What's Your Most Recent NSV



  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    CipherZero wrote: »
    Started a new job. Going through paperwork etc with HR. She's using the projector screen to display all the stuff she needs for me to confirm it's right' it's easier than hovering over her shoulder.

    Her: "Holy *kitten*!"
    Me: (thinking something is horribly wrong) "What?"
    She points to the image on the screen. "That's not you!"
    It's my driver's license from six years ago, when I was 230lbs. I'm 175lbs now.

    Haha! Any time you can get HR to swear you've done good!
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    I received an embroidered shirt my first week working for my current job that I've never been able to wear because I was too big. Today is the first time I'm wearing it since starting here over two years ago, and it's actually kind of large on me.
  • aliciasilfies
    aliciasilfies Posts: 179 Member
    I posted this in another forum, but I'm super thrilled and need to post it here too.

    When I first started in January, I had just gone up to a size 20. I ordered some dresses a bit ago for a trip in October. They have been hanging in the closet as they are a 14 and I was worried about them fitting me even in October. I tried them on last night for kicks just to see how far I have to go and well they fit!! I may actually need to have them taken in come October.

    I also noticed that my clothes have started getting flashier now that I am thinner. My once nearly all black closet is now full of color and patterns!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    I posted this in another forum, but I'm super thrilled and need to post it here too.

    When I first started in January, I had just gone up to a size 20. I ordered some dresses a bit ago for a trip in October. They have been hanging in the closet as they are a 14 and I was worried about them fitting me even in October. I tried them on last night for kicks just to see how far I have to go and well they fit!! I may actually need to have them taken in come October.

    I also noticed that my clothes have started getting flashier now that I am thinner. My once nearly all black closet is now full of color and patterns!

    This makes me smile. I am so happy for you.
  • aliciasilfies
    aliciasilfies Posts: 179 Member
    cblue315 wrote: »
    This makes me smile. I am so happy for you.

    Aww thank you so much :)

  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Purchase online some fitted v-neck tees in size large (been wearing xl, 1x, and still some of my 2x's around the house for want of clothing) and was concerned I might not be able to wear large yet. To my delight they all fit like a relaxed fit tee.

    My husband even commented that it's nice change to see me in tops that are the right size.

    It's very weird to not be xtra, or xtra xtra! large anymore. Feels good. Can't wait to be medium now, i've never worn a medium.

  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I posted this in another forum, but I'm super thrilled and need to post it here too.

    When I first started in January, I had just gone up to a size 20. I ordered some dresses a bit ago for a trip in October. They have been hanging in the closet as they are a 14 and I was worried about them fitting me even in October. I tried them on last night for kicks just to see how far I have to go and well they fit!! I may actually need to have them taken in come October.

    I also noticed that my clothes have started getting flashier now that I am thinner. My once nearly all black closet is now full of color and patterns!

    That's great! When I got to my goal weight I was happy to fit into my old clothes, but then the following year, I lost 2 additional sizes (no weight loss) and since then my style has totally changed to way more colorful and flamboyant. I read this book about getting rid of anything that didn't make you feel joyful and that's what I've been doing.
  • AngeBee18
    AngeBee18 Posts: 180 Member
    I bought a small chocolate bar this afternoon as I was starving but the Cafe downstairs didn't have any good options. I figured that at least with chocolate I know how many cals are in it so I can make an informed decision, unlike the cakes and cookies. I ate half (3pcs) and put the rest in my drawer for another day. AND ITS STILL THERE! I don't think I have ever successfully left half a chocolate bar in my work drawer before...
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    Rockin2014 wrote: »
    Bought this dress 10 years ago (without trying it on) and it didn't fit. Was too small! I loved the cute print and even though I clean my closet out every year and donate to the Red Cross I always kept this dress. And guess what? Now it fits - and it's almost too big!
    Gorgeous dress, still in fashion after 10 years. Amazing result, well done!

  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    My boss asked me if I've lost weight. She's one of the slimmest people at work, and she's never commented on it before. I'm also wearing a more slim-fit sweater today, which usually makes me feel huge. Good to see others are noticing all the torture I've been putting myself through. :DB)
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    AngeBee18 wrote: »
    I bought a small chocolate bar this afternoon as I was starving but the Cafe downstairs didn't have any good options. I figured that at least with chocolate I know how many cals are in it so I can make an informed decision, unlike the cakes and cookies. I ate half (3pcs) and put the rest in my drawer for another day. AND ITS STILL THERE! I don't think I have ever successfully left half a chocolate bar in my work drawer before...

    Woo! I just did that with a pack of Swedish Fish a week ago - completely forgot about it. Happy for you :)
  • rcontr7
    rcontr7 Posts: 61 Member
    A few things:

    1. I am in my smallest of small pants!! I wore these pants a couple years ago when I was restricting far too much (before gaining close to 40 lbs in college) and they were uncomfortable but they're LOOSE. AND I'M 5 POUNDS HEAVIER THAN I WAS THEN!! Lifting for the past year and half has tightened me up!
    2. My workout pants (compression pants) are too big! They bunch up in the front and are no longer compression! I need to buy new ones.
    3. I can fit a size 6 pant! officially!!
    4. I'm learning to love to shop and to buy clothing which feels amazing! I'm only 23 and have spent so much time hating clothes because I was uncomfortable with myself.
    5. My ring size went from an 8 to a 5!

    ...so many others but these are those I'm celebrating today!
  • Dofflin
    Dofflin Posts: 127 Member
    Bought a shirt that was XXXS
  • aliciasilfies
    aliciasilfies Posts: 179 Member
    That's great! When I got to my goal weight I was happy to fit into my old clothes, but then the following year, I lost 2 additional sizes (no weight loss) and since then my style has totally changed to way more colorful and flamboyant. I read this book about getting rid of anything that didn't make you feel joyful and that's what I've been doing.

    I love that! I was actually planning on cleaning out my closet this weekend too, so that advice couldn't have come at a better time!
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,153 Member
    A white pair of shorts that I've been wanting to wear for over five years. Basic pair, but they FIT with even a little extra room in them. I never wear white shorts....I used to way back when...but haven't in years...I will be wearing white shorts on my vacay to FL! So excited!
  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member
    I began strength training almost a month ago, knowing full well that the numbers on the scale wouldn't move for a while. I expected it, thought I was thoroughly prepared for it. Turns out it was still a huge discouraging mind **** for me. But instead of giving up and going back to my light cardio routine that I saw steady weight loss with (or eating my emotions like I would have before), I stuck with it until those numbers moved in the direction I wanted.

    I know it's kinda a scale victory too, but my accomplishment is simply not giving up.

    Love this! I've started strength training recently and am going through the scale not moving phase. It's absolutely discouraging, so this is definitely what I needed to hear! Thank you for sharing!

    Wow ! So happy I am not the only one going through with this!!

    Me, too. The scale is a tough measure when you start lifting weights. I'm trying to find a place to get body fat tested so as to have a better measure of progress!
  • Jessabi93
    Jessabi93 Posts: 45 Member
    My boyfriend told me today that I've been snoring a LOT less! It's not something I'd really thought about in regards to my weight loss :D
  • rachael00679
    rachael00679 Posts: 186 Member
    I finally fit back into top sizes in the 'regular section'... yes they are a size 20 but I am no longer in the plus sized section.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    bametels wrote: »
    Being able to put both legs in one side of what used to be my favorite pair of pants :D

    Outstanding progress - CONGRATS!!

    cblue315 wrote: »
    Did my second 5K today, shaved a full 5mins off my time from one week ago.

    Wow! Good on you! In only a week. :)
  • Jordan23140
    Jordan23140 Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2015
    Started in January.

    I've had quite a week/fortnight. In the last week I've bought a shirt, 1 size down, my pants are several sizes down; 46 to a 40 (Jeans) or 38ish depending on the brand/style,and depending on the brand or sizing style, it's an XL to a Medium/Large. I can fit into some Small sized pants but they aren't very comfortable. So I can shop in the normal section for pants, still 2-3 shirt sizes before I can shop for shirts there.

    I feel like my waist could fit into smaller sized pants but my quads are massive from several years of playing rugby and soccer, and still a bit of fat around there.

    I also did 1 rep x 5 sets of 100kg (220lbs) Deadlift, with warm up sets of 8 reps at 70kg, 80kg ,90kg , 8 reps x 4 sets of 165kg (363lbs) Leg Press. My bench is pretty weak and I can't really do squats with a bar because of a rotator cuff issue that I'm working on.

    Looking for more MFP friends if you want to add me.
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