
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I have just joined the forum having used MyFitness Pal since getting an ipod for Christmas. So far it is one of the best "apps" I have ever downloaded!

    I am just over 50 and have to say that, so far, the programme is working quite well - with the odd lapse. I like the ability to be able to put in recipes and save them for reuse. I also like the ongoing daily calorie count as it gives me a clear idea what I can "spend" in the evening in order to be under or equaly to my cal limit or what I will use up roughly if I bother to go to the gym that day!

    Like the previous poster, I am having knee problems using the stepping machines which is a shame as it is one of my favourite exercises. Some hints on using these machines would be very helpful..

    One of the things I have learn recently is not to be scared about asking for a "doggie bag" at a restaurant. I have a favourite indian restaurant locally and love their curries. I try to stick to tomato-based ones involving chicken or prawns and have got into the habit of eating slowly with lots of water (and some wine). Then, I try very hard to leave half or a third and ask for the leftovers as a takeaway. I then eat that for lunch the next day. I eat out about once a week and this is working. I also love fish restaurants so have the fish and veg but few or no potatoes.

    I now need the strength to give up alcohol completely during the week as this would knock off the calories much faster. I am fast becoming addicted to lime juice and soda water though.

    Thanks for all the encouraging discussions on this forum. It is nice to know one is not alone! Incidentally, I have a ragtop car so the incident reported by Amanda is very scary!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Hmm. I live in Northern California, right? The “sunshine state.” What the heck is up with snow on May 14? :noway: A little rain is lovely, but snow?!! Most years we don’t even see any snow, let alone in May. At least the ground will be softer and it will be easier to pull the weeds up. :wink: I hear we won’t get a cherry crop up here at all due to the cold weather.

    I’m not really complaining though. Our water supply is good – which is not always the case – and the weather has been manageable. We get fresh produce from "just down the hill" where it's warmer. I feel fortunate when I hear about the fires, floods and tornadoes that so many of you have been or are dealing with.

    Star, what good advice, “A craving lasts for no more than 15 minutes. It is so worth the effort to make yourself be aware of what you are doing and stop before that first bite. Do something, anything to take your mind off food. Call a friend, do some computer work, e mail someone, come to this wonderful group for help. Take a walk, a shower, do a chore. You can break that bad habit of reaching for food for every little thing that happens in your life.

    Now if all fails and you do start eating, you must get it under control as fast as you can. Do not feel like because you ate some ice cream at 11am you have to eat the rest of the day and then it goes into days and weeks. Forgive yourself and get back on track by immediately…”

    You’ve nailed it. :happy: The cravings don’t last long. Knowing we have to resist for just 15 minutes makes it easier. I have a similar philosophy about getting back on track after being off for any amount of time. It takes just 2 days of effort then it’s smooth sailing. I can do almost anything for 2 day. :happy: The good feelings (physical and emotional) that result amaze me every time.

    For me, avoiding trigger foods (refined starches, sugars, etc.) and eating lots of fruits and veggies are the keys to fending off cravings. It helps to eat the fruits and veggies BEFORE I’m really hungry. Otherwise, it’s too easy to reach for something already ready. And you know what that tends to be. :tongue: Once I eat a trigger food, it triggers the desire for more.

    Amanda, how horrifying. I feel chilled just thinking about it. Thank goodness you and DH are safe. Those passersby may have saved your lives. Warm hugs. :heart:

    In case I forget, I’ll say Happy Birthday now to everyone with birthdays in the next couple of weeks: Jeanie, Star, Vicki, Robin, and the other Mary. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbiecat1 and Kackie, congrats on the 1 lb weight loss. Good job! :flowerforyou:

    Kackie, two days of beach/bridge walking with friends sounds like so much fun. Enjoy.

    Mary, can’t wait to hear your story about napping and the smoke alarm. :laugh: The bells sounded beautiful on this Sunday morning.

    Kathy, nice to hear from you. Sounds like you’re doing well. I know how it goes keeping up with the posts. I hate to miss anything!

