May 2015 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    5/1- rest day
    5/2 - 5 miles 8K Steeple Chase Race
    5/3 - 3.5 miles
    5/4 - rest day
    5/5 - 6.3 miles
    5/6 - 3.5 miles - decided to cut it short a bit so I could go home and get Macy for a walk

    18.3 out of 120 miles completed

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - Yikes! Glad you are all OK. Must admit, I am woefully unprepared for dog issues.
    @SonicDeathMonkey80 - the socks you wore in Pittsburgh are awesome!

    5/2 - 5.25 beautiful miles through my neighborhood
    5/4 - 5 miles, indoor track
    5/5 - 4 miles, treadmill (soggy, foggy day here); another 5 on stationary bike
    5/6 - 4 miles, indoor track; weights / abs
  • VintageMatch
    VintageMatch Posts: 49 Member
    05/01- 2 miles
    05/05- 2 miles

  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hit the treadmill at lunchtime and did some interval training - came back to the office looking awful but feeling great B)

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    05/01 -- REST DAY

    Hi all!
    I'm back from Pittsburgh and managed to hurt myself... I'm pretty sure my 175mi goal is out the window now (along with my BQ attempt in 2.5 weeks). I had an awesome time though, and I got to meet @SonicDeathMonkey80 ! Congrats @Ohhim on your race, it was a tough day for a race out there.

    Oh no! What happened!? I will be sitting here being optimistic for you about the BQ possibilities!

    It's my IT Band. It's bad... Very bad. :'( I might still run the marathon but it won't be a PR/BQ attempt for sure; there is no way.

    Oh no! I'm so sorry! Just sick to hear that. I hurt mine biking and the foam roller really helped me get it better. Now I foam roller every time I run. But I don't have 1/3 of the mileage of you. Hugs to you.
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    05/01: 3.75mi, Easy PM Run
    05/01: 3.23mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/02: 1.65mi, Race warmup
    05/02: 4.30mi, 7km Road/Path Hybrid Race; OA: 12/106, AG: 4/8. Cobblestones claimed my ankle about 1.5mi in.
    05/02: Frustrated and did not record cool down, so fuhgettaboutit..
    05/02: 13.98mi ** Cycling
    05/03: 4.62mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/03: 3.76mi, Slight progression to test ankle
    05/03: 1.20mi, Cool down
    ==> Total weekly miles: 50.3*
    05/04: 5.25mi, Easy lunch run
    05/04: 4.19mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/05: 5.00mi, 5k tune up, 800m x 400m progression repeats + easy
    05/05: 4.53mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me

    Current total...41.48
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    Don't push too hard. Get well first!

    I'm having a sick scare here. Three of four kids sent home sick today, fevers, vomiting. The 3rd run of a 39.3 series is Saturday, which if I make it I hope to run another a week later to make Saturn status in Half Fanatics. I'm practically bathing in sanitizer. :persevere:

    Ohhhhh nooooo! Wear a face mask and hug them through plastic wrap. LOL.

    @SonicDeathMonkey80 your mad running skillz make me so envious. Then I remember the story of your first 5K where you came in 1st AND last (at least, I think it was you...) and I get slightly less jealous, because, actually you just work really hard and run a ton. But I still would've been so mad if you cruised by me while drinking a beer at my HM :wink:

    @Training2BeFast ohhhhhh nooooo! I'm so sorry!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member

    @sonicdeathmonkey80 nice run! LOL @shanaber Taco Bell LOLOL
    Gave my ha ha credit to the wrong person I meant @ddmom0811 :-)

  • italysharon
    italysharon Posts: 195 Member
    edited May 2015
    May 1- 3.5 ™ …thats tread mill
    May 2- 0 …
    May 3- 6 ™
    May 4- 5 Newport Cliff run!
    May 5- 3.2 & pump
    May 6- 4.5 neighborhood run

    I was hoping to be ahead of the game by now because next week I'll be on vacation! Yay! We'll see how many runs I can get in with the jet lag.

  • italysharon
    italysharon Posts: 195 Member
    @WhatMeRunning … I have four kids too. I don't even like to read about 3/4 being sick! Better that than when they tag team sickness though. Maybe you should just get a MJ mask. Good luck!
  • Remus42
    Remus42 Posts: 149 Member

    May 6 - 5k
    Better late then never. Was on vacation for the first two days of May and then moved into my new apartment when I got back. Been super busy and today was the first time I could get out and run. So for this month going for 70k and a race too. :smiley:
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    05/01: 3.75mi, Easy PM Run
    05/01: 3.23mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/02: 1.65mi, Race warmup
    05/02: 4.30mi, 7km Road/Path Hybrid Race; OA: 12/106, AG: 4/8. Cobblestones claimed my ankle about 1.5mi in.
    05/02: Frustrated and did not record cool down, so fuhgettaboutit..
    05/02: 13.98mi ** Cycling
    05/03: 4.62mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/03: 3.76mi, Slight progression to test ankle
    05/03: 1.20mi, Cool down
    ==> Total weekly miles: 50.3*
    05/04: 5.25mi, Easy lunch run
    05/04: 4.19mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/05: 5.00mi, 5k tune up, 800m x 400m progression repeats + easy
    05/05: 4.53mi, Interval training my wife, active recovery for me
    05/06: 4.00mi, Lunch run helping a coworker dial in pace for his first race, tempo intervals for me

    Current total...45.46
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    Don't push too hard. Get well first!

