
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Reviewing goals from April:

    My goals for April were:

    1. Make that scale move. Lost 8 lbs.
    a. Burn more calories
    b. Fitbit: 10,000 steps, 10 flights of stairs, 30 active min every day
    2. Be happy and positive!
    3. Get some quick and healthy dinners into my cooking rotation.
    4. Stop that mindless eating when tired and PO’d.
    5. Up my sleep – monitor w/ fitbit.

    My stats for April (my first month w/ Fitbit):
    194k steps or ~6500/day
    278 floors
    88 miles
    80k calories or ~2680 cals burned/day
    66k calories eaten or ~2200 cal/day
    Net calorie deficit: 13600 (or 3.9 lbs at 3500 cal/lb)
    Actual weight loss: 4 lbs

    So a partial success. I need to work out/walk more. I need to eat less (I have bad days). I still need to avoid high cal days while busy or on travel. I still go need to work on having fast healthy dinners around the house. And I didn’t log some of the days I was on travel or had visitors.

    I see this process as adaptive management - plan and see how the execution goes, run the stats, see what works, rework as needed to get to that new happy lifestyle place.

    So my goals are the same for May!

    Thanks everyone for the ongoing positivity, tips, and encouragement. You consistency on this board is a huge positive motivator. I hope that I can contribute even a bit back as I continue toward my goals. Here’s to a great May for all of us.

    Today’s reason to lose weight: stop snoring so the man doesn’t have to wear ear plugs and we can actually talk at night!

    Cindy in SoMD


  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2015
    Mary: Thanks for the question - I'm kind of in baby steps mode in that one. I had to beat myself up to get consistently above 800 the middle two weeks in April. The last week of the month, April, I did consistently get to 1000 every day by forcing myself to eat in the evenings after dinner.

    I know it sounds like I'm nuts--but it goes back to the same black and white thinking I was talking about. When I'm on a diet, I'm dieting. When I'm in fitness mode, I'm running until I fall down. When you look at that goal set, you think I'm keeping my calories down to 1,000, and what I'm actually saying is that I will keep them above 1,000. MFP was a big part of that - it simply wouldn't talk to me until I did. :)

    The discussion with my NP was that, as long as I'm above 1,000, she's OK with it. The terms were that I will keep my protein levels up as shown, and I will keep exercising to keep my heart healthy and active. If you don't get enough protein, and you don't exercise, you can lose muscle mass, as your body starts cannibalizing protein from everywhere to supply its needs. And your heart's a muscle. Thus the other terms. I'm also doubled up on my ordinary supplements to make sure there are no issues with magnesium and potassium that support the heart.

    The other biggest risk in very low calorie diets (defined as below 800 calories) is gallstones, and my gall bladder went south two years after my gastric bypass and had to be removed. She was very clear she won't tolerate me dropping below 1,000. I have an appointment with her every 30 days so she can check me end-to-end while I'm doing this. :)

    Edit: Had to add a PS in here: My overall plan is that the 1,000-calorie portion of this process will only last until the end of June. Beginning in July it will ramp up to 1,100, then in October, to about 1,200. I hope to be to goal weight (135-140 pounds) by my birthday next year, April 3. Then, I can begin to add calories until I hit maintenance level... which I'm assuming will be about the 1,400-1,500 calorie mark at highest, according to the amount that I exercise overall. But I genuinely don't know. At some point, I'm going to have to have knee replacements, as well, so that's something I have to think about for the future. I'm hoping weight loss postpones it for a long time.

    When I began logging my intake in January, I was eating between 2,100 and 3,000 calories a day, easily. I work at home, and I was eating pretty much all day long, simply grazing on anything and everything. Logging on paper is what made the move to MFP so easy. But it was a shocker, and an eye opener. That's why I'm here.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lisa - I also was wondering if it had anything to do with the gastric bypass surgery. When they do that it also makes it so that you don't feel like eating. My former sister in law was one of the first to have it done in Minnesota. She had a very difficult time eating very many calories at all.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • craftergin
    craftergin Posts: 25 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi Ladies!
    I haven't checked in for a while. I've got so much going on at work.
    I injured my back exercising on April 11. Then, when it was better, I hurt it again in the same place on April 23! Oi! I'm not quite as fit as I think I am! LOL! Back is feeling good this morning so I'm off for a 2 miles walk!

    Anyway, I'm making fine progress. In 2 years I've lost 50 pounds. I want to lose it slowly to prevent a gout attack and to make sure I'm retaining the knowledge of how to eat right for life.

    To remind myself and show my friends and family how far I've come, I created a side by side of my before and current picture.

    Good luck to all!!
    Gin from Northridge, CA

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    edited May 2015
    The cake! Not quite what I imagined, but

    I'm going to surround it with chocolate pirate gold coins. :D

    Heather UKezw0a3qislgc.jpg
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Gin: What an awesome transformation! Congratulations on that weight loss and have fun on your walk!

