

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Had a lovely drive along the coast road to Ulverstone. Then onto Button Beach for walk with Blaize. We played ball and he ran in sea a few times. He is a joy to watch
    Bought him a new "dolly" it is 2 BIG knots of string he likes to chew on, and a good HARD ball. He had destroyed his other 'dolly" last night
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    stats for the day:
    rowing machine- 88aw, 3783meters or 2.35mi = 152c
    walk/skip/side-step- 30min, .5-2.0 incline, 4.3-6.0speed, 13.25ap, 2.23mi = 227c
    rope pull- 15.11min, 104ft per min, lvl7 midset 1606ft = 108c
    walk- 4.52min, 3.7amph, .3mi = 18c
    walk - 21.01min, 3.9amph, 1.3mi = 122c
    ride hm 2 etta auction- 22.05min, 14.4amph, 5.2mi = 189c
    ride etta auction 2 hm- 26.40min, 11.6amph, 5.1mi = 255c
    total cal= 1071
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    i'm pooped and full, just got home, 10:45pm PST, i'm gonna go to bed, nite peeps
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello everyone!

    Sylvia: you still had a good day and the desk and chair for your grandson will be great. Uh, how is the laptop for the trip HIS computer? And even if it is, why shouldn’t you be able to look at it in a sleeve you like?

    Jane: happy birthday, late! Glad you enjoyed the grandkids. Sorry about the wrist. :s

    Joyce: so sorry your husband does not support and even sabotages you. Not what partners are for. He doesn’t have to do what you do, but outright sabotage? :noway: P.S. I like your “journey” metaphor.

    Lesley: Blaize is enjoying his life with you.

    Lost a pound! Hope this is the beginning of getting back om track. At the moment I’m mostly trying to avoid the evening binges and eat nutritious stuff during the day, even if I go over.

    Yesterday my guy and I had an afternoon just for ourselves. We should do that more often.

    Doing odds and ends today. Glad I slept well.

    Hope we all have a good day!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:


  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Cynthia- congratulations on the 1lb loss and avoiding night eating.

    I purchased my Fitbit last night at Khols. So excited to start counting my
  • furtamer
    furtamer Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone. I am Lisa
    This is great Barbie to post goals as I have been all over the place. New to the community support & hoping it will help me keep going

    Goals for May
    Lose 5 lbs
    Drink 8 cups water
    10000 steps minimum per day
    Complete the days food log in before bed every night
    Walk or jog/walk every day
    Enjoy each day

    Well there is is
    From Lisa
    Nova Scotia Canada
    ( the snow has finally gone)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Roberta, WOW! Great job with the pull ups and chin ups! I could never do a single one, even when I was young and skinny. What part of California are you from? How long have you been a cop? I was a cop in the Air Force when I was young. I can't imagine doing it now, but then, you are so much younger than I am. :)

    Welcome Sheila! Hey, if I can lose 130 pounds, you can too! Try to make a game out of it. Learn to love trying new recipes and new ways to exercise. I found that I just cannot do it without exercise. And a low salt diet helps too. A lot! When I have salt, I hold water. Stick with us and let us know how you are doing. This group has made the single biggest difference for me, in staying motivated and knowing I'm not doing it sell alone.

    Mary, thanks for the warning. It's scary what they can do now with computers.

    Speaking of computers, I'm afraid our new computer adventure is not going well, right off the bat. He wanted me to get it set up so he could keep grading papers. Ok, fine. First, I was following the directions on the Quick Start sheet. Plug in the computer. Ok. Press the start button located here...it showed a picture of the computer with an area circled on the top surface, just above the keyboard, near the hinge. No start button was there. And yes, I did try pressing on the spot where the imaginary button should have been, but it didn't work. It took us 20 minutes to find the darn start button which was actually located on the SIDE, not the top where it was shown. Then, trying to get the thing set up, hubby wanted to use a gmail account, not his school account. Fine, says I. What is the account? He couldn't remember. He searched in his office for 20 minutes, then came up with the name of the gmail account. Fine, says I. What is the password? He couldn't remember. We spent another 20 minutes trying to get google to send us the password, but finally gave up. They ask hard questions, like what is the date you set up the account? Month, date and year. Are they joking? How can anybody remember that? He thinks he has the password somewhere on his desk at school. So the whole thing got put on hold till later this morning when he can go up and retrieve the password. I don't know who I hate more right now, Microsoft or Google.