    Jeanne, I had to smile at your “I can do anything for 15 minutes.” That’s the same way I approach getting back on track after getting completely off. Except getting back on track takes 2 days! Either way, we can do it. If you don’t already do this, you might try having a good breakfast (I like fruit and yogurt) before going to church. (Oatmeal or eggs with wholewheat toast are also good choices that don’t tend to trigger cravings.) I have much more willpower when I’m full.

    Barbie, my sympathies about the rain and grey skies. They’re not catastrophic but they can be depressing. My dear friend lives in southwest Washington. She’s not a complainer (at all) but she’s feeling the drag of the drippy weather.

    Jackie, you are doing so well. :flowerforyou: You are back with a vengeance! Reading your posts always puts a smile on my face.

    Welcome, Janetta. Slow is a good way to go. :wink: The tortoise won the race! As far as constipation goes, I eat lots of fruit and veggies. You’d think constipation wouldn’t be a problem. Not so. A couple of months ago, I cut most wheat out of my diet. (I ate only whole wheat btw.) The constipation is gone. I don’t understand the connection but I’ve tested it a couple of times and get the same results. Might be worth a try.

    Natalie, you’ve done a great job. Give yourself a little credit, girl! For me, eating lots of fruits and vegetables (I know, I sound like a broken record) is the key to losing weight. I don’t worry much about a little fat either as long as it’s healthy fat, like avocadoes. Good luck. You can do it.

    Welcome, Metco. I’m reinventing myself at almost 63 and loving every minute of it. I don’t find it harder to lose weight now as I’m exercising more. Not a whole lot but some. And THAT’S a whole lot more than I was exercising before! :wink: Whereabouts in Nevada are you moving? My sister lives out in the middle of the desert in Winnemucca. The skies there are beautiful. A niece and nephew live in Reno. It’s not as beautiful but has more “big city” amenities. It’s affordable too, which is nice (unless you’re trying to sell).

    Welcome, Babs. I like limejuice too. I mix mine with diet tonic. Tastes like a grownup drink without the calories. Are you a Brit too? I love that we have women on here from so many parts of the world.

    Eeks. It’s hailing outside now. :noway: Good thing we haven’t planted vegetables yet. I was worried we were going to be too late but another week will be a good thing.

  • emfoley2
    emfoley2 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everybody! Glad to have found this group - just wanted to post here quickly to keep the thread in "My Topics" so I can find my way back here often.

    I'm 52, went through menopause 9 years ago and like a lot of you promptly started gaining weight. Five years ago, I decided to accept myself as a size 12 and stop obsessing over getting back to my "ideal" weight, and the next thing I knew, size 12 was just a fond memory. When my BMI hit 30, I realized it was time to get serious, but couldn't seem to lose weight no matter how little I ate (that newbie sticky- post was me all over: office job, no athletic inclinations, poor sleep, so-so food choices).

    I started 2011 by promising myself less knitting time and more yoga (upped to 3 classes per week), and finally started seeing some non-scale progress, better sleep, and fewer urges to munch mindlessly. MFP has been the last piece of the puzzle for me. I still have a long way to go, but at last I am seeing enough progress to believe my goals are realistic at this age.
  • Go Grandma - September 22nd
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Yes, I am in the UK and also love talking to people around the world! From the lime juice I am getting plenty of vitamins but need to do something about iron and calcium intake as I dont like drinking milk much.

    I have just seen the "Lush" forum and have spent the last 10 minutes laughing out loud. It is nice to know there are many other ladies on this site who like their various drinks too!

    Thanks for all the encouragement and I look forward to dropping in on this site often.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I did force myself to take a walk. I took my umbrella and thank goodness I needed it 1/2 way to the beach. I only went one way & had my husband pick me up when I got there :bigsmile: . Had a nice lunch at Chili's Restaurant after.

