

  • ddrhellbunny
    ddrhellbunny Posts: 119 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    So as an experiment I decided to not log for a week and see how I would do.

    I'm happy to report I've still managed to lose 2 lbs and 1-2 inches off my butt, thighs and waist. I'm kind of happy about this for 2 reasons.

    1.) because I actually just eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full and finally feel satisfied ( I don't try to eat all my calories and get to my "goal" when I may not be hungry)


    2.) because I realized I can actually eat a lot more than predicted and still manage to lose weight.

    I'm debating if I should do it for a month and see where I am at. I still weight the calorie dense things, but I've managed to eyeball everything and be dead on with it, so who knows.

    I really a want to try this. I think it will help with my anorexia if I'm not so focused on numbers and logging. My parents would feel better, too. They're scared to death for me. :anguished:

    I'm way too terrified, though. :frowning:

    I have no idea if this would help or not, but since your parents are involved and being supportive, would it be possible for you to just eyeball your portions, set out your meal or whatever snack you are going to eat and then your parents weigh and measure and log it secretly without you knowing, then you eat your served portion? Do that for a week or so, see where you're at and then you'll still have the actual info recorded so you can see how you are doing. Well, I'm not explaining that well, sorry.

    I guess I just mean for you to eat intuitively as @ddrhellbunny did but have someone else log your food so that it's not so stressful to you.

    Well, for one, I'm 28 and live alone. And two, my mom HATES that I weigh and track my food. I think she knew how obsessive I'd get even before I did. :confused:

    They just want me to eat and be well and not worry. I just feel like my metabolism is destroyed and one false meal or an added rest day would ruin all my progress.

    Thanks for the advice, though. :smile:

    Honestly, I was terrified before hand to not log my meals. I always assumed I would just "go of the deep end" because it didn't matter what I ate cause I wasn't logging so it didn't count. You have to learn to trust yourself.

    But honestly, I got over it. Sure, the first 2 days I was like ahhh crap I have no idea where I am in my calories for the day, but I stopped and actually looked at myself. I said, are you hungry? No, ok... find something to do. Did some things and thought about it in a few hours.

    Are you hungry now? yeah, I could eat a bit. had a little food. Was it satisfying? yup! Ok, your done eating. sweet.

    Not thinking about how many calories left for the day has been a real eye opener for me. I actually just think about if I am hungry or not and work from there.

    It's a bit terrifying, I know, but maybe you can give it a shot for a week and see how you feel. Best of luck for you :)

    I like this idea and will try it when I get to maintenance. I snack way too much and eat too many empty calories such as chips and chocolate that I need to log since it is so easy to overdo it. I commend you, though, for being successful with this approach.

    It would never work for me because my hunger signals are all over the place. Some days, eating the same foods, I'll be satisfied with 1300 calories... Other days, 3000. I suppose it might even out but that would mean always making good choices and that's just not a life for me... so I log, lol.

    Honestly? mine were too. like ALL over the place. but after I stopped logging and worrying about it, it just came a little more normally. some days I eat a little more some a little less, but I have noticed that I eat most of my calories now within a 6 hour window, but after that's done I literally can fast for the rest of the night and it doesn't bother me at all like it used to.

    I dunno what happened, but I am ok with it. I finally feel stress free for once about it.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I've kind of lost my drive to keep on track, which is really stupid since I'll have to be seen in a swimsuit in a little more than a month. I just want to eat and drink what I want and not give a crap. I think I might be depressed because of all the crap that's going on right now with my stepdaughter (not going into that) and my kitty being gone.

    I did have an NSV yesterday while cleaning out my closet. I have a pair of BCBG boots that have always been tight on my calves. I put them on yesterday and I actually had a little bit of room where they weren't suffocating my legs. I felt pretty good about that.

    I've been there pretty much the entire month of May. It sucks. But, like you I had an NSV last week. I put my tankini on - the same one I bought when I got married 5 years ago and the top has "grown" and is to big to wear in public (will wear it while in the yard sun bathing. Made me feel a bit better to see the results of all the tracking.

    Then today I went to Marshall's to see if I can find some good capris. I didn't find anything (they only had about 3 pairs in my size and they were something my great-grandmother would wear) but I found a bunch of dresses that I liked. One was a size 12 calvin Kline and it was just a bit too tight but I was able to zip it up. I felt awesome (was a size 16-18 at one point). So I bought a pair of quite white heals for summer. First new pair summer sandals in 3 years. I like feeling pretty.

    My point being, is even though it is a struggle to stay on track a lot of the time, there is progress :)

    I hope you feel better.

    Thanks, @smashley_mashley . Congrats on your NSV's as well! I think sometimes, those can be far more rewarding than the stupid scale numbers.

    I also like feeling pretty. I get irritated that age appropriate clothes in most stores look like old lady clothes that I wouldn't wear out of the dressing room, much less in public.

    I am having a hard time finding a swimsuit that is both flattering, body conscious (not sure I spelled that correctly), cute and not $370. I can't really wear a one-piece for several reasons. I have a long torso, so by the time I get it pulled up to cover my chest, I look like Borat. I also am rather flat chested so unless that baby has some serious padding, I end up looking like a 10 year old prepubescent girl. Plus, all the slimming ones don't go any smaller than an 8 so that's not an option either.

    I feel very whiney today. Sorry about that.

  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Way behind because of the wonderful long weekend and may not get caught up today because of stupid meetings. I wanted to share a picture of our lab/mix dog. We adopted her about four years ago with the name Brandie. She is nine now. I have to take her to the vet today to get a rather large lump on her side checked out. Prayers and good vibes would be appreciated.38h21c7fvocu.jpg

    Hoping she's okay!!!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    It depends on what kind of car you have and what year it is. I drive a 2012 Toyota Camry XLE Hybrid and the first year I had to pay for tags, it was over $500. This year is under $400. Still, that's a lot when you're not used to paying that every month. I'm not sure how it is other places, but in Kansas, you pay your registration according to your last name. Before I got married, my registration was due in September or something, now, because my name starts with "H", it's due in June. The same freaking month as my anniversary.

    ETA: It's not the registration that is so high, it's the stupid property tax. I hate having to pay property tax for something I ALREADY PAID TAXES ON WHEN I BOUGHT IT. It's ridiculous.

    Is your registration also your insurance or do you pay vehicle insurance on top of the registration?

    Where I live, we pay a flat rate for vehicle registration each year is $84.45 flat rate then we pay insurance. on our 2014 F150 we pay $1800 per year and that is with extra liability b/c hubby uses it for work.
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    Where I live it's about $35 plus tax.

    Not the way it is here! It's based on the year and size and make of the vehicle. A new full sized truck can run $800 - $1000 for registration. My son has an '07 Tundra and his annual registration is $700.00. Back in '03 when we bought a new Honda Accord it was $600.00. It does gradually go down each year but both of our '03 vehicles still run about $130.00 per year. Sports cars are also higher fees.

    Wow. I bought a new car in Indiana and my tags were around $300/year. I guess that's a little less than 1% of what the car was worth. My other car (an '04 Explorer) was like $60, which was the minimum charge.

    All of the other states I've lived in, it's a flat amount, and usually less than $100 per car.

    Property taxes in Cook County, IL for my house, on the other hand - were around $10k per year.

    As much as I enjoyed Chicago in the summertime, I'm glad to be out of there.

    I cannot fathom that. 10k just in property taxes?! Ours are about $2500 per year, the satellite communities are a bit higher b/c they don't have as much industry and they are around $3000-$3500 per year.

    with both the vehicle insurance and the property tax, we have the option to pay it all at once or break it into monthly payments so it is not a huge it.

    Insurance is extra where I live. Our rates are pretty good though: older vehicles, good driving records, etc. A few years ago when I was paying my son's insurance still it was steep: he was 22 yrs. old, completely clean driving record, even a CDL but he had an '07 Chevy Silverado and a '10 Honda Accord: $365.00 per month. Ouch.

    Property taxes here are much more manageable, though. We pay $850.00 per year. House is paid off.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Confession: today is my birthday and I am waiting to see if my husband will actually remember. In the 10 years we've been married, he has legit forgotten my birthday twice. At least 4 other times he's not remembered until the end of the day; like "getting into bed" end of the day. I'm not looking for a parade or anything, but a "Happy Birthday" sometime in the morning hours would be nice.

    Happy Birthday!

    Also- these pet pictures are the best. I wish I knew how to post photos so I could share all of my babies!

    OK, fine! Here's Shiva, my little goddess. Yes, she's awesome!


    This didn't show up on my phone. I tried to view on my computer and got busted by our security warnings. :(
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    It depends on what kind of car you have and what year it is. I drive a 2012 Toyota Camry XLE Hybrid and the first year I had to pay for tags, it was over $500. This year is under $400. Still, that's a lot when you're not used to paying that every month. I'm not sure how it is other places, but in Kansas, you pay your registration according to your last name. Before I got married, my registration was due in September or something, now, because my name starts with "H", it's due in June. The same freaking month as my anniversary.

    ETA: It's not the registration that is so high, it's the stupid property tax. I hate having to pay property tax for something I ALREADY PAID TAXES ON WHEN I BOUGHT IT. It's ridiculous.

    I just re-registered my car for $75. (2008 Porsche Cayenne. So freakin' glad I live in Idaho. :D )

    You suck! :wink:

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    It depends on what kind of car you have and what year it is. I drive a 2012 Toyota Camry XLE Hybrid and the first year I had to pay for tags, it was over $500. This year is under $400. Still, that's a lot when you're not used to paying that every month. I'm not sure how it is other places, but in Kansas, you pay your registration according to your last name. Before I got married, my registration was due in September or something, now, because my name starts with "H", it's due in June. The same freaking month as my anniversary.

    ETA: It's not the registration that is so high, it's the stupid property tax. I hate having to pay property tax for something I ALREADY PAID TAXES ON WHEN I BOUGHT IT. It's ridiculous.

    Is your registration also your insurance or do you pay vehicle insurance on top of the registration?

    Where I live, we pay a flat rate for vehicle registration each year is $84.45 flat rate then we pay insurance. on our 2014 F150 we pay $1800 per year and that is with extra liability b/c hubby uses it for work.

    Insurance is separate. We pay that every month and it's about $140 for 2 cars. At least I think it is. I really have no idea. I should probably check on that...

  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,509 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I've kind of lost my drive to keep on track, which is really stupid since I'll have to be seen in a swimsuit in a little more than a month. I just want to eat and drink what I want and not give a crap. I think I might be depressed because of all the crap that's going on right now with my stepdaughter (not going into that) and my kitty being gone.

    I did have an NSV yesterday while cleaning out my closet. I have a pair of BCBG boots that have always been tight on my calves. I put them on yesterday and I actually had a little bit of room where they weren't suffocating my legs. I felt pretty good about that.

    I've been there pretty much the entire month of May. It sucks. But, like you I had an NSV last week. I put my tankini on - the same one I bought when I got married 5 years ago and the top has "grown" and is to big to wear in public (will wear it while in the yard sun bathing. Made me feel a bit better to see the results of all the tracking.

    Then today I went to Marshall's to see if I can find some good capris. I didn't find anything (they only had about 3 pairs in my size and they were something my great-grandmother would wear) but I found a bunch of dresses that I liked. One was a size 12 calvin Kline and it was just a bit too tight but I was able to zip it up. I felt awesome (was a size 16-18 at one point). So I bought a pair of quite white heals for summer. First new pair summer sandals in 3 years. I like feeling pretty.

    My point being, is even though it is a struggle to stay on track a lot of the time, there is progress :)

    I hope you feel better.

    Thanks, @smashley_mashley . Congrats on your NSV's as well! I think sometimes, those can be far more rewarding than the stupid scale numbers.

    I also like feeling pretty. I get irritated that age appropriate clothes in most stores look like old lady clothes that I wouldn't wear out of the dressing room, much less in public.

    I am having a hard time finding a swimsuit that is both flattering, body conscious (not sure I spelled that correctly), cute and not $370. I can't really wear a one-piece for several reasons. I have a long torso, so by the time I get it pulled up to cover my chest, I look like Borat. I also am rather flat chested so unless that baby has some serious padding, I end up looking like a 10 year old prepubescent girl. Plus, all the slimming ones don't go any smaller than an 8 so that's not an option either.

    I feel very whiney today. Sorry about that.

    I actually bought the first two piece bathing suit of my life this weekend, because I couldn't find anything that came up over my damned nipples in a one piece. I got a high-waisted bottom (belly-button height) and a long tankini top with shirred sides. Covers as much as a one piece, but nothing tugs.

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    It depends on what kind of car you have and what year it is. I drive a 2012 Toyota Camry XLE Hybrid and the first year I had to pay for tags, it was over $500. This year is under $400. Still, that's a lot when you're not used to paying that every month. I'm not sure how it is other places, but in Kansas, you pay your registration according to your last name. Before I got married, my registration was due in September or something, now, because my name starts with "H", it's due in June. The same freaking month as my anniversary.

    ETA: It's not the registration that is so high, it's the stupid property tax. I hate having to pay property tax for something I ALREADY PAID TAXES ON WHEN I BOUGHT IT. It's ridiculous.

    Is your registration also your insurance or do you pay vehicle insurance on top of the registration?

    Where I live, we pay a flat rate for vehicle registration each year is $84.45 flat rate then we pay insurance. on our 2014 F150 we pay $1800 per year and that is with extra liability b/c hubby uses it for work.
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    Where I live it's about $35 plus tax.

    Not the way it is here! It's based on the year and size and make of the vehicle. A new full sized truck can run $800 - $1000 for registration. My son has an '07 Tundra and his annual registration is $700.00. Back in '03 when we bought a new Honda Accord it was $600.00. It does gradually go down each year but both of our '03 vehicles still run about $130.00 per year. Sports cars are also higher fees.

    Wow. I bought a new car in Indiana and my tags were around $300/year. I guess that's a little less than 1% of what the car was worth. My other car (an '04 Explorer) was like $60, which was the minimum charge.

    All of the other states I've lived in, it's a flat amount, and usually less than $100 per car.

    Property taxes in Cook County, IL for my house, on the other hand - were around $10k per year.

    As much as I enjoyed Chicago in the summertime, I'm glad to be out of there.

    I cannot fathom that. 10k just in property taxes?! Ours are about $2500 per year, the satellite communities are a bit higher b/c they don't have as much industry and they are around $3000-$3500 per year.

    with both the vehicle insurance and the property tax, we have the option to pay it all at once or break it into monthly payments so it is not a huge it.

    Insurance is extra where I live. Our rates are pretty good though: older vehicles, good driving records, etc. A few years ago when I was paying my son's insurance still it was steep: he was 22 yrs. old, completely clean driving record, even a CDL but he had an '07 Chevy Silverado and a '10 Honda Accord: $365.00 per month. Ouch.

    Property taxes here are much more manageable, though. We pay $850.00 per year. House is paid off.

    Wow. I have a 21 year old daughter, a 20 year old son, 4 cars and full coverage on all 4 cars (the oldest car is a 2012 Focus) with $0 deductible on all. I pay every 6 months, right around $1,550 so less than $260/month.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I've kind of lost my drive to keep on track, which is really stupid since I'll have to be seen in a swimsuit in a little more than a month. I just want to eat and drink what I want and not give a crap. I think I might be depressed because of all the crap that's going on right now with my stepdaughter (not going into that) and my kitty being gone.

    I did have an NSV yesterday while cleaning out my closet. I have a pair of BCBG boots that have always been tight on my calves. I put them on yesterday and I actually had a little bit of room where they weren't suffocating my legs. I felt pretty good about that.

    I've been there pretty much the entire month of May. It sucks. But, like you I had an NSV last week. I put my tankini on - the same one I bought when I got married 5 years ago and the top has "grown" and is to big to wear in public (will wear it while in the yard sun bathing. Made me feel a bit better to see the results of all the tracking.

    Then today I went to Marshall's to see if I can find some good capris. I didn't find anything (they only had about 3 pairs in my size and they were something my great-grandmother would wear) but I found a bunch of dresses that I liked. One was a size 12 calvin Kline and it was just a bit too tight but I was able to zip it up. I felt awesome (was a size 16-18 at one point). So I bought a pair of quite white heals for summer. First new pair summer sandals in 3 years. I like feeling pretty.

    My point being, is even though it is a struggle to stay on track a lot of the time, there is progress :)

    I hope you feel better.

    Thanks, @smashley_mashley . Congrats on your NSV's as well! I think sometimes, those can be far more rewarding than the stupid scale numbers.

    I also like feeling pretty. I get irritated that age appropriate clothes in most stores look like old lady clothes that I wouldn't wear out of the dressing room, much less in public.

    I am having a hard time finding a swimsuit that is both flattering, body conscious (not sure I spelled that correctly), cute and not $370. I can't really wear a one-piece for several reasons. I have a long torso, so by the time I get it pulled up to cover my chest, I look like Borat. I also am rather flat chested so unless that baby has some serious padding, I end up looking like a 10 year old prepubescent girl. Plus, all the slimming ones don't go any smaller than an 8 so that's not an option either.

    I feel very whiney today. Sorry about that.

    swimsuit shopping is just about as fun as bra shopping and jean shopping - it all sucks (I am one of the few that loath shopping, especially when I am looking for something specific). My last swimsuit, my hubby actually found online at Swimsuitsforall. They have swimsuits for all shapes starting at size 8 and I actually like the one I got there than the Speedo one-piece I have been working to fit back into. You might have some luck there as they have more than just one pieces. Not sure about their return policy but the site is based out of the States so it shouldn't be a problem. Plus it is super cheap. I think mine was only $35.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Way behind because of the wonderful long weekend and may not get caught up today because of stupid meetings. I wanted to share a picture of our lab/mix dog. We adopted her about four years ago with the name Brandie. She is nine now. I have to take her to the vet today to get a rather large lump on her side checked out. Prayers and good vibes would be appreciated.38h21c7fvocu.jpg

    I hope your vet appointment went well!

    Thanks, all, for the Wilbur love - I confess it's probably a bit weird how excited I get that other people think my big buddy is as cute as I think he is :)

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    It depends on what kind of car you have and what year it is. I drive a 2012 Toyota Camry XLE Hybrid and the first year I had to pay for tags, it was over $500. This year is under $400. Still, that's a lot when you're not used to paying that every month. I'm not sure how it is other places, but in Kansas, you pay your registration according to your last name. Before I got married, my registration was due in September or something, now, because my name starts with "H", it's due in June. The same freaking month as my anniversary.

    ETA: It's not the registration that is so high, it's the stupid property tax. I hate having to pay property tax for something I ALREADY PAID TAXES ON WHEN I BOUGHT IT. It's ridiculous.

    Is your registration also your insurance or do you pay vehicle insurance on top of the registration?

    Where I live, we pay a flat rate for vehicle registration each year is $84.45 flat rate then we pay insurance. on our 2014 F150 we pay $1800 per year and that is with extra liability b/c hubby uses it for work.
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    Where I live it's about $35 plus tax.

    Not the way it is here! It's based on the year and size and make of the vehicle. A new full sized truck can run $800 - $1000 for registration. My son has an '07 Tundra and his annual registration is $700.00. Back in '03 when we bought a new Honda Accord it was $600.00. It does gradually go down each year but both of our '03 vehicles still run about $130.00 per year. Sports cars are also higher fees.

    Wow. I bought a new car in Indiana and my tags were around $300/year. I guess that's a little less than 1% of what the car was worth. My other car (an '04 Explorer) was like $60, which was the minimum charge.

    All of the other states I've lived in, it's a flat amount, and usually less than $100 per car.

    Property taxes in Cook County, IL for my house, on the other hand - were around $10k per year.

    As much as I enjoyed Chicago in the summertime, I'm glad to be out of there.

    I cannot fathom that. 10k just in property taxes?! Ours are about $2500 per year, the satellite communities are a bit higher b/c they don't have as much industry and they are around $3000-$3500 per year.

    with both the vehicle insurance and the property tax, we have the option to pay it all at once or break it into monthly payments so it is not a huge it.

    Tell me about it! I was in Chicago over the weekend. I love Chicago, but I could never move back there. I couldn't afford to live there and retire someday.
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Confession: today is my birthday and I am waiting to see if my husband will actually remember. In the 10 years we've been married, he has legit forgotten my birthday twice. At least 4 other times he's not remembered until the end of the day; like "getting into bed" end of the day. I'm not looking for a parade or anything, but a "Happy Birthday" sometime in the morning hours would be nice.

    Happy Birthday!

    Also- these pet pictures are the best. I wish I knew how to post photos so I could share all of my babies!

    OK, fine! Here's Shiva, my little goddess. Yes, she's awesome!


    This didn't show up on my phone. I tried to view on my computer and got busted by our security warnings. :(

    Hmm. Try this one?

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I've kind of lost my drive to keep on track, which is really stupid since I'll have to be seen in a swimsuit in a little more than a month. I just want to eat and drink what I want and not give a crap. I think I might be depressed because of all the crap that's going on right now with my stepdaughter (not going into that) and my kitty being gone.

    I did have an NSV yesterday while cleaning out my closet. I have a pair of BCBG boots that have always been tight on my calves. I put them on yesterday and I actually had a little bit of room where they weren't suffocating my legs. I felt pretty good about that.

    I've been there pretty much the entire month of May. It sucks. But, like you I had an NSV last week. I put my tankini on - the same one I bought when I got married 5 years ago and the top has "grown" and is to big to wear in public (will wear it while in the yard sun bathing. Made me feel a bit better to see the results of all the tracking.

    Then today I went to Marshall's to see if I can find some good capris. I didn't find anything (they only had about 3 pairs in my size and they were something my great-grandmother would wear) but I found a bunch of dresses that I liked. One was a size 12 calvin Kline and it was just a bit too tight but I was able to zip it up. I felt awesome (was a size 16-18 at one point). So I bought a pair of quite white heals for summer. First new pair summer sandals in 3 years. I like feeling pretty.

    My point being, is even though it is a struggle to stay on track a lot of the time, there is progress :)

    I hope you feel better.

    Thanks, @smashley_mashley . Congrats on your NSV's as well! I think sometimes, those can be far more rewarding than the stupid scale numbers.

    I also like feeling pretty. I get irritated that age appropriate clothes in most stores look like old lady clothes that I wouldn't wear out of the dressing room, much less in public.

    I am having a hard time finding a swimsuit that is both flattering, body conscious (not sure I spelled that correctly), cute and not $370. I can't really wear a one-piece for several reasons. I have a long torso, so by the time I get it pulled up to cover my chest, I look like Borat. I also am rather flat chested so unless that baby has some serious padding, I end up looking like a 10 year old prepubescent girl. Plus, all the slimming ones don't go any smaller than an 8 so that's not an option either.

    I feel very whiney today. Sorry about that.

    I actually bought the first two piece bathing suit of my life this weekend, because I couldn't find anything that came up over my damned nipples in a one piece. I got a high-waisted bottom (belly-button height) and a long tankini top with shirred sides. Covers as much as a one piece, but nothing tugs.

    That sounds like what I'm looking for. I'd really just like to buy board shorts and a tankini but that would probably look weird.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Way behind because of the wonderful long weekend and may not get caught up today because of stupid meetings. I wanted to share a picture of our lab/mix dog. We adopted her about four years ago with the name Brandie. She is nine now. I have to take her to the vet today to get a rather large lump on her side checked out. Prayers and good vibes would be appreciated.38h21c7fvocu.jpg

    I hope your vet appointment went well!

    Thanks, all, for the Wilbur love - I confess it's probably a bit weird how excited I get that other people think my big buddy is as cute as I think he is :)

    I think all pet parents feel that way. He is absolutely adorable, btw. I dig the underbite. Plus, I'm a sucker for blocky-headed dogs and his coloring is just awesome.

  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I prelogged my food today... I gave myself 4 servings of cherries (because I LOVE cherries) but I can't remember if I've already had 2 or 3 servings already :(
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I prelogged my food today... I gave myself 4 servings of cherries (because I LOVE cherries) but I can't remember if I've already had 2 or 3 servings already :(

    That's one of the things I don't like about prelogging. I sometimes don't eat all the food I logged and forget to take it off before I complete my diary for the day.

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Confession: today is my birthday and I am waiting to see if my husband will actually remember. In the 10 years we've been married, he has legit forgotten my birthday twice. At least 4 other times he's not remembered until the end of the day; like "getting into bed" end of the day. I'm not looking for a parade or anything, but a "Happy Birthday" sometime in the morning hours would be nice.

    Happy Birthday!

    Also- these pet pictures are the best. I wish I knew how to post photos so I could share all of my babies!

    OK, fine! Here's Shiva, my little goddess. Yes, she's awesome!


    This didn't show up on my phone. I tried to view on my computer and got busted by our security warnings. :(

    Hmm. Try this one?


    Got it! Adorable!
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I prelogged my food today... I gave myself 4 servings of cherries (because I LOVE cherries) but I can't remember if I've already had 2 or 3 servings already :(

    That's one of the things I don't like about prelogging. I sometimes don't eat all the food I logged and forget to take it off before I complete my diary for the day.

    Ugh it's so annoying. I really want to just eat the 2 more servings but what if I did already have 3?! and that's just more calories?! I take my calories very seriously and I don't like to waste them.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Way behind because of the wonderful long weekend and may not get caught up today because of stupid meetings. I wanted to share a picture of our lab/mix dog. We adopted her about four years ago with the name Brandie. She is nine now. I have to take her to the vet today to get a rather large lump on her side checked out. Prayers and good vibes would be appreciated.38h21c7fvocu.jpg
    Lovely mutt, I hope everything comes out okay.

    I don't even want to think about how it took for me to find swimwear I was okay with. It's better than what happened a few years ago at least. I had to borrow my cousin's old swimsuit for my niece's pool party and it did not fit me at all.