Things that aren't worth the calories........



  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    Donuts (at least 400 calories) and fast food (over 1,000 calories).
  • Marcia661
    Marcia661 Posts: 183 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »

    I don't care how few calories it's not worth it

    LOL.....True. I tried jumping on this bandwagon.......ummmm no.
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    Egg Nog
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    JohnBarth wrote: »
    "Fat Coke" is a British thing, just meaning not-diet. Just good old fashioned Coca Cola is a "Fat Coke" in England.

    I am British and lived here all my life and never heard coke called full fat coke!!!! I even worked in a macdonalds in my teen years (p/t while at college) and in a town pub for many years so I have sold plenty of glasses/cups of coke over the years
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Marcia661 wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »

    I don't care how few calories it's not worth it

    LOL.....True. I tried jumping on this bandwagon.......ummmm no.

    More kale for me! More than anything else, I think kale truly is a super food. Maybe the superest of all.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    jonnyman41 wrote: »
    JohnBarth wrote: »
    "Fat Coke" is a British thing, just meaning not-diet. Just good old fashioned Coca Cola is a "Fat Coke" in England.

    I am British and lived here all my life and never heard coke called full fat coke!!!! I even worked in a macdonalds in my teen years (p/t while at college) and in a town pub for many years so I have sold plenty of glasses/cups of coke over the years

    I live a very rural area in the US and I've heard "full fat coke". But my favorite is the old men than call it "high test" which is also what they call premium grade gasoline. :D
  • ShannonMJ2012
    ShannonMJ2012 Posts: 44 Member
    Even though I love them...any sort of latte. 500-700 calories of caffeinated bliss just isn't worth it. Neither is most candy and sodas.
  • Marcia661
    Marcia661 Posts: 183 Member
    jkwolly wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    mummma wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    mummma wrote: »
    full fat coke
    Coke doesn't have any fat in it.

    Bravo detective!

    How many more people need to point this one out? What's the over under on how many more coke-correcting posts we'll get?
    Yeah because I'm the only one that doesn't read the entire thread word for word I'm going to say at least two people per page.

    well i edited it to 'non diet soda' is that any better?! i mean we dont even call it soda here so how am i supposed to know
    Is it called pop? That's what the weirdo northerners call it here.

    Canadian here, definitely call it pop! Didn't realize this was different till we went to Florida and the guy mocked us for calling it pop.


    Lmao :)

  • joolsmd
    joolsmd Posts: 375 Member
    jonnyman41 wrote: »
    JohnBarth wrote: »
    "Fat Coke" is a British thing, just meaning not-diet. Just good old fashioned Coca Cola is a "Fat Coke" in England.

    I am British and lived here all my life and never heard coke called full fat coke!!!! I even worked in a macdonalds in my teen years (p/t while at college) and in a town pub for many years so I have sold plenty of glasses/cups of coke over the years

    I've always called non-diet 'full fat'. And if I couldn't have a full fat coke from time to time some of my hangovers would be a lot worse!

    Things not worth the calories? Ice cream, breakfast cereal, cheap sausages, reduced salt and sugar baked beans, most microwave meals, I could go on for pages.
  • peter56765
    peter56765 Posts: 352 Member
    Desserts masquerading as coffee drinks
    Donuts unless they are fresh
    Plain white rice
    Cold breakfast cereals that leave me hungry 20 minutes later
    Almost anything from a cafeteria (usually unnecessarily breaded and fried and loaded with salt)
    Almost all fast food and food from chain restaurants (same reason)
    Cheap chocolate
    Grocery store cakes and cookies: so many calories yet so flavorless
  • MelWick524
    MelWick524 Posts: 215 Member
    Ugh. This monstrosity I just downed. LOL. I totally just blew half of my carbs goal and more than my sugar goal ... before 10am.

    Dunkin Donuts - Lg. Decaf Rocky Road w/ Extra Creamer, 24 oz.
    cal310 carbs73 fat1 protein2 sodium190 sugar48

  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    Even though I love them...any sort of latte. 500-700 calories of caffeinated bliss just isn't worth it. Neither is most candy and sodas.

    Where are these 700 calorie lattes? I've NEVER had a latte come in at over 200 cals. I'm starting to think you people have secret recipes that include bone marrow or something...
  • littleaudrey85
    littleaudrey85 Posts: 45 Member

    Fast food (although I favor some "healthier" options).

    Cereal (my kryptonite - I can never get enough of it!).

    Drinks with calories, aside from my homemade iced coffee (150 calories). I can't fathom the idea of drinking chocolate milk although it is my favorite.

    Shakes and most ice creams aren't worth it (I like getting a soft serve vanilla ice cream cone on occasion).

    Girl Scout Cookies.


    Macaroni and Cheese (I'll eat a whole box and still want more)

  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    astrose00 wrote: »
    Anyone saying bagels cannot live in the northeast (especially NY and NJ), lol! Fresh bagel shop bagels are so worth it. I haven't had one in months but will set aside maintenance calories for one about once a week.

    I've never had a fresh bagel.

    For me, I had to watch my carbs in the beginning of this, so I stopped eating them. I just didn't miss them enough to reintroduce them.

    Oh, you've missed out in the real experience. Way back in the dark ages I lived in New York for a while and worked right across from a bagel shop. I had a bagel and tomato soup for lunch every day. No regrets.

    Having a real NY bagel is on my bucket list :)
    NEWMEKELLIB Posts: 49 Member
    zebracakes. I F'N love them. but choose not to waste my calories on them. :|
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    Wine is SO worth the calories. So is Peanut Butter.

    Sorry, soda doesn't have FAT. Sugar yes, fat no.

    Here's my list - because I get ya on some of them.
    - Grocery Store made cake and icing - yuck.
    - Bagels
    - Fast food (I just don't like it)
    - Candy bars they sell in the grocery store check out. If I'm eating chocolate it better be high class stuff!

    This list could be my list! Completely. :)
  • penneysfit
    penneysfit Posts: 97 Member
    A lot of cookies, soda pop, candies (such as Reese's eggs, yum -- an 18-gram piece is 90 calories :( ). Most things like that are too small of a serving to be worth it on a regular basis. I love cheese cubes -- but since it's very easy to go overboard with them I put them on the "not worth it" list. I find pre-sliced cheese much easier to fit in my calorie goal for the day.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Beer isn't worth it, but you will have to pry most hard liquour out of my cold, dead hands. I don't eat candy because I don't enjoy it (but I do love chocolate). Whole wheat bread, and a few other things I'm sure.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    baked goods that either I or a respected source did not make. I cannot tell you how many times I have bitten into a less than worthy baked good.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    I find that if you eat slowly, a proper fresh bagel is two servings if eaten with eggs or a full fat schmear. I used to wolf down a whole one and then need a nap, but slowing down has got me getting the point that I'm done at half now.

    Store-bought sandwich bread is not worth the calories to me right now. Crusty, chewy bakery bread? Yes, please!