May 2015 MOVE Challenge



  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Hey @SteveCro is back!! Good to see you! @Machka9 ... Woman, you are just beast! My hero. :D@mrivera0481, you can so totally do this. And @mandybaker100, you are indeed off to a stellar start! I just love May! And January, and October and all those other months... :#

    14.26 total miles
  • Mrsrallison
    Mrsrallison Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning! This is exactly what I need. I am new to MFP, it is great to have online support. I have been trying to lose weight, for a few months now and I just seems to hit 160 and can't get past it! I like to exercise on my elliptical, spin bike and I walk outside. I am looking forward to posting my miles :smile:
  • Mrsrallison
    Mrsrallison Posts: 2 Member
    5 miles spin bike
    1.5 miles elliptical
  • mandybaker100
    mandybaker100 Posts: 17 Member
    Moving and grooving today, 75 minutes of Zumba, not sure how to convert this to miles? If it's back wind tomorrow I'm cycling to work but only if it's back wind otherwise I'll never get there.

    May to date - 28 miles and 75 minutes Zumba
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    THANK YOU Machka! :) My girl is feeling much better. She's begging for food now! lol

    Today was 4.0 Miles for me...

    MAY 5TH total thus far........20 Walking Miles...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,447 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    March Cycling: 409.33 km (254.34 miles) = 21 hours 55 min
    March Walking: 80.47 km (50 miles) = 16 hours 9 min
    March Total: 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min

    April Cycling: 384.15 km (238.7 miles) = 20 hours 35 min
    April Walking: 107.79 km walking (67 miles) = 22 hours 31 min
    April Total: 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min
    Machka9 wrote: »

    01 Fri - 3.2 km walking (35 min)
    02 Sat - 37.43 km cycling (120 min)
    03 Sun - 31.04 km cycling (100 min)

    So ... my goal is to move 500 km or as close to it as possible again. :) Little bit more challenging now as this is a busy month with work and university ... plus it is winter, and darkness falls on my way home from work now.

    04 Mon - 4 km walking (50 min) ... all utility walking, commuting to work, walking between work and uni

    Plus I did a 35 min stair climbing workout in the evening. My yard is full of little sets of stairs. The longest one is 7 steps so I mainly focused on that one, up and down, up and down, but I also jogged between the others and did them too for some variety. In total, just over 1000 stairs climbed.
    Plus 10 min upper body weights workout.

    05 Tues - 4.8 km walking (60 min) ... again, all utility walking.

    Walking: 12 km (7.4 miles)
    Cycling: 68.47 km (42.5 miles)
    Time: 365 min (6 h 5 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights

  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
    _QueenE_ wrote: »
    _QueenE_ wrote: »
    _QueenE_ wrote: »
    I'm in with 100 walking/jogging miles.
    I got in 5 miles on the first and 2 on the second.

    7 miles down, 93 to go.

    2 miles of walk/jog intervals today.
    91 miles left. :)

    89 miles to go

    Didn't get anything done today, family came into town :)
  • Superskinnie36
    Superskinnie36 Posts: 39 Member
    So glad to have found this thread, this is what I need to keep me motivate........pls count me in
  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    New and excited about this thread! 100 miles is a bit ambitious for me but will give it a shot. Here's where I am so far ...

    5/2: 3.11 mile jog (my first 5k!)
    5/2: 1.38 mile walking dog
    5/3: 6.70 mile jog
    5/5: 3.52 mile jog
    5/5: 0.68 mile walk

    Total: 15.39 miles of 100 miles
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    C25K Week 1 Session 3: 2.5 miles

    May 2015 Total to Date: 39.2 miles
    Walk/Run: 7.4 mi. (Target: 25 mi.)
    Cycling: 31.8 mi. (Target: 200 mi.)

  • Mcoderre1
    Mcoderre1 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to this but seems like a great challenge and very motivating. My goal will be 100 miles- seems like a lot to do- walked 3 miles today. Only 97 more to go... Wish me luck.
  • jenncalicollins617
    jenncalicollins617 Posts: 79 Member
    May 1- 3miles
    May 2- .5miles
    May 3- 3.5miles
    May 4- 1.5miles

    2.5 miles today
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    Welcome Mcoderre! DO THE BEST YOU CAN. That is all we ask. IF you lay down and sleep on us we'll walk all over you! lol.......SERIOUSLY WELCOME.... :)

    I am in awe of all the work you guys do. <3 It truly does motivate me. I hope too get back too the Exercise bike as well. It has been busy since we were away awhile for my husbands Turkey Hunting vacation and then my baby got sick. TODAY is a family day for us as well. It happens. I plan too get out of here for a walk very soon before we have too leave and go too family....

    YOU GUYS CARRY ON!!!!!!! I will see you later... :)
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Wowzer! Looking good, looking good! And yes indeed, jump right on here new guys. Happy to have your smiling faces. :)

    18.01 total miles
  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member
    Here I come - jumping in!!!

    So far I am at 10.81 miles for the month.

    Time to get moving!
  • mandybaker100
    mandybaker100 Posts: 17 Member
    I chickened out and did 2.5 miles on the treadmill, I didn't fancy a 30 mile an hour gust of wind blowing me under a lorry! Will try again on Friday when the weather should be better.

    May to date - 30.5 miles and 75 minutes Zumba

  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    Cycling - Base Training: 9.6 miles

    May 2015 Total to Date: 48.8 miles
    Walk/Run: 7.4 mi. (Target: 25 mi.)
    Cycling: 41.4 mi. (Target: 200 mi.)

    Would have liked to ride longer, but got home from work late and ran out of daylight.
  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
    _QueenE_ wrote: »
    _QueenE_ wrote: »
    _QueenE_ wrote: »
    _QueenE_ wrote: »
    I'm in with 100 walking/jogging miles.
    I got in 5 miles on the first and 2 on the second.

    7 miles down, 93 to go.

    2 miles of walk/jog intervals today.
    91 miles left. :)

    89 miles to go

    Didn't get anything done today, family came into town :)

    Only 1 mile of walking done today. 88 left.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    can I join? That way I can duplicate posts on another similar thread and feel doubly good that I am getting some exercise in!!!! ;)

    Goal - be more active, cycling more to justify buying a new snazzy bike.

    May results to date:

    Cycling - 1/10 hours (11 miles so far)
    Walking - 10/50 miles (includes anything above 1 mile showing on my fitbit)
    Swim - 0/100 laps
    Lindy Hop class - 1/4 times

    rest day today

  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    5-6 12.84 miles road bike.

    Total May- 12.84