    Hello kathy!!!! :flowerforyou: I've slowed down my walking routine, So I decided to jump ship on the Swat walking thread :blushing: . plus there didn't seem like much feed back. :indifferent:

    Mimi... Same here, That's my biggest success for losing the weight, Staying away from Trigger Food's ( Like Refined Starches & Sweets) I get my sweet tooth fix with fruits & yogurt. Sweet Potato too!! yummy. And for the starch I now use Brown Rice pasta, Brown rice & the bread I buy at "whole foods" sprouted 16 grain & seeded bread .
    When I gotta have my chocolate fix, I'll have sugar free hot chocolate at the end of the day,

    Menopause, NOT YET!!!! Had a partial hysterectomy at age 40. YES!! :bigsmile: Emfoley2, sheesh you went through menopause early. I pray I don't gain weight, since I worked so hard to get it off.

    We have wild fires in the everglades keeping me from taking my walks last week And Now it seem's to be the rain, which we So desperately need. And now here comes Summer, I think I'll be stuck on that darn treadmill longer then I want. I'm seriously thinking of stopping exercise and sticking to 1300 calories & see how that goes. I'm sick of working out :explode: . But I'll keep up with weight lifting since I don't want to sag to the ground :frown:

    Okay, Time for me to get my Butt off here. You all have a nice day!!!!!!
  • Back home. Thunder storm this morning = no walk, so I asked to be dropped off about a mile from my house and feel good about not missing my favorite daily exercise. I have upped walking from four or five times to seven.

    Amanda, That was my first thought, that you had locked the doors but the creep had some tool to get it open. Amazing how they find things to do harm no matter how hard we try to prevent it. Sorry to say that here in Florida many people have guns and don't think twice about using them , if necessary. My friend, who is 70 has a gun in her car and my older son has one too.

    Jackie, Glad the shower went well and that there were healthy choices for you. Good job of staying away from the BAD stuff.

    Jeannie, You can do it. Also, try drinking something before giving in to any food. Sometimes we are actually thirsty and don't realize it.

    Barbie, Loved everything you said. I am sure we can all benefit from some reinforcement on strategies. I like THIN STARTS AT THE SUPERMARKET that is a good strategy. Always having a list and sticking to it. Not bringing home any empty calorie foods. That may be in the book, not sure.

    Teresa, To stop smoking takes a lot of willpower, good for you. :flowerforyou:

    Barbicat1, glad the scale moved and another pound is gone.:flowerforyou: Good advice on eating out, right on the mark.

    Kathypm, So glad you quit smoking, wonderful. :flowerforyou: With eating, if you wait 15 minutes and still feel you want something, drink something . If that does not work eat something with protein and fiber. Sometimes we feel we just have to have that cookie and if that happens, have it and forgive yourself. Just do not let it derail you for the whole day. We seem to think in terms of all or nothing, I BLEW IT, I will start again tomorrow. :noway: The time for us to start again is right away, that minute.

    Janeta, you already are eating more fiber and drinking more which is the standard prescription. I put non dairy creamer in my coffee, would that be something you can substitute?

    Melco 89, Welcome. Are you kidding?? You are young!!! Age does not matter as much as the older folks who just can't do it want us to think.:laugh: I see women ages 40 to 95 that lose the weight all the time. It could take longer, but lots of times it doesn't. Think positive thoughts and that is an order. Going back to college, wow, that is wonderful. Wish you the best with everything you are doing for yourself.

    FattieBabs, Sorry I have no hints on using the machine, Hope someone can help you with that.Just want to say that taking home some of the food is one of the best ideas when you eat out. The portions are usually too big. To make it easier for myself (because if you put it in front of me on a plate , I will eat it :blushing: ) I order and immediately ask for a box to be brought with my meal. I portion it right away. You are a better camper than I am, you don't need to do that. For anyone like me, try asking right away.

    Hope everyone is enjoying this day. Barbie, sorry about the rain.

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I'm on here *again* because I had to tell someone...the sky turned dark and it's thundering. The ground is turning white from the sleet. I'm not used to this!

    I do remember that, when my sister got married in Tilden Park many years ago (in Berkeley, which is in the SF bay area), right after the minister "pronounced" them, it started thundering, hailing, and snowing. And that was May 18th. My mom served up the cake as fast as she could and, shortly afterward, everyone ran for their cars. We took that as an omen. It must have been a good one because they're still married 30 + years later.

