Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    CM_73 wrote: »
    losingrae wrote: »
    CM_73 wrote: »

    Thank you! I think the weekend will be a complete failure, but I might set my target at 2 glasses which would be 2 more than usual...
    I'm still not overly convinced of any benefits, but I'm determined to give it a good try before deciding.

    Good luck everyone on today's goals!

    Hi there. Remember the great Henry Ford quote: "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right."
    So decide what success you want to have this weekend, with water or anything else, then just start imagining your success and you drinking the water and where and when you'll do it, and how pleased you'll be when you do it.

    Go for it!
  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »
    CM_73 wrote: »
    losingrae wrote: »
    CM_73 wrote: »

    Thank you! I think the weekend will be a complete failure, but I might set my target at 2 glasses which would be 2 more than usual...
    I'm still not overly convinced of any benefits, but I'm determined to give it a good try before deciding.

    Good luck everyone on today's goals!

    Hi there. Remember the great Henry Ford quote: "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right."
    So decide what success you want to have this weekend, with water or anything else, then just start imagining your success and you drinking the water and where and when you'll do it, and how pleased you'll be when you do it.

    Go for it!

    That's a great quote, thanks for that!

    I can drink my water quota this weekend, and I will!

  • yourpastlifeasablast
    yourpastlifeasablast Posts: 6 Member
    Just for today...
    1. I will stay within my calorie limit.
    2. I will exercise for at least 30 minutes.
    3. I will avoid most sweets so I can eat more nourishing foods.
    4. I will drink a lot of water.
    5. I will beat my urge to binge and attempts to get emotional fulfillment from food by only eating when biologically hungry.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    CM_73 wrote: »
    CM_73 wrote: »
    CM_73 wrote: »
    Just for today - I'm going to try and drink my water target.

    Nearly made it, I had 6 or 7 glasses which is 3x more than usual.

    So, just for today, same target again.

    And.. failed again.
    Still, I had 5 or 6 (I really need to log them!) so a downward trend, but still better than 2.

    So, today's target: 8 glasses of water.

    What I'd like to say is: Terrific job!!! You are being too hard on yourself, esp. using that word "failed". I think that will bring you down and eventually make you feel like quitting. It would do you good to retrain your mind to think: "OK--I missed my target, BUT I did drink 5 or 6, which is double what I used to. I will try again tomorrow!!!" I hope you have a GREAT day of water drinking, and even if you "only" hit 6, we'll all cheer for you anyway!!!!! Go, go, go!!!

  • run_cmc
    run_cmc Posts: 26 Member

    1. Go to the gym at lunch, run 3 miles after work
    2. Have salad for lunch
    3. Try not to let carb-loading for tomorrow's race get too crazy
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    lcbourdo wrote: »
    Didn't make my yoga goal this morning. Keeping it simple to start, but even simple goals seem to be too much for me right now. I slept until 8 tonight. Depressed, I guess. I know that more water and exercise will help, so that's my goal for today:
    • Make up some infused water to drink throughout the day (mint, lemon, cucumber, and ginger -- yum)
    • Do my stretches!

    Looking forward to reporting in and seeing everyone tomorrow night!

    Well, God's grace to you again today! :) And I have a thought for you: I think somewhere earlier on the thread, someone wrote something about taking a questionnaire about their personality as it pertains to exercise (?!?) and they found out their drive was a love of the outdoors...so no wonder she always was having to force herself to go to the gym!!! So she adapted her views of good exercise to biking or something outdoors...Anyway, something like that.

    SO, my question is: Do you like yoga??? Or are you saying you should do it coz someone says so? Maybe you'd enjoy simply taking a walk outside instead, or maybe you would like Zumba--who knows. The key is to not have exercise be something dreaded, but rather that you look forward to it coz it makes you feel good!! And that you are increasing your activity level, period :) So, whatever you decide, I hope you succeed today! You will feel better!!!!

  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »

    Just for Today, 14 May:
    1. Stay close to cal goals/fat intake-- :):) Yay! Hit the mark!!
    2. Drink 4 pints water/tea--work on this!!!-- :) I think I got in 3, and I am happy enuf w. that coz my intake had dropped to like 1 pint for a few days!!
    3. Exercise 30 min.--Work harder today at making this happen!!-- :o OK-will have to keep working. I got in a measly 10, but at least I did something. Rainy yuck weather hasn't helped!
    4. Really stay focused on God's truth in a very challenging circumstance!-- :) I had a day full of prayer and was in much more of a peaceful place all day.