    Cynthia, I was just pulling his leg about the floral sleeve. It really is supposed to be his computer after the trip is over. I knew that.

    It's going to be another beautiful day here. I have to deliver the desk this morning so the van is empty, then go back to Joplin. The pottery show starts back up at noon and runs till 4pm. Then starts the ordeal of loading it all back up and hauling it back go the studio. At least this is the perfect opportunity to dust the shelves before putting it all back. See, there is a silver lining.

    Well, I think I will get a little housework done this morning. Have a wonderful day!

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I don't know who I hate more right now, Microsoft or Google.
    I hate them both too!
    Cynthia, I was just pulling his leg about the floral sleeve. It really is supposed to be his computer after the trip is over. I knew that.

    OK! (Obviously I'm way too serious today! :D )

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Morning Ladies!!

    Google - just try logging into a gmail account on another computer - at another IP address!! Well...be prepared to answer all those SAPPY questions. Like who remember the exact day you set up your gmail account - like REALLY!!!

    I really have to get back into this... seems to have been derailed for some reason. Thank goodness the scale hasn't reacted with a horrific gain!! :) Most likely because I have still kept up on my walking. I need to weight and measure again, everything - not just my breakfast.

    Congratulations to all that have had losses, all that are spending time with the grandkids and all that are enjoying life. Just because we are 50+ doesn't mean we are "old"

    So today - the sun is shinning so far. Doors to paint. walking to be done.....

    Take care and have a great Sunday (or Monday) everyone

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • MaryKaye53
    MaryKaye53 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you ladies for the warm welcome. Just the feeling like you are out there watching and cheering is heartwarming. I live in a very rural area, moved here last year and don't have kids, so it's a bit slow meeting people. Thinking about looking into whether there is a weight loss support group somewhere close by. Do others find that helpful?

    Re my trainer quitting, there are two other trainers at this gym but one of them is DEFINITELY not my style and even my current trainer advised me not to go with her. The other girl is a maybe. From what I've heard from other people, the town this gym is in is just not that conducive to people hiring trainers, so there aren't many of them. It's not like being in Dallas.

    I know life is full of challenges and we must rise to meet them. Time to crank up the energy to reach those goals.

    Re who said, do I want to eat more than I want to be thin. I won't kid you, in the moment, I would much rather eat that Dairy Queen blizzard than think about those size 8 jeans and fitting in them. But, you are right, very right, totally right. I need to get my head wrapped around that philosophy and focus on the goal. I so wish I was one of those personalities that "just says no" and that's that. Instead, my brain over analyzes EVERYTHING and ends up rationalizing somehow into saying it's ok to eat that ice cream just this once. That sounds so much nicer than, "no of course you should not have that ice cream, you don't deserve that ice cream, that ice cream will make you fat". I tell you, sometimes my own brain is my worst enemy. LOL, actually I guess it always is. No one else is driving me to Dairy Queen. Ahhh, the many internal dialogs I have with myself. Ever feel like there are two people duking it out in your head?

    Well, time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. I've got 30 acres of mesquite to spray. I've never seen something so difficult to kill. You fellow Texans know what I'm talking about. And I won't even go into the the prickly pear.

    You all have a absolutely great morning!!!

    Mary K from Texas.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Selena, good move on retrieving that FitBit. Even if you have to manually enter the info, it will just give you something to do. Lol I laugh every time you mention balloons deflating and sad to say that mine are like deflating water balloons. :'( And the extra skin under arms, in lower tummy and where ever else it is lurking is not a pretty site either. I’ll take it over being fat but for Pete’s sake why can’t we just have it all? Is a perfect body at 68 asking too much? Oh yeah, I guess it is.

