

  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Heather - you forgot our wonderful 'toad-in-the-hole' and steak and kidney pudding!!
    I do have my groceries delivered but that is because I do not drive and often have not got a 'chauffeur' to take me there and back and the groceries are much too heavy to carry on the bus! but I have NEVER had a cleaner, maybe I should have one?
    And the Gower Peninsula is such a beautiful part of the country, enjoy.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,817 Member
    morning my friends~
    another night of yucky sleep.. :s slept for a few hrs then awake for a few and then back to sleep for a few..
    Joyce~ my dad has Afib and he knows all about the rat poison,, he is on a very small dose...as well as alot of other natural supplements...
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Alison: I slept badly again too. :s

    For the wild animal lovers: here's one of two deer I came across while taking my dog out. You can't see it, but only about 5 yards/meters to the left of the photo is a two-lane street and a residential neighborhood. They're getting too tame. :noway: Anybody know why the photo is sideways? The original isn't.


  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Good morning. TGIF
  • barb16lee
    barb16lee Posts: 17 Member
    I'd like to say hello to everyone, so, "hello". Last year I gained back the 50 lbs. that I lost the previous year. Now I'm back to try again. I've lost almost 10 lbs. so far.
    I'm having trouble on the physical activity part currently due to a back back and foot. I'm currently in PT. I also have those times that all of a sudden all I want to do is shove food in my mouth. What's up with that? I see you have goals listed that are not food related. Can you tell me about that? Basically, I need all the support I can get on this new way of living. It's hard teaching an old dog new tricks.
    Barb from SE Pennsylvania :)
  • EMCOX5412
    EMCOX5412 Posts: 43 Member
    Can someone send an invite to this group, I can't figure out how to join it...
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    EMCOX - You have joined just by posting, as Barbie always says just add a name you would like to be known by and your location and join in whenever you like :-)
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited May 2015
    @ddnavy it's been an amazing place for me to find exactly what I needed in terms of support, both on and off the scale.

    Heather in the UK, if it wasn't you that snagged my book in Great Britain, someone did, which makes me an internationally read author, right? THAT's going on the marketing materials for the next book. :wink: Hard to explain how incredibly tough it is to get past the fear and put your children up there in front of the world to be scrutinized and criticized. It's been an interesting year, and so glad to find such amazing support for something totally unrelated to weight loss here!

    And on the weight loss note... down 19 pounds this morning since April 1! And, since I am unforgivably geeky, at the bottom is the 90-day graph - my actual weight is the black dots. The ones that march in straight lines are stalls, and the stalls are finally getting shorter! The colored dots are projections for losing one pound a week, two pounds a week, and so on. And yes, I did lose 11 pounds in the first week of April. Always easy for me to lose weight the first week on a diet - I used to weigh 300 pounds, and the body does remember... but then it came near shutting me down for the next month. That, and business travel for a job that immediately laid me off afterward led me here. Good comes out of everything. :smile:

    That little, tiny green square over to the right edge would mean I weigh one pound less than my six-foot tall DH, and that would make me VERY happy, at 174 pounds. Shooting for a loss of 36 pounds in 90 days, a bit over 2 pounds a week, which my nurse practitioner is okay with. Then my NEXT 90-day goal would be by the end of September to hit my final goal of 136 pounds (normal BMI for a 5'2" person). She wants me to stabilize at 140-145 pounds. Figuring at least 90 days to stabilize, into December... That's the plan. Time to work the plan... :smiley:

    (and for anyone who's new, no you are not expected to graph your weight loss on Excel, I'm just a little tetched in the head on graphs thing. You'll find the rest of the geeky grrrrls on here play with Fitbits and such. B) )

    Lisa from West Texas

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Morning everyone, thought I best check in before we leave for jasper...

    annr - love the idea of the index cards. I write everything on my TOPS Daily inspiration calendar but this is an even better idea.

    Lisa west Texas - I like graphs too!!

    Janet - CONGRATULATIONS on your 50 pounds!!

    There are definitely a lot of newbies here, welcome all.

