20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi everyone,

    marie, glad you are ok!!

    sunny, good girl, just get right back on track!! I hope you at least enjoyed the fall.....lol, hopefully you had something really good!!

    Rachel, so glad you are increasing your calories. that is a really good thing:)

    nancy, I'm sure it is just water and your rings will fit again in the next couple of days.

    Vicki, Janice, shirley and connie, just hi and hope you had a good day!!

    my day was busy and stressful! I need to try and remove myself from my kid's issues a bit more, I really get more upset than they do when something happens:( I guess it is hard to remove the mama bear.

  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    Stephanie, I know about the kids. My sons are 37 and 40 with kids of their own. It is so hard to back away and let them make their own mistakes.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Good morning fellow losers! I'm happy to report I did really well yesterday and am down 1 lb from Sunday at 179.5. Mind over matter and no more loophole excuses. :-)

    Ray, enjoy the extra 200 calories!

    Have a great Tuesday! <3

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Tuesday!

    Ray..good for you on upping your cals! Change is good.
    Steph..it is so hard not to let them handle it..I feel,your pain.
    Becky..good for you!

    Marie..how are you today?? <3 I hope you are feeling better and will come visit with us!

    80s today..with humidity. Didn't seem like we had much of a spring, but it's okay because I have been given another day, and I'm glad to have it. B)

    Body pump class for me this morning...looking forward to it. B)
    Make it a great day, everyone! Stay strong!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Good morning from the Oregon Coast. A 4 hour drive then the air museum then the cheese factory (a dangerous place for me). The I'll have time for my walk

    <3 Barbie
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good morning lovely ladies,

    I am still carrying the weight of my son's growing pains. It is so hard to see him so sad! I slept but feel like I didn't sleep at all:( I am vowing to make good choices today and record all my bites! I had sticky fingers last night, I was so sad. need to watch the emotional eating.

    hope everyone has a good day!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning misfits boy dido I sleep in. Want to bed at 9 pm work up at 9am . Jam fine going to go to e store this morning with Jerry had ago bowl of oatmeal for breakfast I Pam still on my I pad.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good Morning,
    Hope you are having a good day.
    @tenpets Great job Becky.
    @barbiecat Barbie hope you are having a great time.
    @slw19 Steph, I think you need a rest day!!!
    @ Connie you are still burning those calories.
    @CALIECAT Marie, You probably needed the extra rest.
    Nancy <3
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    slw19 wrote: »
    good morning lovely ladies,

    I am still carrying the weight of my son's growing pains. It is so hard to see him so sad! I slept but feel like I didn't sleep at all:( I am vowing to make good choices today and record all my bites! I had sticky fingers last night, I was so sad. need to watch the emotional eating.

    hope everyone has a good day!!


    Stephanie, it is so hard to see our children go through hard times. Be sure to take care of you, too. I hope your son's situation improves soon! <3 {HUGS}


  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi gang......
    Sorry I haven't really posted anything in forever. But last week was just plain hell. Between 6 hours of dealing with ballet rehearsals every night and a director that kept changing her mind......and then my 5 yr old got sick. We had a traveling carnival come to town. All of a sudden we have had a massive outbreak of influenza b in town. And yes that is what my youngest ended up getting. She had a fever of 105 Sunday night. I have managed to keep the calories on track.....not sure how but I did. But the exercise was a little lax. The 4 pounds I put on from stress have disappeared. So now I am working on the rest of what I want to lose. My physical therapist has turned me loose. She said I made such awesome progress that I don't need to come any more. But I only have 3 more sessions so I am going to just finish them up and be on my way......so now I am back to swimming finally. I sure missed the pool last week. It has been sunny weather here for a week. So last week I raked the debris from our storm that was in the yard. And then I mowed the lawn. Today I'm off to walk my pups. They will love it. Haven't been able to do that for 3 days. They are in dire need of a walk now.

    PS I will try not to be such a stranger B)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thank you all for your concerned about me. It meanes a lot to me. So far i am getting by ok on this I pad. Still not crazy about it tho

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I know how you feel Marie, I have days with this Tablet that I just want to throw it across the room. But I don't.. :*

    I got on the scale this morning and was not happy. I walked for 40 min and had a protein shake for breakfast and then
    again for lunch. After that my stomach was acting up. I had some snacks and then a South Beach dinner. I am
    getting desperate to lose. Nothing after dinner just soda water. I make that myself with my soda machine. No salt.

  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello everyone,

    Just wanted to drop in! I've been extremely busy lately. I'm currently on travel in Augusta Ga taking a course for my job. OMG...they are feeding us well here (breakfast, lunch and dinner) all catered to the hotel. We don't have the hotel for anything since the class is being held here as well!

    I'm so scared to see what the scale says when I get back. :(

    Ohhh...I went to the Dr on Friday and I hadn't been since Oct, so she was so shocked at my weighloss. She said I had dropped 28 lbs since my last visit! That made me feel so good. I just hope I don't undo everything on this trip. I hadn't gone this long without a green smoothie since I started!!

    I have missed to many posts but hopefully everyone is doing well...


  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good evening ladies,

    much better day and night for me today!! hope you are all doing well!

    although I have only lost 7 lbs, I feel like my clothes are definitely fitting better, thank god!

    marie, good to hear from you

    Shirley, sounds like a good eating day for you:)

    Christina, while it is much easier to put on than take offlbs, I am sure you are not doing significant damage!! go you, 28lbs is amazing!!

    taco Tuesday in my house, made a yummy salad. greek yogurt makes a great sour cream.

    have a good night.


    have a good night
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    @tenpets I'm really enjoying my extra calories. :) I feel less rigid this way.

    @CALIECAT I can't stand typing on tablets. They're so frustrating!

    @SeeAhtter787 You keep kicking so much butt! You're doing awesome. :)

    @Shirley61 What is your current diet plan?

    @cristina0000 Enjoy the catering! Atleast you know it's not something you'd be doing every day for weeks on end.

    @slw19 Clothes fitting better is even better than the scale going down sometimes. :)

    We have an appointment tomorrow to see a house, I'm both nervous and looking forward to it. I'm nervous because if we really like it we'll have to get them to come way down on the price, and we're the second showing of the day tomorrow, so there may be others wanting it. We'll see. If it falls through we'll survive. :P

    I've started jogging on the treadmill, and I'm loving it! I started last week doing 10 minutes of jogging along with my normal walking. Then I worked up to 12 minutes, then 15 minutes, and the last two days I've been doing 16 minutes of jogging. It makes me feel so much more fit to jog than to just walk. Plus after the faster jogging pace I only slow the speed down to 4.0 for the rest of my walk, so I'm .1 faster than my previously normal pace. My goal is to work up to 20 minutes, and the ultimate goal is to be able to just hop on the treadmill and do a short warm up, 30 minutes of jogging, and a short cool down, maybe 40 minutes total for my daily workout. I'm doing 80 minutes a day right now. Once I'm at maintenance I think a 40 minute workout would be plenty each day, especially if I'm still not eating the exercise calories.

    I'm hoping I won't see much of a gain on Friday. I'm not sure what to expect with my increased calories.

    I hope everyone had a happy Tuesday, I can't believe it's already Hump Day again! Time flies!


  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    Hello thank you for all of the ecouragement. I'm glad I have you all. Reading how everyone is persevering helps me. We all have are struggles but we will never give up. :)
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Wednesday!

    Cristina..WhooHoo! 28 pounds! I know the catered food in Georgia is the good ole southern fare! Just make sure you drink lots of water!

    Ray..I know you feel better with the increase in cals..they will fuel your workouts! Good luck on the house!

    Steph..inches mean more than weight...they're my constant source of encouragement!

    Hi Sunny! Good to see you.

    Gym day for me.. Personal training and pool. We are taking measurements today, too.

    Stay strong, losers!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) We are home and I am back to using my computer instead of my phone....and I can go for a walk in my neighborhood instead of on a treadmill in a hotel exercise room. We were supposed to take one more day to get home but when we got to the hotel yesterday after going to the air museum and cheese factory (yes, I had some cheese, but no, I didn't have ice cream), they said we couldn't check in for two hours. We didn't like the look of the hotel very much and since we couldn't check in, we decided to keep driving north and before long, Jake said, let's just go home so we were on the road for nine hours total and got home in time to watch the recording of Monday night's DWTS and the Tuesday results show before we went to bed. I had no time for a real walk so my step count for the day is much lower than usual. But now I am home to my real routine and my line dance class today.

    <3 Barbie
  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Sunnyfarm wrote: »
    Hello thank you for all of the ecouragement. I'm glad I have you all. Reading how everyone is persevering helps me. We all have are struggles but we will never give up. :)

    we definitely all have struggles Sunny - you are not the only one!

    my pitfull is usually wine on a friday night after a long week at work!

  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning it's a nice day here in CA. Looks like we might get some rain by tomorrow. We sure do need it. Even though I had a small emotional break down yesterday I did better with my eating then I had been doing. Well I did eat a pack of starburst that were staring at me at work yesterday. Lol. Today I have put my menu in first thing in the morning to help me stay on track. Usually I put things in as I go and when I was letting the wagon roll over me I put things in before bed or not at all. Today will be a good day.

    "You are in charge of taking control of your day from its very beginning." ~Cindy Trimm