    Babs, there are lots of veggies high in iron (asparagus!) and probably calcium too. My dietician sister says to beware of calcium supplements. There's some evidence they affect the heart negatively. Better to get it from food.

    Okay. You've heard enough from me!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Amanda, I am so glad that you are safe:bigsmile: going to bed instead of eating javascript:add_smiley('bigsmile','post_body')as a stress reliever is a great idea.:bigsmile: you will feel better in the morning

    :bigsmile: Dee, congratulations on your walk.....I love to walk and would be so sad if I couldn't do it.

    :bigsmile: Michele, I love that you sneaked prune puree into the brownies.:laugh: so much resistance to hejavascript:add_smiley('bigsmile','post_body')althy foods is all psychological.....:laugh:

    :bigsmile: Teresa, welcome, my children are two standard poodles, and two cat.......animal children are the best :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Jeanne, welcome.......your church social hour goodies sound like a challenge but there are strategies that you can use........I plan my food for the day and stick to the plan, no matter what......then I know that there will be good things to eat and I can more easily decline all the things that aren't part of my plan.

    :bigsmile: Jackie, your life sounds very busy and social :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Janet, welcome :bigsmile: more fiber, more water, and more walking will be good ways to attack the constipation problem.....I've also heard about yoga twist poses being good for digestion.

    :bigsmile: Natalie, weight loss is not linear.........good eating today does not equal weight loss tomorrow and bad eating today does not equal weight gain tomorrow----the results happen over time and the scale often reflects water and solid retention rather than real weight.......keep on doing what you're doing.....even if you can't do some kinds of exercise, consider yoga and various upper body exercises or pilates......keep looking and never, never, never give up:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Metco, welcome, you are right, it is never too late to reinvent yourself.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Babs, welcome, you are right about the alcohol.......it metabolizes differently and adds a lot of calories that add absolutely nothing to nourish your body.........I reluctantly gave up alcohol some years ago and have no regretted it.

    :bigsmile: Mimi, you are so right on about fruits and vegetables......I have noticed that whenever someone is feeling frustrated by their weight loss, they don't eat nearly enough vegetables.

    :bigsmile: emfoley, welcome. since I've been on MFP I have cut way back on knitting and crocheting and spent that time exercising and it has paid off with weight loss:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Star, I am reading the book very slowly on purpose so I can contemplate each new idea and make the useful ones part of my life.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: After a few minutes of whining about the rain while the dogs sat next to me looking sad and wondering why we weren’t going for a morning walk, I put on my coat and hat and got my umbrella and went for a walk by myself to contemplate what to do with the rest of the day……imagine my surprise when I remembered that I had made the decision months ago to take the dogs to the dog park no matter what the weather. :laugh: So I came home, changed into my walk in the mud shoes and loaded the dogs in the car and went to the dog park where they chased birds and ran for more than an hour. They wanted to stay longer but I was getting soaked and still had to stop at the market on the way home. So now the dogs are asleep, I’m showered and wearing dry clothes and my pedometer has recorded over 12000 steps.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Barbie you are a wonder! Planning and persistence in action.

    Afternoon all!

    I feel for all of you who are living in the drought. We have had more than our fair share of rain. This is the first day I can see all of my driveway. We have been ferrying people who did not have a truck or four wheel drive, so they could get to our house. I am out to work in the flower beds.

    Mary, I am not a napper either. My body hates it, I wake up feeling hung over. It's all night or nothing for me. Yet I can get up every hour or two all night long to take care of an animal, and I feel Ok.

    Jackie, I appreciate your nobility and sensitivity as well as your sacrifice, in forcing yourself to have a bit of the cream sponge!!!!

    Natalie, Do not give up, I am the queen of the long term plateau. Everything you're doing is good for you! So why stop?

    Cherub, I am also starting the 30D Shred. My body does not remember the coordination of jumping jacks. It is a forgotten language. Yet at GPs day with my GD the gym coach brought me a long jump rope so I could show the 1st graders straight, skip and run, jumps. That my body remembers. I did restrain myself when it came to forward and backward rolls.

    Mary, I am sure the day will be a success. There is nothing like a cookout or picnic however to bring on the rain.

