40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Aisha, kettlebells incorporates weight and cardio training. More bang for your buck.
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks Alisha! I slept like a log last night and so did Kali. Used to take her to the dog park but they closed the one we went to and I've heard only bad things about the other ones in town. So she gets to meet as many new dog buddies on our walks as possible. Way to go on your loss...sorry to hear about the unexpected food allergy incident! I can relate.

    I recorded the Kentucky Derby to watch because it was on while walking, now I won't miss anything.

    Did a 30 minute run this morning rather than a 45, my g/friend went. She's not as far along in her running program so I let her set the pace. Have to make that up later.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 21 of INSANITY: THE ASYLUM Back to Core"=Done!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    No workout, today. Rest.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Rest day for me too, though my rest day has included over an hour of gardening, various household chores and a hike soon. It has also included mint M&Ms, it's probably a good thing they don't sell those in Canada.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Beeps, I only suggested you eat more because you are suffering from headaches and irritability. One size doesn't fit all, I know people lose and gain in different ways. Somehow the variations of foods worked for me those 5 days because I've tried different methods and some work or don't at various times. Rock on!!!!

    I did a simple but still challenging lower body exercise. I'm a little sore from my workout yesterday at the park with my son and granddaughter. I only used my body weight using the playground equipment! Different, fun and effective.

    How is your weekend going??
  • webbeyes
    webbeyes Posts: 105 Member
    So, halfway through practising some karate Kata this Saturday, I remembered that I plan on running in a mud-run this July.

    Of course, I haven't run in ... forever (I'm thinking...1986 or so).

    Decided to start slowly, build myself up to the 7km distance. First 2 brief runs this weekend felt good - I guess all the other work I've been doing these past 5 years have paid off.
  • Dawnrunner
    Dawnrunner Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all, I'm Dawn in Seattle. I'm starting to track my food so I can lose 10 pounds in time for a friend's wedding in Colorado at the end of June. I'm 50 and I love to cook and exercise.
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 22 of INSANITY: THE ASYLUM REST"=Done!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday! I had a productive weekend. I spent the day working in my yard on Saturday and raked up most of the leaves in my front yard. Great workout for sure!! Yesterday I went exploring my country neighborhood and walked almost 4 miles! It was such a great weekend, nice sunny days and not humid! My kind of weather! Hubby is doing pretty good. Still looking into getting some therapy at home and I have someone coming to the house today to give me an estimate on my shower renovation.

    Caramel- I thought of you on my walk yesterday. I saw two beaver, three deer and a dozen, at least, horses.- Seems quite a few people around where I live have horses. I love to see them, but too much work for me to take care of!

    I put my gazelle elliptical out on my back deck yesterday and I worked out at home today when I got up. It was nice to be able to be outside. I don't mind being at the gym, but love being outdoors when I can be.

    Have a great day all!
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    This is for you Caramel and everyone else who was excited for me. Missy has already increased my activity level a whole lot. I was up at 5:30a to take her for a long walk in hopes the house will still be standing when I get home. She is bigger and stronger than I was expecting but a completely awesome dog. I couldn't have asked for more. Although shoes, stuffed animals, crayons, the remote, etc. are all in serious danger at the moment.
    Have a great day all.
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Oh and I planted 9 berry bushes, tomatoes and strawberries yesterday. It has been a very busy weekend.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    KellySue67 wrote: »
    It was such a great weekend, nice sunny days and not humid! My kind of weather! Hubby is doing pretty good. Still looking into getting some therapy at home

    Remember all these small "wins" when you have tough days.

    You are doing AWESOME, K.S!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    That dog does look HAPPY!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,093 Member
    Alright....I totally have to go lift today. And, I am not wanting to....so, today is a "talk myself into it", day.

    Here is how I talk myself into it:

    1. I still bring all my work-out clothes to the office. I can stare at them all day long, if I want.
    2. I have to go to the gym. I tell myself I need only spend "20 minutes" there....but it is non-negotiable that I have to go.
    3. When I get to the gym, I tell myself "you only need to do 2 sets of each exercise"....this isn't true, as I am supposed to do 3, but I give myself PERMISSION to only do 2 sets.
    4. When I get onto the first exercise, I talk myself into doing 3 sets of it. And I do that for each subsequent exercise.
    5. By the end, I have spent 50-60 minutes in the gym, and I give myself PERMISSION to stay 10 more minutes for a nice stretch.

