40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning everyone!! The good news first, I'm home, I had a great vacation with my honey, I stepped on the scale and drum roll...I didnt gain any weight, I actually lost close to a pound!!!!! IF really worked for me!!!!!!

    Sort of bad news, I'm sick!!!!! So bad that had to go to urgent care, Dr ruled out the flu but put me on 72hr rest. So I'm home by myself right now, relaxing. There is a mandatory training at work that it was essential for me to be there. Oh well, things happen. I never thought it was a good idea to have this mtg right after my trip.

    Larro, I love your garden!!!!

    @shotsonme2000, are you buying more organic, etc? I watch the sodium myself. I try to stay away from breads, etc but eat some steel cut oats when I crave it, I hardly do breakfast anymore. Have you looked into intermittent fasting? There is a group here and most are guys who are lifters and do really well on it. Thank you for your service. We are an ARMY family.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    I'm off to have my teeth cleaned this morning. Then I'll do the shopping for the week. I've started a new version of my {Bob's Red Mill} Black Bean + 13 Soup this morning. It will sit until I get back from town, then I'll decide what all goes in it. I'm leaning toward couscous, sausage, onion, tomatoes with green chili's, etc. etc. etc.

    E's Mom, hang in there. The walking is good for you, but weight loss is all about eating at a calorie deficient. What worked for me was cutting out all fast food, and way back on bread {& other carbs}, fried foods and calorie dense desserts. I used plain Greek yogurt, lite Cool Whip and sugar free Jello pie and pudding mix to make low calorie desserts. What I was eating was stir-fry and/or green beans every single day, fish, turkey and chicken breast. It gets to be a habit, so much so that I'm finding it next to impossible to change now that I'm needing to gain a few pounds. PM me if you want some of my recipes.

    Alf, glad you're home. Sorry you're sick. Maybe you had tooooooooo much fun.

    Welcome to all the new folks, and hello to everyone else.

  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning to all. Hope your week is going well.
    Alf, glad you had a great vacation, but such a bummer you're sick. I hope you have a quick recovery. don't over do it.
    We woke up 2 days this week with a couple inches of snow on the ground again. Just when we think it's over.
    Larro, love the garden and flower spot. You must plant seeds in the logs, it will look so great when they're blooming, can't wait for those pictures. I was making a 15 or 16 bean soup today too in the crock pot. I never had done it before but a quilter lady I like had it on her website and lots of people had said they made it and it was great. We will see, I put our Easter ham bone and some of the leftover ham in and 1/2 an onion and water. Then after 6-8 hrs (no soak method) you put in 2-3 carrots, 2 stalks celery and 2 bay leaves, 1t oregano cook till tender then add 3 T brown sugar and 1/2 tsp. dry mustard powder. Supposed to freeze well too. Hopefully I won't be hungry all day smelling it cook. I am home today doing laundry and a little sewing.
    I looked back on my weight loss the last couple months and lost 20 lbs in 2 months but this last month is still only 1 lb. Haven't gained any, so that's good, just a little discouraging since I am excercising more than the first 2 months. I guess I need to watch the food and measure and weigh everything. I know I feel better and am healthier than I have been in a long time, so that's good. My daughter is sick with a cold and my husband feels one coming on. I can't remember when the last time I had it. I will just keep up what I have been doing and maybe less carbs.
    I hope you all have a great day and eat healthy things.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    edited April 2015
    @Emmalusmom, don't give up!!! I second what Larro said. You definitely have to plan your meals, all of them. Do you log them? Sometimes I log my meals the night before or in the morning. And eating healthy doesn't have to be complicated, lean meats with veggies, eggs, healthy oats, plain Greek yogurt, fruit, make it simple. Exercise, walking is good but make it intense at times and lift weights!!!!!!!! And yes, show the weight you've gained, be truthful to yourself. We all fall but we just have to get up and keep moving forward!!!!! I truly hated to admit that I had an 18lb gain weight during the Holidays but I accepted it and started working on it. I'm 5lbs from my goal now. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    @Natliegetfit. What beans do you put in that soup? I have a ham bone and I'm trying to figure out what to do with it.

    Took last night off and I'm signed up for combat conditioning tonight (HIIT with crazy kettlebell, trx, strongman, endurance, lots of stuff) but my throat is tickly, my head and body are achy and I'm not sure if I'm running a bit of a fever or not. I'm going to take oil of oregano, zinc and vitamin C when I get home, but I hate to cancel out since they base the workouts on how many people are going to be there. If I do have a fever I'm skipping, but if not I'm going to go. I've been very fortunate that I haven't been sick at all since I think spring of 2014 ish. Pretty good considering I have 3 young kids in school and so many people here in the office have been sick.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member

    BTW- What is Hard CORE?

    It's a core strenght class for the working folks downtown. It's an intense workout from 12:15 - 12:45 (lots of plank, crunches, sit-ups, mountain climbers, etc.), and it's within brisk walking distance, so it's a great lunch hour burn.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    43 here (don't know about "cool" though). registered for my first Spartan race in July, 'bout a week-ish before I'm 44! uh-oh!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,976 Member
    Emmalusmom wrote: »
    Hello All You Cool Kids,

    Well I have made it into week 4 of walking (between 7,000 and 9,000 steps). I have not seen a real move in the scale and I must admit that it is a little discouraging. BUT! I am not giving up and will keep moving forward!