    Faye, Good luck with the stain, and the woodworking project.

    Snow, Mimi! We were up to 84 here in balmy WI, we are now however back in the low 50s with a chance of frost nights.

    Amanda, I am so glad to hear you are both safe. How frightening! So much for the self locking doors. Rest up and give your self a chance to recover.

    Janetta, concerning your various problems. I also will suffer if I eat to many wheat products. Wheat also aggravates my eczema.
    Sugar seems to upset the eczema as well. Some coffees also due to the oils they contain. My Mom went with me to the Dr.s where we were discussing my various issues. Dear Dr. told me to give up chocolate, black tea, coffee, sugar, and refined carbs.
    I commented , " The only thing you have left me is sex." My 89yr old Mother responded, " I don't even have that! "

    Teresa, glad to see you here thought you were gone. You will find that I do not comment often but am always around if you need me.

    Welcome to all the new " young' ladies, heart felt happy thoughts to all I have not mentioned but do think fondly of. I must get out into the lovely sunshine.

    Onward and upward, Alice
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    bigsmile Natalie, weight loss is not linear.........good eating today does not equal weight loss tomorrow and bad eating today does not equal weight gain tomorrow----the results happen over time and the scale often reflects water and solid retention rather than real weight.......keep on doing what you're doing.....even if you can't do some kinds of exercise, consider yoga and various upper body exercises or pilates......keep looking and never, never, never give upbigsmile FROM BARBIECAT

    I am not giving up, but it sure is frustrating, been doing all the right things, average about 1300 calories or so a day... exercising, drinking 8 glasses of water, logging all that goes in my mouth, what gives, nothing... 2 months, and 7 lbs, now that is sad....nothing in the last 17 days... sad... sorry for complaining, but I am very frustrated....
    We are going to babysit for our 3 grandsons.... should be fun.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,475 Member
    Theresa - there's ALWAYS room for one (or two or three) more, so jump right in!

    Sally - I really like preparing my meals ahead of time, too. Actually, I've started where on Sunday I do most of the cooking for the week. There are times when I made double the recipe just so that I will have some to freeze! I do wish that I'd gotten the larger freezer, tho. Somehow I don't think Vince will buy me a new one, not just yet anyway.

    Teresa - whenever there are jumping jacks on any DVD, I always have to do the low impact ones. Yes, dh stands for dear (or could be d*** depending on how you feel....lol) husband. DS is dear son, DD is dear daughter, and so on.

    Did a hour of hula hoop on the Wii today, tomorrow I'll take a class called Pump It Up. Hopefully, it's not a lot of aerobics but more weights. Went bowling today, bowled 4 games. Out of the 4, I broke 100 twice. I did pretty poorly on the last game (only in the 80's). Then we bought gas for my car, came home and I fried up some pork chops that will go into the crock pot tomorrow.

    Amanda - how scary! I'm so glad no one was hurt. I, too, tend not to lock my car doors when I'm driving. Thanks for the wake up that I should keep them locked

    Terry - I hear ya about being bored walking on the treadmill. One of the things I do is I do incline intervals on the treadmill. I do 3 minutes (or however long you feel like) at 3%, then 6%, then 9%, then 12%, then back to 3% and so on. Another thing I do sometimes is HIIT, I'll run for like 30 seconds then drop the speed to recover for the next minute. Having to keep an eye on the timer seems to make the time go by faster.

    I'm in a bit of a quandry. There's a pick-up canasta game usually around 1 with the Newcomers. Only the free bowl for our league is from 1-3 on Mondays. I'm interested in just watching the canasta, from looking at the rules on the internet it doesn't seem anywhere near as complicated as mahjongg, and if I can sort-of get mahjongg, then I figure I can get canasta. However, to be honest, given the choice between doing something physical (the bowling) and something passive (the cards), I really would rather do the physical thing. Actually, I'm finding myself making excuses why I can't go on Mondays. Is that terrible, or what? Maybe I'm just overbooking myself.

