40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Patsalmer
    Patsalmer Posts: 34 Member
    I agree, with Ruby70, that is a sign of a great parent!!!
    Hello everybody, I really enjoy all of the great pictures posted by everybody... As soon as I figure out how to I will post some too....
    Today I took the kids to Bottomless Lakes, its only about 15-20 minutes from home, while they played and cooled off, I actually got some work done on my laptop..then I raced my son back and forth along the shore. Its not a big lake but its somewhere fun we can go to and get the kids away from the television.
    Yesterday I took them to Lake Van, a small man made lake which is also a park. We played, climbed trees and decided that before we go again we will have to go to town and get fishing licenses and gear.... My little boy really wants to go fishing...
    So maybe tomorrow we will go to the park zoo in town and get that gear afterwards....
    I have to figure out how to keep them busy while summer school and soccer starts for my little guy...my daughter has band camp going on right now and will have volleyball camp after that...
    As I was driving to Bottomless today, I got an idea, I am gonna fix up my bike, and start "training" to hopefully ride it all the way to the lake eventually..Haven't ridden in a long time.. Don't have a clue what the distance is yet, or how long it will take me to condition myself for it, but I want to do it.... So as soon as summer school begins so does my training... Any ideas/tips???
  • GlacierGirl907
    GlacierGirl907 Posts: 40 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new here...I'm 41, a wife and mom (14 yr old daughter God help me, 3 dogs, and a cat!). I'm a hospice social worker which is super stressful but also extremely rewarding :) I have also been a paranormal researcher on the side for about 22 years.

    My mom passed away suddenly last year of a pulmonary embolism and I've discovered that I'm a grief eater...apparently I like to eat my feelings! I've put on about 20 pounds in the last year or so and feel like a roly-poly. In the last month I've made the decision to get into shape and stop eating my feelings :) I've been doing tabata, zumba, and piyo (which kicked my butt by the way!) with some strength training mixed in. I've been trying to eat right too but that's been a bit tough since I have the palate of a 5 year old (pizza, chicken nuggets, and pb&j!).

    I'm looking forward to talking to you guys and hearing about your successes and (hopefully!) sharing mine!

    Welcome and am truly sorry for your loss.I will do my best to give out support I have been doing the bikini body workouts. I'm eat when I'm bored.Im waiting for my husband to come next week yikes haven't seen him in 2 half month gonna stay strong and on my fitness. I love cooking maybe we all could share some recipes
  • GlacierGirl907
    GlacierGirl907 Posts: 40 Member
    Patsalmer wrote: »
    I agree, with Ruby70, that is a sign of a great parent!!!
    Hello everybody, I really enjoy all of the great pictures posted by everybody... As soon as I figure out how to I will post some too....
    Today I took the kids to Bottomless Lakes, its only about 15-20 minutes from home, while they played and cooled off, I actually got some work done on my laptop..then I raced my son back and forth along the shore. Its not a big lake but its somewhere fun we can go to and get the kids away from the television.
    Yesterday I took them to Lake Van, a small man made lake which is also a park. We played, climbed trees and decided that before we go again we will have to go to town and get fishing licenses and gear.... My little boy really wants to go fishing...
    So maybe tomorrow we will go to the park zoo in town and get that gear afterwards....
    I have to figure out how to keep them busy while summer school and soccer starts for my little guy...my daughter has band camp going on right now and will have volleyball camp after that...
    As I was driving to Bottomless today, I got an idea, I am gonna fix up my bike, and start "training" to hopefully ride it all the way to the lake eventually..Haven't ridden in a long time.. Don't have a clue what the distance is yet, or how long it will take me to condition myself for it, but I want to do it.... So as soon as summer school begins so does my training... Any ideas/tips???