    Just for Today, 15 May:
    1. Stay close to cal goals/fat intake
    2. Drink 4 pints water/tea--work on this!!!
    3. Exercise 30 min.--Work harder today at making this happen!!
    4. Really stay focused on God's truth in a very challenging circumstance!

    @feistyjojo: LOVE your new profile photo!!!!! Where were you for that? That's not part of your job/work is it? Anyway, how absolutely fun!!!

  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    @azulvioleta6 - Congrats! What type of car did you get. It truly sucks how long that process takes. We had an appointment at noon to look at a car, I finally left the dealership after 7. :open_mouth:

    Once I decided what I wanted, it was really quick. I put in what I though would be an opening bid by text at 5:00, by 8:00 I was driving away. They accepted my first bid, which I thought was REALLY low. I've never dealt with a car dealership before and was kind of surprised how easy it was. The hard part was having already spent 8 hours looking at/comparing other cars.

    I got a Blue 2005 Ford Focus ZX3 with 93,000 miles on it. Not nearly as cool as the red Mustang that got wrecked, but still kind of zippy.

    Oh, it's just sort of fun sometimes to "say hello" to just about everyone! Soooooooooo glad your car situation went smoothly! What a blessing! Hope it is a very dependable vehicle for you :)

  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    @azulvioleta6 - Congrats! What type of car did you get. It truly sucks how long that process takes. We had an appointment at noon to look at a car, I finally left the dealership after 7. :open_mouth:

    Hopefully you ended up with a good car? Or still looking? Good luck to you! Car troubles are not fun!

  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I am so late again posting!

    Yesterday, wednesday, 5/13
    1. 2 glasses of water with each meal, 2 glasses in between to equal 8 glasses of water :)
    2. some protein with every meal! :)

    I did great again, until evening. Once again, ice cream sandwiches - 300 calories worth! Even though my calories were still OK, I was about ready to just give up. I mean, I have been trying since January to get 20 lbs off, and the scale has been going up and down. But the good news, is that it has not stayed up -- but it has not gone down either!

    So I talked myself into just taking a break from everything. Taking a break from getting on this website, taking a break from logging my food, everything. Convincing myself that maybe I needed to take a break so I don't think so much about losing the weight.

    But then I got on this discussion thread, and I realize all the wonderful people I have met (and I would miss you all :) . I realized that we all struggle, and you guys are NOT giving up. So neither should I. It takes time to change habits, and replace them with new habits. And no matter what the scale says, replacing unhealthy habits with healthy habits means more than what the numbers on the scale say.

    So I am back. I am back, taking this just one day at a time. And -- the goal of 2 glasses of water with each meal has really helped me, and also the goal of a protein with each meal has helped me. But I am adding one more goal! Once I brush my teeth, I don't eat anymore - because it is too much work to brush and floss my teeth. So -- trying another goal to curb the nitetime eating!

    So even though I am late in the day posting....

    Just for today, thursday, 5/14
    1. 2 glasses of water with each meal, 2 glasses in between to equal 8 glasses of water :)
    2. some protein with every meal! :)
    3. Brush my teeth at 9pm -- no more food!

    Oh, Joan, I read this with tears in my eyes! Please do NOT give up! WE would miss YOU!!!! And yes, you have been posting about so many diligent little changes you are making--more water, protein, and now the excellent idea to brush teeth early at night....You keep going! You are an inspiration to all of us. We love you!!!!! God's grace to you that you will have a peaceful, diligent day!!!!

  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,523 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    CM_73 wrote: »
    CM_73 wrote: »
    CM_73 wrote: »
    Just for today - I'm going to try and drink my water target.

    Nearly made it, I had 6 or 7 glasses which is 3x more than usual.

    So, just for today, same target again.

    And.. failed again.
    Still, I had 5 or 6 (I really need to log them!) so a downward trend, but still better than 2.

    So, today's target: 8 glasses of water.

    What I'd like to say is: Terrific job!!! You are being too hard on yourself, esp. using that word "failed". I think that will bring you down and eventually make you feel like quitting. It would do you good to retrain your mind to think: "OK--I missed my target, BUT I did drink 5 or 6, which is double what I used to. I will try again tomorrow!!!" I hope you have a GREAT day of water drinking, and even if you "only" hit 6, we'll all cheer for you anyway!!!!! Go, go, go!!!

