

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sassy: You are a courageous and determined woman. I am proud to know you! I can’t imagine the pain and misery you’ve endured. I am trying to picture the bones of a human foot and am wondering if the bones you’re talking about are the long bones on the top of your feet, or the bones of your arches. I think you’re talking about the long bones on the top of your feet. Am I right?

    Kim: I will never be a body builder, but I am discovering some muscle definition in my arms and shoulders that wasn’t there before. This comes from yoga and some work on machines in the gym. It is not bulky and it gives my skin something to cover that diminishes the Shar-Pei look that came from dropping excess weight. Thank goodness for that blessing!

    I’m having trouble sleeping tonight. It is currently just a bit past 3 am, and here I am. It will be hard to get in my 7 hours of sleep tonight!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • mosnell
    mosnell Posts: 2
    My name is Mo. I have 65 pounds to take off and keep off. My worst enemy is myself. Through the Power of my Savior, I have been able to start the losing process again. I know I will have slip ups, but that is ok. I am starting a 4 week exercise plan from Fitness Blender. I walk regularly and have walked competitively. Injuries have prevented that, but I am training again for a 5K in June and August. I am a pilot as is my husband. I need to stay healthy to keep my wings. MFP is helping do that. I need an accountability person too. Anyone up for the challenge? I absolutely love flying and my 6 grandsons! ypnn7mw4v9wd.jpg
  • mosnell
    mosnell Posts: 2
    These pictures are of my hubby and his Ag Plane.
  • mynyddisamrs
    Morning all!...typing quick before it all cuts off
  • mynyddisamrs
    Told you!...
  • mynyddisamrs
    Just trying to say.... Cleaning hours will help today but off out for tea. Than off to WI...I've decided I need to meet new folks in the village. DH and I are becoming couch potatoes! Too insular maybe. I keep badgering him to join U3A ..they have a grumpy old men's club meets once a month ...just right!
    Will save and copy this !!
    Jackie W
  • mynyddisamrs
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :D Sassy, thank you for sharing your story. You have triumphed over far more adversity than I can imagine. You have so much to add to our community.

    :D Kim, I do strength training for health reasons. After reading "Younger Next Year" and "Strong Women Stay Young", I knew that just walking, dancing, and gardening would not be enough for me. I wear long sleeves and long pants almost all the time so I am less concerned about muscle definition and more concerned about activities that will benefit my health. On the other hand, the best exercise is the one you'll do.

    :'( I don't know why the pages on this thread are so wide....it is an opportunity for personal growth in patience. o:)

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Sassy, you have really been through such a lot. Thanks so much for sharing your story. You are a great inspiration to so many of us.

    Finally stepped on the scale this AM and see how I must get back on track. I find that I do so much better when I eat basically the same thing predictably. When I eat dinner left-overs for breakfast, that keeps me off track for most of the day.

    Went to the dermatologist for my eczema yesterday and she did a body check. Ended up having a suspicious place on my hand cut out for testing and then dry ice treatment on numerous spots. That's what happens to a reddish haired fair skinned person who never used sun screen ever.

    Mynyddisamrs, sorry you are having so much trouble posting.

    Kim, sorry about your water rationing. We had to do that a couple of years ago. Shorter showers and fewer flushes. Almost every summer they restrict yard watering here.

    Carol ~ GA
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well, Jackie ... not sure if it all came through or not! But hoping your husband joins the grumpy old men's club!

    Sassy ... I ditto Heather's "Wow!" You are a survivor! No doubt in my mind you will be successful!

    Mo .... welcome!

    Today ... I'm just going to focus on today ...

    Beth in WNY

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning – really behind in posts. So pardon me while I catch up.

    March Goals:
    Walk 100 miles – done made 122 miles. Yeah this the 8 month I have made it over 100 miles.
    20 days over 10000 steps – made 15 days. This is a record for me. I have been close before. I want to thank my rebounder, the box moving in the basement, and the fact that the road north has been plowed

    April goals:
    Walk 100 miles, 20 days over 10000 steps
    Strength training 3x’s per week
    Finish personal taxes
    Finish company taxes and purge office filing cabinet

    Welcome to the newbie people, this is a great place to be. Stop in when you can.

    I am having trouble with computer settings – it seems the page is not wrapping text so I have to scroll back and forth to read and it is annoying me…. I hope I don’t miss something!! I think it is because of the pictures on page one – they don’t say resized underneath of them like they always have before…

    Kim in N California – On our farm…we grow hay now, we have about 300 acres this year that will be seeded to canola.

    Sassy – someone upset Mother Nature here too!! We have snow, sleet and fancy this … thunderstorms at my son’s house ½ hour away.

    Congratulations to everyone on reaching your March goals. And ((hugs)) to all that almost made their goals.

    So... today I am off to have a CT scan on my adrenal glands - I have a mass on my right left one... if it grew they will take adrenal gland and mass out.
    Will check in later...

    And hopefully these pages start to show up properly - I am sure the pictures are not resizing like they did on the March thread..

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in west Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    See there are no pictures on page 4 and it displays right.

    So could someone give instructions on how to load pictures on here so they resize and don't fill in so big?

    Thank you very much.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Lillian, good luck on your dr. visit.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    On my Android tablet the pages are normal sized. Have you reported the problem to tech support anyone?
    Heather. UK
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    I'm with Lillian - the extra wide pages are still bugging me, but page 4 is okay still, so I will read back later. Lillian - Hugs and prayers for your CT scan and everything that follows. Hugs and prayers also for (now my mind went blank, is it Sylvia having the growth removed from her face? I just can't remember, and I don't want to look back at the crazy pages). Anyway, hugs and prayers for easy and speedy everything, for doctors and other health professionals that they have clear minds - steady hands- and strong backs !!!

