

  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    edited April 2015
    ythannah wrote: »
    And yet another rant... despite buying tights labelled as suitable for women up to 5'11" (and I am only 5'9"), I have once again spent the day in tights whose crotch sat about 2" below mine. Don't even get me started on the weight range... which begins about 30 lbs heavier than I am.

    Well, if nothing else, the damned tights shortened my stride so I probably ended up logging more steps on my lunch hour walk. Guess there's a bright side.

    I sympathize. This has happened to me so many times ( leading to me shuffling around work like I'm constipated). Why do tight manufacturers not realize that some women have long legs?? Anyway, I switched to hold up stockings. They look helluva sexier and eliminate the crotch issue altogether.

    On another note, I hate people who humble brag or ask 'help me' questions on here then shoot down every single answer as impossible. Also people that b**tch about their SO's on public Internet forums.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    tiona83 wrote: »
    My husband and I have a 12 year old youkie named Mandy (our first child) who is on heart Medicin. The vet says do what you have to to get her to take them. (It seems to get harder and harder. Damn clever dog) So for the confession part 1: I fed her the Medicin in the last meatball so I wouldn't eat it. Now the poor thing has gas and looks miserable.
    She won't even play with my husband. Who teases Mandy about an invisible bone. She continues to nip at him with her tail a wagging. Confession 2: it's a little annoying after a while and I hope she actually nips him at some stage. Not that it would hurt because she had to have her bottom front teeth removed about a year ago.

    My former dog took thyroid medication for 10 years, twice a day. I used to buy cheap processed cheese slices, tear off a small piece, and squish/fold his pill inside that. He gobbled it up. Just to be fair, the other dog got a small piece of cheese too, without a pill.

    I never used the cheese slices for anything else and they lasted quite well for a few days.

    This is what we do for our dog's steroid medicine. She looks forward to it every night. You ask, "Lucy, do you want your pills?" And she starts dancing around. If she thinks you've taken too long or it's getting late, she'll just stare at you until she gets her pills. It's quite cute and annoying at the same time.

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    My energy levels have been next to zero for the past few days. Today I was so exhausted I spent most of my day in bed, and when I attempted to take a bath I fell asleep in there too! Yesterday was the same thing... woke up several times sitting up in my chair without remembering falling asleep. :( My eating habits haven't been as good as I would like, so I need to really try cleaning it up and drinking more water.
  • Pipara
    Pipara Posts: 79 Member
    I have completely irrational anxiety about talking on the phone to anyone but my immediate family. As a result I don't answer the phone when I don't recognise the number, most of the time I don't answer it even when I do. I absolutely hate having to call to make appointments (doctors, hair etc). Even my manager at work has taken the hint and now texts/emails me instead to ask if I can cover for someone.
    I can't remember if it's always been like this, but it is soo annoying sometimes!
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Pipara wrote: »
    I have completely irrational anxiety about talking on the phone to anyone but my immediate family. As a result I don't answer the phone when I don't recognise the number, most of the time I don't answer it even when I do. I absolutely hate having to call to make appointments (doctors, hair etc). Even my manager at work has taken the hint and now texts/emails me instead to ask if I can cover for someone.
    I can't remember if it's always been like this, but it is soo annoying sometimes!
    I completely understand, I'm the same way. The second I hear the phone ring I start getting sweaty palms. There are a lot of people who don't understand and ask "Why don't you just pick up the phone? It's just talking... you're talking to me right now, what's the difference?" It's something I can't explain! Texting >>>> Talking on the phone.

  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    Lying in bed reading, but it was really bugging me to end the day over my calorie goal. It was only by 11 cals, but I hate the red numbers... So I got up and jogged on the spot for a few minutes, then got back into bed. Bf didn't turn a hair, he's getting used to me obsessing about my numbers now.
  • norma_i_perez
    norma_i_perez Posts: 1 Member
    I log things like stretching and let myself eat back all the calories even though I know the calorie burns from MFP are ridiculous. That's for days I need a little extra flexibility, e.g. if I've gone out and had a drink or two.

    My other confession is that occasionally I've had extra cals after midnight and logged them for the next day.

    That is hysterical... I always wonder if I should do that... eat after 12 and log it in for the next day.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    I confess I don't log Ketchup. For no particular reason I just won't log it.

    I'm this way with hot sauces.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    I confess I don't log Ketchup. For no particular reason I just won't log it.

    I'm this way with hot sauces.

    I don't accurately log butter or oil.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    edited April 2015
    Accidental post. Blah.

    Confession: I saw my ex best friend the other day, and was happy she still has a bad haircut and no fashion sense.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    Pipara wrote: »
    I have completely irrational anxiety about talking on the phone to anyone but my immediate family. As a result I don't answer the phone when I don't recognise the number, most of the time I don't answer it even when I do. I absolutely hate having to call to make appointments (doctors, hair etc). Even my manager at work has taken the hint and now texts/emails me instead to ask if I can cover for someone.
    I can't remember if it's always been like this, but it is soo annoying sometimes!

    I am this way too. I am notoriously difficult to get ahold of via phone. The funny thing is that I've had two jobs where answering the phone was my responsibility.
  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    edited April 2015
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I have a phone interview tomorrow for a job, and I'm super nervous about it. I've been out of work for a long time, I really need a job (and this one sounds pretty good), and I haven't interviewed in about 5 years. I know, logically, that even if I totally blow it, I'm in no worse position than I am now...but my stomach is still jumping around like crazy. :/

    Spend some time today looking over possible interview questions and practicing the interview. Maybe this will help calm you down. Best of luck to you!

    Thank you! I've been looking up potential questions and typing out the answers. I just have to work on not stuttering or sounding like I'm reading them off the page (which I totally will be). I guess I'm feeling a little more prepared. Working out helped burn off some of the nervous energy, too :)
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I have a phone interview tomorrow for a job, and I'm super nervous about it. I've been out of work for a long time, I really need a job (and this one sounds pretty good), and I haven't interviewed in about 5 years. I know, logically, that even if I totally blow it, I'm in no worse position than I am now...but my stomach is still jumping around like crazy. :/

    Good luck! You can do it. At least they can't see how nervous you are when you're on the phone. Be confident.

    Thanks! And true: they won't see my knee twitching or the flop sweat ;)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Pipara wrote: »
    I have completely irrational anxiety about talking on the phone to anyone but my immediate family. As a result I don't answer the phone when I don't recognise the number, most of the time I don't answer it even when I do. I absolutely hate having to call to make appointments (doctors, hair etc). Even my manager at work has taken the hint and now texts/emails me instead to ask if I can cover for someone.
    I can't remember if it's always been like this, but it is soo annoying sometimes!

    I don't really have anxiety about using it, but I kind of irrationally hate the phone and get anxious about messages.

    I never really liked talking on the phone, even as a teenager when I was supposed to, but I've gotten to actively dislike it. Part of this was after a while NO ONE I knew would ever call in an unplanned way (I schedule calls with my parents), so for years I got nothing but calls trying to sell something or asking for money, and although I wouldn't answer hearing the rings stressed me out, as well as all the messages that were really "beep, click." Finally I killed the land line, but I still find it weirdly stressful to deal with messages on my cell--I always wonder why they don't just email, like I do. And when people call me on my cell or at work to try and raise money it pisses me off--I say "I don't make financial decisions by phone, send me a letter or email me," and of course they are trained to keep talking as long as you let them and I get mad because I can't just hang up like a normal person.

    At work most people now email, but whenever I walk into my office and see a message and have to call and get it I get really stressed and annoyed until I deal with it, especially since people invariably want you to call back but talk really really really slow until they get to the call back number, which they mumble or speed through.

    Some people I know (including at work) ignore ringing phones and can sit there happily with a message light on without checking, but that makes me supremely anxious--I cannot ignore it or be happy until it's dealt with.

    I realize this is all my issue.
  • fellowtraveler87
    fellowtraveler87 Posts: 41 Member
    Pipara wrote: »
    I have completely irrational anxiety about talking on the phone to anyone but my immediate family. As a result I don't answer the phone when I don't recognise the number, most of the time I don't answer it even when I do. I absolutely hate having to call to make appointments (doctors, hair etc). Even my manager at work has taken the hint and now texts/emails me instead to ask if I can cover for someone.
    I can't remember if it's always been like this, but it is soo annoying sometimes!

    Me too!! And if they leave a voice mail I get anxious about listening to it and delay as long as possible. I don't want to "call you back" or do whatever it is you're trying to get me to do.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member

    Pipara wrote: »
    I have completely irrational anxiety about talking on the phone to anyone but my immediate family. As a result I don't answer the phone when I don't recognise the number, most of the time I don't answer it even when I do. I absolutely hate having to call to make appointments (doctors, hair etc). Even my manager at work has taken the hint and now texts/emails me instead to ask if I can cover for someone.
    I can't remember if it's always been like this, but it is soo annoying sometimes!

    I will join in this party. I am on conference calls 10 hours a day. The last thing I want is to call someone and talk to them on the phone. My mom always complains I never call. I am like I spend all day on the phone. I don't want to call someone after work and talk! That is not relaxing for me. I also never listen to vm. I think if I listen to it I have to call people back. As long as I don't listen I have no responsibility. I know this is irrational but most people know that about me now and don't leave messages.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Ok so my confession - I hate baths. They actually completely gross me out. It's childhood trauma from my mom never rinsing the tub before giving us baths and my dad's hair floating all over. Just so freaking gross.

    I still freak out when the shower drain is getting clogged and water keeps accumulating and cannot take showers in public places like the gym, I get completely grossed out by any hair on the drains... even mine.

    Needless to say, my husband can keep asking about going camping, it's just not happening.

    I am grossed out by hair in the tub, walls, and drain, too.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I hate calling people too. Love emails and texts. I grunt every time my kids get a birthday invite and there's no email to RSVP... Part of it is because of my accent and I know that some people have a hard time understanding me...
  • michellerose2015
    michellerose2015 Posts: 6 Member
    My sister was making pink champagne cupcakes for a bridal shower, and I ate four of them. The sad thing is they tasted so good I didn't even feel bad.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,567 Member
    Confession: Today I gave a patient an enema, then immediately (after washing my hands, natch) went to lunch. It was delicious.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I hate calling people too. Love emails and texts. I grunt every time my kids get a birthday invite and there's no email to RSVP... Part of it is because of my accent and I know that some people have a hard time understanding me...
    Are you from Quebec, by any chance? My social anxiety got a lot worse when I moved here... I have a bad accent in French and worry about people not being able to understand me. It's so bad that I can read French ok, but I am just awful at speaking it. I also dread going to the store because I don't want to "disappoint" people by being an anglophone (I am aware of how dumb and untrue that is :astonished:).