    Agreed. With sign of a good parent.we all have 4 wheelers so we're always riding to the glacier I will post some pics when I can figure it out good luck riding bike I don't like the seats
  • Patsalmer
    Patsalmer Posts: 34 Member
    GlacierGirl907, Thanks, I guess Im gonna have to get used to the seat lol, havent ridden in sooooooo long!!! And I also eat when Im bored, and make poor food choices to boot!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Patsalmer wrote: »
    I agree, with Ruby70, that is a sign of a great parent!!!
    Hello everybody, I really enjoy all of the great pictures posted by everybody... As soon as I figure out how to I will post some too....
    Today I took the kids to Bottomless Lakes, its only about 15-20 minutes from home, while they played and cooled off, I actually got some work done on my laptop..then I raced my son back and forth along the shore. Its not a big lake but its somewhere fun we can go to and get the kids away from the television.
    Yesterday I took them to Lake Van, a small man made lake which is also a park. We played, climbed trees and decided that before we go again we will have to go to town and get fishing licenses and gear.... My little boy really wants to go fishing...
    So maybe tomorrow we will go to the park zoo in town and get that gear afterwards....
    I have to figure out how to keep them busy while summer school and soccer starts for my little guy...my daughter has band camp going on right now and will have volleyball camp after that...
    As I was driving to Bottomless today, I got an idea, I am gonna fix up my bike, and start "training" to hopefully ride it all the way to the lake eventually..Haven't ridden in a long time.. Don't have a clue what the distance is yet, or how long it will take me to condition myself for it, but I want to do it.... So as soon as summer school begins so does my training... Any ideas/tips???

    I will post some pics when I can figure it out

    To post pictures click on the icon that looks like a sheet of paper at top of reply box {to the right of
    smiley face}. If you have the picture on laptop or phone, click choose files. If your photo is on a sharing site like Face Book, copy the image url address, then paste and click enter.

    I started a thread where you can practice it out of the limelight. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10013081/testing-1-2-3#latest

    Good luck.
  • GlacierGirl907
    GlacierGirl907 Posts: 40 Member
    edited May 2015
    Thank you LarroDarro found it.

    And to Patsalmer ya haven't riddin those in years either lol why I chose 4 wheelers plus I live in Alaska so much to see. I changed pasta for rice noodles gonna see if makes a difference.
  • webbeyes
    webbeyes Posts: 105 Member
    Okay...got the bookmarking figured out. Duh. LMHO

    That's okay, I'm a techhie and I didn't find it all that intuitive either :-)
  • jingerbird
    jingerbird Posts: 25 Member
    Morning Kids,

    Its been a rough week so far. My OH feel out of the back of his truck last week and has ended up with a bad infection. After a hospital visit, he has spent most of the week in bed with flu like symptoms, apparently caused by the infection.

    But after playing nurse all week, I got up this morning (5 am) and started back on my Elliptical trainer. I did 20 minutes, not very long but its a start and I am feeling rather pleased with myself.

    Thank you to all those who supported me and told me to just get on and do it. You were all right and I can't wait to get up and do it again tomorrow. :)
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 11 of P90X/P90X+ hybrid Yoga X"=Done!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning cool kids! Had my grandson this morning so no workout. Hopefully tomorrow. I am looking at a possible change to my schedule and will have to be in to work at 8:00, but not sure when it will start. I am going to have to figure out a workout schedule when I switch though. Should be interesting.

    I won't be home until close to 9:00 tonight as I am going to our agency's annual meeting to be recognized for being here for 20 years. How time flies! It used to be dinner, but now it's all hors d'oevres which I think can be worse because people tend to eat more of them. I will have to be careful!

    Hopefully you are all having a great day!
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Stephanie - my baby is also finishing pre-k and starting K in the fall. Crazy as I had 1 in the K class when he was born, now he's the last :-(
    Michelle me too - nuggets pizza and PBJ so hard....
    2.93 mi today all walking. Didn't have heart to make dog run - from snow to 80 degrees F @ 5:45a in 6 or 8 weeks. Crazy weather.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    StephannieeL I can't imagine a kindergarten kid again. We're down to one in college and I'm ready for her to get done and move on. I want an empty nest!
    At least with grandkids you can send them home.
    A clear sign of my advancing age. :)

    Well, I guess I am in trouble then!! I have one starting kindergarten and a senior in high school, not to mention the two grandkids who are a year and two years behind my kindergartener!! Yes, I lost my mind. Pretty sure someone sold it on eBay....
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Crosbylee - you're getting to enjoy the full gamut of life. I am hoping to be a youngish fun grandma like my mother-in-law. I had kids @ 30, 31 and 35. So if they delay having kids as long.... 60-65 isn't old but my mom is not in good health so it has me a bit worried. So here I am trying not just to be skinny but fit. She's not skinny or fit - some by luck and some by choice.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    Funny thing about age. I have dreamed all my life about seeing Italy and Spain. At 46 I am finally going this next week, but I am more excited to share the experience with my kids than I am for finally doing something I have always wanted.

