peeps do gif in that other thread, my mind went to "What does the Peep say?". I guess we have the answer now. Get your parody video out before Easter and you can make up the margin easy.
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    Good news!

    For those of you who do not like the taste of Marshmallow Peeps, you can still get all the benefits of the cleanse, without the nasty Peep taste!




    This is going to destroy my profit margin!

    I see my profit margins going through the roof, though! Sorry "Tincan"!
  • curlylocks302
    curlylocks302 Posts: 38 Member
    These bites of heaven. 42800008831.jpg

    So so bad for you, but I could down a whole bag myself.
  • littled1986
    littled1986 Posts: 101 Member
    These bites of heaven. 42800008831.jpg

    So so bad for you, but I could down a whole bag myself.

    I just drooled