    Finally ..... the sun is out and it sounds like we are going to have some warm weather. I think mother Nature was just reminding me it was way to early to go to the greenhouse.

    Take care everyone, must get a move on - 6 hour drive to Jasper.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    I woke up early and dressed in workout clothes and headed for the hotel fitness center while Jake slept. Boo hoo. It was closed til 8 AM because of some hotel construction so I spent my two hours practicing line dance in the bathroom and the reading all your posts. Thank you for making my morning better. Now Jake is dressed we'll go to breakfast and go to the fitness center later.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Lisa love the photo.

    Pip adorable puppy!

    Mary from MN congrats on house signing.

    Cynthia I clicked on picture and it righted itself. Always fun to see deer in the woods just not in our yard. They love our hosta and some of the flowers I plant. The garden with the neighbors has a deer proof fence.

    Still need to order Windows by Heather. It is on my list.

    :heart: MNMargaret

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Firday ! ! !

    Annr – thanks for sharing about the lifestyle.

    Linda in Calif. – Hugs for notDH and his job situation. I hope things work out for the best, and quickly. It IS a new day, and a new start.

    Katla – sorry about your disappointing dinner out. I hope it goes better next time.

    Mary from Minn. – I don’t know if I mentioned it, but I found phone cases for self and DS on Amazon. 2 bling cases for me, 1 wristlet wallet case for me, and a “hearty” Raiders case for DS. All for under $40. Don’t know how much the Otter boxes are, as I didn’t look for them. I hope you get your situation settled soon.

    Sometimes I get so absorbed into reading about everyone that I forget to stop to take notes. Sorry to everyone I will have missed, but my machine at work is finally fixed, so I have 3 weeks of paperwork to catch up on, so I feel rushed (breathe Terri, it will be fine).

    Heather – I totally miss having a housekeeper. Since I just got a raise, I think I will start looking for one again. Wait, it has to be after I fix my car, so I guess we will live in a messy home for a few more months.

    Barbie – Nice job staying busy so early in the morning. Hope your trip continues to be wonderful.

    Candy sales with DS went pretty well last evening. The first person he walked up to was his bowling coach, and pretty soon men were getting in line to buy candy bars, so we came home empty handed (just the money). DS got a HUGE smile on his face when one of the men recognized him from his Saturday league, and bragged to everyone about how great he is at bowling.

    Of course I now have 2 more families that want me to sell their candy bars. Then DS and I went to Aldi for milk, Taco Bell for supper, then home to enter my radio station codes and off to sleep. When I awoke in the morning, I won 4 total passes for "Pitch Perfect 2". I will pick them up after work tonight. Plus I have my cooler full of bottled water and koolaid pouches, so I can dump some ice in the cooler and head to baseball that starts at 5:30pm. Tomorrow DS has to cut the lawn twice (because it is just that long). Sunday is another double-header at baseball, which is an hour drive north and starts at 9:00am, so we need to get an early start again.

    Now, back to my paperwork (gotta' earn that raise).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (70 degrees already, hope the rain waits until sundown).
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    edited May 2015
    Well, I'm almost packed :o and I've just got to water the pots and get DH to water the seeds in the veggie patch. Depending on the weather some of the pots and seeds might die. I don't like going away in the summer for that reason. I have asked my cleaner to water on Thursday when she comes, but I think some might have shrivelled by then. :'( My indoor basil's days are numbered. :'(

    In the morning we will pack the freezer box. We've done the rest of the groceries.

    Feeling better now, but my foot arch is a bit sore. Should have put trainers on and not slippers.
    Oh, just remembered to take bands and the lighter weights. Most of my exercise will be walking.

    Gilly - I love British food, but people rarely make stuff from scratch these days. I have made steak and kidney pudding for in laws a few years ago. I love to cook and rarely buy premade food, but most people prefer to watch celebrity chefs than cook, I think. A well made Fish and Chips is a wonderful thing, but not on my calorie list these days. :noway:

    Back later, my lovely ladies.

    Heather UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Joyce -Score! Time to go shopping yay.