    Roberta, welcome to the group. And get those obscene pictures of that skinny girl with all the muscles off this site. (Just kidding) I can’t believe you were ever obese! You need to be the poster child for getting fit and healthy. Do you track your food every day? Just curious since you are on MFP. Share some of your tips for getting in such wonderful shape. I like your analogy of “Paying a little rent every day”. What kind of law enforcement job do you have?

    Welcome to you also. This is a great place for support and good information as well. Your goals look like a good starting place and the best thing you can do is just never stop. We’ve all tried diets and they don’t work because they have an ending place. I finally learned that this is a life journey that may change but never ends. Log every day, move as much as possible and eat healthy and you will succeed. We are here to urge you along and glad you have joined us.

    MaryMN, so glad you didn’t give out any info. It’s ashamed there are so many scams out there. Some of those people could make more money doing an honest job than they do with their scams. We all have to be careful everywhere we go.

    Katla, your boating club sounds great. How often do you get together? Have fun, fun, fun!

    Toni, yes, the word was “Beach”. The rates are really lower in October and still often warm and pretty. But any time works for me.

    Naiomi, I laughed about you eating all your treat. I actually believe that for me, it’s easier to resist a treat all together than to just eat a little. Somehow the devil takes over and “makes me eat it all”. >:)

    Joyce, nice score on the purse purchase. A doctor that you can read their writing? I thought that was a course they took in school, to be sure no one could forge their names. So glad you have him. I’ve been going to my doctor for 8 years and he still looks like he belongs in junior high. But my dermatologist looks like he belongs in elementary school. Gosh they make me feel old. LOL I don’t care if you had to retake OB or not, you did it and became a Nurse. I’ll bet you didn’t want to go to their reunions anyway. Ppffttt Georgetown College sounds like a jewel.

    Pip, what in the world were you doing to get home so late? Wondering if you were at the gym? Just reading about your day wears me out. Keep up the inspiring work. Although today might be a day of rest?

    Lisa, welcome and good for you on setting your goals. Most of us find that they help. A lot of us actually plan our food ahead of time and go ahead and log it. We can always change it if needed but that gives us a structure to follow as well as knowing we are hitting the calorie intake that we want. Good luck on your journey.

    Sylvia, I did wish for rain during your pottery show, so I don’t know what happened? Have you sold anything at all? Sometimes it’s so easy to set up a new computer and sometimes it’s a nightmare. All we ask it that they work. Is that so much? Are you getting excited about your trip yet? I know I would be.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    DH has gone out to breakfast. I was invited but declined because I had already eaten mine. Will get started on exercises and then have the rest of the day to get more done around the house. I need to do some sanding on the mailbox post so I can paint it. Our HOA is very strict about keeping them nice a fresh looking. My friend from Milwaukee will be here late Friday, so this is my incentive to do things I've been putting off for a while. Then our cruise leaves on Sunday and I’m really looking forward to that. I really wanted to lose 2 more pounds before the cruise but don’t think that will happen. Oh well.

    Ladies, you are often in my thoughts and always in my prayers. I hope you each have a fantastic day. <3

    Hope thse brings a smile to your face:

    Know how to prevent sagging?
    Just eat till the wrinkles fill out.
    Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman:
    'And what do you think is the best thing
    About being 104?' the reporter asked.
    She simply replied,
    'No peer pressure.' :*

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Sheila: Welcome! I've only been in the group for ten days, but it's been amazing... More support than you can shake a stick at.

    Joyce in Indiana: I write weekly opinion/editorials - they tend to be along the lines and in the same "voice" as I write here, though I will take on a serious topic on occasion. For instance, I accidentally watched the video of the South Carolina policeman shooting the man in the back as he ran away and that triggered an article that I couldn't help writing. Also wrote on the Charlie Hebdo atrocity. My editor has only turned down one article in the years I've been writing, and that was on suicide. It was too soon after a very hard-taken suicide in the small community for which I write. That's the other book that's sitting on my desk waiting for proofing, a collection of 50 or so of the best of my columns over the years. As soon as it's available, I'll point y'all to it. :)

    Lisa from Nova Scotia: Welcome from another Lisa! You're in the right place.

    Roberta from Cali: Rock it! I'm still doing sissy pushups, but someday... someday!

    Weird things - am I the only one who has a "thing?"

    Last night I got to one-finger width... OK, so I have a "thing." We all have things, and mine is that I want the dang towel to meet at the bottom, as I am that pear shape that someone mentioned. It was more than a hand's-width apart when I started this journey a month and 15 pounds ago, but it is now down to one-finger width apart at the bottom.

    And yes, I take my measurements, and after one month, I've lost 2 inches in my waist, 1.5 inches around my hips, 2 inches around each thigh and three inches around my stomach area. I STRONGLY suggest for those of you, who, like me, invest way too much of your daily happiness in that scale's numbers, take your measurements. They can rescue you from a bad day pretty quick if you're exercising a lot, which you hopefully are, as well.

    But for my own weird reasons, when that towel meets, one of my "things" will be right in my world again. Just saying. I'm so close! That's when my husband will see a li'l chubby chick running through the house laughing her fool head off... :wink: in a towel.

    See-saw, roller-coaster life of those trying to change their world:

    My husband left the scales in my bathroom for me last night, and this morning was my official weigh-in. I'm actually one pound less than my last official weigh-in, but gained a pound since last Monday, even though I hit my calories and my fitness goals all week. :/ Which is why I handed the scale over to my husband so I can no longer weigh every day and make myself crazy.

    Then my husband comes out to get his first cup of coffee, puts his arms around me, and says, "My arms are going further around you than they were before." <3 I think I'll survive for one more week. :blush:

    Off to run - took yesterday off, but need to run while I can. Hopefully the rains this week are in the afternoon--they usually are...

    Lisa from sunny West Texas - rain's coming this week, and welcome. Finger's crossed no hailstorms, or otherwise, I have to scramble and get my little car over to the haybarn. :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Selena: Sailing is not for everyone, but it is less dangerous than horseback riding once you learn how and develop enough sense to check weather forecasts. We probably won’t be taking our sailboat today. DH wants to go in his fishing boat because it is easier for him to manage.

    Mary from MN: I’m sorry you got caught up in the virus scam and grateful that you warned the rest of us.

    Lesley: It seems that Blaize has found Heaven and you’ve found a good friend.

    Cynthia: Congratulations on your lost pound and your afternoon with your guy, just for yourselves. We need to celebrate the little pleasures.

    Lisa in Nova Scotia: Welcome to a great group.

    Sylvia: Microsoft and Google are what they are—logic driven money making machines. Unfortunately their logic doesn’t take non-nerd humans into account. Weren't you the one who posted the joke about the airliner pulling up to a high-rise for directions in the Seattle fog? There was a nugget of truth in that joke.

    This is a gorgeous morning and I’m sharing it with the dog and the hummingbirds while DH sleeps. I have my contribution to the Sailing Club appetizer array ready and waiting. I decided on a veggie tray and a fruit tray. If there are leftovers, I’ll be able to use them. I doubt there will be many/any leftovers. I am considering talking DH into taking the sailboat instead of the fishing boat. That way I’ll have my own restroom along and won’t have to use the composting toilets they have on the island. Been there, and done that. Yuck. It is better than nothing but not as good as my own facilities.

    We have a lot of historical photos on display in our home. I’m considering replacing many of them with family photos. It will cost money to frame them properly but will be worth it. Right now I’m looking at a black and white photo of my son, age two and a half, sitting on the bow of our very first sailboat. I spent hours tearing the house apart looking for that photo yesterday. There is another of him with a guitar that I haven’t found yet. If I do this, I’ll have to be sure to balance the wall space between kids and grandkids. I think I'll look for a few pet photos, too. Three of our dogs have been spectacular enough to earn a little wall space.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am up but not really attem~ I just feel totally wiped out. probably over did it yesterday.. but oh well. Tom is already working on the bathroom, went down and fed the DFIL, since his episode last week they give him daily doses of trazadone,,, .. will have to speak to the head nurse about that... I dont mind when he has an outburst ,but just to give it to him ,to keep him calm,I dont think so!!!
    We will be going to Sam's today and maybe Lowes to pick out the hardware for the cabinets, going to have chicken breasts on the grill, will bake them a bit them put them on the grill..
    I have told you before that we live across from farmland.. well the inevitable I guess has come true.. we saw surveyors out there, and they will be building a road and 15 houses down there. only thing I hope they keep the farm going, love watching all the animals
  • sperrygrass
    sperrygrass Posts: 4 Member
    Good Morning! Thank you for the warm welcomes. I hope to get to know each of you.