    Remember I was telling you about the bunco/wedding shower that this lady is throwing? I've decided that I am going to have a bean veggie burger before I go. That's fairly low in calories and I know it fills me up quite a bit. I'm also going to take some wine that we have. I'm just not a big wine drinker, by the time I'd get to it it would be vinegar! Actually, we have two bottles and I'm not even sure if they're red or white! I know three of the bottles are red since it says "red scuppernog" on the label!

    Going to make pork chops for dinner tomorrow. I didn't realize that the recipe is really a crock pot recipe, but I can put them in the crock pot before we go to the free bowl and they should be done around 6. What I used to do is have a timer and plug my crockpot into it so it would turn on at a set time and turn off at a set time. For some reason, I lost the timer. So now I need to buy another one.

    Talking about cravings - I know that this is really weird, but when I get them, many times having a piece of "dark" (has to be dark) chocolate helps (maybe this is just psychological). Also, taking a swig of the apple cider vinegar.

    Ken & Lynette went bowling with us today. Well, Lynette did, Ken just watched, but that's OK. I suggested that perhaps they'd like to join Newcomers. Lynette thought they couldn't since she's lived in this area all her life. But that's really not a problem, we have some members who have lived here all their lives. Actually, that can be a positive. When someone new comes here and asks a question ("like who's a good plumber, where can I get xxxxx"), someone who knows this area can give good advice like to stay away from someone or highly recommend someone. It's only $25/year so we're not talking big money here. We have people who join just to play bridge or mahjongg or canasta and don't take part in any other activity. I guess we shall see what happens.

    metco - wow! You sure do have things in order. When's the move? Is there a special reason for the move, or is it just because? What will you be majoring in in college?

    Natalie - can you do water aerobics? That's no impact on your joints (if you do it in the deep end)

    Welcome FattieBabs! I bet you aren't that much of a fattie! I like to buy that "true lemon" in the packets and put some of that in my water.

    I went to a farmer's market last weekend. One vendor had these tomatoes that were "hothouse tomatoes". Now hothouse tomatoes that you get at the food store are usually quite bland so I only bought one. But was it ever good! So when I went back this past weekend, I bought three more. Unfortunately, I won't be here Saturday. Wish I was because I'd get more.

    Star - I'm the same way, put food in front of me and I eat it. The last time we went to lunch with the Newcomers and I had to be late, Vince had to order for me, he couldn't understand why I wanted a food box right when the food was ordered. Oh well....I did get my box

    Hey to emfoley!

    barbie - you don't need to tell me how the resistance to healthy food is very much psychological. Honestly, if Vince ever knew half of what he was eating, he'd never eat again. I've found that if I chop foods very tiny in the food processor, he can't see them. The garlic press is another good invention. If he saw a piece of garlic, it wouldn't get eaten. But if there's just minced garlic, he's still getting the benefits but he doesn't even realize it. I made some zucchini/pineapple muffins. I was dying to try that recipe, and Vince won't eat anything that has zucchini in it (or so he says) but Lynette does so she and Ken are my guinea pigs....lol

    I don't know why, but I am so very full tonight. Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • eotrg
    eotrg Posts: 20 Member
    Well, it's been several days since I've had a chance to post here, but I've tracked every day and popped it to read a couple of times, too. I haven't lost anything in several days, but I haven't gained anything either!

    Thank you so much to everyone who sent good thoughts and wishes to my new great-grandson JJ. He is one week old today, and the initial problem of "hemolytic disease of the newborn- ABO Incompatability", did not turn out to be too much of a problem. The pediatrician says it's a mild case, and he doesn't think it will cause any real problems.

    Unfortunately, JJ has another issue, he is tongue-tied. I had heard of that term so many times before, but never knew what it really meant. It makes it very hard for him to nurse, since he tongue can not extend well enough to suck. He has to go to an ENT surgeon tomorrow, and they are going to clip the part that is keeping his tongue from extending. The whole thing has been so hard for my grand daughter and her husband, but hopefully, it will soon be remedied, and he will be on his way to nursing well and so he can gain weight and grow.

    I hope to be able to spend a lot more time reading and posting in the next week!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Just finished a nice big plate of delicious roasted Veggies...(Thanks, Mimi!!!) They really do fill me up and are so, so good.