    Gilly - hopefully Mary from Texas! Myrtle Beach 2017 sounds fine! That way we can all have a goal to work towards. You just have to push yourself that's what I find. I do best if I exercise at home. First thing in the morning. I'd like to go swimming with friends at the Motel pool. you have to find what works best for you and do it!

    Allison - I haven't had a good night's sleep for at least 6 years. That's why sometimes I have really late posts.

    Cynthia - nice picture!

    Barb - welcome back! You are definitely on the right site! I think we all have the same issues with food.

    EMCOX5412 - you just join the group by posting and joining in on the conversation at the end of your post's sign your name or what you would like to be called, where you live in case there is more people with your name. You will get a lot of support and motivation here.

    Lisa - great job on the weight loss! love your graph.

    Lillian - have fun on your trip to Jasper!

    Barbie - you're such a motivation with how you stay on track even when you are on vacation! Have fun!

    MNMargaret - Thanks! I wonder if some of the tricks for keeping rabbits away would work on deer.

    Terri - have fun at the baseball games!

    Heather - have fun packing! I will be doing a lot of packing soon hopefully.

    Good morning ladies! We have so much to do to get our house ready. even though we have signed a contract we have to pay to have our septic system checked for compliance. We found out that it may not be up to code. We have that in the contract as negotiable. Could end up being $6000. We have to have that done in order to sell.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Pip...help me, you're smaller than me, they are ganging up on me for size 8! LOL!!
    Chris in MA
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Michele, are you singing “One more bottle of bleach in the pool” to the tune of "99 bottles of beer on the wall?" At least that’s what I heard. Glad the green is gone, but now we want clear water. Vince is such a funny eater, sounds a bit like me, now that I think about it?? My DH will eat almost anything, which is great.

    Chris, I told you no sympathy for you being a size 8. What I can’t remember is if I told you how very proud I am of you getting there. I know you are a small woman compared to me, but you had to do lots right to be back to a size 8 and I want to give you proper kudos. So congrats, you little lady.

    Sylvia, I can’t imagine a better compliment than being “An Awesome Grandma”. I think you are, too but what a wonderful thing to hear. I’d still be smiling like a Cheshire Cat. You are too funny about the human body. If you haven’t read Heather’s book yet, you probably don’t need to. Or someone could put post it notes over some of the parts. It doesn’t really discuss nudity but with your imagination, who knows? LOL So glad your hip is back to normal and you are all fit for your trip. Take lots of pictures and have some good stories for us.

    Beth, good news for your friend. I wish her a speedy recovery.

    Toni, I started this journey the middle of October last year and it has taken me all this time to lose the 50 pounds. The first 30 went so fast and then it has just come off at a snail’s pace. No telling how long the next 30 will take, but I will just keep on keeping on.

    Linda, gosh you make me feel good about my cheating. So far I’ve never had a piece of cake for supper. Actually I guess that’s better than having supper then the cake for dessert. I certainly wish you the best with DH and his job. My DH quit a job once without discussing it with me, but he just couldn’t take it another day. Luckily we were in okay financial condition at the time. I’ll sure keep you in my prayers. (((Hugs)))

    Katla, glad you had a good day. The romp with the dog sounds like fun. Too bad that the restaurant experience wasn’t the best but at least now you have one to mark off the list.

    , congrats on being under contract. Now you can live in your house again. Try to get some rest before you start in on all the things that you will be doing. When did you say the closing is expected? I sure hope your DH gets an interview in Texas.

    Joyce, if moving the china cabinet out of the house gives you a lot more light, you are going to love it! Something is just so much more cheery with sunlight. You enjoy.

    Gilly, I hope you can figure out a suitable schedule of getting to at least get up and move around at work. I hear ya about exercising after an exhausting day. We are rooting for you.

    Ddnavy, welcome. This is an excellent place for support and helpful information. Working 60 hours a week certainly presents its challenges when trying to eat healthy. The thing that comes to mind, is planning is crucial. Best of luck on your journey. If you want it, you can do it.