    Great! Keep up the walking because it will make you feel better, sleep better, and help your overall health-picture.

    Lower your calories to lose the 11 lbs. Even 200 calories less, per day, will add up over the month!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,976 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone!! The good news first, I'm home, I had a great vacation with my honey, I stepped on the scale and drum roll...I didnt gain any weight, I actually lost close to a pound!!!!! IF really worked for me!!!!!!


  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Emmalu - I do track the gains. Looking at the historical data shows how I've done and what I need to do better. I do best logging all food. When I get lax logging, calories creep in and the trend goes up. Real wake up call was 10 pounds off my lowest. Realizing I was undoing a years worth of hard work. So I am back on with an 11 day streak with most food logged.
    I try to log it before eating, helps me hold the line. Better than eating and then figuring out you are way over...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,976 Member
    larrodarro wrote: »

    Welcome to all the new folks, and hello to everyone else.


  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    edited April 2015
    @JackieUnlimited it's all good. I watch the ingredients closely. Actually the real challenge is sodium. I can't believe how much sodium is in everything. I'm searching the net constantly for recipes. I'm getting healthier but it's costing me more money LOL

    Right?!? Sodium is a monster! Store bought soups seem to be the worst. Even the good organic ones with pronounceable ingredients. I have to stick with home-prepared food to stay within calorie and sodium limits.
    As for the cost, it is hard to see the bigger monthly bill for quality food. It's kind of a leap of faith that it will ultimately cost us much much more - both monetarily and quality of life - to feed ourselves poorly. I bought a CSA farm share this year, and am looking forward to the weekly bounty of lively food!
  • chandramiller68
    chandramiller68 Posts: 189 Member
    Emmalusmom wrote: »
    Hello All You Cool Kids,

    Well I have made it into week 4 of walking (between 7,000 and 9,000 steps). I have not seen a real move in the scale and I must admit that it is a little discouraging. BUT! I am not giving up and will keep moving forward! I want to know if any of you show when you have a gain. I have like 11 lbs. (since falling off the wagon). I am ashamed to say. But I think that I should show them so that I can see them coming back off. Please give me some advise on this. I have also been looking at food prep videos and think that I may try this too, at least for lunches to start.

    I hope that everyone is having a great day!

    Good Morning! @Emmalusmom I am in 2 weeks of loggin on MFP. Yes, I plan on being 100% honest with MFP. I need to be accountable because hiding my little bad habits and such is why I need to lose weight. :( Plus, by seeing the losses will help motivate us to keep going. I wish you the best with your goals!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,976 Member
    I am trying to figure out if I can squeeze in a lifting workout today. Maybe. In any event, I have one hour to walk outside this evening while daughter is at lacrosse practice. So, that's decent.

    Tummy bloat is GONE, which means bodyfat loss can OFFICIALLY begin (now). BOOM!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member

    gam3rguy wrote: »
    43 here (don't know about "cool" though). registered for my first Spartan race in July, 'bout a week-ish before I'm 44! uh-oh!!

    A Spartan race? I think that makes you pretty cool!!!!! Welcome!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    edited April 2015
    Happy Thursday Cool Kids!

    Got my but to the gym at 5 this morning, and so glad I did. HC again at lunch. I've finally re-adjusted to the time zone, so fell much more rested. Thank goodness, because being tired makes me think I'm hungry. Craving energy I guess.

    Nick, good perspective to keep an eye on the trends, and reacting when you realize you're self-destructing!

    3furballs, I hope you keep well! I've not used oil of oregano before, does it really help?

    Larro, the tub has always been one of my favorite reading spots!

    Alf, it's a good thing, at least, that you didn't get sick until after all of the fun. Hope you recover quickly.

    Natalie, I'm with you. Back to being diligent about weighing, measuring, and pre-logging! I love bean soup, btw. Thanks for sharing.

    Larro, your recipe sounds good too! And now your smile will be even more dazzling. :#

    E's Mom, I agree with everyone else. Walking rules! Keep it up.

    Beeps, I thought of you this morning when I chose the heavier kettlebell!

    Caramel, I got wired just reading your post! LOL! You go girl!

    Be amazing today everyone!
  • mmk2566
    mmk2566 Posts: 2
    Good morning! To join this group do I just post? I'm 48 and looking for a group for support.
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks to Everyone that has shared their advise. It is clear to me that I do need to account for the extra pounds. If nothing else to be honest with myself. I have always told my children if you are not honest with anybody else in this world be honest with yourself. I guess that it is time to take my own advise. I have also made a promise to myself that I am going to the farmers market this weekend and I am going to do a food prep this weekend. Baby Steps! ;)

    You guys are the BEST!!!!! :)
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Oh and by the way.... I am back to logging everything that enters my mouth! It does seem to help motivate me to stay on course. I need accountability more than I realized. I did go back and add the gain. I was a little painful, but I will use that to motivate me too!
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »
    gam3rguy wrote: »
    43 here (don't know about "cool" though). registered for my first Spartan race in July, 'bout a week-ish before I'm 44! uh-oh!!

    A Spartan race? I think that makes you pretty cool!!!!! Welcome!
    thanks. training hard. hope I don't faceplant into the mud right out of the gate. :P