

  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited June 2015
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: I had a Target giftcard to use, so I stopped in to pick up some things I needed for my exam this weekend, and general household stuff. I also picked a pair of workout capris (pair #15, or so - obsession!)...and a pair of SIZE FOUR jeans. They are still VERY snug and totally muffin top-inducing, but they technically both zip and button so...

    It counts! and I adore Target..I could live in that store for real!

    Oh how I love Target! I will drive 30 minutes out of my way to go there, simply because I HATE walmart! Reminds me of a saying I saw somewhere, "Target: where you spend a little more just to avoid going to Walmart." :lol:
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Confession: I had a Target giftcard to use, so I stopped in to pick up some things I needed for my exam this weekend, and general household stuff. I also picked a pair of workout capris (pair #15, or so - obsession!)...and a pair of SIZE FOUR jeans. They are still VERY snug and totally muffin top-inducing, but they technically both zip and button so...

    It counts! and I adore Target..I could live in that store for real!

    It's my happy place.

  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    Pole dancing class was a hoot! The class was fun, the instructor patient and relaxed (but safety conscious) and my classmates, well, let's just say none of us will be giving up our day jobs. I ache in a bunch of brand new places but I love it. A nice, muscle ache makes me happy, it means I'm doing something. At nearing 50, I know the difference between a taxed muscle and an injury.

    Now, I want to fire my trainer at the gym. I can't seem to get her to understand that while I don't mind pushing myself and I can stand a little pain in my newly active muscles, when my joints hurt (knee in particular) it isn't a good thing. I used to call her "Helga" from "Helga's House of Pain" but I don't think it is funny anymore. Now my knee hurts when I walk, despite losing 25 lbs - it never did before.

    Maybe I'll take belly dancing lessons. Dancing is fun.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    My poor pup has been so sick for a week now, just kinda tired and lethargic, plus a little sick to his stomach. Still eating (for the most part), but nothing seems to agree with him. Trying to get him in to see the vet in the next day or two - hopefully it's nothing serious and he just ate something bad! He might be almost seven years old, but he's still my baby

    Hope it's just a passing thing and he's back to normal soon!

    Mine have a nasty habit of eating *ahem* excrement (not sure if it's their own or the other dogs', not that it matters) which sometimes causes issues, although not as often as you'd expect.

    It takes a strong stomach to clean up a puddle of vomited feces, let me tell you.

    (Sorry if this post puts anyone off their lunch)

    I worked at a doggie daycare for a while before I had my son and let me tell you, there were many days where I thought I was going to lose my lunch trying to clean up after the dogs would get sick from eating too much poop. OMG, seriously so disgusting!!! :(:(

    OMG, that sounds awful! My mom has a kennel, and she's only had two dogs over the years that liked eating poop - Luckily Jazz isn't one of them, although he doesn't mind eating nasty stuff in the woods when we're hiking/camping, and he has no qualms about cleaning up if one of the cats eats too fast and throws it up. Love him, but dogs can be so gross.

    Normally I wouldn't worry, but he usually has a stomach of steel; so I figure anything that could make him this sick for a week is a pretty bad sign :neutral: I hate waiting too, right now I'm just waiting for the vet to decide whether he has to come in, or if there's another over the counter remedy that we can try. Just call me back already!

    My mom's dog who is a silky terrier loves to eat poop. I swear she's messed up. She even once waited until I got a Kleenex to clean up some poop & when she saw I had the Kleenex she hurried up & ate it. Chewy also has OCD but that's another story.
    My family has a maltese poodle named Max- he looooves to sniff his own poop (I haven't seen him eat it yet) and he also LOVES to eat tissues and toilet paper! My brothers and parents have to be very careful to make sure the roll of toilet paper is out of his reach and no one leaves tissues lying around or he'll eat them!
    The first time I watched my brother's dog, I came home from school and wondered if there was something wrong with my cat because there was a big mess in his litter box and no poop.

    I ended up having to shut the dog out of my room when I realized what happened.

    Church's Chicken has the best biscuits, crappy chicken though.

    Dogs love cat poop. My chihuahua used to occasionally grab a snack without me knowing, and them try to give me a kiss. Ugh. Best reason to keep a litter box clean!