    Great positive post. We could all change our wording to ourselves and I think it would help a lot.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    @joan6630 - I'm so grateful that you've continued this thread & that you come back. This whole health "journey" seems to have days where we're so motivated & can lift up others & at times challenging days & we could use the lift ourselves. It's OK to take it day by day. When we meet our goals I think the skills we've developed by facing the challenging days will in turn help us to maintain our success.
  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    CM_73 wrote: »
    CM_73 wrote: »
    CM_73 wrote: »
    Just for today - I'm going to try and drink my water target.

    Nearly made it, I had 6 or 7 glasses which is 3x more than usual.

    So, just for today, same target again.

    And.. failed again.
    Still, I had 5 or 6 (I really need to log them!) so a downward trend, but still better than 2.

    So, today's target: 8 glasses of water.

    What I'd like to say is: Terrific job!!! You are being too hard on yourself, esp. using that word "failed". I think that will bring you down and eventually make you feel like quitting. It would do you good to retrain your mind to think: "OK--I missed my target, BUT I did drink 5 or 6, which is double what I used to. I will try again tomorrow!!!" I hope you have a GREAT day of water drinking, and even if you "only" hit 6, we'll all cheer for you anyway!!!!! Go, go, go!!!

    Thanks very much! You're quite right, I can be a bit hard on myself (I think we're all probably guilty of that.) I will embrace my new-found love for water* with a bit more positivity :)

    * Still don't like the stuff but I'll keep at it
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    Today I will:
    Walk for 45 mins-did 50!
    Garden with a vengeance - nope!
    Avoid process foods - eat 7-9 servings of fruits & veggies-yes & actually didn't crave the processed stuff.
    Track food & activity-yes
    Aim for 8 hrs of sleep-yes
    Drink 8+ cups of water-no, 5 if I'm lucky.
    Popcorn for evening snack if needed-had a cup of cherries instead.

    I will:
    Do all of the above but I'll add Pilates in today & try again on the water.
    Plan a fun outdoor activity with the family this weekend-walk at the beach on Sunday afternoon perhaps.
    Pretrack the entire weekend.
    Make ahead two salads.

    I hope everyone has a great Friday!!

  • YolliB2014
    YolliB2014 Posts: 104 Member
    Good morning and TGIF :)

    Hoping for a little bit of a miraculous rainfall here so we can have the kids over for a fire, there is a burn ban in place right now. My poor daughter is in her 9th month of pregnancy and with this one, she is so uncomfortable. Can't wait to get her back as my exercise partner :)

    Just for today:

    ~ I will stick to my preplanned menu
    ~ Drink my 8 glasses of water
    ~ 40 minutes of cardio, 20m before weights and 20 after.
    ~ bump my sets up to 2.
    ~ Take my protein so I'm sure I can reach my protein goal.
    ~ Rest if needed.

    That's it for me today. Hope you all have plans for a little fun this weekend!!! Have yourselves a fantastic Friday :) Cheers!!!
  • njlosingweight
    njlosingweight Posts: 17 Member
    from yesterday

    Just for today May 14th
    *log all food and stay within budget :)
    *8,000 steps (being realistic as this is not a gym day) :)
    *extra water at 10, 1, and 5 :#
    *another day with no nuts (my husband buys the giant bags from Costco and I just have to stop) :)
    * stop obsessing about the next thing I will be eating :#

    Amazing that if the plan is followed everything goes so well...then that little devil on the shoulder starts shouting and it is hard to ignore. But doing this one day at a time and sometimes 1 hour at a time is what I need!

    May 15. Today I will:

    *Plan ahead for cocktail party I am going to tonight.
    *Log all food
    * drink extra glass of water 3x a day 11,2,5
    * walk 10,000 steps
    * aerobics class at gym
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    CM_73 wrote: »

    Thanks very much! You're quite right, I can be a bit hard on myself (I think we're all probably guilty of that.) I will embrace my new-found love for water* with a bit more positivity :)

    * Still don't like the stuff but I'll keep at it

    P.S. Have you read some of the previous posts about flavoring your water...with lemon juice, ginger, a tiny zip of fruit juice???? Herbal tea would count as "water" too. I think many of us have difficulty chugging down plain water, so you are not alone. :)
  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    CM_73 wrote: »

    Thanks very much! You're quite right, I can be a bit hard on myself (I think we're all probably guilty of that.) I will embrace my new-found love for water* with a bit more positivity :)

    * Still don't like the stuff but I'll keep at it

    P.S. Have you read some of the previous posts about flavoring your water...with lemon juice, ginger, a tiny zip of fruit juice???? Herbal tea would count as "water" too. I think many of us have difficulty chugging down plain water, so you are not alone. :)

    Actually, one of my friends suggested a piece of frozen lemon to cool it and ad a tiny bit of flavour. It's what I've been doing for the last couple of days and it does seem to work really well :)
    Once again I've lost track of how many I've got through today, but I think it's 4 so far (at 15:47 here) so not too bad for me I'm doing really well!
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »

    Hopefully you ended up with a good car? Or still looking? Good luck to you! Car troubles are not fun!