    Today I took a walk for the first time in a while. I used the Map My Fitness app and it said I walked 3/4 mile in just under 8 minutes. My hips were sore halfway but I stretched and finished. I think each time I walk I will try to do a bit more. Hope to walk as many days as possible. I really hate how out of shape I am but the only way to change that is to keep going and try my best.

    It's a gorgeous day here! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    Sheila in the Chicago Suburbs

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2015
    Ran for 50 minutes with the heavier hand weights. (:star:) Small non-scale-victories (NSVs) are often the biggest lifts! Of course, now my arms feel all wobbly.

    Time to hop in the shower, get those last 80 pages proofed--afterward, the pages get all wet and the pen stops working when I proof in the shower-- ;) and get moving on the next book!

    A serene and peaceful Sunday and subsequent week to all...

    Lisa in West Texas
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Read up to now…. Had a great visit from a long time client last night, I don’t usually have late appointments, but this gal works for United, with a weird schedule, so she showed up (planned) about 9pm and we sat and chatted until 10:30pm. Nice. She brought a bottle of wine, so we each had a glass, and it was really good. I am not usually drawn in by the cute-sy names, but she was; this is a Cupcake wine, and the “kind” is Red Velvet… so my thought, is OMG no! but one taste and I will be out buying some. A very rich red wine, smooth and very drinkable…not one that needs to age or breathe, or any other wine lovers things..just pour and enjoy.

    Off to my Sunday job; then my friend Randi arrives and I may be lost until Tuesday am when she leaves… Have a great couple of days…

    To Katla (I think) – thanks for Hotel.com; I do want to drive the coast, but do to the time issues I am expecting to drive highway 5….

    May goals:
    Walk every day
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    damnit - rode home from the silent auction that i told you guys about. and no day off, gonna go to the gym. today, we are going to the place where we have the airstream storred at and practice pulling it out, backing it up, etc.. empty parking lot of course, the only way to go.

    lhannon - there are no such things as sissy pushl-ups, you are doing something rather than sitting your a*s on the couch! u go gurl!!!! do those pushups.!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member

    our auction win last night for the airstream - $25! like the retro look. oh and a book that gives the history of campbells soup
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I just have a few min. before I need to get ready for today's scheduled events. Got home last night & put my red dress in the wash to get it ready for today's installation. (Red is the color to symbolize the Holy Spirit - so clergy usually wear a red stole at ordinations and installations. I don't wear the robes & stoles so hence the red dress.)

    Car pooling with one of the folks that reports to me. Hoping to catch up w/her re: what she has been doing. From what others tell me she is out there doing her job but rarely gives me any reports. I like her and she is very capable just got to find a way to track her activities.

    There will be another reception following the service so I've saved a little over 800 calories. for the next month I'll have functions every weekend. Tracking my calories this month will likely be a real eye opener.

    PipThe salt & pepper shakers are great!

    GodMomKimEnjoy the visit w/ your friend.

    LisaProps to you for the run w/ heavier weights.

    SheilaYay for getting up & out! - keep it up.

    grandmallie it's hard to see family owned farms disappear. In our area of Massachusetts we are starting to see younger people beginning to organically raise animals for meat & poultry as well as vegetables. However a lot of farms got sub divided for housing in the past 15 years.

    Well time to finish getting ready and hit the road.

    Naiomi2015 in Sunny and (WARM) 68F Massachusetts :smiley: