
  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    I'm defintely in!

    Thanks to you all in advance :)

    Start weight: 168 lbs
    Please friend and message prplangl4 so that she can add you to the spreadsheet. Also, please note that you may want to start on Monday with your weigh-in we've all set goals every week for 5 weeks, yours will be for four but please message those to prplangl4 as well. If you would like, put them in your signature as well.

    Happy losing! :)
  • sarahrobin
    sarahrobin Posts: 138 Member
    I'm dreading this weekend. My in-laws are in town and it's my FIL's b-day on Monday. My in-laws love to eat out when the come to visit and it's always either Olive Garden (yum!), Famous Dave's (super yum) or Red Lobster. I'm going to try so hard to pick healthy choices and not pig out (especially since I over-indulged on pizza last night :angry: ) I might suggest Red Lobster because I am not a seafood fan so I won't be tempted at all to overeat there! Wish me luck!
  • sarahrobin
    sarahrobin Posts: 138 Member
    I'm in. This is my first time joining anything so how does this work??? :)

    You can go to the awesome website to get all the rules/details. Also, message prplangl4 with your starting weight so she can get you added. Welcome! :smile:
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member
    that is soooo true.......
    boredom leads to eating... i agree..... so keeping busy like you say is the key.....
    but exercise on weekends doesnt happen for me.... im tryin to get into the mode....
    need help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and Monday weigh ins UGH.....
    but way to keep us on track.....

    Your an inspriation.... Kudos :) GF
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Well if today is it, I am going all sweaty!! Did a 9 mile trail bike ride today and feel GREAT. It is a beautiful day and I plan to enjoy it. Thanks again for all you do on this website and message board. It is keeping me on track and away from my usual "i can think of something better to do" attitude. I have no idea in the end if I will meet my goals, but am sure going to give it my all.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    you need to add the song "takin care of business" as a motivation song Kristy...i just heard it and had to chair dance...heheheh
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    you need to add the song "takin care of business" as a motivation song Kristy...i just heard it and had to chair dance...heheheh

    indeed!!! good one!!! I definitely will!
  • Hannahrenee86
    Hannahrenee86 Posts: 183
    Hope everyone is have a great Saturday. I am trying to get rid of a migraine and then Stephen(husband) and I are going hiking at a Caverns! So excited. I have my trusty water bottle right beside me!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    im trying to walk 200 miles by july 12....i wish you luck on your goal of 500:)
  • Having a good day so far :) Weekends are so hard for me. I hope I can get through tonight with out snacking. Have been craving chocolate though...... and I'm at work so the vending machine is right down the hall. I keep telling myself to be strong.... I will let you know if I win tomorrow.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Weekends are the hardest for me - we usually end up going out to eat at least once! What I tried today was some advance planning - I knew we were going to Olive Garden, so I googled their nutrition information and decided what to eat beforehand. Anyone have thoughts on restaurants where there are good choices for people who don't want a 1,000 calorie meal?
  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    Haven't been having a good day per se.. The CT dye from yesterday made me very nauseous this morning, making my boss send me home. The most I've had to eat today is 10 crackers (non-salted) and toast with jam. I'll at least be under my calorie goal right? haha

    Good job to everyone else who is having a great weekend!!

    Just a reminder to everyone who wants to join, PLEASE add prplangl4 as a friend and send her your weight/goals.
  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    Weekends are the hardest for me - we usually end up going out to eat at least once! What I tried today was some advance planning - I knew we were going to Olive Garden, so I googled their nutrition information and decided what to eat beforehand. Anyone have thoughts on restaurants where there are good choices for people who don't want a 1,000 calorie meal?
    Boston Pizza has a healthy choices menu, or you could try a buffet and rock the salad bar. If you HAVE to go to Olive Garden though, you could do what I do. I split a serving of pasta into three pieces and only eat a third. This was one dish equals three meals!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    Anyone have thoughts on restaurants where there are good choices for people who don't want a 1,000 calorie meal?

    Ruby Tuesdays has redone their menu - they show the calories of their side items (zucchini and broccoli and everything) and some of their healthier choices like the salmon and tilapia...very impressed!
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    you need to add the song "takin care of business" as a motivation song Kristy...i just heard it and had to chair dance...heheheh

    indeed!!! good one!!! I definitely will!

    I know its old and kinda cheesy, but boogie shoes is a great workout song
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Anyone have thoughts on restaurants where there are good choices for people who don't want a 1,000 calorie meal?

    Ruby Tuesdays has redone their menu - they show the calories of their side items (zucchini and broccoli and everything) and some of their healthier choices like the salmon and tilapia...very impressed!

    Applebee's has their weight watchers section and most of it is pretty decent
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member
    Yea I did it...... i stayed under my calorie goal for today and I also xercised.....
    on a SATURDAY .....let me tell you thats amazing for ME>>> even a long weekend

    YEAH BOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • QueenRox
    QueenRox Posts: 8
    I need to start eating more and stay low on sodium!! Aaah. I don't want to be disappointed at the end of this challenge so I need to find some motivation!!! Are there any diet that works for a long time?? Gaaah. We can do this!
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    Roxxayy, I've had a lot of success with Michelle Bridges, and it's a very sensible diet - just wholefoods and exercise. You should be able to get her books (Crunch Time, the Crunch Time Cookbook and Losing The Last 5 Kilos) on Amazon.
  • QueenRox
    QueenRox Posts: 8
    Roxxayy, I've had a lot of success with Michelle Bridges, and it's a very sensible diet - just wholefoods and exercise. You should be able to get her books (Crunch Time, the Crunch Time Cookbook and Losing The Last 5 Kilos) on Amazon.

    Ok I will check those books out. Thank you!!
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