Turbo Fire - i need some buddies!



  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    Fire 55 today. Sweating buckets and I love it. Have to burn off my last night's dinner:ohwell:
  • BugattiBlue
    BugattiBlue Posts: 3 Member
    I just finished week three of turbo fire's schedule and my motivation is starting to fade. The weird thing is that I have been getting results, but my ankles hurt and I know that if I take a break I will lose motivation. Do you guys know of any good quotes or other words of motivation to give me the kick in the pants that I need? :)
  • I just finished week three of turbo fire's schedule and my motivation is starting to fade. The weird thing is that I have been getting results, but my ankles hurt and I know that if I take a break I will lose motivation. Do you guys know of any good quotes or other words of motivation to give me the kick in the pants that I need? :)

    I just asked this before, but what about shoes? I was having pain until I bought a new pair of trainers. PLUS they are pretty, and what better reason to work out than to try out your new shoes? Really made a WORLD of difference for me though. I bought super light ones with lots of support!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    @ carriecolleen - may i ask what shoes you got - brand, model?

  • @ carriecolleen - may i ask what shoes you got - brand, model?


    Sure you can :) I bought Under Armour trainers...not sure what they are but they are black and hot pink. I was always a Nike girl, but found my Nikes too heavy for jumping. The Under Armour are literally the most comfy trainers I have ever worn. They also didn't cost me a fortune, they are pretty affordable :)
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    hello darlings!

    i clearly live under a rain cloud because i haven't seen sunshine in days! *sigh* this weekend was challenging because i had no motivation. thank goodness for you guys - i was looking at all your workout logs and i managed to get up off my lazy butt and press play.

    saturday was core20/stretch 40 --- you know the part where she says, "look at your pedicure?" well, i realized i am in serious need of a pedicure! hahaha.

    today was fire 45/stretch 10 - i love this workout! totally brought my inner tina turner!!! i go crazy during those fire drills. i wish that same drill was in all the workouts!!!!

    i have a beef to pick with my scale. I was at the dr's office on friday and i was down 2.5 lbs....i didn't go over calories all weekend and I worked out but my scale shows that i only lost 1lb. My excitement was so short-lived that it wasn't funny! one pound is better than nothing i suppose! slow and steady wins the race right?

    anyway, hope you guys had a fantastic weekend!

    -danielle xo:wink:
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    ps. it's me again -- just catching up on posts --

    LOVE THE DEDICATION!!! so fantastic to see that everyone is making time to workout and doing it even when they don't feel like doing it!

    @michome welcome to our thread. i use the calorie target formula in the Turbofire nutrition guide as my daily goal and then modify it based on calories burned. do you have the formula? i can type it out if you need it.

    @lucky828 i've been doing TF for 2 weeks and i'm starting to feel a difference already. i'm not checking inch loss until week 4 but based on the way my clothes are fitting, i'd say something is working. some of the girls on here already have some fabulous results too!

    @muffintopminx - i use asics and i absolutely love them. i have really flat feet and no arch so these shoes really give me more bounce.

    @nikitablue i don't have any motivational quotes but feel free to join us or friend us --- we're a pretty motivational bunch...and it really helps to keep me pushing play. :)

    ok that's all...

    night amigos.
  • jjmeerka1
    jjmeerka1 Posts: 3
    I just started turbofire and I can't figure out how to track it here.
    Any suggestions, comments?
  • Zoe9636
    Zoe9636 Posts: 56
    Core 20 (didn't do it yesterday) Fire 45 and stretch 10 done today 673 calories will also do some yoga tonight (not stretch 40)

    @jjmeerka1 I think most people on here have some sort of tracking device HRM, Body Bugg/media etc but before I got mine I used to put it down as Turbo Jam which is in the database.
  • jjmeerka1
    jjmeerka1 Posts: 3
    Thanks.what's body bugg?
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed Turbo Fire Upper 20 And HIIT 25, burned 378 cals, i was going to do HIIT 20 but no time, i just love the HIITS , hope everyone is having a fantastic evening
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    okay...I need a swift kick in the *kitten*. I am totally recommitting to myself. This week I will stay away from sweets (blew it today but tomorrow is a new day), stay under my sodium (again blew it today) and not miss any workouts. I seem to consistently miss 1 a week.
    Today is the beginning of week 6. Fire 55 EZ and Stretch 10 for 576 calories.
    I don't know about this month, there is not a whole lot of shaking it up. It's 55 EZ, 30 and 45. No HIIT, this kills me. I might just throw it in anyways.
    I have 11 lbs to lose by July 4th to get to my goal weight but I am now going for more of a goal look more than anything. I find the closer I get to goal the less motivation I have. blah, blah, sorry to ramble. Great work everyone! Has anyone realized that they can jump a lot higher? I noticed this today, it was a great feeling!
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I said yesterday that I wanted to watch my simple carb intake this week. And then I had a cookie and a few bites of ice cream. Boy... not off to a good start! On a positive note, I ordered an entire cone of ice cream dipped in chocolate and covered in nuts (it was a special occasion w/ my son), but I ate a few bites and it really wasn't that appealing so I gave it to one of my kids. That was good.

