The official nightshift thread....



  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Still hear. I hate people tonight. Why do you get mad at the guy that hit your dog with the car when you are the one that let it run in the street. Why to you adopt a dog with known head trauma and a history of seizures and then act surprised with it's having cluster seizures and I put it on Phenobarbital. I should have gone into goat herding.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Still hear. I hate people tonight. Why do you get mad at the guy that hit your dog with the car when you are the one that let it run in the street. Why to you adopt a dog with known head trauma and a history of seizures and then act surprised with it's having cluster seizures and I put it on Phenobarbital. I should have gone into goat herding.

    I remember my Uncle asked if I let Tessa off the leash when I take her for walks. I said straight up, "No, because I lover her." It's also why I get SO upset about her escaping the fenced area.... As soon as I get a real day off I plan on finally fixing that. Poor dog doesn't know what's good for her. :(
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited May 2015
    Rotating shifts are the worst @muldactus. Ick.

    @lilaclovebird I don't mind working overtime either...if I'm prepared for it. Being stuck somewhere for DOUBLE the time without knowing ahead of time makes me irate. I'm the only one here so I can't leave if I need something. Ugh...

    My ex-bestie is a type 1 diabetic. I had been friends with her since kindergarten but her b*%#@ing about it constantly made me cut off our friendship...among other things. All she ever did was complain about her illness. I understand it consumes her life and finances but it was just ridiculous. She and her husband make more than my fiance and I and still live above their means and that just pisses me off. They buy new cars all the time, buy stuff they can't afford, she works for her dad, who is going bankrupt and buys a motorcycle off him for her husband and can't afford to pay him for it...and then whines about all her medical costs...and buys a new house. She had the audacity to ask me to commit welfare fraud to provide formula when they had their baby two years ago...after remodeling their old house and buying a new car. I told her not only could I NOT get food stamps for formula because my kid was 3 by then but WE never used food stamps when we probably could have qualified for them at the time of our daughter's birth because only my fiance worked during the last trimester of my pregnancy/for the first 4 months after she was born! We budgeted and lived within our means so we didn't NEED them. She also complains about other people abusing the welfare system! I just couldn't do it anymore. Unfriended. She still contacts me every few weeks begging for friendship...even messaged my fiance's step-sister on FB asking for her to talk to me! Let it go, sister...
  • Muldactus
    Muldactus Posts: 6,972 Member
    Still hear. I hate people tonight. Why do you get mad at the guy that hit your dog with the car when you are the one that let it run in the street. Why to you adopt a dog with known head trauma and a history of seizures and then act surprised with it's having cluster seizures and I put it on Phenobarbital. I should have gone into goat herding.

    We've actually got a Great Pyrenees who has seizures. She's on Phenobarbital and Potassium Bromide. One of them (I believe it's the Potassium Bromide) isn't good for her kidneys, but when we tried to ween her off of them, she started having seizures again. We've got her down to about half a pill a day, but that's as low as we feel safe going right now. :(

    @Frankie_Felinius Yea, it's not my preference either. But it's what I've got to pay the bills, so I guess I just gotta grin and bear it. Sorry to hear about your ex-friend. Tho you're right - that doesn't sound much like a friend at all. Some people just don't ever grow up and insist on blaming anything and everything else and refuse to even consider that it might be their own fault.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @Frankie_Felinius I remember when my father was unemployed and we were on food stamps and welfare and then when my dad got a job and we finally got on our feet again we threw a party because we were SO happy to be self-sufficient again.

    I remember there was no shame in what we had to do, but I REALLY remember celebrating being able to support ourselves.

    I have no problem with people who have chronic illnesses like diabetes and they are managing it and trying to keep things under control and maintaining their health. But this guy doesn't even TRY to manage it.

    I am ready to tell my lieutenant that I will work 12 hour shifts with only 1 day off if he will fire this guy. I swear, if I am prepared for an extended shift then I am all for it. But to have it just dropped on me like that? Not cool. I mean, it's okay but, I don't like it.

    In addition, I called the evening shift guy to ask him to come in early to relieve me and he said he was having car trouble and wouldn't be able to make it in early. According to the commissioned officer on duty, this 'car trouble' has been going on for 3 months.

    Then, when the guy comes in at his scheduled time, he starts bitching about how horrible this was to happen to me and that it sucks that we are supposed to be a team but no one wants to step up and help out when things like this occur.

    I kept my mouth shut but man I wanted to tell him, 'Yes it is a shame when no one wants to help out. When you call someone and ask them if they can come in just 3 hours early and they wont step up and come in because they still haven't gotten around to fixing their leaky radiator for 3 months!'
  • Muldactus
    Muldactus Posts: 6,972 Member
    @lilaclovebird I admire your self-discipline in not saying anything. I wouldn't have been nearly as diplomatic. I would have told him "If you want people to be a team and step up and help out when things occur, then YOU need to be ready to step up and help other people out instead of always dropping your problems on everyone else's laps and refusing to accept responsibility for your own problems."

    Then again, I've never been known for being very diplomatic.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @Muldactus - It's too bad it's a Great Pyrenees. The size would make Kepra way to expensive for seizure control. Zonisamide is not too expensive and although it won't replace your Phenobarbital or Potassium Bromide, it can make them more effective if it comes to that.

    @lilaclovebird - How long does it take to fill a leaky radiator? Even if he could have come in a couple of hours early that would have helped. I'm pretty sure you can fill a radiator from empty in about 15 minutes. I know. I've done it.
  • Muldactus
    Muldactus Posts: 6,972 Member
    @Muldactus - It's too bad it's a Great Pyrenees. The size would make Kepra way to expensive for seizure control. Zonisamide is not too expensive and although it won't replace your Phenobarbital or Potassium Bromide, it can make them more effective if it comes to that.

    As long as she's on both the PB and PB, she's fine. She very rarely has seizures when she's on both. We're grateful for that and take what we can get. She's a bit small for a GP - only 85 lbs, and the doc thinks she's about 15 lbs too heavy. She was the runt of her litter. She's also the biggest sweetheart in the world. We love her dearly.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    She doesn't manage it well either. Wears a pump but eats cake, bread, ice cream, candy etc. Now I'll be the FIRST to say I have ZERO self-control with food...if I was diabetic, I guarantee I'd be terrible at managing it. I'm such a carb addict and I know I'd be eating carbs too...but if that is your choice...don't *kitten* about how hard it is to manage it! She also was just dumb about it. I was on the phone with her one night and she was going to eat cob on the corn (as my daughter calls it). She was flipping out over how many carbs were in each ear of corn. How in the *kitten* do you not know SWEET corn is loaded with carbs? After being diagnosed with it for 10+ years, you'd think she would have a grasp on what is carb heavy or not. Granted...I'm a fat chick but I UNDERSTAND nutrition...I just don't abide by what I know is ideal most of the time. Be educated about it before you complain how "terrible" yours is.

    We're plagued with a dog with medical issues as well. Before he was a year old, his hips had already nearly crapped out on him. Wouldn't jump into the car/on the couch or beds. When he got off the couch it took an eternity for him to actually get off, he was in so much pain. We started him on glucosamine/chondroitin and within a few months, he seemed good as new! Now we've been battling some kind of allergy for the last year or so. He went nearly bald on his underside. Changed foods, put him on different meds, bathe him once a week and it is barely under control. He currently has an inflamed spot on his neck that is bald and pink...looks like he has a neck vagina. Sheesh...he is lucky he is such a good dog...he just turned 3 and he already has put a dent in the pocketbooks...but he is nearly perfect besides that.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    WOO! Productive night. I have completed 2 online training courses and 2 citizen contact cards. I've done all my building checks, the emergency phone test, and a perimeter check. I am on a ROLL! :mrgreen:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've been productive tonight when it comes to retail therapy. Just placed a big ol' Lush order! Should be a good mail week. I ordered some dresses from the UK back in October and they ended up getting "lost" in transit. They got as close as Chicago (only 3 hours away) and somehow ended up in New York in February and sat there ever since. USPS was no help and one day about a week ago I checked the tracking # again and it had "expired". So I e-mailed the company I ordered from to see if they had it. They didn't. But, they are re-sending another package at no additional cost to me and in smaller sizes since I've lost weight! Package is in Chicago now. Crossing my fingers it actually gets here this time. I thought for sure I was going to be screwed out of $200+. Same thing happened 10 years ago with a domestic package and I got screwed out of $60 that time. Package was never "found". Oh...and I did some yoga. So productive all around!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I'm so far behind on records, I hope I get a chance to pop in again. If not, Have a great morning and I'll see you guys tonight.
  • gchrissimp
    gchrissimp Posts: 7 Member
    @sufferlandrian no working out at work for me. I walk a lot. That's about it.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    So I washed 2 cars this morning. Took 2 hrs. I logged 60 mins of general aerobic activity and it gave me 700 calories. I know sometimes the calories earned are over what they actually are but wow. I was dripping sweat off but I don't think it was 700 calories worth. Anyone have a better way I could log it?

    And I didn't log 2hrs worth bc there's no way in hell I burned 1400 calories lol. I know better than that.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Guess it's me and the crickets this evening :)
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Really? Washing cars was 700 calories? That's it. I'm going to have the cleanest car on the block. :smile:
  • LacednLace
    LacednLace Posts: 480 Member
    Joining in for the night. Been at work for 5hrs now. Still pulling 1st place in calls even with my mind on my son and his surgery tomorrow. Read most of the posts from the last few days so some responses:

    Forensic Files: Eeeeee!!!! :love: Then again I love almost anything criminal justice/forensic based
    Dating/Interacting with a co-worker in a personal way: From my experience.....doesn't end well. Its great in the moment....kinda awkward in the aftermath.
    Letting k9s run loose: in all fairness we used to have a GS/boxer mix that was trained off leash. If thats the case I don't see a problem. Then again we didn't let him off leash next to the road just as a precaution. More so on trails and parks. Otherwise...keep em on it, keep em safe.

    As for my weekend off: I got off shift early Friday morning and spent Friday day time awake in hopes to sleep like a normal person Friday night. So I washed, dried, folded and put away all of the laundry. Started a round of dishes. And straightened up the living rm. Then I got my son and grabbed dinner. (Rotisserie Chicken) My plan to sleep that night after being up for over 36hrs went to hell when my toddler swallowed either a large glass marble or a stone painted. We aren't 100% sure which. We just know it was a marble so far. Hello ER! Good news is it wasn't stuck in his lungs or trachea. Bad news? He also hasn't relieved his stomach of the object yet. Which means when I get off in the morning...if he still hasn't pooped it out, we have to go back to the ER for an endoscopy. Which means my toddler has to go under general anesthesia and have a scope go down his throat. Mommy mode is panicking. Badly.

    Saturday we tried to surprise his grandmother with a visit, but she was all upset thinking she wasnt going to see him that she left town for the day. Hello wasted 2hr trip. :neutral:

    Sunday: We handled groceries and had dinner with my mom. And yet again, my night shift schedule is whopping my butt. I couldnt sleep all night and my toddler woke up at 6am. So guess who hasn't slept since Saturday afternoon aside from a 4hr nap when my toddler napped today? Thank gracious for long naps some days!!!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @LacednLace Holy moley! You've had quite a few adventures!

    Only 15 minutes and then I can start diving into my food! Oh man. I made this banana, mango, protein shake that I am so excited about.

    I also have some steamed broccoli and rice with chicken that I can not WAIT to eat. Although there is so much in the container I may only eat half.

    Meeting tomorrow at 7:30 AM. Supposed to be our 'Employee Appreciation' meeting. If Dale(diabetic idiot) is there I will be sure to let him know that I 'appreciate' all of the overtime opportunities he has given me. :laugh:

    More money for me to put in the savings account. I may buy myself a new mattress....too bad I might never get the chance to use it. :bawling:
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Really? Washing cars was 700 calories? That's it. I'm going to have the cleanest car on the block. :smile:

    I know right? Well they got washed and spray waxed, windows got some Rain-x. Hosed off the driveway and got a bunch of grass off of it. But still not 700 calories worth. I always try to stay under the extra calories it says I earn anyways.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    @Lacedinlace OMG. I thought my toddler getting an earring back stuck up her nose was horrible. Nevermind! Reminds me of two funny stories.

    Story #1. When my daughter got the earring back (the silicone kind) stuck in her nose, my fiance asked if I had some tweezers. (Of course I brows are impeccable. :p ). I said "Yes, but they are very sharp." My daughter was only maybe 1 1/2 at the time and wouldn't sit still enough for us to put sharp tweezers up her nose. He said he'd grind them down and round them. I said "Not my Tweezermans! They are $20 a pop! Got to Walgreens and buy a cheapo tweezer!" So he did. Ground and round 'em and out came the earring back.

    Story #2. Years ago we were playing Trivial Pursuit and my cat Sonny jumped on the board and knocked everything flying. Pieces everywhere. We reassemble and I think I see Sonny eating something. I worried it was a colored wedge from the game so we count. One is missing! I'm freaking out thinking he ate one and is going to have an intestinal I call the 24 hour vet. (Used your guys' services many a times over the years @sufferlandrian ;) ). They said to give him some peroxide to induce vomiting. We do then proceed to follow Sonny around the house for the next few hours while he dry heaves...never pukes it up, never shat it out. Guess we were just missing a piece to begin with!

    I had the opposite problem with calories burned estimation today. I normally ride my bike from my house around town but decided to ride on the bike path down by the Mississippi today. I shoulda known it was a bad idea from the frickin' whitecaps on the river due to it being windy AF. My logic was to ride with the wind first because if I rode against the wind first, I'd give up sooner and just ride back to my car. If I rode with the wind first, I HAD to come back against the wind it to my it or not. On the way back, I could barely pedal fast enough to keep my bike upright! So windy! I only rode for half the time and half the mileage I typically ride for and it said I burned a lousy 212 calories. Going against that wind, my heart rate was sky rocketing and I was sweaty and out of breath. 212 calories my *kitten*...