20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member
    Good morning all...hope everyone has a great day!!
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning all,
    Connie, I am so happy and excited that you had a loss today. I so hope you have found the key
    to your success. You work so hard and deserve to reach your goal. :)
    Hope everyone will have a great day.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Thanks, Connie! And congratulations on your loss today! I hope it's because of your eat-more plan, I can't think of a better way to diet. :)

    They're here working on the AC this morning. Very noisy, but I'll be glad to have the central air again, these window units make the lights flicker. :/
    I thought we were likely going to put an offer in on a house today, but another house popped up on the mls last night, so now I'll have to wait til tomorrow to see it and decide what direction to go with the house we see today. I wish I could see them all today and get my thoughts straight.

    Just finished some vegetable cream-cheese and mixed green wraps for breakfast, and about to head to the gym. Hopefully the rain waits until after we've surveyed the outside of these houses today. Hope everyone has a good Wednesday! :)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good house hunting Rachel You will fond the perfect one soon
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Thanks, Marie! I hope so. :) I also just picked up a job today, haha. I'm not sure what the pay is yet, but as long as it's not horrible I'll take it, it'll be nice to be making a little something during this house buying process. I'll probably start in a week or two, so I'm going to be quite busy all the sudden. School, work, and fitting in gym time. It'll be interesting! I'm very glad I've started jogging, it'll make fitting in a workout a lot easier.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Rachel congrats on getting a Job. Sounds like you will
    be a busy girl.

    Cristina good hearing from you again

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Just got my test results back from Drs. I am not very happy with my total chlosterol its 265, and the Dr has ordered me some medicine, also my blood pressure was bad yesterday when I went, and I am already on 3 different pills. Sugar was great, and my liver and kidneys are normal. He was glad to see my weight loss and we were both thinking my bloodwork would be okay. Alittle bummed by all of it, its like I'm a heart attack or stroke waiting to happen, between blood pressure and chlosterol. I need to do something different, to get both better. I just made a pot of vegetable soup, so no meat tonight, the thing is we eat alot of chicken and pork loin, and not a whole lot of red meat. Heck I even buy ground turkey, I guess I have been having more than I think.

    On a better note this morning my grandson graduated from kindergarten, they sang songs and it was really cute.o9perluu77mk.jpg
    I hope the pictures post. I hope everyone is doing okay. Janice
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Aw what a great picture, Janice!
    I would recommend really cutting down on your meat consumption and see if that helps your numbers. Chicken can just be literally soaked in sodium, they weigh it down with water and salt so that they can get away with selling less meat. It couldn't hurt to try for a month and see if there's a change. :)
    (We're looking at a house in Shepherdsville tomorrow, by the way)

    Thanks, Marie! I definitely will be staying busy. I haven't been in retail for a few years but I'm sure I'll pick it up again pretty easily. It is at Hallmark, which will be better than working in clothing retail. Plus I'll be surrounded in Christmas decor in a few months, and I'm pretty sure I'll like that. :)

    We decided to dismiss the houses we saw today. The selling agent came out to show us the property lines, and it is the weirdest segmentation of property possible. The neighboring house's land cuts across the back yard of the corner lot, leaving that lot with barely any land. And the house that cuts across has basically just hill for the back yard(not to mention it wasn't built well). We want room for a garden so that crosses those off the list. But we have a house set up for tomorrow, and I'm hoping it's a really good one. The only downside I can see so far is the other houses in the neighborhood might not be that great. We'll see!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You got a very handsom Grandson. Hope you get your numbers down You looks great

    I don,t get another lab work till July. Anxiousness to see if this vegan diet doing its job. My b.lood
    Pressure always run a little low but my cholesterol. A little high. Maybe too high Take care Marie
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Janice, Great picture both of you are as cute as can be. Maybe your numbers will come down as you lose more weight.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Rachel-be careful they have changed our flood plan and alot of properties require expensive flood insurance, if it wasnt grandfathered end. Some have abondaned their houses, because they cant afford flood insurance. I like Shepherdsville, its growing, we just got a new Walmart. Where are you looking I live in Bratcher Estates, we have a nice Cape Cod for sale across the street, but it requires expensive insurance now. I made vegetable soup tonight, I plan on cutting down on meat, even though I already have. My grandson is so sweet and cute, he has been a blessing.

    Marie and Nancy I plan on eating less meat, some oatmeal and less in general, I already eat alot of vegetables, I guess I'll add in some blueberries and oranges, they say thats good for lowering chlosterol, I have to do more readibg up on it, I looked at my numbers before and I have had worse numbers and dropped 25 down on chlosterol, and a lot so blood pressure alot worse, I just want to maje both alot better so I can live a linger life. Janice.