    My boss has a dog that will try to grab the other dogs' poo. During the winter she calls them Poopsicles.

    Dogs are crazy sometimes.

    My friend's dog does this - Apparently it's a submission thing for them to eat the other dog's poop. So glad ours don't do this. Ugh!

    Do any of your dogs really enjoy underwear out of the dirty laundry basket? Nasty!

    My daughter's dog, Otis does! I was carrying around a pair of hers the other night and was fighting me for them. He's so nasty.

    Oh, and on the dogs eating out of litter boxes, Lucy enjoys "kitty rocha" (that's what my husband calls them) so much we had to put up a gate on the stairs and even hide the litter box from her. She'd come upstairs after a binge with litter stuck to her nose. It was so gross.

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    Pole dancing class was a hoot! The class was fun, the instructor patient and relaxed (but safety conscious) and my classmates, well, let's just say none of us will be giving up our day jobs. I ache in a bunch of brand new places but I love it. A nice, muscle ache makes me happy, it means I'm doing something. At nearing 50, I know the difference between a taxed muscle and an injury.

    Now, I want to fire my trainer at the gym. I can't seem to get her to understand that while I don't mind pushing myself and I can stand a little pain in my newly active muscles, when my joints hurt (knee in particular) it isn't a good thing. I used to call her "Helga" from "Helga's House of Pain" but I don't think it is funny anymore. Now my knee hurts when I walk, despite losing 25 lbs - it never did before.

    Maybe I'll take belly dancing lessons. Dancing is fun.

    I really want to take pole fit classes, but can't seem to find anywhere near me :(
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Second confession of the day. After reading the 'Whoosh' thread I really want one. It would make the struggle worth it. Even if it was 3lbs that would put me under 210lbs. I would happily wait a couple of months for another one.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Do any of your dogs really enjoy underwear out of the dirty laundry basket? Nasty!

    Nope. They don't know dirty underwear exists, thanks to securely closed laundry hampers. One -- the SO's, his laundry tends to be much filthier than mine so it's kept separate -- is too tall for them to reach and the other one is a pull-out drawer style.

    I've had dogs all my adult life and I've learned. Although the only thing former dogs ever got a hold of and paraded around were socks.

    My ex used to leave his work socks in his work boots at the front door and I had to argue with one dog to retrieve them from her.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    I'm trying quite hard to not use pregnancy as an excuse to lapse into bad eating habits, but it is HARD. I never had any issue getting plenty of fruit and veg before, but most veg is turning my stomach at the moment. How has mankind evolved to be repulsed by the most healthy of foods at a time you would think good nutrition is critical!? Cheese and crackers and salty, salty crisps on the other hand, I can consume those by the bucket load.

    This is probably why prenatal vitamins are important - just saying.

    Thankfully I am organised and started taking prenatal vitamins 3 months before we conceived so no worries there. In good food news, I managed to eat a massive bowl of spinach yesterday. It was straight out of my garden, so having washed it myself it somehow felt 'safe' to eat and didn't turn my stomach. Sadly none of my other veggies will be ready to harvest for at least another few weeks. I will have to just keep trying!

    Ah, I really want a house with a garden. I want to grow all sorts of lovely eatables. Well done on the spinach, I do like fresh spinach. I still feel like Popeye when I eat it :smiley:

    So when I read all the posts from everyone I know is English in my head I'll read your posts in my best English accent...I crack myself up :)

    Ha ha, I wish I could hear that. I don't think I do accents. I think its because I don't know where abouts in America/Canada you all are, so I don't know which one to use. :lol:

    Don't worry about Canadians... despite our vast landmass, the only place you'll hear a notably different accent is on the east coast, specifically Newfoundland. Other than Newfies, I've always heard it said that Canadian speech is "accent neutral", although I don't know how accurate that is.

    Really? All Canadians I've had the pleasure of meeting I can definitely tell the difference in dialect, eh? :)

    Oops, I should have specified anglophone Canadians, you can definitely pick out the French Canadian accent -- and they're the ones who tend to pepper their speech with more "eh"s than the rest of us.

    There is also a very noticeable "Manitoba Farmer" accent. My cousin' have that one.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    my foot (if I managed to attach this pic)os6wvyyvx4y0.jpg

    I hope it feels 100% soon!!

    Thanks, it is getting better, the bruise is much uglier, so that means it came up to the surface more and is now much less painful today.

    Glad to hear it is improving because it looks painful. But, you still haven't told us what you did to earn that nasty injury! Just being nosy.

    Umm... it is embarrasing. I was using my elyptical (the as a step to reach something, and the darn thing spun around and threw me off.

    I have a scar on my elbow from a treadmill, where I was trying to jump off to join an exercise class I was late for. I thought I hit the 'off' button, but didn't, stepped back on it to get off, it caught me, I went flying but being an idiot I grabbed the hand rail, and lay on the moving treadmill with my skin on my elbow getting ripped off before I realized I should just let go and fly off the treadmill. It was SO embarrassing. And then I had to fill out an incident report, everyone came running over, etc.

    I once also went to do a push up, my elbow gave out and I fell on my face. I was a teenager working out at home. I gave myself a fat lip. I refused to go to school until it went down as I didn't want anyone to know I gave myself a fat lip trying to do a push up (oh, the irony).

    At least we have something to look back and laugh about huh?

    Well, folks, I am officially on vacation in 5 minutes! I am probably never going to be able to catch back up on this thread when I return in a week, but I will try, if it is too bad I may just have to skip ahead. Have a good week all, and the relaxed, hopefully somewhat tanned version of me will be back next week!

    Enjoy your vacation, take some pics to share with us when you come back!

    This and I hope you have the best time! Although, you might not even ever see this.

  • mom2wilkoh
    mom2wilkoh Posts: 3 Member
    mom2wilkoh wrote: »
    Just started mfp yesterday, consciously went into the red on calories by 61, I ate one of those greek 80 calorie yogurts (I had thrown it into the freezer to make it like ice cream lol) ohh and I felt so guilty for thinking about deep fried bacon covered oreos while I was cooking my bacon and egg whites last night. Those suckers wil get you, 890 calories for 4 of 'em. And now my mouth is watering again..

    It was only 61, though. :) If you ate the Oreos, it'd have been much worse, so yay!
    mom2wilkoh wrote: »
    Just started mfp yesterday, consciously went into the red on calories by 61, I ate one of those greek 80 calorie yogurts (I had thrown it into the freezer to make it like ice cream lol) ohh and I felt so guilty for thinking about deep fried bacon covered oreos while I was cooking my bacon and egg whites last night. Those suckers wil get you, 890 calories for 4 of 'em. And now my mouth is watering again..

    It was only 61, though. :) If you ate the Oreos, it'd have been much worse, so yay!

    Thank you :D I am hoping I can stick to this long term.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    Finally caught up! My confession is I've been drinking too much...every single day for quite awhile. I am making a commitment to not drink Monday through Thursday this week. Please think good thoughts for me!

    ETA: A little embarrassed to admit this quasi publicly, but hoping admitting it on here will make me face reality. Since I know there are several of you that have admitted to stopping for good.

    You are so not judged. I'm thinking about (not yet committed to ) a dry June. Yes, it is a big enough of a deal to not drink for an entire month for me but June is my worst month. My dad died 3 years ago on his and my mother's 43rd wedding anniversary, right after Father's Day. I tend to drink and cry from one to the other. I try to keep that as discrete as possible (the drinking, not the crying ) so I'm not a super horrible example to my kids but seriously, it is excessive and it needs to stop.

    You are not alone. Many people struggle with cutting back on drinking.

    I am sorry for your loss. My father died right after 4th of july 1990 and I still morn him. He was a shot and a beer guy and drank every night before he went to bed. I toast him with a shot and a beer on 4th of july and on his birthday in October. It makes me feel better to keep this ritual in his memory.

    My dad died 26 years ago this June, 3 days before my parents wedding annivesary and again, right after Father's Day. Still miss him every day.

    Funny how it never seems any father died on Dec 3rd, 1991, I still cry every single time that anniversary passes. He died very suddenly, and inadvertently left me alone with my crazy mother, so it was really difficult. He was the person I loved most in the world, and I still miss him every day. My son is named after him, and it makes me tear up when I think about how my son never got to meet him. My sister said she cried a lot when he died too, not only because he was a great stepdad to her, but because she felt bad for the way he was treated by our mother and when he died she felt bad that he wasted so many years of his life being treated like that.

    That is absolutely heartbreaking. How awesome that every time you say your son's name, you get to think of your wonderful dad though.

  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @girldownsouth - how was your weekend get-a-way?!

    It was fab thanks, plenty of good food, but a total of over 60k steps Fri/sat, so I don't feel so bad.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    I'm trying quite hard to not use pregnancy as an excuse to lapse into bad eating habits, but it is HARD. I never had any issue getting plenty of fruit and veg before, but most veg is turning my stomach at the moment. How has mankind evolved to be repulsed by the most healthy of foods at a time you would think good nutrition is critical!? Cheese and crackers and salty, salty crisps on the other hand, I can consume those by the bucket load.

    This is probably why prenatal vitamins are important - just saying.

    Thankfully I am organised and started taking prenatal vitamins 3 months before we conceived so no worries there. In good food news, I managed to eat a massive bowl of spinach yesterday. It was straight out of my garden, so having washed it myself it somehow felt 'safe' to eat and didn't turn my stomach. Sadly none of my other veggies will be ready to harvest for at least another few weeks. I will have to just keep trying!

    Ah, I really want a house with a garden. I want to grow all sorts of lovely eatables. Well done on the spinach, I do like fresh spinach. I still feel like Popeye when I eat it :smiley:

    So when I read all the posts from everyone I know is English in my head I'll read your posts in my best English accent...I crack myself up :)

    Ha ha, I wish I could hear that. I don't think I do accents. I think its because I don't know where abouts in America/Canada you all are, so I don't know which one to use. :lol:

    Don't worry about Canadians... despite our vast landmass, the only place you'll hear a notably different accent is on the east coast, specifically Newfoundland. Other than Newfies, I've always heard it said that Canadian speech is "accent neutral", although I don't know how accurate that is.

    I live right on a border town to the I can literally walk to America, lol. I have found that people further into Canada have told me I sound American, yet one time I called a U.S. radio station, and they knew I was Canadian right away from the way I talked!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited June 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    Finally caught up! My confession is I've been drinking too much...every single day for quite awhile. I am making a commitment to not drink Monday through Thursday this week. Please think good thoughts for me!

    ETA: A little embarrassed to admit this quasi publicly, but hoping admitting it on here will make me face reality. Since I know there are several of you that have admitted to stopping for good.

    You are so not judged. I'm thinking about (not yet committed to ) a dry June. Yes, it is a big enough of a deal to not drink for an entire month for me but June is my worst month. My dad died 3 years ago on his and my mother's 43rd wedding anniversary, right after Father's Day. I tend to drink and cry from one to the other. I try to keep that as discrete as possible (the drinking, not the crying ) so I'm not a super horrible example to my kids but seriously, it is excessive and it needs to stop.

    You are not alone. Many people struggle with cutting back on drinking.

    I am sorry for your loss. My father died right after 4th of july 1990 and I still morn him. He was a shot and a beer guy and drank every night before he went to bed. I toast him with a shot and a beer on 4th of july and on his birthday in October. It makes me feel better to keep this ritual in his memory.

    My dad died 26 years ago this June, 3 days before my parents wedding annivesary and again, right after Father's Day. Still miss him every day.

    Funny how it never seems any father died on Dec 3rd, 1991, I still cry every single time that anniversary passes. He died very suddenly, and inadvertently left me alone with my crazy mother, so it was really difficult. He was the person I loved most in the world, and I still miss him every day. My son is named after him, and it makes me tear up when I think about how my son never got to meet him. My sister said she cried a lot when he died too, not only because he was a great stepdad to her, but because she felt bad for the way he was treated by our mother and when he died she felt bad that he wasted so many years of his life being treated like that.

    That is absolutely heartbreaking. How awesome that every time you say your son's name, you get to think of your wonderful dad though.

    Thanks, I did not quite have my tear quota for this morning yet, lol.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    I'm trying quite hard to not use pregnancy as an excuse to lapse into bad eating habits, but it is HARD. I never had any issue getting plenty of fruit and veg before, but most veg is turning my stomach at the moment. How has mankind evolved to be repulsed by the most healthy of foods at a time you would think good nutrition is critical!? Cheese and crackers and salty, salty crisps on the other hand, I can consume those by the bucket load.

    This is probably why prenatal vitamins are important - just saying.

    Thankfully I am organised and started taking prenatal vitamins 3 months before we conceived so no worries there. In good food news, I managed to eat a massive bowl of spinach yesterday. It was straight out of my garden, so having washed it myself it somehow felt 'safe' to eat and didn't turn my stomach. Sadly none of my other veggies will be ready to harvest for at least another few weeks. I will have to just keep trying!

    Ah, I really want a house with a garden. I want to grow all sorts of lovely eatables. Well done on the spinach, I do like fresh spinach. I still feel like Popeye when I eat it :smiley:

    So when I read all the posts from everyone I know is English in my head I'll read your posts in my best English accent...I crack myself up :)

    Ha ha, I wish I could hear that. I don't think I do accents. I think its because I don't know where abouts in America/Canada you all are, so I don't know which one to use. :lol:

    Don't worry about Canadians... despite our vast landmass, the only place you'll hear a notably different accent is on the east coast, specifically Newfoundland. Other than Newfies, I've always heard it said that Canadian speech is "accent neutral", although I don't know how accurate that is.

    Really? All Canadians I've had the pleasure of meeting I can definitely tell the difference in dialect, eh? :)

    Oops, I should have specified anglophone Canadians, you can definitely pick out the French Canadian accent -- and they're the ones who tend to pepper their speech with more "eh"s than the rest of us.

    i'm currently binge watching Yukon Gold. omg i heart them and their accents! lots and lots of eh's and aboot's.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    I'm trying quite hard to not use pregnancy as an excuse to lapse into bad eating habits, but it is HARD. I never had any issue getting plenty of fruit and veg before, but most veg is turning my stomach at the moment. How has mankind evolved to be repulsed by the most healthy of foods at a time you would think good nutrition is critical!? Cheese and crackers and salty, salty crisps on the other hand, I can consume those by the bucket load.

    This is probably why prenatal vitamins are important - just saying.

    Thankfully I am organised and started taking prenatal vitamins 3 months before we conceived so no worries there. In good food news, I managed to eat a massive bowl of spinach yesterday. It was straight out of my garden, so having washed it myself it somehow felt 'safe' to eat and didn't turn my stomach. Sadly none of my other veggies will be ready to harvest for at least another few weeks. I will have to just keep trying!

    Ah, I really want a house with a garden. I want to grow all sorts of lovely eatables. Well done on the spinach, I do like fresh spinach. I still feel like Popeye when I eat it :smiley:

    So when I read all the posts from everyone I know is English in my head I'll read your posts in my best English accent...I crack myself up :)

    Ha ha, I wish I could hear that. I don't think I do accents. I think its because I don't know where abouts in America/Canada you all are, so I don't know which one to use. :lol:

    Don't worry about Canadians... despite our vast landmass, the only place you'll hear a notably different accent is on the east coast, specifically Newfoundland. Other than Newfies, I've always heard it said that Canadian speech is "accent neutral", although I don't know how accurate that is.

    Really? All Canadians I've had the pleasure of meeting I can definitely tell the difference in dialect, eh? :)

    Oops, I should have specified anglophone Canadians, you can definitely pick out the French Canadian accent -- and they're the ones who tend to pepper their speech with more "eh"s than the rest of us.

    i'm currently binge watching Yukon Gold. omg i heart them and their accents! lots and lots of eh's and aboot's.

    Ahhh y'all would hate me in real life- I tend to mimick people and their accents without even noticing I do it! I LOVE trying to sound Canadian and say eh and aboot! haha
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    So I mentioned earlier that the swimsuit I wanted was sold out. My husband felt bad so he went on Amazon and picked out 4 similar suits and ordered them for me. My confession, I don't deserve such a fantastic man, I'm just glad he doesn't know that. ;)

    What a guy!!!

    I second that statement. Can we clone him?