    Natalie: I know how frustrating it is to be on a plateau. The Scale WILL move, and you are doing good things for yourself. BUT...I know how you feel. How about mixing something up a bit? I know you have knee issues, but I have to get my heart rate UP and break a sweat to boost my metabolism, at least some days, in order to move the scale. How about a Zumba video? I don't think there is any high impact in those moves. I would try something new, just to shake things up AND it is always good to feel like you're doing something to turn things around. There are lots of options. You like to ride your bike...you could also add a second ride later in the day. I am trying to add an afternoon exercise session to my day several days a week for the same reason...mix things up and move that scale. Good luck. I know you will get there!

    eotrg: Good to hear from you again. Glad JJ is doing better...hope he gets his nursing/tongue fixed.

    NEW MEMBERS: So glad to have you here. Come often and let us know more about you. I wish you great success on this journey.

    Didn't mean to talk, but wanted to respond briefly. Take care, Dear Ladies. I am off to the beach tomorrow. Kackie:heart:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Unfortunately, JJ has another issue, he is tongue-tied. I had heard of that term so many times before, but never knew what it really meant. It makes it very hard for him to nurse, since he tongue can not extend well enough to suck. He has to go to an ENT surgeon tomorrow, and they are going to clip the part that is keeping his tongue from extending. The whole thing has been so hard for my grand daughter and her husband, but hopefully, it will soon be remedied, and he will be on his way to nursing well and so he can gain weight and grow.

    eotrg--My grandson was also tongue-tied. They did a little clip right in the doctor's office--no problem at all! They were told to bring him in hungry so he would nurse right after and it worked. He was--and is--fine and is growing like crazy! It was much worse for the parents than for him! (He's almost 11 months old now and into EVERYTHING!)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    so glad I happen to find this group.
    Amanda ,what a scare.glad you and hubby are safe.
    Hope you all had a good week-end.
    lojoi-not sure what your name is I noticed you had a list of birthdays.Mine was may 2nd.I turned 55.
    Have a good night all.
    Thanks for making me feel welcome
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I will try and get a 2nd bike ride in when the weather warms up, perhaps do some more lifting my 5 lb weights every other day again, I stopped doing that... I weigh tomorrow, hope I lose something.. so frustrating...
  • kmcmom
    kmcmom Posts: 2
    1st day is at half way mark, so Ill give it a shot for half the time. Here goes!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member

    50+ thread Birthdays
    6 – barmbord
    13 - Qpeace
    17 – grabbit97
    25 – zuback55

    15 - anotheryearolder
    ? - SuzyQ

    1 – auntiebk
    3 - arborsong
    4 - heartrw
    7 - DebKRN
    8 – pmjsmom
    12 – glendaaus
    15 – joylaut
    20 - spaniel60
    25 – barbiecat
    30 – BirdieM
    31 – wizzywig

    4 – Lyn54
    4 - frogmama
    8 – grandee47
    11 – smelliott
    14 - ildi59
    22 – sceck

    2- Jane (janemartin02)
    4 – chicletgirl21
    6 - smwert
    13 – lovediets
    20 – mimi7grands
    25 – jam0525
    25 - wehavethestars
    26 – vickim26
    27 - rjadams
    30 – msh0530

    3- Deborah (eotrg)
    4 - Caminogirl
    4 - Shirley61
    12 – Ldspill
    13- tiarapants
    27 - Donna56

    3- iojoi
    7 – Lindaj07
    ? - mynyddisamrs

    7 - MacMadame
    18 – bkrbabe57
    24 - cherubcrnp

    2 – Laura80111
    14 - ItsTerriC

    3 – shiddelson
    8 - djdreger
    15 – Jolandolfo
    21 - peepocheck
    23 – rjnandjosh

    11 – kackie
    30 - SallyCC

    6 – cucoyannie
    24 – frogmama
    30 – caharleygirl

    Here is a recently updated birthday list........check to make sure your birthday is on the list

    Many of us put our birthday as part of the signature so everyone can see it :bigsmile:
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