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Well I finally have time to check in today. I need prayers for any of you who want. I now have a freshman knockout!!!!!!! She could care less about boys but boys follow her around like little lost puppies. It was a beautiful ceremony tonight. She won a band directors award for most improved in band. A nose in a book award from her English teacher (that ones self explanatory) and best attitude from her history teacher. Here is a pic from ballet of her. I used my good camera tonight and not a crappy phone camera. 9gjet1wtizks.jpg
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Hey guys, so I decided to finally post my FIRST before-and-after pictures! (Exclusive to this group) The before was in October of 2014, after leaving my active job a month prior. The after was taken a few days ago. Any difference? I think I see a little difference. :D

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    @rayw89 Nope. Don't see it ;) Wow what a difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ray you should be one proud girl . Beautiful figure , beautiful person inside and out. You have made this a very interesting place to post. Thank you sweetie pie. Love your photos
    <3 Marie
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Thursday!

    B) Wow..you guys rock! I am sooo glad to be a part of a small and "exclusive" (ray's word) group of folks who post on an outdated thread! What happens when we get close to Easter again? Will people try to join? :D

    B) Janice..you look great! Your grandson is a cutie! Your are right to research about cholesterol lowering foods and then adjust your diet. Formulate your plan based on your research and needs.

    B) Esther..your teenager is gorgeous!

    B) Ray..what can I say? There is a HUGE difference in those pics! You've got an hourglass figure. You go, girl!

    Well, it's body pump class for me today! I need to do some housework and the dog gets groomed so I will stay busy. It's hot and humid this morning; I guess summertime is here to stay. It seems like yesterday folks were shoveling snow! :)

    Make it a great day!
    Stay strong!
    Connie B)

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good morning ladies,
    WOW! I missed a day and so much to catch up on!!

    connie, great news about loss. I think the extra calories are going to help you big time. I actually think I may have done the cheat meal correctly this time. I am back down to my before weight this morning and have until tues to see a loss. although I felt sick afterward, I have had no desire to pick at anything this week so far.

    marie, so glad the new diet is working so well!!

    Janice, do not worry about your numbers, it sounds like they are moving in a positive direction. rome was not built in a day:) just keep on making good choices and you will be great!!

    Ray, OMG, you look amazing!! that is unbelievable!! you should be on maintenance soon!! I di think you should slowly increase your calories. 1400 is too low for someone that is as active and young as you. you can eat more:)

    Ester, wow she is beautiful!! my oldest is just completing her freshman year and she is 5'9 and so unbelievable!! it's crazy how they grow up.

    nancy, hope your son is doing better!!! thinking of you!!

    everyone else, have a great day!! off to spin:)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Stephanie. So, I am absolutely loving this vegan plan. Iam still trying to eat one one one plan. I really like the Steele cut quick cooking oatmeal but I do need to add some ground flax seeds or chia seeds to make it a complete meal. And nothing get ant better than these dry beans slowly but surely I am learning what to eat. I do have confident in this vegan plan . Something I have not had in a long time. Seems like when I have a lost in about 2 or 3 I will have another lost this is my second day to remain the same .I eat all the fruit and veggies I want no oil or butter, but do get my fat from avocado,chia seeds and ground flax seeds. I am trying to eat fuss free and so far it is working

    Have a great day all of you misfit.

    Connie you ask what we will do when Easter roll around again we may have to form a group.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Esther, your daughter is beautiful! I love that you have her in different programs, I think that would've been good for me growing up. And all those awards, how awesome! You can tell she's very skilled and bright. :)

    Thank you, Esther, Marie, Connie, and Stephanie! It really is something to see the photos side by side. My mind's eye really couldn't see all of my gain back then. I'm so glad I changed. :)
    Stephanie, I'll be waiting til I get a little closer to goal to increase beyond 1,400. I just increased from 1,200 to 1,400 a few weeks ago, so I want to give each step time. I still have a fair amount of jiggle under those clothes, but I'm getting close. Nine more lbs. and I'll be at maintenance. Then I'll get extra calories every day and it'll be strange, but I'll enjoy them!

    Last night was an "eat everything in sight" night. I let myself have it, and my stomach is doing it's recovery process today. Back to usual now though, I may or may not weigh in tomorrow after yesterday's splurges.

    Marie I hope you see another loss soon! I'm glad you're enjoying your plan so much.

    Connie, I hadn't thought about what to do when Easter rolls back around! We'll have to hide! Haha.

    Janice, thank you for the info! I'll definitely be asking about flood zones there now. We're looking at a house on Elks Road in the 40165 zipcode.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Rachel-I can see a big difference, your waste looks so small.You look great. I seen on google Elks Rd is app 1.4 miles from me, I also am in 40165 zip, be sure to see if in flood zone, I am almost positive it is and flood insurance is expensive if that house isn't grandfathered in, but you still have to buy the flood insurance, its just a lot cheaper, until your mortgage is paid off. Homeowners insurance is what everyone has to buy to insure your home, the flood insurance can be $3000-4500 a year, extra if not grandfathered in. Sorry to go on I just dont want you to have a problem. I cant afford the flood insurance, since it went up so crazy, luckily my house is paid for. I originally had paperwork on file saying my house wasnt in flood zone, now they say it is and they wont grandfather it in, if I had to carry it I'd be screwed, but I dont since house is paid off, I just hope we dont ever flood. Janice