Over 200 New Year New Me Part 48



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Crazy, crazy week! Next week looks to be even crazier! (We're FINALLY moving!!)

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Once I hit -20 pounds I am getting my hair done.I am not giving myself a time limit and I am reorganizing the way I eat and asking myself why I eat when I do.(talking mostly just late at night which is a bad habit)

    EXERCISE 30 minutes daily
    STOP FEELING SORRY FOR MYSELF and just do this already.I know what works for me I just have to do and get my mindset back.I have been so stressed with many different things going on that I haven't made time for me.BUt I refuse to be FAT FAT yet another summer so I am getting it under control now and thats why I haven't been on here posting because I am getting my GAME PLAN on .I know I won't be skinny before summer but at least I can start shedding pounds before then RIGHT
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    Thank you Lauren for the rundown!

    kim ... -4.8 .... 2.33%

    This was the weight I was the other day. Now that I know what day I'm supposed to weigh in I'll be sure to do that! I know this morning I popped onto the scale and I was at 199.8! I almost fell off it!! I really hope that silly thing wasn't lying to me and I've broken the barrier!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member

    I haven't had a gain in awhile and it has got me down. I knew it was coming since I was up all week ... and at least my weight was 229 - so not back up into the 230's - but it is still a bummer. I had a little pity party for lunch and fried up some homemade potato chips AND made a potato pancake (at least that tasted icky so I threw away 3/4 of it) , but now I need to get over it and get myself back on track.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Proud - Went to yoga, enjoyed spending time with my girls afterwards.

    Lauren... way to RUB IT IN!!!:angry:

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    kim ... -4.8 .... 2.33%

    I had some horrific eating days this week, and I had another margarita last night (between a couple glasses of wine) that had lots of crunchy sea salt on the rim... Which is to say - thank god it isn't a huge gain!!!

    AND I just checked a conversion calculator and it looks like I have about a pound of saline in each expander now... you KNOW I'll have to mention that every time I have to list my weight "196 - but really two of those pounds are in my tissue expanders!!"
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Ann - Looks like you have a plan.

    Well 1st dy today being over all week long but i am still proud of my self, my inlaws are here , and we ordered pizza, we didn't really have anything to feed them. We got 3 pizzas, a meat lovers, a cheese lovers and a pepporni lovers. Yeah the calories on any of them wasn't nice, but i opted for the cheese, and like 380 or so a piece. So i ended up like 358 over. Even though i was over i am proud as i could of gorged on pizza and been thosusands over.

    already planned tomorrow out.

    Well the morning hubby is making his parents breakfast burriots, i don't eat eggs, so planning on making me some french toast, , lunch is sandwiches, and dinner is spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread and salad. And desert, 1st plan was getting some cookies, but then i decied to do strawberry shortcake things, Got fresh strawberries, fat free cool whip, and little desert cups at 60 cals a piecfe.

    Overall i am very proud of my choices.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    AND I just checked a conversion calculator and it looks like I have about a pound of saline in each expander now... you KNOW I'll have to mention that every time I have to list my weight "196 - but really two of those pounds are in my tissue expanders!!"

    Of course! It's the same reason I have to mention my pregnancy induced cankles & sausage fingers! :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    AND I just checked a conversion calculator and it looks like I have about a pound of saline in each expander now... you KNOW I'll have to mention that every time I have to list my weight "196 - but really two of those pounds are in my tissue expanders!!"

    Of course! It's the same reason I have to mention my pregnancy induced cankles & sausage fingers! :wink:

    Those things will be gone soon :smile:

    Started my weekend off good, got up and spent an hour at the gym. I was dragging at first i think cause i didn't eat, i think i should eat before i go ...but after a while i kicked it in and ended up burning close to 600, like 580 something i think

    My goal is to log everything this weekend , it will be the 1st time in my re-start that i think this is happend, so hopfullly i will still to my guns.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning ladies,

    I be back later. I have to go upload my food. I have to get back in the swing of things, it's just so hard!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies. Hope everyone had a good weekend!

