30 Day Shred: April



  • kayla_harker
    kayla_harker Posts: 13 Member
    mimorris wrote: »
    Where is the video? I know I am behind but would love to start?!

    I just find it on YouTube they are all on there! Join us! Do much better when you know others are doing it with you! never too late to start
  • livinmydreamsthruJesus
    Finished L1D6
  • sharmindastoor
    sharmindastoor Posts: 6 Member
    Hi... I would love to start from tomorrow and I am very motivated by reading all of your comments... Add me and pls make me accountable... I have been struggling with my weight since forever...
  • KingBoo10
    KingBoo10 Posts: 45 Member
    L3D1 complete!
  • curlytoes79
    curlytoes79 Posts: 95 Member
    L1D7 done. Still struggling w/ push-ups and anterior raises, although I'm getting more push-ups in. My endurance is much better than when I started.
  • hcdo
    hcdo Posts: 201 Member
    L2D4 completed last night. Had a really crummy day so I was extra irritated with Jillian, but at least it's done.

    Has anyone else had soreness right above their knees? I've had knee pain before due to running, but that was more in the patella/lower knee area. This is right at the top of the knee cap, very localized. I had it during L1 as well. Not sure what it's from....
  • MimGSR
    MimGSR Posts: 61 Member
    L1D9 done :) Didn't manage to do any over the weekend, am a bit disappointed in myself for being on day 9 twenty days in! But I am very determined now. We were staying with family last week for a wedding and my Father-in-law mentioned how fat I am :neutral:
    Probably wont see him again until August, so I am determined to be two stone lighter!
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    L2D1 done. Yeah those chair squat V raises are a *kitten*. Right after I finally got used to the anterior raises. But I think this level will be doable, though I will do rest days this time
  • kayla_harker
    kayla_harker Posts: 13 Member
    hcdo wrote: »
    L2D4 completed last night. Had a really crummy day so I was extra irritated with Jillian, but at least it's done.

    Has anyone else had soreness right above their knees? I've had knee pain before due to running, but that was more in the patella/lower knee area. This is right at the top of the knee cap, very localized. I had it during L1 as well. Not sure what it's from....
    I've had trouble in my knees before too. maybe the squats are doing it? that high impact stiff really kills me though. I make sure to alternate how intense I am doing the exercises because of that. good luck!
  • _onebeauty
    _onebeauty Posts: 100 Member
    I begrudgingly took this weekend as rest days... My fiancé says I need rest days; smh.
    It was lovely though; I'll NEVER tell him that... lol!

    Today I completed L02D08. It was tough. After my days off it was the LAST thing I felt like pushing through. But hooray I did it!

    Wednesday will be my LAST day on Level 2 :) I'm excited to be done w/ this whole thing.. lol!
  • hcdo
    hcdo Posts: 201 Member
    Does the DVD mention rest days, and if so, how many? (I only watch it via YouTube.) Does she say to go 30 days straight or to do it a certain number of times per week?
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    hcdo wrote: »
    Does the DVD mention rest days, and if so, how many? (I only watch it via YouTube.) Does she say to go 30 days straight or to do it a certain number of times per week?

    The video itself doesn't offer any guidance on rest days and diet. I did level one with no rest days, and I don't think that did me any favors. This time i'm going to two rest days right in the middle, and see if that helps me get through some of the tougher moves
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    I'm on L2D3 and I can't get that effing background music out of my head.....it's like the synthesizer from the pits of hell....agggghhhh!!!!
    Also kind of hating level 2 and all the planking-related exercises but whatevs...I'll get 'er done.
  • _onebeauty
    _onebeauty Posts: 100 Member
    also; wtf is a double-jump??? that's not even humanely possible to double jump. so what does she mean?! just jump as high as you can continuously?? It annoys me & confuses me.
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    OMG...I know. I guess just jump higher whilst whipping your arms around like a fish flopping around on dry land? I can barely handle the regular jumping, so no thank you Jillian!!
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    one_beauty wrote: »
    also; wtf is a double-jump??? that's not even humanely possible to double jump. so what does she mean?! just jump as high as you can continuously?? It annoys me & confuses me.

    Seriously the only differnce is spinning the arms faster. I just did the regular jump "rope". In her Jillians Michaels for Beginners workout, she has her guy doing jump rope with 8 lb weights in each hand
  • hcdo
    hcdo Posts: 201 Member
    LLduds wrote: »
    OMG...I know. I guess just jump higher whilst whipping your arms around like a fish flopping around on dry land? I can barely handle the regular jumping, so no thank you Jillian!!

    I feel the same way doing those ridiculous double jumps! I feel like I'm just flapping my arms around and I almost fall over every time!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Was doing cross fit a while back. They make you do double jumps=two times the cord passes under before you hit the ground between jumps. Freaking nearly impossible lol. They gave up on me and said do speed rope for now
  • couldbeme
    couldbeme Posts: 55 Member
    Just did L1 day 1 okey dokey o cant do star jumps need a super dooper sports bra can do the modified version equivelant from charlotte crosby dvd , cant do push ups either more of kneel and bend slightly lol . I do mixtures of dvds xx
  • livinmydreamsthruJesus
    Finished L1D7! It was a struggle to get up and do it but I'm glad I did.