    Yay for Europe travel! I love Italy!!

    We are seeing Iceland, Paris, the Netherlands and Germany for a month this summer with our 12- and 13-year old kidlets.


  • GlacierGirl907
    GlacierGirl907 Posts: 40 Member
    Congrats Kellysue67on the new grand baby . I'm not even ready for that yet
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    Hello to everyone.
    It has been getting hot here, and we finally had to put our ac's in the windows. Thank goodness. Humidity and me don't get along well. My brother will be here tomorrow for a very short visit from AZ, so we will be running around showing him the sights and visiting. It will be so nice to see him, but wish he could stay longer than 1 1/2 days. I also have 4 ladies from my miniature quilt group coming Monday for lunch and our reveal and new project. I finally have picked a project and have it all ready for them. Also been trying to clean up around the house which is not fun when it's hot and humid.
    I went to town with my 19 year old daughter, did a little shopping. I was looking for shorts for my son, it's getting hot at school and his shorts were too small. Found some thing for both of them, as my daughter has lost quite a bit or weight so glad she found some things. We had lunch at chipotle (new in town) holy cow, was it ever so good, their shredded beef is wonderful.
    Made beef and veggie stir fry for dinner tonight. It was good, but could of been a little more flavorful.
    I hope you all are doing well. Have a nice weekend everyone.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Patsalmer - driving TO Bottomless is WAY different from driving bottomless - which is how I read it the first time!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Well it was combat conditioning tonight. Crazy exercises she sets up. Strength, cardio, core and endurance. This after a day supervising a group of grade 2s at the water festival. Luckily the weather was perfect. Sunny and no humidity, though it was getting hot by the afternoon.

    Got to the chiro tonight too who was rather taken aback by how tight my upper back area was and what I've managed to do to my shoulder. He says the joint is not dislocated but the tendon is inflamed. Soo I'm to stretch gently and if I feel it while doing exercises I need to stop. Apparently I have a fairly high pain threshold so I don't notice when is"painful" and I keep going. Truthfully I'm stubborn and I find that a bit laughable since I'm the first to whine when I hurt myself!

    Sounds like an awesome trip Chakra

    Kellysue hope you can figure out a way to fit workouts in the new schedule

    Nickpnh I'm in the same boat. I had kids at 33 35 and 37 and my mom is now 80 and not able to get around much at all. Trying to stay fit so I'll be able to play with my kids and grand kids.

  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "Day: 12 of P90X/P90X+ hybrid Legs & Back & Ab Ripper X"=Done!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids. {I'm looking forward to KS's Happy Friday post}

    Yesterday afternoon when I was in town, I picked up two kinds of apple persimmon and another olive tree. I have to get those in the ground this morning. Also need to plant a 2nd crop of banana cantaloupe. The first one was pretty sad. Mamma has requested a few of those seeds as well. Her garden is so full I don't know where she will put them. These everyday storms are playing havoc with my sweet corn, Iraqi cucumbers and tomatoes. The Filipino pole beans need spraying, but with me going to work at regular Friday time {1300}, there is just no way I'll get it done today. {This will be a 2 wedding weekend at work. Don't see too many of those}

    Welcome to all the new guys and hello to everyone else. Got to run. Hope everyone has a good weekend,


    The numbers for the week: {0.3 pound loss}

    20.4% Body Fat
    23.6 BMI
    169.1 Pounds

    Here is two days of acorn squash. One day in the plate and the saved seeds, the second day with the seeds back in the garden.