    I ended up with exactly what I wanted and knew that going in :) I was even pre-qualified for the loan. The car dealership was just having issues that day.
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 05/14
    1. log :)
    2. exercise :)
    3. keep it low carb :)
    4. evening vitamins :( once again, didn't even cross my mind

    I really would like to see a loss tomorrow, but it would be a pipe dream considering how poorly I was eating the previous week. :) I DID!!!!!

    Just for Today 05/15
    2. log, log, log
    3. exercise
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    yesterday , thursday, 5/14
    1. 2 glasses of water with each meal, 2 glasses in between to equal 8 glasses of water :)
    2. some protein with every meal! :)
    3. Brush my teeth at 9pm -- no more food! :)

    Just for today, friday, 5/15
    A repeat of yesterday!!
    1. 2 glasses of water w/each meal; 2 glasses in between
    2. protein with every meal
    3. Brush teeth at 9pm - no more food

    Drinking the 2 glasses of water w/each meal has really helped me to get in my water!

    Hope you all have a great friday!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12,000 steps :)
    2. lift heavy things/garden :)
    3. under 100 G carbs :smiley:

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. dance!
    3. 10 freggies
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    losingrae wrote: »
    @azulvioleta6 - Congrats! What type of car did you get. It truly sucks how long that process takes. We had an appointment at noon to look at a car, I finally left the dealership after 7. :open_mouth:

    Once I decided what I wanted, it was really quick. I put in what I though would be an opening bid by text at 5:00, by 8:00 I was driving away. They accepted my first bid, which I thought was REALLY low. I've never dealt with a car dealership before and was kind of surprised how easy it was. The hard part was having already spent 8 hours looking at/comparing other cars.

    I got a Blue 2005 Ford Focus ZX3 with 93,000 miles on it. Not nearly as cool as the red Mustang that got wrecked, but still kind of zippy.

    Those are good cars.

    I hope so! Buying a car when you don't have much money is pretty stressful.
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    kwfitgal wrote: »

    @feistyjojo: LOVE your new profile photo!!!!! Where were you for that? That's not part of your job/work is it? Anyway, how absolutely fun!!!
    Thanks. It's a wildlife sanctuary in Namibia that I've volunteered at 3 times so far... and will hopefully go again this year. I love it!
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    feistyjojo wrote: »

    Friday's goals:
    - bust a gut at bootcamp. I need the exercise and release after a very busy week with no time to work out ☺
    - hit calorie target, even with the 2 glasses of wine I will allow myself tomorrow night.
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    So.. did really well at bootcamp.
    Then got so stressed with work and just couldn't get it all done and have had such a busy week.
    So will have to do a few hours tomorrow which really cheesed me off (I work for myself so no one to blame but me). So was feeling tired and grumpy so had a chocolate cake at the coffee shop whilst working with a colleague.
    That helped to take me 150 over calorie target. Boo.

    And.... given the week I've had and how I sometimes used to react to situations like that, it's ok.
  • feistyjojo
    feistyjojo Posts: 303 Member
    edited May 2015
    Saturday's goals:
    - Clear all work by 1pm so I can enjoy the rest of my weekend
    - get my gardening done: After going to garden centre, build the 'fruit cage', plant veggies and sweet peas, weed beds, tie back the raspberries. This will count as my exercise for the day
    - Hit calorie goal
    - Remember I'm doing well overall (lost 17 lbs now, 14 to go) and I CAN do this by my target date
  • lian27chime
    lian27chime Posts: 50 Member
    Eat just mangoes all day
  • lian27chime
    lian27chime Posts: 50 Member
    Eat just mangoes and other fruits for just one day. Never done this in my whole life, I'll give it a try
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    Just for today ( Friday May 15)
    1. Walk at least 1 hour :smile:
    2. Stick to 1200 calories :smile:
    3. Laundry and housework :smile:

    Just for today ( Saturday May 16)
    Have to work all day tomorrow at an outdoor event so things will be challenging today.
    1. Pack food and drinks and avoid greasy fair fare.
    2. Try to find time to walk
    3. Log food and stick to 1200 calories
    4. Don't get sunburned.