

  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am really upset this morning because my degu is dying, I am sure of it now.....he has almost completely stopped eating and now his fur is falling out.....I was up at 4am hand feeding him corn flakes but have to leave for work now and am terrified he is going to die by himself in his cage while I am not home....I can't stop crying......its gonna be a long day, or few days, every time I have to leave the house.....

    That's just heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. Losing a pet, no matter how or when, is always so hard.

    I have an indoor/outdoor (mostly outdoor) cat that I haven't seen in almost 2 weeks. We live in kind of a wooded area so I think an animal got him. I was thinking something happened last week when I didn't see him, but now that almost a whole week has passed and I still haven't seen him, I'm pretty sure he's gone for good. He was my boy and I'm sad I'll probably never get to hold him again. :'(:'(:'(

    So far my little guy is hanging on, but still not really eating anything but hand fed corn flakes.....

    Sorry about your kitty!! That is so hard!

    Glad your little guy is hanging in there. Maybe he just needs to serious TLC that only hand fed corn flakes can provide.

    I was really struggling with Owen being gone yesterday. Every time I'd think about him, I'd bread down in tears. I hope he makes his way back home. That's him in my profile picture.

    Aww... I am so sorry about your cat. That is why all my cats are 100% indoor, I am so paranoid. I am currently courting a feral all black cat on my porch that I have been feeding for about a year now...trying to get him inside eventually. Not that I need 4.

    And speaking of 4... I have a fifth cat that I started feeding on my porch every day too... black and white. Totally friendly. I finally took him to the vet on Monday and he is microchipped! So we are tracking his owners, which I am sure they dumped him, so far we traced him to a shelter in TN, then he was adopted and taken to DE, then surrendered to a shelter near my home, so now we are trying to find out if the shelter readopted him out or if he somehow got free.

    I had to let him loose again (wasn't spending hundreds on a cat that I had to hand over to someone else) and I can't have him in my home until he is tested for feline AIDS And leukemia. So still feeding him on the porch. I am worried something will happen before the vet agrees I can keep him and will treat him. So I may soon have 4 in house, and one on the porch. Then eventually maybe I'll get Porch Kitty into my condo. Then it will be 5. I basically have a Kitty Condo. I swore I would never have more than 3. I am becoming a crazy cat lady.

    This sounds like my family! We have five cats...four were previously strays that we fed off of our porch. They warm up to us over time, we take them in and quarantine them in our basement away from our other cats until they get to the vet to be tested and checked for microchips. It always seems to work out...all the cats end up getting along great, and adjust to indoor-only life just fine!

    yep, I had set up the spare bedroom for him on Monday, but didn't bring him in when I didn't get him tested after we found the microchip. The vet thought it was too risky. I may now though, he keeps begging me to come in (standing at my sliding glass door and crying, running out to meet me when I get home, etc.)

    I would not be able to resist this....I would have ten thousand cats if they each did this, lol.

    Yep hence the about to be 4.

    So update on black and white kitty. Vet confirmed the trail is dead so I can bring him in and claim him. I have a 4 pm appt today. His last known owner surrendered him because they moved to Israel so I am hoping the spraying is not an issue. So unless he has a contagious disease he is about to be cat #4. I am going to decide on a name today. I am feeling guilty about my other 3 cats. I think they already think they don't get enough attention. Oh well. I'll just have to make sure I give each of them some time each day. The 3 I have figured it out and we settled into a routine. Hopefully this will work out.

    That makes me happy. Is he a tuxedo kitty? That's what my Owen is and he was so handsome. Is handsome. Do you have name-names for your kitties or cat names for them? What I mean is, I don't give my pets animal names, I give them people names. Our dogs are Lucy and Otis, the guinea pigs were Ozzy and Jackson (my daughter was a HUGE Hannah Montana fan at the time), there's Owen, and I had a rabbit named Jessica. I think people names are more endearing for pets than animal names, IMHO.

    Aw, I love your pet names. I used to have two cats who were sisters, and their names were Lucy and Diamond. That was back when I was in college. My calico is called Pan. I tell people it's short for Pancake so I don't have to explain, and that is her nickname, but really she is named after Pantalaimon from His Dark Materials - because I got her when I was reading those books for the first time and I was in love with the concept of Daemons. I was 25 btw.

    My kids named my orange and white cat. His name is Dragon. They had recently watched The Secret of NIMH. I guess we just really like bookish names!

    I misread the bolded at first as My kid's name is Orange and I was like wat? Now I'm giggling, so thank you for the unintentional laughter.

    Hey, you never know these days lol. People name their kids some weird crap.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess, I feel a poop coming on.

    You're still slacking in the confessions department, Pancake.

    I'm a very pure, innocent soul. Not much to confess. :)

    That's not what you said a few pages ago! Spill it! And I don't mean what you just said in your previous post. That we don't need to hear about. Since you're still with us on this thread you might as well contribute something good!

    Poop isn't good enough for you people? That usually knocks 'em dead most places. Tough crowd. Hmmm. Confessions, confessions, let me think...

    I confess that my dad's a recovering alcoholic who got rid of all the pets I loved and my childhood home when I was younger because he needed to move to Florida to try and keep my mom from divorcing him. When he was down in Florida, I witnessed my dad have an alcoholic seizure in front of my girlfriend who was meeting my parents for the first time. That was quite a few years ago, so he is doing better now. Even though I love my dad, we don't talk very much because he lives with my mom in NC now. That makes me a little sad, and I probably still harbor anger and resentment towards him.

    Good enough?

    My father-in-law was an alcoholic, too. It messes up a family for sure.

    You are officially a member of our group now.

    As was my stepdad. A 12 pack every single day after work. A case a day on the weekend. Every weekend morning I remember the sound of a beer can popping open. Breakfast of champions, my azz!

    My stepdad is an alcoholic too. He drinks as soon as he clocks out from work, all day on the weekends and pretty much any other time too. He has come to church functions, side jobs (he builds fences), birthday parties (kids), family gatherings, including Christmas morning, my 27th birthday party (where he called me a bit@h), and several other occasions drunk. He keeps a cooler of beer in my mom's car so he can drink while she drives. He ran into a bridge last week "because the sun was in his eyes", but I'm pretty sure that alcohol was involved. I refuse to let my daughter ride in the car with him while he's driving.

    Good for you!
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    edited May 2015
    Here's a confession: I make the menu for 2 weeks worth of dinners before we go shopping. I do almost all of the cooking - by choice because he would/does just make whatever is easiest rather than something actually nutritious and I'm trying to lose weight here and raise healthy kids, and also because he doesn't get home in time during the week. - but if I have anything on the menu with meatballs, or any other situation where you have to touch the raw meat; I save those dinners for the weekend and ask him to cook them. I cannot do it. If I'm making chicken and it needs to be dipped in something, you better believe I'm using a fork.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm up to date with reading the thread but it's too late for comments. I have spent all day working on my deck - this included no less than SEVEN (7) trips to two different Home Depot locations due to problems with the crappy sander they rented me :| Tomorrow, I stain.

    Happy weekend, everyone!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    No real time to catch up. I have a few confessions then I have to get to making my rounds.

    #1- I had a dream about a former 'complication' a few days ago. Back Story: He didn't really appreciate me and always insisted that we weren't in a relationship but he swore up and down that he loved me and told me that I was the only girl he was sleeping with and what not. Well, all lies. It's been over 3 months since I have spoken to him(he tried to stop me from filing a police report on his new 'girlfriend' who threatened my family and myself), 4 months (and 30 pounds) since I have last seen him. It bothers me that one stupid dream could mess me up so badly for 3 days. I hate myself for being duped by nothing more than a pretty face that says pretty words.

    #2- I totally have the hots for my co-worker/supervisor and I struggle with the moral dilemma of holding to my own personal code of ethics and keeping my feelings(lust) to myself.

    #3- I just want to sit down and cry because I've gained 3 pounds thanks to my emotional eating due to confessions 1 and 2. Oh, and Aunt Flo is coming for a visit early next week.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Well, you can add me to the list of people addicted to this thread.....I got home from work just after midnight and usually I am in bed, watching netflix by is 2am and I am sitting in my living room, just finishing catching up here....I am blaming ALL OF YOU!!

    Confession: Because I did not go right to bed as usual, I ate a bag of chips while reading here....again, I BLAME YOU ALL

    Just to clarify, I am not saying it is ya'lls fault, just that I am blaming you.....

    If I knew how to add photos, I would post of my fur babies too

    My cats name is Kyrie, my son named her after an NBA player

    My degu's name is Fozzy, but I just call him little boy

    I have to go to Wal-Mart tomorrow, and I don't mind at all :)

    Now, I must go to bed before my daughter gets home from work, in about 20 mins, and will see that I am up and then will want to talk to me until I

    Good night folks!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I have no idea why I'm awake right now as I have overtime at work tomorrow morning. My first thought when I couldn't fall back asleep was to come here- definitely joining the addicted club!
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    I used to be able to deal with all kinds of weird and disturbing textures and smells. I worked in a butcher shop while in high school and college, hunted and fished, did search and rescue and found human bodies and body parts and nothing much fazed me. At one time I was even inside a used septic tank fixing baffles and yes that was a struggle but not that big a deal overall.

    Then my second kid had the worst diaper output imaginable. At least in my imagination. And I've seen a lot, smelled a lot, touched lots of oogy goopy stuff. We are talking weapons grade diaper deposits.

    Our back up kid -- as we affectionately call him -- will be driving in a few months, so it's been quite a few years since I experienced said dangerous diapers. But that experience of dealing with his biohazard shizzlestorm threw some switch in my head and my tolerance for dealing with smelly stuff fled the scene. Aging has affected my hearing and sight, but not my sense of smell and if I come across certain odors I have to leave or hurl.

    (sorry, too late for page 666)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess that all of the cat pictures are making me super jealous. I miss my baby. :'( Her name is Zainab, and as mentioned earlier in the thread, I had to give her to my sister when I got married because my husband is horribly allergic. I hand-raised her from a teeny little tot.... When I get on my computer I'll attempt to share some pictures. :D

    Great name! Does it mean anything?

    Since I'm enormously lazy, I just grabbed this for you off of Google: "The name Zainab is derived from the Arabic root words "zeenah" (meaning precious jewel, what glorifies someone, source of beauty) and "ab" (meaning father). It can also mean "fragrant flower".

    It's an Arabic girl's name that I've been in love with for as long as I can remember. Every time I got a cat (I've had three in total, excluding family pets, all female) I'd beg my mom to let me name her Zainab. In the Arab world, most people would be offended if you named an animal with their name--She had two friends named Zainab and so kept refusing for fear of insulting them.

    I found Zainab as an abandoned kitten when I was sixteen, and told my mom that I was naming her Zainab whether her friends liked it or not. ;) She laughed and said that she wasn't going to tell them, and that she would blame it on me if they found out. So I figured we had a deal. ;)

    So it's kind of like glorifying your father or thinking your father is a precious jewel? Strange for a girl. How do you pronounce it? Zay-nab or Zain-ab?
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member

    I've just caught up on over 600 posts as unfortunately I've had to work the last couple of days. Its also given me something to do since 5am, when lilun woke me up. So I might miss a few posts I wanted to reply to, but some highlights:

    Thank you so much everyone who said nice things about my situation with charlie, genuinely made me cry, because I often feel a selfish horrible person, especially at 5am (I am not a morning person).

    Thoughts to everyone with poorly pets, I hope they are better soon.

    Good luck for various weddings/holidays/new jobs

    Some gorgeous pet pics. I have a spaniel/collie cross who is getting a bit wonky. He's called Louis (Lou-ee). I love human names for pets

    Add me to the houmous monster club, especially jalapeños flavour. A tub is a serving right? I hate avocados though.

    I loved Walmart when I was in the states!

    I also felt I didn't fit in, but I love this thread, so supportive and caring, sad and funny. Its the only thread I read at the moment, it is a genuinely nice thread. I did feel a bit paranoid a few hundred pages back when people were talking about a poster they were glad stopped posting.

    But thus thread has been brilliant motivation to keep me in the gym, but also not beat myself up when I slip off the wagon.

    A huge thank you to everyone who has encouraged and supported my Ben Nevis challenge. I am amazed at the support given to a random internet stranger and i will pay it forward.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I confess, I feel a poop coming on.

    When we were potty training our daughter, and she would have to go to the bathroom, she'd say, "My poop is coming!" My husband and I still laugh about that.

    That is a story that we plan sharing with her future husband. >:)

    That's awesome! My daughter is almost 6 now, but she insists on telling us that she has to go to the bathroom at home. We're just like "Go, go". She also calls me a poop face and thinks it's funny. I think it's funny. It never gets old.

    Ha ha I'm 26 and I still call my dad 'doodyhead' he calls me 'smelly bum' so it's even.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess that all of the cat pictures are making me super jealous. I miss my baby. :'( Her name is Zainab, and as mentioned earlier in the thread, I had to give her to my sister when I got married because my husband is horribly allergic. I hand-raised her from a teeny little tot.... When I get on my computer I'll attempt to share some pictures. :D

    Great name! Does it mean anything?

    Since I'm enormously lazy, I just grabbed this for you off of Google: "The name Zainab is derived from the Arabic root words "zeenah" (meaning precious jewel, what glorifies someone, source of beauty) and "ab" (meaning father). It can also mean "fragrant flower".

    It's an Arabic girl's name that I've been in love with for as long as I can remember. Every time I got a cat (I've had three in total, excluding family pets, all female) I'd beg my mom to let me name her Zainab. In the Arab world, most people would be offended if you named an animal with their name--She had two friends named Zainab and so kept refusing for fear of insulting them.

    I found Zainab as an abandoned kitten when I was sixteen, and told my mom that I was naming her Zainab whether her friends liked it or not. ;) She laughed and said that she wasn't going to tell them, and that she would blame it on me if they found out. So I figured we had a deal. ;)

    So it's kind of like glorifying your father or thinking your father is a precious jewel? Strange for a girl. How do you pronounce it? Zay-nab or Zain-ab?

    No offense, but that totally made me giggle! No, it means that the girl is a precious jewel to her father or the glory of her father. Arabic translation works backward from English in general, so you kind of got it backwards. ;)

    It sounds like Zay-nab. :)
  • sst036
    sst036 Posts: 58 Member
    Here's a confession: I make the menu for 2 weeks worth of dinners before we go shopping. I do almost all of the cooking - by choice because he would/does just make whatever is easiest rather than something actually nutritious and I'm trying to lose weight here and raise healthy kids, and also because he doesn't get home in time during the week. - but if I have anything on the menu with meatballs, or any other situation where you have to touch the raw meat; I save those dinners for the weekend and ask him to cook them. I cannot do it. If I'm making chicken and it needs to be dipped in something, you better believe I'm using a fork.
    I get grossed out by such textures - cornflour is absolutely the worst though! Even thinking about it while typing this out is making me dry retch. I found that using disposable gloves helped with raw meat/egg when I would cook for my family but I have been known to use chopsticks (lemon chicken) and a sieve. Sadly, I miss cooking for more than myself now that I live alone. I think I'd eat a lot better and with far more variety if I had a partner I could cook for.

    Confession: I hate everything about peanut butter. Smell, texture, taste, sight - it's gross and if I could hate it by sound, I am sure I would. I accidentally picked up two boxes of peanut butter protein bars and didn't realise for two days so I can't go return it and no one will take them from me (can't throw it out because that would be wasteful). I am super bitter and glare at it in the pantry every time I take the fudge flavoured ones out. *kitten*.
  • opalwisteria
    opalwisteria Posts: 34 Member
    I went to an all you can eat asian buffet as my cheat day, but ate pizza the day after.
    Worst part is, I didn't even like my pizza... it made me sick. 900kcal wasted for nothing.
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    How do you guys reconcile cheat days? I'm pretty much being encouraged on all sides to calm down for a least a day or a weekend with the logging and strict eating and have a cheat meal or two. But having my cals in the red is something I don't particularly enjoy seeing and have only done it once since starting (It was last weekend and I was running a half marathon the next day which is usually a guaranteed 950-1100 kcals burned). But I can't get past myself.

    Do you just log it and move on? Or do you not log it and move on? I haven't had any of my favorites in a long time because of this anxiety. :frowning:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    How do you guys reconcile cheat days? I'm pretty much being encouraged on all sides to calm down for a least a day or a weekend with the logging and strict eating and have a cheat meal or two. But having my cals in the red is something I don't particularly enjoy seeing and have only done it once since starting (It was last weekend and I was running a half marathon the next day which is usually a guaranteed 950-1100 kcals burned). But I can't get past myself.

    Do you just log it and move on? Or do you not log it and move on? I haven't had any of my favorites in a long time because of this anxiety. :frowning:

    I try to keep a weekly deficit. But honestly I didn't have many cheat meals while I was actively losing, because it was counter productive. Typically I try to fit what I like in my calories (and again, look at the weekly deficit, not daily).

    I log everything though, even if it's just quick calories.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I have an adopted feral cat we named Fritzmeyer. But if he likes you, you have to call him Toontz.

    I once had an orange cat that had the most personality I've ever seen in a cat. His name was Fitzgerald. I do miss him.

    Don't judge! This was in the 80's before certain things became incorrect to say. We had an orange cat that we named Ricky Retardo because he was so stupid. Seriously, I have never seen a dumber cat. I think a coyote finally got him. We had lots of cats when we were kids, and many of them disappeared.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I went to an all you can eat asian buffet as my cheat day, but ate pizza the day after.
    Worst part is, I didn't even like my pizza... it made me sick. 900kcal wasted for nothing.

    I hate wasting calories on something I don't enjoy, especially when it's a lot of calories. I remember that awful pizza my husband insisted on getting when we were at Disney... but I was starving. 600 calories wasted on cardboard.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    So, we made it to page 666! Shall we do some spooky or evil confessions?! Or should we not take this thread down that road? I'm headed to the gym so I'll miss it if we do. I'll have to log back on later to see what happens!

    Ah, man! I missed page 666...
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    We don't really censor what my son sees or hears, but he also knows he's not allowed to swear. Generally, he's too embarrassed to do it anyway. However, there is one particular workout term he's heard, and he says he's allowed to say it, because it's an "official exercise term." Which is why I nearly hurt myself working out tonight when I was struggling on my last set of squats and he yells, "*kitten* to grass, mom!" Thanks, coach.

    Bwahahaha!!! That's hilarious! I can totally see my son doing that in a couple of years.
    clover157 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Oh and new profile pic. SKINNY ARMS ROB LOWE!!! He's my fav out of those commercials.

    I was going to ask about that! Now I see it. I couldn't tell what it was at first.

    Looks like I'm not having any mayonnaise cuz the struggle is real! lol

    Although in haste I did mistake his name. It's actually SCRAWNY ARMS ROB LOWE. (I know, same difference) hahaha

    Oh yeah, you know how UN-PC is it use words like "skinny" and "fat"! On a related note, is my guacamole promoting obesity? I opened the lid and inside it says, "I'm chunky and proud of it!".

    I only hear one thing from guac.... EAT ALL OF ME IN ONE SITTING. <3 I love guac soooo much. I can (but don't) eat it by the spoonful.

    That is one of the few things I have to watch my portions on! Stir in some salsa and top it with sour cream and shredded cheese - yum!

    Me too. To the point of buying only the 100 cal single serving cups of Wholly Guacamole. Otherwise I'll eat the container.

    I did slice up a whole avocado last weekend and ate it for lunch. lol

    One avocado = one serving. I could live on them. Yumm. I eat entire avocados several times a week.

    I have pretty much stopped eating it 'cause, you know, a serving is a pint as far as I am concerned. Guacamole and Hummus are my downfalls. I can talk about them like you guys talk about ice cream on here.

    And now I want guacamole.

    Hummus is wonderful too. I have a hard time eating a serving when the whole container is there. I'm a little picky with guacamole but I live in Arizona so avocados are less than $1 each year round and the restaurants know how to make good guac. There is a perfect avocado in my refrigerator calling me. I'm

    Oh yes, I'll join you in the dip love. I love all dip. I love flavoured hummus, like roasted carrot or spicy pumpkin. I had a spiced French lentil dip awhile back that was the best but I haven't found it since :(

    Spicy pumpkin hummus is a thing?!? Gimme!!!