    Checking in for this weekend:
    Food: Perfectly on target
    Water: 67.6 oz.
    Exercise: 2.33 mile run with the dog.
    Proud: That I went for a run even though it looked like rain. We ended up just getting sprinkled on.

    Food: Slightly over
    Water: 24 oz.
    Exercise: ChaLean Extreme Burn Intervals
    Proud: Even though I was home all day, I didn't do any mindless snacking!

    Calories: Over
    Water: 16 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: I meditated for about 15 minutes before bed. Slept like a rock!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    good morning gals!

    I did not have a great weekend with food ... I was in such a good 'groove' and now I feel like I'm struggling again with food choices. I NEED to get back on track today or I know I won't see a loss on the scale by Friday.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Happy Monday! I got into work late today because I took a stop in at Urgent Care. Last night I was cutting some brownies and the knife slipped and i stabbed my finger. OUCH! No stitches needed (probably would have gotten a few if I had gone in last night), but I got a tetanus shot and a perscription for some anitbiotics to keep off infection. What a way to start the week!

    This weekend was fine. Over on calories every day, but I got an hour in at the gym on Saturday morning, so that was great. We hosted a party yesterday and it went well too.

    Gotta catch up with work after being gone all morning!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    The weekend was horrible for me for food. UGH!
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Check in for today:
    Calories: Under too much
    Water: only two glasses
    Exercise: an hour
    Proud: I saw myself on TV lol
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hello girls.

    I ended not doing too goog this weekend, but only 1/2 was bad so i guess that is an improvemnt.

    Weekend was very stressful. In laws were here and they drove me crazy, my mil is metnally ill from the result of a car acident several years ago , and it is just stressful, she goes on rampages and i just can't deal, then FIL just yells at her, and repeats his dang self over and over, which so does jeremy and the kids, drive me nuts. Then they broke my brand new trashcan, i just had enough.

    sO that i didn't eat everything in sight is a win.

    After dinner tonight i was only up less than 2 lbs which i will take, TOM should be leaving soon.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Check in for yesterda:
    Calories: Over, even with my exercise.
    Water: under - 6 glasses
    Exercise: hour with PT
    Proud: I wasn't the one who finished off the cookie dough and the rhubarb crisp! I have to get my DD to stop bringing that stuff (or making it) into our house!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Had another fun beer event last night, but I couldn't drink (well more than sips to taste) because of the antibiotics for my finger. I wanted to make sure it was super clear that I wasn't drinking because I was on antibiotics and NOT because I was pregnant. However, it did make me realize that when/if I do get pregnant (we aren't trying right now), I may need to avoid beer gatherings for the first trimester. I don't think I could always "be on antibiotics" - I would totally blow my cover! :laugh:

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Cals - Over, but not as much as if I had been drinking beer at the event! They had this delicious goat cheese at the event, so I ate quite a bit of that on tasty bread. Cheese and bread - they are sneaky!!
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - Walked about 1.5 miles throughout the day
    Proud - Didn't completely gorge myself on the bread/cheese combo.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies:

    Deb: I hope your stressful in-laws go home soon!

    Lauren: It could be fun to come up with excuses for not drinking...

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over
    Water: Under by 16 oz.
    Exercise: Pilates :blushing:
    Proud: I had ice cream at home to save money and to control the portion better. It was perfect!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Whoa whoa whoa - Renea - you were on the television? Do tell us more!:glasses:

    Checking in for the weekend -
    calories - Over
    Water - good
    Exercise - light walking
    Proud - funeral and dinner at the nicest restaurant in the area and I was only over by 300 calories? Win!

    Calories - slightly under
    Water - good
    Exercise - bad
    Proud - I had a coney dog for lunch but I wanted TWO coney dogs and FRIES!

    calories- over by about 350
    Water - good
    Exercises - huh?
    proud - I tried to stay clean in my eating even after my major fail. I ate a CUP of milk chocolate covered raisins. what the :devil: ?

    I'm still home - working from home until Thursday due to pain from this last expansion. The doctor heard I was having problems (I called the resident on call over the weekend) and he emailed me from his vacation to find out if I was doing OK. I'm supposed to "take it easy and let things heal" and they proscribed vicodine and ice packs. So I'm trying to take it easy :ohwell: