Couch to 5k...start today?



  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    I am SOOOO excited you posted this topic today because I decided last night that I would start C25K TODAY!!! :) Now I have an awesome support group to help cheer me on and for me to encourage too!! :) I'm stoked!! I didn't realize there was a podcast so I'll have to check that out, as I don't have a fancy phone! :) I think the email/spreadsheet sounds great! I'm starting off very slowly and I know it will take me longer than 9 weeks to finish but I have never been a runner in my life and I have a few medical issues that I want to keep in check. I'm starting with 30 sec run/90 sec walk intervals. Anyone else doing it this way? I might do this for a few weeks as I want my shins (shin splints stink!!!) to get used to running, before I increase to 60 sec intervals. I am SOO psyched that others started today too and I can't wait to see our results!!! :) GO TEAM!!!
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    What I have learned from the C25K (Couch to 5K) program so far...

    1) Do not let your weight keep you from running! I'm a big boy -- 260 lbs, and I finished my first 5K race (39:39) a week ago, and am running my 2nd in a week (aiming for 36 min). C25K has been wonderful. It allows you to ease into running, and you can always do it at your own pace.

    2) Schedule a race right now. Find one that's 9 weeks out. Even if you aren't done with the program by then, run/walk it anyway. My first race was so much fun. Running with other people was a great motivator.

    3) Do not run on consecutive days. As good as you might feel, as confident as you may become, let your legs rest. Not resting can lead to fatigue, injury and decreased performance. Trust me.

    4) Take it at your own pace. Don't worry about speed -- just build up your endurance. Speed will come later. If you aren't ready for the next week's run, repeat the current week. No big deal. At the same time, though...

    5) Don't psyche yourself out when the big runs come. You can do it! I stopped looking at the schedule and just downloaded the podcasts. I wouldn't know what was coming each day until I turned it on and the gal told me. Loved it that way.

    6) I loved the NHS Choices podcasts ( on my mp3 player. The gal has a great British accent -- and that would be sufficient for me to enjoy listening -- but she also provides tips and encouragement, along with the walk/run cues.

    7) Run outside. Even in the rain. It's so much better than running on a treadmill. Enjoy the sounds and sights.

    I never would have considered myself a runner, but I do now (slow as I may be). It's been fantastic, and a huge confidence boost.

    THANK YOU for posting this! It is so encouraging and helpful! I didn't know about the podcasts, bonus!! I decided (last night!) that I would run outside because I thought it would be easier to control my own speed rather than having to fiddle with the speed on the treadmill and I thought it would be less embarrassing than running on the treadmill in the gym! :) Thank you!!
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    I think in order to post it on the boards it would have to be print screened and posted as an image. Id be willing to help out if need be! (:

    K, what if she emailed you the spreadsheet and you posted it on here as a screen shot? ;)
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    i'd totally be okay with that! no problem at all for me :D just let me know!
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member

    6) I loved the NHS Choices podcasts ( on my mp3 player. The gal has a great British accent -- and that would be sufficient for me to enjoy listening -- but she also provides tips and encouragement, along with the walk/run cues.

    Thanks so much for posting this link. I started the program last week so started week 2 today and thought the podcast was great.
  • kaylor908
    kaylor908 Posts: 42
    I'm in I just completed day 2. I need thus group to keep motivated cuz I know ill want to give up
  • 90210UK
    90210UK Posts: 81
    Wow...can I join? I am starting today and am so looking forward to it. I never thought I'd run :)

    How do I join your group? Do we log our weight every week?

  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    I can't wait to try this! Is there an app on the android market? Or is only able to be downloaded on the 'net?
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    Alright, guys, here's my attempt at organization.
    I've created an e-mail account solely for our c25k group. The address is: This is where you can send your progress to me so that I can put it into a spreadsheet. I will then e-mail the spreadsheet to "dontstopnow" who will turn it into a screen print and then post it to this forum (which can hopefully inspire more people to join us). If you're interested, as soon as you can (so that I can start the spreadsheet and we can get a headcount for how many people we need to hold accountable for c25k throughout this week), please send me the following:

    Your username (either use yours on here or makeup a new one on the chance you want to stay more anonymous).
    Your starting weight before beginning c25k (so we can see how much progress we make at the end of this journey- but if you don't want to share this, please don't feel obligated. I'm going to use my weigh in from last Friday).

    Then, by this Sunday, please e-mail/message me on here the following:

    How many days of c25k did you complete this week:
    Total weight loss/gain for this week: (try to observe a week's progress. For example, I like to weigh in on Fridays, but if you prefer Sundays, just count your weight difference from Sunday's weigh in to the next Sunday's)

    Any other suggestions? Keep 'em coming. Good luck this week, guys, and happy running! : ) Remember, it's
  • phillytle
    phillytle Posts: 26 Member
    I just sent you an email with my info. Last night, I did the first day routine. It went better than expected. The only 60 second run that gave me any trouble was the last one but I pushed through. It's exciting to think that in a couple of months I could be running 3 miles without resting or walking. That's awesome!
  • kerri76
    kerri76 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in!!!!
  • Mommareed4
    Mommareed4 Posts: 144
    I'm in!! I just started yesterday..I was pouring sweat and loved it!!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I'm in! I have the app on my cell phone and used it once. I will start tomorrow morning before work! Maybe I will get further with some friends for incentive that are doing the same thing.
  • busymomyof3
    busymomyof3 Posts: 31
    add me in as well!
  • kristanickerson
    kristanickerson Posts: 72 Member
    I'm starting all over again today...I've started a few times but I get off track and have to start over. So here goes...again!!! :wink:
  • virgdugas
    virgdugas Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in too! I have the app for Iphone and it's working great!
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    I started W1D1 yesterday and I am ready for more. I will do Day 2 today and Day 3 Thursday or Saturday. I know they're spaced pretty close but I have every appointment imaginable this week (eye exam, dentist, haircut, etc) so I am trying to make sure to plan it in!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I'm in! I actually printed the program this weekend and am going to do it on my treadmill! Wish they had an app for the blackberry! Best of luck to all!
    I downloaded free podicast from Than downloaded them on my phone(Blackberry curve).
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    Alright, guys, here's my attempt at organization.
    I've created an e-mail account solely for our c25k group. The address is: This is where you can send your progress to me so that I can put it into a spreadsheet. I will then e-mail the spreadsheet to "dontstopnow" who will turn it into a screen print and then post it to this forum (which can hopefully inspire more people to join us). If you're interested, as soon as you can (so that I can start the spreadsheet and we can get a headcount for how many people we need to hold accountable for c25k throughout this week), please send me the following:

    Your username (either use yours on here or makeup a new one on the chance you want to stay more anonymous).
    Your starting weight before beginning c25k (so we can see how much progress we make at the end of this journey- but if you don't want to share this, please don't feel obligated. I'm going to use my weigh in from last Friday).

    Then, by this Sunday, please e-mail/message me on here the following:

    How many days of c25k did you complete this week:
    Total weight loss/gain for this week: (try to observe a week's progress. For example, I like to weigh in on Fridays, but if you prefer Sundays, just count your weight difference from Sunday's weigh in to the next Sunday's)

    Any other suggestions? Keep 'em coming. Good luck this week, guys, and happy running! : ) Remember, it's

    I have emailed. Thank you for starting this! x
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    Username and weight emailed in--

    Is there anyway we can email around the spreadhseet every week also? I just want to give myself no opportunity to forget. I really want to finish this--