    Today I burned a few extra calories from excitement. I was the 8th caller to correctly answer the trivia question, so I won second row tickets for Neil Diamond next Thursday. Add that to the tickets for Frankie Valle next Friday, and my "dance card is full" for the weekend. Planning a nice dinner out Friday, but haven't made plans for Thursday yet. Good thing I bought 2 cute tops to go with the black skort. Can't be seen in the same outfit 2 nights in a row. ;)

    One more day before my kitchen gets torn apart. DS is home for Spring Break, so he has a list of things to re-arrange or take to different rooms. He has to move from what used to be the family room but he turned into his bedroom, and sleep in the waterbed room, so all his stuff needs to be moved. Then, the stuff we store in the hallway, so we can use the side door instead of the front door. Then make room for the kitchen table in the living room. I think I will put the coffee maker and britta filter pitcher in my bathroom. Then the only thing the "worker" has to move is the refrigerator, which will also go in my livingroom. Good thing it is a big living room. DH plans on staying out of the way by working 12 hour shifts both Saturday and Sunday, so that's less stress for me (he's the type of guy who thinks he can do things even though he is told not to, like walking on the floor before it is finished).

    Yesterday I found great grocery deals on cod, cheese, and bananas. Tonight I stock up on milk and pre-cook the rest of the cod, to get us through the weekend for protein (even though DS thinks my slimfast protein bars are a good source for him, crazy kid, good thing they were also on sale).

    Sorry I am unable to respond to everyone, but I just can't tolerate the super-wide screen at this time. I promise to go back and read everything later.

    Hugs (and prayers) for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in (warm and raining) Milwaukee
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Yanniejannie: thanks for asking; no, luckily we don’t have to rinse her mouth anymore. It was a huge freakin’ deal… :D Thinking of you ((hugs)).

    Katla: how great that you’re looking through those old photos. It must be very interesting. I was in St. Petersburg about 20 years ago and remember the Winter Palace and some other things. Also the unbelievable contrast between rich people and the poor, often deformed people begging on the street, or selling puppies or kittens to get some money.

    Joyce: I agree with you: when I saw the colt at 12 hours old I couldn’t believe he had been in his mother’s belly only shortly before!

    Sassy: thank you for telling your story. You’ve come a long way.

    I was at the new job again today. I'm trying all kinds of transportation to see what's the least painful on my knee and the least tiring. Today it was taking my electric bike in the train. The train station is the hard part; you have to walk and I'd rather not walk. But biking to work was a breeze.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited April 2015
    I don't get it. My pages are the same size as always. I don't understand what you are seeing on yours.

    And I LOVE bigger pictures. The better to see you with, my dear. Nice plane.

    Terri, It was Yanniejannie who has the skin cancer on her face.

    Lillian, Best of luck at the doctor! We are all thinking of you!

    Sassy, oh my goodness!!!!!! What you have been through would certainly have killed me. You must be tough as nails. And, you still manage to be sassy too!

    It was a dark and stormy morning here. Rain, thunder, lightning, wind. The whole shebang. The sky in the east was the most beautiful pink and purple with a big thunderhead. When I got to the apartment to pick up the kids the little guy said he wanted to walk this morning. Nope. Not today. It's cleared off some now, but we are expecting another round later.

    After dropping the kids at school I went to the Y and used the weight machines for the first time in two months. It felt really good, but when I sat down at one of the machines, one of the extra weight things (the ones that hang on the side of the machine and you put it on the top of the weight stack to add a little more weight) fell on my ankle. It was about 7 1/2 pounds or something. It made a huge bruise on the inside of my leg from mid calf to my foot. It hurt a little, but then I thought of Sassy and said, heck this is nothing!

    Now I've just finished a drafting job, and am getting ready to go load the kiln. I hope you are all having a spectacularly wonderful day!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    hello peeps -
    sassy WOW... I wish I was 5'8"!! LOLOLOLOL.. I crack myself up, no really, I do wish I was that tall, but that was awesome of you to share your experience. one day, I will share what I experienced that is kinda similar to that (having angels around you) one day.

    I already messed up on my non goal LOLOLOL... didn't go tan cuz I didn't bring my lotion, LOLOLOL. the crappy part of this is now I have longer to ride cuz after I get off of the train, I'm going directly to tan and not to home first and I got another nice hill to climb.

    5'8" geez, that's not fair... I USED to be 5'6-1/2", I have finally accepted that I am a meezley 5'5"... whaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Sassyi appreciated reading your story. I think you're a persons that knows how to be persistent.

    Mollywhippet Sorry about your foot.

    Most of the time I'm reading and reponding using my phone. The format looks fine to me. I'm sure the pics would look better if I was @ my laptop though.

    Last night I received word that a friend I knew died. It was a long struggle, and I know she is at peace. I'm not sure if I'll go to the services. I have a hard time going to the place where the funeral will be held w/out it being such a difficult time.

    Today my cousin and I will be out for lunch and the afternoon. There's a great tea shop and historic glass museum in Sandwich. I thought it would be a nice way to celebrate her birthday. I've never gone there while watching what I eat so this will be new. My only goal is to log everything I eat and eat only when hungry.

    Naiomi2015 from 45F Massachusetts

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    oh.... I am also born and raised in California and I do remember when we had water rationing back then too, also gas shortage. I was raised in the san Joaquin valley where all the veggies for the U.S. are grown, hence being Mexican LOLOLOL. all the family still lives there. we were going to retire and move back to California to be closer to family but with the water crises, we will c how bad it is by the time we do retire (6 more years). we may end up in Oregon where it's closer to there. we already have the airstream so husband is ready !