    Heather, I don’t enjoy packing either but feel it is just part of the process, since I want to have clothes to wear when I get to my destination. Can’t wait to hear about your trip and adventures. Since you Brits (said most affectionately) have grocery deliveries and house cleaners, can’t you just hire someone to pack for you??  Have a wonderful time, my friend.

    Barb, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. The goals are about a healthy lifestyle, which includes way more than just weight. We discuss habits for healthy eating and living. There are a lot of us “old dogs” in here and have learned many new tricks. Come often and join right in. If you want it, you can do it. Congrats on the 10 lb loss.

    Emcox, welcome. You just joined. How easy was that? Please tell us a bit about yourself so we can get to know you. Also, we ask that you sign each post with the name you want us to call you. Good luck on your journey.

    Lisa, what phenomenal weight loss. Okay, I’m officially jealous. Wow. Are you near any of the terrible weather out in Texas? I’m thinking you might be south and west of it? Hope you are safe.

    Barbie, how dare they not have the fitness center open early for you!! They must not have received the memo that you would be there. Have a great trip.

    Chris, no calling other “little people” for help. LOL You are doing fine by yourself. Just stick to your guns and don’t let any of us fat *kitten* intimidate you. ((Hugs))

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Gosh, it does seem like so many of us are traveling all of a sudden. I’m not too excited about going out to the aftermath of a tropical storm but I’m sure it will be okay. Just not the weather I had ordered for the cruise. The main thing is, my friend and I will have lots of time to catch up and I know we will have lots of laughs. Since internet time is so expensive on the cruise, I will only be logging my food and not trying to keep up with this group. I will miss you all and hope that your lives are what you want them to be. Oh yes, a nicotine report. I was a real *kitten* for a few days there, but I think my body and mind have decided I’m okay without nicotine. I haven’t used the patch in a couple of days but have 2 in reserve just in case. So I’m proud of myself and just have to not eat every time I feel the urge.

    I wish you all a happy and healthy day.

    Thought for the day:

    Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get.
    - Dale Carnegie
    Words I live by:

    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi friends. It appears I haven't been here in 2 days...where does the time go!!!!! IT is all a blur!

    Well today is my birthday and we are going out to a very nice steak and seafood place. I will try to be good. Apparently we are celebrating again tomorrow with the kids and then of course Sunday is mother's day. I wish all of you a very happy mother's day!

    We got 4.5" of rain 2 nights ago. Lots of really bad weather south of us, but we mainly got the rain. The creek that is about 1 mile from our house was nearly over the levy. Just south of here in Lincoln, people we having to evacuate because of the rain.

    Vicki: how much rain did you get?

    Sylvia: did you have any severe weather there?

    Mikesmom: size 8???? What is that???

    OK I'm off to get some gardening done. So far I have made my 8,000 step goal every day of the month except last Friday which was all the graduation stuff; we did lots of sitting. So I need to get up and moving. Have a good day and I bet lots of you deserve high fives and cheers! Take care, Meg from soggy Omaha
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: I love your fun thing report! I’m glad you had a productive shopping trip with your friend and scored some great walking shoes and hiking boots.

    Mary: Congratulations on the house contract! Many women shop at resale stores while actively losing weight.

    Joyce: I’ll agree that refried beans don’t look very appealing, but they taste good.

    Gilly from Suffolk: Your job sounds very demanding. I hope you’ll be able to find a way to move more often. Just a couple of minutes at a time, several times a day would help.

    ddnavy: This is a great place for support. Welcome. The more you participate, the more support you will have. Giving support is as valuable as getting it, IMHO.

    Heather: Enjoy your get away to the Gower Peninsula. We’re getting ready to have a get away to the Oregon Coast to celebrate DH’s birthday. I need to get reservations! I think that prepackaged food is part of the reason that the US has an obesity epidemic. There are so many packaged foods that normally have high fat and sodium levels. I have no scientific support to quote, but I think sodium and fat in combination is very addictive. Think potato chips, taco chips, nachos, etc.

    Cynthia: Beautiful picture!