    I'm having a sick scare here. Three of four kids sent home sick today, fevers, vomiting. The 3rd run of a 39.3 series is Saturday, which if I make it I hope to run another a week later to make Saturn status in Half Fanatics. I'm practically bathing in sanitizer. :persevere:

    Ohhhhh nooooo! Wear a face mask and hug them through plastic wrap. LOL.

    @SonicDeathMonkey80 your mad running skillz make me so envious. Then I remember the story of your first 5K where you came in 1st AND last (at least, I think it was you...) and I get slightly less jealous, because, actually you just work really hard and run a ton. But I still would've been so mad if you cruised by me while drinking a beer at my HM :wink:

    @Training2BeFast ohhhhhh nooooo! I'm so sorry!

    My first half was 2:29... it really hurt. Keep at it, and you'll improve, I promise!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    karllundy wrote: »
    @skippygirlsmom - Yikes! Glad you are all OK. Must admit, I am woefully unprepared for dog issues.
    @SonicDeathMonkey80 - the socks you wore in Pittsburgh are awesome!

    5/2 - 5.25 beautiful miles through my neighborhood
    5/4 - 5 miles, indoor track
    5/5 - 4 miles, treadmill (soggy, foggy day here); another 5 on stationary bike
    5/6 - 4 miles, indoor track; weights / abs

    Those are my Swiftwick Jesters - lucky socks :)
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    01/5 - Recovery
    02/5 - 15.1 miles Trail
    03/5 - 8.1 miles Trail
    04/5 - Recovery
    05/5 - 10.6 miles Trail
    06/5 - 12.1 Miles Trail (split into 2 runs)

    I split todays run in two as there is only so much rain a man can handle. This morning a nicely paced 6 with the mud not being too bad on the route. This evening a grind up the big muddy hill where I was greeted at the top with some 'Really Heavy' Rain!


  • dallpruitt
    dallpruitt Posts: 12 Member
    I'm really excited to do this challenge I have been looking for something to give me a boost in the running or jogging department of my workout. This will be my first month challenge and today is the 6th of May, yes I'm going to start today. I want to be safe with the miles I choose to be sure I succeed. On the other hand I want to give myself a challenge so I will set myself at 55... :)
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    05/01 -- REST DAY

    Hi all!
    I'm back from Pittsburgh and managed to hurt myself... I'm pretty sure my 175mi goal is out the window now (along with my BQ attempt in 2.5 weeks). I had an awesome time though, and I got to meet @SonicDeathMonkey80 ! Congrats @Ohhim on your race, it was a tough day for a race out there.

    Oh no! What happened!? I will be sitting here being optimistic for you about the BQ possibilities!

    It's my IT Band. It's bad... Very bad. :'( I might still run the marathon but it won't be a PR/BQ attempt for sure; there is no way.

    No! That's awful! What date is the race? Was yours the week before mine? I'm doing Minneaplois May 31 (though not with BQ in mind, haha!).

    I will still hold out hope for you, as slim as it may be! I had awful IT Band pain for two and a half weeks leading up to my marathon last fall, and then come race morning, suddenly it was pain free. Here's to healing!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited May 2015
    5/1: 5.2 miles
    5/2: REST
    5/3: 12 miles (scheduled: 20; left calf was not having it today)
    5/4: REST
    5/5: 1 mile (meant to bike to rest my calf, but the bike room was closed for asbestos removal :()
    5/6: 5 miles

    Calf is feeling better. Not 100%, but with another night of compression socks, foam rolling and stretching, I think I'll be even better tomorrow for my group run. And hopefully I'll be able to redeem myself with a 20 miler this Sunday. Fingers crossed! Really glad I stuck an extra week into my taper!

  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    Don't push too hard. Get well first!

    I'm having a sick scare here. Three of four kids sent home sick today, fevers, vomiting. The 3rd run of a 39.3 series is Saturday, which if I make it I hope to run another a week later to make Saturn status in Half Fanatics. I'm practically bathing in sanitizer. :persevere:

    Ohhhhh nooooo! Wear a face mask and hug them through plastic wrap. LOL.

    @SonicDeathMonkey80 your mad running skillz make me so envious. Then I remember the story of your first 5K where you came in 1st AND last (at least, I think it was you...) and I get slightly less jealous, because, actually you just work really hard and run a ton. But I still would've been so mad if you cruised by me while drinking a beer at my HM :wink:

    @Training2BeFast ohhhhhh nooooo! I'm so sorry!

    My first half was 2:29... it really hurt. Keep at it, and you'll improve, I promise!

    I believe you. I have made huge improvements already.
    Still would've been grumpy if you passed me while downing a beer. :smiley:
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    5/5: 7 mi.

    So far: 19.5 out of 100