    Heather: It looks great to me, and so creative. He's going to love it! <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
    craftergin wrote: »
    Hi Ladies!
    I haven't checked in for a while. I've got so much going on at work.
    I injured my back exercising on April 11. Then, when it was better, I hurt it again in the same place on April 23! Oi! I'm not quite as fit as I think I am! LOL! Back is feeling good this morning so I'm off for a 2 miles walk!

    Anyway, I'm making fine progress. In 2 years I've lost 50 pounds. I want to lose it slowly to prevent a gout attack and to make sure I'm retaining the knowledge of how to eat right for life.

    To remind myself and show my friends and family how far I've come, I created a side by side of my before and current picture.

    Good luck to all!!
    Gin from Northridge, CA


    wow what a diff 50 lbs make huh!!! way to go!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Gin - lookin' gooooooood! :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    at work until noon,then to visit DFIL then home to wash floors.now lawn and take puppies for a walk
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa in WTX: I love the inverted pyramid! How did you do that? I knit or crochet dishrags in the summer if I want to fill time and keep my hands busy without filling my mouth. If you want to keep your hands busy and your lap cool I recommend it. I get cotton yarn at Walmart when I want to make dishrags. Losing weight to put off knee replacement surgery as long as possible is VERY sensible. I have heard the surgery has a limited “lifespan” and the replacement parts wear out. I don’t generally trust hearsay but I would definitely ask.

    Kim: Everyone needs to make goals that make sense in their life. My fun things are usually simple pleasures that I slip into everyday life, but one big fun thing a week seems nice, too.

    Mary from MN: What a great thing to do with your cookies! I hope you get a good offer on your house, soon. I can’t recall if you’ve told us what you plan to do once it is sold.

    Cindy in SoMD: I like the term adaptive management. Your loss for April was excellent. Congratulations.

    Gin from Northridge CA: WOW! You’ve transformed yourself. Comgratulations!

    Heather: I love the cake. Chocolate gold coins will be just right as the finishing touch.

    I just got a call from DSIL that I want to share with you. She had a mammogram last week, and was called back in because the doctor was concerned that her results were so different from the last time she had one. They took image after image. The radiologist came to talk to her, and she told him she’d lost a significant amount of weight since the last time she had a mammogram. That explained things for the radiologist and she got a good report. She passed a warning and recommendation to me that I should be sure to tell them I’ve lost weight when I go in for my next mammogram so I don’t have to go through the anxiety of being called back due to changes brought about by weight loss. I am down several bra sizes and a cup size since I started. My back feels so much better because of it. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Gin - great job you look awesome! Welcome!

    Heather - the cake is awesome! He is going to love it.

    Katla - Thanks! When we sell we plan on moving either to town here for 3 years, or to Texas if my husband can transfer within his job. we would prefer the transfer. Arizona would also be a possibility. I like your goal of monitoring your sleep getting enough sleep is supposed to reduce the stomach fat. I haven't had enough sleep haha!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Back from helping time the race. It went smoothly. Off to a massage shortly. Sunny about 60 here.
    Had some of my beef,barley, mushroom soup for lunch.
    Someone mentioned ocular headaches with vision loss. I have had several, none for a few years though. Scary. Terrified the first time it occurred.

    Gin.....Fabulous change! Looking great!!

    Heather.......Lovely cake, he will totally love it!

    Mary.....Any chance you might move east???

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    I am back. Have been in a funk, changed jobs (what a challenge), daughter moved out of state for job, break up with a man after 6 years. Time to get motivated and back to me....so back to square one. Ordered an activity tracker and will start today. I have a sit down job so getting 10000 steps is going to be tough, but will certainly try. Drinking the water is no problem, and I am one who can go without eating. SO need to start eating more and keeping it healthy.

    Gin: Your picture inspired me.....You look great.

    Southern CA
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Saturday Everyone ! ! !

    I am at work until noon, then I head to DS's double-header baseball game. He decided to be the catcher at last night's game (first time ever), and has sore knees today, so I'm guessing I will need to tape them when I get there. I was hoping to post a picture of him behind the plate, but I still don't know how to do much on my phone. It was pretty busy here at work for a Saturday, so I had to skim through the reading and still get my work done. Sorry if I forgot anyone.

    At this time, I don’t intend to sign off on the insurance for my fender-bender. I’m just quite frustrated at all the hoops Allstate expects me to jump through (mostly because they are NOT my insurance company, and as the "victim" I feel like this should be easier, so I'm whiney about it), and I just don’t have the time to take it to one of their Approval Locations. Now I have to set up an account, and e-mail them a picture of the damage. I hope my new phone takes a good picture, because that’s a challenge since the ground is so far away from my hands these days. The estimate for car repairs is around $586, and my doctor bill including meds is $17, so it’s not like I am going to cost them a fortune. I will try hard to get it done this weekend, and I already faxed them a copy of my medical bill.