    Barb from SE PA and Newbies: Welcome to a wonderful group of women from all over the world. Several of us are still here after losing weight so that we can maintain our good habits and health. Others are working on losing weight to reach their goals. I have several non-food goals because this is a journey about health. Food is only a portion of the bigger health picture. I have found I also need to be physically active and happy in order to maintain healthy habits. In order to keep the weight off, I stay active on this site and log my food and activity. Sticking around has been the key to continued success for me and separates this from just another yoyo diet.

    Lisa from W TX: I love your geeky graphs! Keep up the good work and the high morale.

    Barbie: I’m sorry the fitness center was closed. On our last trip to CO I took the dog to the hotel fitness center with me and we walked together on the treadmill. I think he enjoyed it once he got the hang of walking at the machine speed and going nowhere. DH and I had fun with it and came away smiling.

    Margaret: I have a Kindle App on my laptop and ordered the Kindle version of Windows. It was easy and successful, plus no waiting.

    Terri: I won’t go to that restaurant again, but the experience was a success because our friends were there, even if the food and service wasn’t the greatest.

    DH has promised to go to the gym with me this morning and do his PT while I have yoga. I hope he keeps his word. I have a riding lesson this afternoon for the first time in weeks. Yay! The horse has been recovering from a nasty bruise. He was evidently kicked by another horse in the pasture.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,728 Member
    morning peeps-

    whippet - that was a beautiful way to die. doing what you love.

    cory - vent away, you should have seen my earlier vent... sorry bout your hubby, that must suck. i am so blessed to have the husband that i have, we discuss all kinds of crap b4 taking action., ESPECIALLY if we're gonna quit our jobs. i would love to but to lazy to look. lololol. him being sober for 2yrs is awesome

    someone was talking about size 8, well my DREAM back in the day was just to be in a single digit size and i guess that's a size 8 huh...

    ddnavy - yup, this is the place, YOU GOT THIS!!

    cynthiat60 - when i was riding in to work, i saw 3 deer on the side of the road. i ride with a speaker that plays music (loud) and their ears were at attention looking at me riding by and they looked like they were saying, "what the hell lady!! turn that crap down!, we WERE having a peaceful moment here!!"

    barb16 - you can get support here. i don't think its hard teaching an old dog new tricks, just depends if the dog wants to learn lololol.

    emcox5412 - you just join :0)

    lhannon- 19lb loss!!!!!!!!!! i may not do graphs, kinda cool tho, but i do log all my workouts, my calorie burn, track all the rides i do, every day.

    barbie- bummer bout the gym being closed

    mikesmom - so YOU'RRREEEEEE the one that's a size 8.... you're on your own girlfriend.... lmao!!!

    today it's supposed to be warm, 70 or over. I rode in to work again this morning, won't be able to ride home which bums me out (gotta get home quick so I can let the kids out to go poop/pee. Floyd enjoyed his stuff toy gifts from goodwill. It was a nice clear ride coming in and when I see Mt Rainier that's when I talk to lenny, sis, n rocky. I was getting emotional cuz I knew that when I get to California this next Thursday to celebrate b-days over there I know that Eleanor (the one sis that died) would usually b there and this will be the first gathering that i'm part of where she won't be. I miss talking to her, even though I didn't talk to her that often, but I miss her and when I drink and you know I will! I will probably miss her more...whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    Janet - BON VOYAGE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :drinker: <3

    The cruise I want to go on is round Norway, up into the Arctic and through to Archangel in Russia. DH doesn't want to come on that one as he doesn't like boats or the cold. Neither of us are sociable with people we don't know. :ohwell:
    I think one day, if I can bear to spend all that money, I will go on my own. I don't want to share a room with anyone other than DH so it's single supplement and VERY expensive. SKI (spending the kids' inheritance).

    Now I can't decide whether to exercise tomorrow before we leave. :ohwell:

    Oooops, haven't packed any jewellery! :noway: Why would I need jewellery in the middle of the Welsh countryside I hear you ask. Good question, but I like to look nice on holiday as normally I am a slob in tracksuits! ! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Speak again. And again. And again.

    Heather UK x x x x