    Knock yourself out. Let me know how that works out for you. :smile: He's not without flaws though. His flatulence can clear full rooms and he tends to be a workaholic. He is a perfectionist so when he sets a goal, he'll do whatever it takes to reach it. That's both a gift and curse.

    God definitely knew what He was doing when He molded that guy. I'm just incredibly humbled He chose me for him. *I'm not crying.

    To all you singles out there, DO NOT SETTLE! You deserve someone that thinks the world of you and will do whatever it takes to make you feel like the most important person in their life. If they don't, move on. Luckily, God practically dropped my honey in lap. He knew I was lazy. :smiley:

    ^ This! I have the same kind of husband. He's my second husband and if I knew what marriage or a relationship *could* feel like, I wouldn't have spent so long with the abusive a$$hat I married first.

    I am grateful everyday for my husband. That would be my 2nd best relationship advice: Don't settle. Don't settle. Don't settle.

    Working on it. I am a happily divorced 26 year old.

    May I ask what the 1st best relationship advice you have is?

    My very best relationship advice is: be yourself. 100% exactly who you are from the get go. No best manners. No holding back. Just be 100% the real you, flaws and all. If you leave your cups on the coffee table all week and carry 7 coffee cups to the dishwasher on Saturday , do it from the very beginning. Whatever your worst is... they deserve to know the truth.

    I was divorced and happily single for well over a year before I met my husband. I was a single mom of 3 little kids (6, 4 & 2 years old). I wasn't dating anyone and definitely wasn't looking. My washer and fridge died in under a week. We had a new maintenance man at work. I asked him to come look at them and he did. I literally needed those things fixed. I wasn't just trying to pick him up

    Anyway, he asked if he could take me to eat after he looked at them and I was all "I don't need a man. I'm not looking for a relationship. But, I will tell you what... you be you...exactly who you are. I'll be me. Exactly who I am. No best behavior or pretending to be someone your aren't. If we click, great. If not, we are no worse off than we are right now. No pretending."

    He agreed. I have been exactly me ever since. I was just trying to avoid heartache later when we realized that it actually wouldnt work but had put all this time in getting to know each other. We are very good together and I chalk it up to blatant honesty in who we are.

    So, that is my best advice... be yourself. Don't settle. :)

    I was going to suggest the same thing. My man knew who he was getting from the jump. I NEVER pretend to be something I'm not. There is no "best behavior" for me, there's just my behavior. Take it or leave it.

    I'm glad you agree! I like you!

    My husband was a bit of the opposite. I became quite uptight while being with my ex. I had to put on a happy face when we went out. He had high expectations and standards. He once told me that he expected to remain in my work /dress clothes after coming home and would me expect me to wear them while making dinner. I had to listen to his music (he would go as far as change the radio station in my car without asking... I would turn it back and he would get mad).

    My husband broke open my shell and allowed me to be goofy and allowed me to be silly without being embarrassed. It was so empowering

    It's so freeing to finally be comfortable enough with someone to be the REAL YOU! I'm glad you were able to find that in your husband! And I'm sorry your first one was suchadouche.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I'm going on a road trip. It is about 3,000 miles in four days of driving with a day of rest in the middle. I'll be in four or five (depending upon route, maybe six, but probably no more than five) states. It is me, a child, two dogs. Taking one kid to grandma/pa and picking up the other. Please wish me safe travels... that's a lot of driving.

    Travel safe! Have fun.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    karenwill2 wrote: »
    I resent people that have weight loss surgery. I feel like they are cheating. Not because they are taking the easy way out, but that they have the option. The most difficult way is my absolute only option ever. I suffer from envy.
    If it makes you feel better, most of the people I know who have had weight loss surgery suffered in vain as they eventually gained back most or more than they initially lost. One is still doing well, the jury is still out on another but 4 are no better off now than they were before. It may work for some people but it doesn't work for everyone.

    It takes a lifestyle change to change your life.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I'm going on a road trip. It is about 3,000 miles in four days of driving with a day of rest in the middle. I'll be in four or five (depending upon route, maybe six, but probably no more than five) states. It is me, a child, two dogs. Taking one kid to grandma/pa and picking up the other. Please wish me safe travels... that's a lot of driving.

    That's 4 LONG days of driving! Be safe!