    Sherry - Welcome and hugs for the stresses, challenges, and loss. I hope you find balance and health, and I'm sure we will all cheer you along the way.

    Maryanne – My Dad took my Kohls cash to buy my DD a fitbit, and they wouldn’t take it, because it says Electronics are excluded. I hope you have better luck.

    Gin – Congratulations, and B e a u t i f u l ! ! ! Keep up the great work.

    Heather – the cake is adorable.

    Now I better close the books for the day, finish as much more paperwork as possible, and hope I can work the GPS on my phone to get to the baseball game. (Oh, DS and DH team won by one last night).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2015
    Gin: You look absolutely amazing, and the new glasses suit you.

    Mary: The GBS assists now only in quantity - my capacity is about one cup of solid food. But within 30 to 45 minutes, I can eat again... and again... and again. And, unfortunately, the 300-pound lady inside my head who has custody of my appetite is not dead. I tried to put a stake through her heart, but she is surprisingly agile. :dizzy:

    Katla: The triangle is a PowerPoint thing. I teach Microsoft Office Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Word when I'm desperate. And I'm kinda loving the idea of cotton dishtowels. May have to pick up some cotton yarn at Wally-world in town today to give 'em a shot... :smile:

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Happy May!

    I am just checking in to report on and set my goals for now:

    April Goals
    Log every bite and swallow – NOT AS ACCURATE AS I SHOULD BE, BUT BETTER!
    Contact 3 teacher friends each week – KIND OF FAILED ON THIS
    Walk 6,000 steps each day – NOT THERE YET, BUT DOING BETTER
    No eating after dinner - DITTO
    “Let go and let God” – DITTO

    No eating after dinner! (Use a pre-logging strategy to help with this)
    Walk 6,000+ steps each day
    BP and BS every day
    Log every bite and swallow
    “Let go and let God”

    I love what Cindy said about this being about adaptive management, not about perfection. I have to remember that this is a journey. Most trips are more rewarding when you allow yourself time for unexpected opportunities and experiences.
    PS: I don’t remember who was going to use stickers for their goals. That is what I do. I put them on my kitchen calendar. Last month the bigger one was for BP and BS and little one for no eating after dinner. I am flipping it this month since the latter is what I have the most trouble with now. I am using little spring cartoonish butterflies and birds stickers and small smiley faces. Using stickers gives me a picture of what I am doing with my goals .
    I’ll check in later for more comments. Have a great day ladies!!!!!

    Toni in BEAUTIFUL Tennessee
  • MaryKaye53
    MaryKaye53 Posts: 16 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello Ladies, I am new to the group. I am back on MFP after a hiatus. I am 55 and work from home, and I have gone through many types of life and weight struggles. After 2 foot surgeries (and 10 lbs) in the last 6 months, I sat down in March this year, and put together "a plan". Joined a gym, hired a trainer, started to eat better and log foods onto MFP. This week my trainer told me he is quitting the profession and I feel like I'm floundering. I don't want to have this period of change to my plan throw me off track like it has so often in the past. I don't want to give up and I do want to achieve some of my goals. So, let's go.........................

    April goals were:
    Weight train 3xwk - yes
    Cardio train 4-5x wk - yes
    Eat 1200/day - met some days and failed others
    Eat healthier - yes
    Lose average of 1#/wk - nope, yo-yo'd to the tune of 1# lost

    May goals are:
    Weight train 3xwk
    Cardio train 4-5xwk
    Eat 1200/day
    Eat healthier by cutting out fried foods and eating less unhealthy snack foods. Cut down on diet soda.
    Lose 1#/wk
    Join gym's "Shape up for Summer Challenge" and lose 2% body fat. Done - begins May 1 and ends June 1.

    Do any of you have the situation where you have a very thin husband who wants to eat all the time while you are trying to lose weight? What helps you to stay focused?

    Nice to meet you all. Would love to have some friends from the 50+ group

    Mary from north central Texas.
  • MaryKaye53
    MaryKaye53 Posts: 16 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hmmm, how do you delete a post once you've created it?
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Mary from N E Texas - Welcome. My DH is not thin, but he eats what he wants when he wants, and also buys what he wants, so I still struggle to avoid trigger foods, or to eat healthy when we eat out. When I cook, I often make sections of the meals seperate, so I can avoid the foods he loves but cause me to gain weight. If you find the answer, I hope you will share. I don't know how to delete a post, but you can click on the little wheel thingy at the top right of your post and do some editing.

    Hugs ! Terri in Milwaukee
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I don't know if you can delete a post altogether, but if you're within an hour of posting you can edit it all the way to empty if you want, or make other changes that you want to make.