

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess, I feel a poop coming on.

    You're still slacking in the confessions department, Pancake.

    I'm a very pure, innocent soul. Not much to confess. :)

    That's not what you said a few pages ago! Spill it! And I don't mean what you just said in your previous post. That we don't need to hear about. Since you're still with us on this thread you might as well contribute something good!

    Poop isn't good enough for you people? That usually knocks 'em dead most places. Tough crowd. Hmmm. Confessions, confessions, let me think...

    I confess that my dad's a recovering alcoholic who got rid of all the pets I loved and my childhood home when I was younger because he needed to move to Florida to try and keep my mom from divorcing him. When he was down in Florida, I witnessed my dad have an alcoholic seizure in front of my girlfriend who was meeting my parents for the first time. That was quite a few years ago, so he is doing better now. Even though I love my dad, we don't talk very much because he lives with my mom in NC now. That makes me a little sad, and I probably still harbor anger and resentment towards him.

    Good enough?

    Yes, that definitely qualifies as a confession. Growing up with an alcoholic parent is hard. My dad's dad was an alcoholic. Affected him and his brothers negatively in many ways.

    Is he in a recovery program or does he just drink less? Sounds like your parents are still together. Is that a good thing or bad? Sorry about the loss of the pets. I don't tell many people this but about 2 years into my first marriage I had to move out of my house, find a place to live, and re-home 4 cats in less than 2 weeks. With a 2 yr. old. I wasn't as successful as I'd have liked to have been as far as the re-homing so I've never allowed myself to have pets ever again. :(

    As far as I know, he just doesn't drink at all. That is one thing that my dad and I have in common. If we really want something, we make sure that we get it. No matter what the cost. So I do believe he is a person that just stopped. My parents being together is a very good thing. My mother's a sweetheart. That sucks about your pets. I have a couple cats and a dog now.

    So, I want to that really your chest? :)

    I confess, that is really my chest. Taken with an iPad in my bathroom, right after a workout, flexing to exaggerate things a bit. I then used the black and white option on the iPad photo editor.

    I also confess, I edited this for grammar.

    Impressive. There was a guy in another thread (which I have no time anymore to check any other thread as this takes all my free time) who claimed some pic was of him, and it was some British actor. He totally got busted. He kept insisting it was himself until someone found the exact same picture on the internet and posted it. He finally confessed.

    I was wondering if you were 'enhancing'. :)

    No problem. It's a compliment. I guess I must be doing something right. Perhaps I've become a little too vain though. I know the exact spot in my house to make my pictures look the best. It's in the bathroom with the lights off, but the lights on in the hallway. For some reason the shadows make me look better than normal. There's a couple in my profile of me in the gym as well. I was by myself. No way I'd take my shirt off when someone else was in there. I really am a bit more shy in real life.

    Well I know what I'm trying tonight.


    I have one of those spots too. Mine is in the bedroom, diffuse natural light from the side and only one bulb in a two-bulb overhead fixture (confession: it's been like that for WAY too long!). I've actually taken a shoulder pic that I keep meaning to post in this thread to promote BZAH10's workout :) because the arm looks a gazillion times more defined than it does in any other lighting.

    I'd love to see it! I've attempted to take some more pictures of myself, but I'm terrible at it. I think I dislike the word "selfie" so much that I am unable to take a successful one.

    Great lighting but kinda fuzzy. All credit to your shoulder workout, however!


    Holy smokes. Your arm looks fantastic!

    Agreed, your arm looks amazing! Now I'm going to have to troll back through this thread to try to find the arm workout!

    Pretty simple: I have 3 lb. dumbbells that I use while sitting on the floor stretching at night. I do lots of reps with the low weights: forward and backward shoulder circles, small pulses up and down, both with palms up and palms down. Lots of different varieties. I'm terrible and explaining them, but basically 3 sets of 12 reps each any kind of arm and shoulder exercises. Sitting on the floor really isolates the arms. They are much harder that way then standing up. I also have 10 lb. dumbbells and have started doing overhead presses with them. 3 sets of 12 reps. each.

    That's basically what my version looks like, although I started out with a 2 lb dumbbell and a 1.5 kg one until I found my 3 lb pair. Circles backward and forward, side lateral raises, front raises -- keeping the range of motion small and controlled seems to work the muscles differently than full movements. Sitting on the floor to do these forces good posture, which has got to be good for the core. I do OHP with the 3 lb weights too, as something snaps in the left side of my neck when I use 10 lb dumbbells... no idea what that is, but I doubt it's good.

    I record 90 minutes of TV and watch it while I go through all the exercises in sequence, repeatedly. I do reps until the muscle gets fatigued, and I get rest breaks when I fast forward through commercials.

    I hadn't been doing the workout when my SO was home but lately he's been doing his stretches on the floor in front of the TV anyway so I grab my dumbbells at the same time.

    Please note that the arms don't look normally like that without some flexing! However, while we were in a restaurant recently, I braced myself against the table somehow getting into the booth and my SO was pretty amazed: "Look at your muscle!"

    Thanks for explaining better than I did! And yes, I do sets to fatigue as well. My shoulders are usually burning by the time I'm done. Thankfully it fades quickly, but one important note to all: don't forget to stretch your arms, shoulders and neck when you're done! If I don't do that my deep tissue massages can get quite painful in that area.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Also wanted to acknowledge all the adorable pets! Sooooo much cute. I couldn't quote and respond to each one, but I did oooh-and-aaah over them all.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    Where I live it's about $35 plus tax.

    Not the way it is here! It's based on the year and size and make of the vehicle. A new full sized truck can run $800 - $1000 for registration. My son has an '07 Tundra and his annual registration is $700.00. Back in '03 when we bought a new Honda Accord it was $600.00. It does gradually go down each year but both of our '03 vehicles still run about $130.00 per year. Sports cars are also higher fees.

    That's how it is here too. It's crazy!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Way behind because of the wonderful long weekend and may not get caught up today because of stupid meetings. I wanted to share a picture of our lab/mix dog. We adopted her about four years ago with the name Brandie. She is nine now. I have to take her to the vet today to get a rather large lump on her side checked out. Prayers and good vibes would be appreciated.38h21c7fvocu.jpg

    Sending both prayers and good vibes!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    My confession today is that over the weekend my SO decided he wants to join me on my C25K runs. Now as much as I want to encourage this to get him off his *kitten* I begrudge going down from week 5 to week 3 (I chose week 3 because he has a job that requires him always moving, so I thought he could cope with that) He did well, but it's not week 5. :angry:

    Oh I wouldn't like that either.

    Ditto... :)
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Thanks @LBuehrle8! I'm a primarily dog person, too. Wilbur's a rescue of unknown origin, but the vet thinks he's a Boxer/Great Dane mix. He is the sweetest boy with a cute under bite that pokes out sometimes :)foa69us6j5xr.jpg

    Ummm, I think I love Wilbur
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I've kind of lost my drive to keep on track, which is really stupid since I'll have to be seen in a swimsuit in a little more than a month. I just want to eat and drink what I want and not give a crap. I think I might be depressed because of all the crap that's going on right now with my stepdaughter (not going into that) and my kitty being gone.

    I did have an NSV yesterday while cleaning out my closet. I have a pair of BCBG boots that have always been tight on my calves. I put them on yesterday and I actually had a little bit of room where they weren't suffocating my legs. I felt pretty good about that.

    That's awesome! My calves are just big enough to be a problem in boots, and last year I was able to buy regular (not wide-calf) boots for the first time since college. That was such a great feeling!

    I've always had bigger legs (thanks, Mom) even when I was really thin. They are starting to lean out and get muscular thanks to the 3x a week workouts I've been doing. If I really put in the effort, I'm sure I'd get even more incredible results, but I'm just too lazy.

    Now, if I could just get a tan, I'd be in good shape. Pun totally intended. :p

    I can relate so much! Not only with the calves, but also with the tan... I can pick up a tiny bit of sun on my arms and face if I'm outside enough, even through my sunscreen, but I have the palest legs (even with tinted moisturizer). Wearing shorts is always a last resort for me, and I only do it when it's really hot or if I'm just working out/walking the dog... I feel like I could blind people with my legs.


    I usually don't give a crap about how white my legs are during the summer, but since we're going to Florida next month, I'd like to have at least some sort of color other than fluorescent albino. Maybe I'll just wear maxi skirts/dresses the whole time and not even worry about it. I still have the issue with the swimsuit though, (which my husband informed me he hates so I'll be returning it to try to find another) because if I plan on swimming at all, I'll have to take off the dress/skirt.

    I am really pale too, but over the years of working a the barn on the weekends my arms have gotten tan and usually don't ever go back to fluorescent white like my legs/stomach/etc. Unfortunately between running and the barn I end up with tan arms (typically in a short sleeved/tank top fashion) and shorts/socks marks from running clothes. When I do get in a bathing suit (not often) I look ridiculous.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I've kind of lost my drive to keep on track, which is really stupid since I'll have to be seen in a swimsuit in a little more than a month. I just want to eat and drink what I want and not give a crap. I think I might be depressed because of all the crap that's going on right now with my stepdaughter (not going into that) and my kitty being gone.

    I did have an NSV yesterday while cleaning out my closet. I have a pair of BCBG boots that have always been tight on my calves. I put them on yesterday and I actually had a little bit of room where they weren't suffocating my legs. I felt pretty good about that.

    I've been there pretty much the entire month of May. It sucks. But, like you I had an NSV last week. I put my tankini on - the same one I bought when I got married 5 years ago and the top has "grown" and is to big to wear in public (will wear it while in the yard sun bathing. Made me feel a bit better to see the results of all the tracking.

    Then today I went to Marshall's to see if I can find some good capris. I didn't find anything (they only had about 3 pairs in my size and they were something my great-grandmother would wear) but I found a bunch of dresses that I liked. One was a size 12 calvin Kline and it was just a bit too tight but I was able to zip it up. I felt awesome (was a size 16-18 at one point). So I bought a pair of quite white heals for summer. First new pair summer sandals in 3 years. I like feeling pretty.

    My point being, is even though it is a struggle to stay on track a lot of the time, there is progress :)

    I hope you feel better.

  • festerw
    festerw Posts: 233 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    Where I live it's about $35 plus tax.

    Not the way it is here! It's based on the year and size and make of the vehicle. A new full sized truck can run $800 - $1000 for registration. My son has an '07 Tundra and his annual registration is $700.00. Back in '03 when we bought a new Honda Accord it was $600.00. It does gradually go down each year but both of our '03 vehicles still run about $130.00 per year. Sports cars are also higher fees.

    It's a flat $36 for the stupid sticker ever year in Pennsylvania.

    Unless you have a truck then it starts at $60 and goes up depending on weight class.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Confession: today is my birthday and I am waiting to see if my husband will actually remember. In the 10 years we've been married, he has legit forgotten my birthday twice. At least 4 other times he's not remembered until the end of the day; like "getting into bed" end of the day. I'm not looking for a parade or anything, but a "Happy Birthday" sometime in the morning hours would be nice.
    Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy that mani/pedi if you do decide to get it. :smile:

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Confession: My husband and I are having ice cream for dinner tonight.

    "For dinner" rather than "with/after dinner"? As in, ice cream constitutes the entire meal?

    If so, that's awesome!! :)
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Confession: My husband and I are having ice cream for dinner tonight.

    "For dinner" rather than "with/after dinner"? As in, ice cream constitutes the entire meal?

    If so, that's awesome!! :)

    Oh yes. "For dinner" LOL
    He wanted to do it last night, but I was too tired to go out. There are a couple of ice cream shops near our house. :)
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,491 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Definitely put some time into thinking about when you are getting married. Within a months time we have, Valentine's Day (not a big one for us), our anniversary, my birthday, and our daughter's birthday. Makes it really hard!

    Our anniversary is in June, then we have kids' birthdays in July, August, September and October.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    edited May 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    It depends on what kind of car you have and what year it is. I drive a 2012 Toyota Camry XLE Hybrid and the first year I had to pay for tags, it was over $500. This year is under $400. Still, that's a lot when you're not used to paying that every month. I'm not sure how it is other places, but in Kansas, you pay your registration according to your last name. Before I got married, my registration was due in September or something, now, because my name starts with "H", it's due in June. The same freaking month as my anniversary.

    ETA: It's not the registration that is so high, it's the stupid property tax. I hate having to pay property tax for something I ALREADY PAID TAXES ON WHEN I BOUGHT IT. It's ridiculous.

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    So as an experiment I decided to not log for a week and see how I would do.

    I'm happy to report I've still managed to lose 2 lbs and 1-2 inches off my butt, thighs and waist. I'm kind of happy about this for 2 reasons.

    1.) because I actually just eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full and finally feel satisfied ( I don't try to eat all my calories and get to my "goal" when I may not be hungry)


    2.) because I realized I can actually eat a lot more than predicted and still manage to lose weight.

    I'm debating if I should do it for a month and see where I am at. I still weight the calorie dense things, but I've managed to eyeball everything and be dead on with it, so who knows.

    I really a want to try this. I think it will help with my anorexia if I'm not so focused on numbers and logging. My parents would feel better, too. They're scared to death for me. :anguished:

    I'm way too terrified, though. :frowning:

    I have no idea if this would help or not, but since your parents are involved and being supportive, would it be possible for you to just eyeball your portions, set out your meal or whatever snack you are going to eat and then your parents weigh and measure and log it secretly without you knowing, then you eat your served portion? Do that for a week or so, see where you're at and then you'll still have the actual info recorded so you can see how you are doing. Well, I'm not explaining that well, sorry.

    I guess I just mean for you to eat intuitively as @ddrhellbunny did but have someone else log your food so that it's not so stressful to you.

    Well, for one, I'm 28 and live alone. And two, my mom HATES that I weigh and track my food. I think she knew how obsessive I'd get even before I did. :confused:

    They just want me to eat and be well and not worry. I just feel like my metabolism is destroyed and one false meal or an added rest day would ruin all my progress.

    Thanks for the advice, though. :smile:

    Honestly, I was terrified before hand to not log my meals. I always assumed I would just "go of the deep end" because it didn't matter what I ate cause I wasn't logging so it didn't count. You have to learn to trust yourself.

    But honestly, I got over it. Sure, the first 2 days I was like ahhh crap I have no idea where I am in my calories for the day, but I stopped and actually looked at myself. I said, are you hungry? No, ok... find something to do. Did some things and thought about it in a few hours.

    Are you hungry now? yeah, I could eat a bit. had a little food. Was it satisfying? yup! Ok, your done eating. sweet.

    Not thinking about how many calories left for the day has been a real eye opener for me. I actually just think about if I am hungry or not and work from there.

    It's a bit terrifying, I know, but maybe you can give it a shot for a week and see how you feel. Best of luck for you :)

    I like this idea and will try it when I get to maintenance. I snack way too much and eat too many empty calories such as chips and chocolate that I need to log since it is so easy to overdo it. I commend you, though, for being successful with this approach.

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession: today is my birthday and I am waiting to see if my husband will actually remember. In the 10 years we've been married, he has legit forgotten my birthday twice. At least 4 other times he's not remembered until the end of the day; like "getting into bed" end of the day. I'm not looking for a parade or anything, but a "Happy Birthday" sometime in the morning hours would be nice.

    My husband is the same.

    Wow, you guys are very forgiving. I might not wake up the next day if I forgot!

    It's part of choosing your battles. I get endless mileage out of my husband's inability to remember any dates, so I save anger for bigger issues, like not checking the actual statement part of the bank app to see if the bills were deducted before he assumes the number on "current balance" is the accurate one.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    It'll depend where you live, anyway. I know some states base it on when you buy the car, but others do it based on your name (A's pay in January, Z's in December).

    Our mistake was getting married at back to school time. Wasn't even on our radar, then, but these days, school clothes, school supplies, and endless assorted stuff that has to be paid for activities hits the same month as our anniversary.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    It depends on what kind of car you have and what year it is. I drive a 2012 Toyota Camry XLE Hybrid and the first year I had to pay for tags, it was over $500. This year is under $400. Still, that's a lot when you're not used to paying that every month. I'm not sure how it is other places, but in Kansas, you pay your registration according to your last name. Before I got married, my registration was due in September or something, now, because my name starts with "H", it's due in June. The same freaking month as my anniversary.

    ETA: It's not the registration that is so high, it's the stupid property tax. I hate having to pay property tax for something I ALREADY PAID TAXES ON WHEN I BOUGHT IT. It's ridiculous.

    I just re-registered my car for $75. (2008 Porsche Cayenne. So freakin' glad I live in Idaho. :D )
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    So as an experiment I decided to not log for a week and see how I would do.

    I'm happy to report I've still managed to lose 2 lbs and 1-2 inches off my butt, thighs and waist. I'm kind of happy about this for 2 reasons.

    1.) because I actually just eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full and finally feel satisfied ( I don't try to eat all my calories and get to my "goal" when I may not be hungry)


    2.) because I realized I can actually eat a lot more than predicted and still manage to lose weight.

    I'm debating if I should do it for a month and see where I am at. I still weight the calorie dense things, but I've managed to eyeball everything and be dead on with it, so who knows.

    I really a want to try this. I think it will help with my anorexia if I'm not so focused on numbers and logging. My parents would feel better, too. They're scared to death for me. :anguished:

    I'm way too terrified, though. :frowning:

    I have no idea if this would help or not, but since your parents are involved and being supportive, would it be possible for you to just eyeball your portions, set out your meal or whatever snack you are going to eat and then your parents weigh and measure and log it secretly without you knowing, then you eat your served portion? Do that for a week or so, see where you're at and then you'll still have the actual info recorded so you can see how you are doing. Well, I'm not explaining that well, sorry.

    I guess I just mean for you to eat intuitively as @ddrhellbunny did but have someone else log your food so that it's not so stressful to you.

    Well, for one, I'm 28 and live alone. And two, my mom HATES that I weigh and track my food. I think she knew how obsessive I'd get even before I did. :confused:

    They just want me to eat and be well and not worry. I just feel like my metabolism is destroyed and one false meal or an added rest day would ruin all my progress.

    Thanks for the advice, though. :smile:

    Honestly, I was terrified before hand to not log my meals. I always assumed I would just "go of the deep end" because it didn't matter what I ate cause I wasn't logging so it didn't count. You have to learn to trust yourself.

    But honestly, I got over it. Sure, the first 2 days I was like ahhh crap I have no idea where I am in my calories for the day, but I stopped and actually looked at myself. I said, are you hungry? No, ok... find something to do. Did some things and thought about it in a few hours.

    Are you hungry now? yeah, I could eat a bit. had a little food. Was it satisfying? yup! Ok, your done eating. sweet.

    Not thinking about how many calories left for the day has been a real eye opener for me. I actually just think about if I am hungry or not and work from there.

    It's a bit terrifying, I know, but maybe you can give it a shot for a week and see how you feel. Best of luck for you :)

    I like this idea and will try it when I get to maintenance. I snack way too much and eat too many empty calories such as chips and chocolate that I need to log since it is so easy to overdo it. I commend you, though, for being successful with this approach.

    It would never work for me because my hunger signals are all over the place. Some days, eating the same foods, I'll be satisfied with 1300 calories... Other days, 3000. I suppose it might even out but that would mean always making good choices and that's just not a life for me... so I log, lol.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    It depends on what kind of car you have and what year it is. I drive a 2012 Toyota Camry XLE Hybrid and the first year I had to pay for tags, it was over $500. This year is under $400. Still, that's a lot when you're not used to paying that every month. I'm not sure how it is other places, but in Kansas, you pay your registration according to your last name. Before I got married, my registration was due in September or something, now, because my name starts with "H", it's due in June. The same freaking month as my anniversary.

    ETA: It's not the registration that is so high, it's the stupid property tax. I hate having to pay property tax for something I ALREADY PAID TAXES ON WHEN I BOUGHT IT. It's ridiculous.

    Is your registration also your insurance or do you pay vehicle insurance on top of the registration?

    Where I live, we pay a flat rate for vehicle registration each year is $84.45 flat rate then we pay insurance. on our 2014 F150 we pay $1800 per year and that is with extra liability b/c hubby uses it for work.
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    Where I live it's about $35 plus tax.

    Not the way it is here! It's based on the year and size and make of the vehicle. A new full sized truck can run $800 - $1000 for registration. My son has an '07 Tundra and his annual registration is $700.00. Back in '03 when we bought a new Honda Accord it was $600.00. It does gradually go down each year but both of our '03 vehicles still run about $130.00 per year. Sports cars are also higher fees.

    Wow. I bought a new car in Indiana and my tags were around $300/year. I guess that's a little less than 1% of what the car was worth. My other car (an '04 Explorer) was like $60, which was the minimum charge.

    All of the other states I've lived in, it's a flat amount, and usually less than $100 per car.

    Property taxes in Cook County, IL for my house, on the other hand - were around $10k per year.

    As much as I enjoyed Chicago in the summertime, I'm glad to be out of there.

    I cannot fathom that. 10k just in property taxes?! Ours are about $2500 per year, the satellite communities are a bit higher b/c they don't have as much industry and they are around $3000-$3500 per year.

    with both the vehicle insurance and the property tax, we have the option to pay it all at once or break it into monthly payments so it is not a huge it.