
  • Soufsidekitho
    Soufsidekitho Posts: 21 Member
    Love it! Thanks!:wink:
  • Soufsidekitho
    Soufsidekitho Posts: 21 Member
    Those are great tips! Thanks for sharing!
  • ALYSSE137
    ALYSSE137 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey add me in!!

    Weight: 171lbs
    Height: 5, 5
    Body Fat: 26.59%

    Looking forward to updates.
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    I updated the web site - I added a page where I will post the daily challenges so you can read them in both places and see all the days archived.
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    In order to not over indulge or snack when preparing, I prepackage all of my lunchs and snacks for the work week on Sunday. It saves time and helps me know that it is ready to go. It keeps the guess work out of 'what will I have to eat today as I'm rushing out the door'.
  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    Hey add me in!!

    Weight: 171lbs
    Height: 5, 5
    Body Fat: 26.59%

    Looking forward to updates.

    Please message prplangl4 and add her as a friend! Welcome and happy losing!
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    To help me stay under my calorie goal, I just make sure I don't drink too many calories. Gone are the days when I used to guzzle Mtn Dew. I drink a cup of juice and about 3 cubs of coffee in the morning. Then the rest of my liquid comes in the form of water and occasionally diet soda.
  • What I do to stay under my calories... hmm, I keep busy, because I found when I'm bored I want to eat. For me the biggest thing is probably exercise, when i work out i feel really tired and full and i don't really get hungry for the rest of the day.

    And even though you aren't hungry you eat!! eating when your not hungry means you will eat less and never actually FEEL hungry. If you don't feel hungry you won't feel the need to eat as much to save your starving self! And then at night or whenever you usually go to bed, if you find that you are getting hungry go to sleep. Thats what works for me.
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    Agilegazelle, that idea about keeping busy is SO TRUE! And it works two-fold: if you're busy, you get more done and you don't think about food, but you also burn more calories because you're (presumably) more active doing things. Love it!
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    Under my calories today, which is a relief since ive yet to workout and i had chinese for dinner (oh the temptation! :ohwell: ). Hopefully i can keep this up all through the weekend too :smokin:
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Hi! I would love to be apart of this. :) I ready to give up the wiggles and jiggles.

    Starting Weight 5/16.....196

    Goal Weight...................170
  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    Hi! I would love to be apart of this. :) I ready to give up the wiggles and jiggles.

    Starting Weight 5/16.....196

    Goal Weight...................170
    Please message prplangl4 and add her as a friend! Welcome and happy losing!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    I keep busy, because I found when I'm bored I want to eat. For me the biggest thing is probably exercise, when i work out i feel really tired and full and i don't really get hungry for the rest of the day.

    So true! I munch a lot when I'm bored but when I work out I feel healthier and want to eat healthier (and dont want to undo my progress for the day). After a gooood workout the sore muscles are also a nice reminder to not go hog wild on the food!
  • QueenRox
    QueenRox Posts: 8
    I'm in. This is my first time joining anything so how does this work??? :)
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member


    *this is not meant to offend anyone - I am very sensitive to everyone's beliefs, however I can't ignore what's goin on in the news...

    So supposedly it might be the end of the world, judgement day, the rapture, etc. etc. today. But we are soooo determined and dedicated in this group that we live for TODAY and nothins gonna stop us from sticking to our goals! So hit the gym, do some dancing, just do SOMETHING today to show YOU are serious about losin weight and feeling great!!:happy:

    1. DISCO INFERNO (BURN BABY BURN!) - The trammps
    2. NIGHT FEVER - Bee Gees
    3. END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT (I feel fine) - R.E.M.

    Weekends are the hardest for sticking to goals - there's so many distractors! How will you ensure you have a super successful Saturday?

    1. To all those who get in sommmmeee kind of workout today!!
    2. Welcome to all our newcombers.
    3. Also big ups to those who are responding to new people who want to join and directing them to the website/to add me as a friend. We are getting so many requests in it really helps me out!

  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    to be quite honest, i just pack lots of fruits and veggies and premake my dinner and go ahead and put it in my cooler and then place it in the refridge overnight and then im not tempted to eat something im not supposed to....i also tell myself daily that it all comes down to a choice, whether it be good or bad, that will affect my wellbeing and not perfect but i do try to make conscious healthy choices
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    Today I did the longest workout I've done since making the choice to make this lifestyle change. For 40 mins, I gave a hundred percent. I sweated a lot, and I burned over 200 calories.
    I got given some great advice by someone on one of these forums (sorry, I can't remember your name!) the other day. She told me that it's all about little choices - I can either choose to slip back into old ways and stay fat, or man up and choose the right thing, and get hot. That's all it comes down to.
    My calorie intake is a lot more important now that our official weigh day is Monday (I used to do Thursdays to have time to work off the weekend), so it'll be a big change for me to watch how much I consume over the weekend! Looking forward to other people's tips on this topic.

    (and the website's looking GREAT, Kristy!)
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    Today I did the longest workout I've done since making the choice to make this lifestyle change. For 40 mins, I gave a hundred percent. I sweated a lot, and I burned over 200 calories.
    I got given some great advice by someone on one of these forums (sorry, I can't remember your name!) the other day. She told me that it's all about little choices
    My calorie intake is a lot more important now that our official weigh day is Monday
    (and the website's looking GREAT, Kristy!)

    GREAT!!! Thats what its all about! It is about the little choices and small wins - making up this challenge and being here for you guys has made me more accountable and cognizant (:laugh: ohhh big word) of what I eat and do...and having a reason to log into MFP every day multiple times a day and see all of your guys' updates and progress really keeps me goin! THANKS GUYS!:flowerforyou: The Monday login thing I learned from someone in MFP too so SMOOCHES! :smooched: :laugh: :tongue:

    FYI for those wondering why everyones sayin the world is ending (or its the rapture) here's the story:
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm defintely in!

    Thanks to you all in advance :)

    Start weight: 168 lbs
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    Not sure how this works.... but down 2 pounds since I started about 10 days ago. I am an ultra marathoner and I want to get my weight down some so that I can run easier. As it is, when I'm doing my events, I'm carrying a 6 pound pack so if I lost 20 pounds, that would help imensely!! Have always eaten fairly well, but this site certainly keeps me accountable. Once I get my HRM, I will be able to know my burn better. Right now I'm ballparking it on this site. They don't have a catagory for trail running and since trails are tougher than roads, I'll be curious to the exact burn. I can't believe this site is FREE!!

    I have a Judgement Day 15 mile trail run today!! Happy Judgement day all.... and run like the wind!! :glasses:
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