Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • kmyrs
    kmyrs Posts: 27 Member
    Just for today I will get back on track. I will concentrate on a calorie deficit and I'll remind myself why it's worth it. I will attend church. I'll take a little nap and then enjoy a run in beautiful weather and be thankful for my ability to do so.
  • MonicaSmith98
    MonicaSmith98 Posts: 66 Member
    Just for today I will
    1. Walk
    2. Track my calories
    3. Be grateful
  • Katherine52459
    Katherine52459 Posts: 34 Member
    Just for today I will:
    -walk two miles
    -log everything I eat
    -stay within my calorie limit
  • spittsdykstra
    spittsdykstra Posts: 10 Member
    Just for today: I will stay within my calorie limit
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    failure failure failure :(

    No! Learning experience. Learning experience. Learning experience! :smile:
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    Just for today ( Saturday March 28)
    1. Wake up early for a walk :smile:
    2. Stick to 1200 calories :smile:
    3. Do 10,000 steps spent the day with slow moving Mom, but we had a nice time at a turtle's pace! :blush:
    4. Smile alot & have fun :smile:

    Just for today
    1 church
    2 serious garage cleaning or a hike?????
    3. Very lite lunch

  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 3/28
    1. log everything :)
    2. keep control of the weekend attitude :)
    3. 5 mins meditation :)
    4. water, water, water :)

    It's the weekend and here I am still checking in!!! I'm actually in shock. Last night after I walked the dogs I had all these calories left over and my mind wanted to dive in and eat them all. But I convinced it that 1 oz of cinnamon almonds was a good enough treat.

    Just for Today 3/29
    1. log everything
    2. continue to control the weekend attitude
    3. strength training
    4. water
    5. 5 mins meditation
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Typing on mobile device...met all Friday goals.

    1. 10,000 steps :D:D:D severely underestimated myself...did almost 19,000 steps
    2. Survive hip-hop master class :D
    3. Try to eat well in spite of 2 restaurant meals today :)

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. Get outside!
    3. Under 100 carbs
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    It's the weekend and here I am still checking in!!! I'm actually in shock. Last night after I walked the dogs I had all these calories left over and my mind wanted to dive in and eat them all.

    Good job!

    You don't have to be perfect on the weekends, you just have to show up and give things your best try.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Hi, I'm here. It's been a tough several days of feeling very down and therefore stuck re: food junk. I have finally been doing pretty well so far today. It hasn't helped that I have had to be baking for a fund raiser for my kiddos! I'm sure you can all relate to the difficulty of resisting a kitchen full of frosted cinnamon bread! Yesterday it was yummy :) and today I am resisting!

    So for the rest of the day
    1. Stay under cals
    2. Drink my 3+ pints water/tea
    3. Exercise 25 min + my 2.5 min planks
    4. Spend time reading my Bible!
    5. Really enjoy a couple small pieces of my Dark chocolate! (35 Cal /1.7 g sugar each)
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    Disastrous few days. Really struggling after doing so well in the first few weeks. Motivation is low now I've got rid of the initial bloat. But I still have 18 lbs to go and know I'll feel amazing when I get there.

    Need to restart. And need to cut out processed sugar for a few weeks.

    So.... Monday's goals:
    - avoid all forms of chocolate / sugar
    - contact my NLP life coach for some additional support
    - check in fully to my body and stomach before deciding if/what/how much to eat

    Need to get this properly back on track or I will give up.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    Disastrous few days. Really struggling after doing so well in the first few weeks. Motivation is low now I've got rid of the initial bloat. But I still have 18 lbs to go and know I'll feel amazing when I get there.

    Need to restart. And need to cut out processed sugar for a few weeks.

    So.... Monday's goals:
    - avoid all forms of chocolate / sugar
    - contact my NLP life coach for some additional support
    - check in fully to my body and stomach before deciding if/what/how much to eat

    Need to get this properly back on track or I will give up.

    I am right there with you. I have about 20 lbs to lose, and so hard to get/stay motivated! But I know you can do it!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Its already late sunday nite, and so b usy have not had time to check in! But I am doing so much better - trying to get the sugar out of my system. Lots of water, and today I hiked a very hilly 4.75 miles. My legs hurt, but a good kind of hurt.

    So I am posting my goals for tomorrow, Monday
    1. No sugar. Work on getting all sugar out of my system. I know how much better I can stay focused when I have the sugar out of my system
    2. Exercise - minumum 30 minutes
    3. clean house -- grandsons coming next weekend!
    4. Keep all easter candy hid downstairs, and leave it alone!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Typing on mobile device...met all Friday goals.

    1. 10,000 steps :D:D:D severely underestimated myself...did almost 19,000 steps
    2. Survive hip-hop master class :D
    3. Try to eat well in spite of 2 restaurant meals today :)

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. Get outside!
    3. Under 100 carbs

    Sos - great job! 19000 steps - awesome! Reminds me I need to get my pedometer out and start using it - needs new batteries~ You are doing great!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 3/28
    1. log everything :)
    2. keep control of the weekend attitude :)
    3. 5 mins meditation :)
    4. water, water, water :)

    It's the weekend and here I am still checking in!!! I'm actually in shock. Last night after I walked the dogs I had all these calories left over and my mind wanted to dive in and eat them all. But I convinced it that 1 oz of cinnamon almonds was a good enough treat.

    Just for Today 3/29
    1. log everything
    2. continue to control the weekend attitude
    3. strength training
    4. water
    5. 5 mins meditation

    Great job Rae! Weekends are hard for all of us - but that is part of life. We have to have a day where it is OK to go off a little - important thing is to get right back on track! And you are!
  • Love the just for today mindset. I also love the idea of setting goals--just for today. So goals for monday 3/30:
    - Gym cardio for 45-60 min. I can totally do it I just get bored/lazy!
    - Eat just as well as I did today.
    - Eat dinner during night class, not late at 9:30PM
    - SNACK! This is the hardest. I forget to eat (I know, I know) and then I go crazy and eat quickly and unhealthy because my blood sugar is low!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    edited March 2015
    Got through the weekend without too many slip ups.
    Didn't crave caffeine today
    Need to plan meals for the week.
    Go to bed early Mon-Thurs.
    Run /walk tomorrow.
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    Just for today
    1 church :smile:
    2 serious garage cleaning or a hike????? :smile: did a little of both
    3. Very lite lunch :smile:

    Just for today ( Monday March 30)
    1. Walk 5 miles
    2. Careful eating all day, log everything
    3. Stick to 1200 calories

  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »
    1. Be present in the moment. :) I did pretty well most of today
    2. Walk or move around whenever possible. :) more than I expected with my drive to see my parents and then back to work. Somehow I walked 3 miles today.
    3. Smile. Do not take myself too seriously. :) I did start to take myself a little too seriously at one point, but I was able to remember to smile and relax.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I'm posting early again for tomorrow so I do not forget.

    Just for Monday I will

    1. Log Everything I eat
    2. Walk as much as possible.
    3. Do as much as I can And do not get upset when I reach my limit. I am only human after all and I have my limits. Recognizing where they are is important

    Have a fun Monday everyone!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am going to plan ahead for avoiding trouble on Easter...so...

    Just for Easter

    1. Exercise at least 1 hour every day this week ( my normal minimum is 30 mimutes) skip Saturday and Sunday.
    2. Eat my normal way on Sunday( low carb) but not worry too much about portion size or logging every bite.
    3. Buy a special treat for myself (dark chocolate )
    4. No wine or other alcohol. I am hosting dinner and I know people will bring wine.
    5. No other candy including licorice jelly beans (i live in fear of the siren call of the licorice jelly bean)