    I did Fire 45 this morning. I still don't know how much I'm burning; I'm totally guessing just to log something. But since I'm not eating back many (or most) of my calories, I'm not too concerned. I'd still like to know though; it helps keep me motivated.

    Keep pushing play! :flowerforyou:
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Planning my week out so I don't get off track so I actually flopped Monday and Tuesday and did HIIT 25 & Stretch10 today. Will do Fire 45EZ Tuesday, HIIT 15 Wednesday and rest Thursday. A friend of mine wants to try a HIIT workout with me but the only day she can do it is Wed. So to accommodate her I've rearranged the schedule slightly. Didn't want to do 2 HIITs back to back so that's why I did HIIT 25 today. Anyway, she's done Fire 30 and 45 with me and she really likes it and I like having a friend to do it with - makes it fun and holds you accountable. I push harder whenever someone's watching.

    @ Zoe9636 - Thank you for suggesting to log exercise as Turbo Jam for those of us without HRMs! I've been logging as "aerobics high impact", but Turbo jam is probably closer and it says I burned more calories - woohoo - more to eat!!!!

    @ sass30 - I've missed one class every week so far too - made them up, but still want to make this a perfect week. No skipping and having to double up later. Let's do it!
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    hi everyone! starting turbo fire tonight... starting with the prep because i have never done any of chalene's work outs! hoping to lose fat and tone up.. hope everyone is doing well!
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    Hello Everyone,

    I just received Turbo Fired and I was supposed to start today and I was very motivated. But I couldn't catch on to the moves -specifically, the jabs. Any advice to help me learn it quickly. I'm suppose to be doing the Fire 30 Class.
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    Hello Everyone,

    I was supposed to start today and I was very motivated. But I couldn't catch on to the moves -specifically, the jabs. Any advice to help me learn it quickly would be much appreciated. I'm starting with the prep schedule and I'm suppose to be in the Fire 30 Class.
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    Ugh - my internet is down and for some reason the Internet on my phone is super slow so I'm having a hard time commenting on everyone's status updates.

    Hi everyone,

    I ate bad today. Went out for dinner with friends and ate 153 calories over goal. I feel gross now - or maybe it's just guilt. Anyway - I did Fire 45 EZ today for the first time (Week 3,Day 1) and I totally get what you guys mean about liking the Fire workouts better! I don't mind 55EZ but 45 EZ was just meh. (and there was Tina turner part!!! Booooo!). Tomorrow's HIIT 25 - I'm slowly starting to like the HIIT workouts! Definitely getting better at them.

    @erussell1989 - welcome to our thread! You are gonna love TF!

    @choirgirl - I know - it's tough to follow the first time around. I did turbo jam before this and I'm still uncoordinated in some of the workouts. Don't worry - it gets easier as you start to get the hang of it. I found what helps me to remember is if i vocalize it - so for that part that is jab-cross-hook-uppercut, I say it out loud as i'm doing it and it really helps to get the hang of it.

    Ok i can't scroll up and down on this stupid phone! Hope everyone had a great day! Keep up the great work!

    Until tomorrow,
    Danielle :)
  • Hello Everyone,

    I was supposed to start today and I was very motivated. But I couldn't catch on to the moves -specifically, the jabs. Any advice to help me learn it quickly would be much appreciated. I'm starting with the prep schedule and I'm suppose to be in the Fire 30 Class.

    Hi! Don't get discouraged is my number one advice! Everyone starts out uncoordinated. Keep doing your best and you WILL get the moves! When I first started I used a mirror to watch myself (I just picked up a cheap one at Wal Mart and moved it to wherever I was working out)and I picked up the moves in no time. Also...keep pushing play no matter what! It will soon become second nature. And have FUN!!! :)
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Choirgirl37 - I was a disaster the first few times I did TF. And I still get lost and confused, just not as much. But no matter what was going on I just kept flailing around and moving and that's what's important - keep MOVING. Eventually it'll start to come together and be fun. Are you doing the "New to Class" versions, if not that will help a lot. If you are doing those and are still not confident, you could always take some extra time before or after your workout and run it in slow motion, rewind, repeat until you've got it. :huh:
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