    BOOM! Lifting done and I have talked myself through it. The "talking through it" expends energy....the "after glow" is ALWAYS worth that extra effort to get it done.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Monday Cool Kids!

    Alf, I'm curious about your 5 day menu. Can you share? Funny story about the mamo. You must be so proud of yourself!
    Furballs, yes, your rest day sounds like mine! No "formal" exercise, but plenty of activity. Perfect!
    Beeps - your commitment is amazing. Are the headaches fading yet?
    GG - going strong with insanity!
    Jackie, sounds like a fun weekend with Kali. You're lucky to have each other! "Woot woot" & "Woof woof"
    Alisha, cool about the loss, but not so much the way you got it. Feeling better? I had just a tiny sliver of the pie I made -- knew it was organic & low sugar. Thanks for the encouragement. I did pretty good considering there was peanut butter pie there and I didn't touch it!
    Nicely said Ruby.
    Larro, your baby trees are adorable... are those the contraband oranges?
    KS, I just love hearing how everything is coming together for you and your hubby. Your weather sounds divine too!
    Beeps, great job on the personal pep talk!
    Nick, Missy does look strong! And happy! You won't really need that remote any more since you'll be out walking the dog.
    Welcome Dawn.
    Webbeyes - cool about starting up running again! It's great that it's feeling good after all this time. Which race will you run?

    I was able to kayak both days this weekend. Saturday took some co-workers out on the bay. Everyone had fun, and nobody fell in, so totally successful! Sunday was 'regular' kayaking in the ocean - always fun. I've started this week with a structured menu - includes lots of apples! Making a serious push to cut down these last 15 stubborn lbs.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Just got an email from a paddling friend who got a shot just as I was catching a wave off of "Smack Wall". It's a spot on a headland that catches the deep water swell with a big "smack" and sends back a rebound wave that can be surfed if conditions are just right.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Monday Kids...Hope all of you had a great weekend.

    Today is 680 days on MFP. Yippee.

    I am feeling better today and look forward to my run and extreme fit. Friday my PT took it to me and I love when I am challenged. I have 2 races that I really need to kick it in gear and train for. I did buy some new gym clothes over the weekend. Funny how your focus can shift when you really put your mind to something. In the beginning I DESPISED shopping for gym clothes due to the size of them. Now I feel better about shopping. I now have to graduate to being THRILLED about shopping for work out clothes(lol).

    Thanks to all of you who kept me in their thoughts during Maryland's turmoil. It is appreciated.

    Nick--You know I am tickled to see your new photo of Missy. I am so happy for you. She is BEAUTIFUL.

    Beeps--You rock....LIFT HEAVIER

    KellySue--Thanks for thinking of me...You know I was tickled at the thought of so many animals in one spot. You had a variety of workouts over the weekend. My neighbor has 2 horses that I absolutely love to pieces.

    Alf/CG/Larro/Jackie/3furballs/Sdereski---Hugs to you all.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Just got an email from a paddling friend who got a shot just as I was catching a wave off of "Smack Wall". It's a spot on a headland that catches the deep water swell with a big "smack" and sends back a rebound wave that can be surfed if conditions are just right.

    CG----Can you say I am so jealous and want to be a part of this awesome adventure club you are sponsoring.......YOU ROCK
  • webbeyes
    webbeyes Posts: 105 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids!

    Webbeyes - cool about starting up running again! It's great that it's feeling good after all this time. Which race will you run?

    I was able to kayak both days this weekend. Saturday took some co-workers out on the bay. Everyone had fun, and nobody fell in, so totally successful! Sunday was 'regular' kayaking in the ocean - always fun. I've started this week with a structured menu - includes lots of apples! Making a serious push to cut down these last 15 stubborn lbs.

    I'm running in the "BadAss Dash" - kind of a mini-Spartan race from what I can see. It raises funds for AutismSpeaks, which is near-and-dear to our family, as my daughter is on the Spectrum.

    I miss kayaking ... although I was more of a river-kayaker as opposed to ocean. Picked up a used canoe last year, so I intend to get it on the water soon.