Over 200 New Year New Me Part 48



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lauren -- I don't think anyone ever really believes the "I'm on antibiotics" excuse. :laugh: I tried to use that at the NYE party I went to. That didn't work for the hosts since I had been friends with one of them since high school and he knew very well that being on antibiotics has certainly never stopped me from drinking before! :laugh: That was okay because then I didn't feel weird pulling out my bottle of sparkling grape juice to put in his fridge. :laugh: I just didn't say anything to anyone else and kept a glass of sparkling grape juice in my hand most of the night and no one even noticed. I just made sure I only poured more when no one was looking.

    We had hung out with friends several times during 1st tri where most everyone else was drinkng a beer or 2. People most likely thought it was weird that I wouldn't take a beer when it was offered but no one had the balls to point it out. I did get quite a strange look from a friend who works at Starbucks who was trying to give me bags and bags of coffee and I refused them saying I could "only drink decaf." That definitely almost blew my cover. It's almost unbelieveable that I'd refuse some amazing microbrew, but for me to refuse free delicious caffeine?! That's totally nuts.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Afternoon ladies! How is everybody? Seems like the thread has been pretty quiet!

    Speaking of antibiotics...I'm back on them. UGH! Ready to be off of them. Better not make me retain water. I got my biggest loser competition at work I need to win! Hopefully this is the last round. Supposed to hit the g ym tonight. So far down about 1.5 pounds from Fridays weight. YAY!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Afternoon ladies! How is everybody? Seems like the thread has been pretty quiet!

    Speaking of antibiotics...I'm back on them. UGH! Ready to be off of them. Better not make me retain water. I got my biggest loser competition at work I need to win! Hopefully this is the last round. Supposed to hit the g ym tonight. So far down about 1.5 pounds from Fridays weight. YAY!!
  • Jeclshirley
    Jeclshirley Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Jenn and I'm logging onto the website for the first time today. I've been using the app for about a week now, but want some friendly faces to chat with too! I'm hopeful a support system might help! I'd usually rather quit than struggle alone, so I'm looking for a remedy here!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Welcome Jeclshirley! We get chatty off and on, but it's been kind of quiet lately. We usually do an 'official' weigh-in on Fridays, but some people weigh on other days and just save their results for Fridays, some people don't post their losses - it's completely up to you - we are very easy going. Some of us try to do a 'check-in' most days to be accountable.

    Renea - tell us about your TV appearance! was it for your local Biggest Loser?

    Mstahl - rest and take it easy! no bouncing!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: OVER :cry: ... I had been doing so well and I feel like I've lost my groove, I have my nutrition class tonight - hopefully it will help me re-commit
    exercise: good - an hour of step
    water: not so great - didn't track
    proud: I threw away the final piece of coffee cake since it kept calling to me (of course that was after I had already had 2 pieces! aargh!)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies.

    I am doing good, trying to get back on track this week

    I was trying to watch BL finale but we are having bad weather and they have intruppted and probably will the whole show :sad: I understand bad weather but they are saying the same thing over and over again.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 70
    Water: excellent
    Exercise: none cause "I'm taking it easy"
    Proud: I accidentally skipped lunch but I didn't let that sway me too much with portion sizes for dinner. I had a half cup of mashed potatoes and two small slices of meatloaf and only went over by the 70 calories. I consider that a win!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I'll be sure to check in with you all if I am ever in need of ways to not be prego in public!

    Good work on the portions mstahl!!

    Went to a kick-boxing class last night and WHOA, it was tough. However, I kept up with most of the punching and running. Had some difficulty with the core work (for real sit-ups, no crunches allowed!). My cardio strength is much improved, but my core strength leaves a bit to be desired. Oh well, I know what to work on!

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals - Over - even with those exercise cals, I went over on my calories. This is likely because TOM is here and I am MUNCHY!! Only 325 over, so not horrible.
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - 40 min kick-boxing class
    Proud - For my first class, I think I did pretty awesome!!

    I fly to St. Louis today for some time with family and friends. I'll be there through Tuesday. We're very close to the track, so I may get some running in and we've got space in the basement for videos. I'm there for 6 days, so I'm hoping to get some good exercise in and be responsible with my eating. I'm on antibiotics through Saturday, so that limits the days I can drink. Silly, but important!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over
    Water: 75.6 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: Didn't kill anyone in traffic yesterday. It was SO tempting and could have been justified!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'll be sure to check in with you all if I am ever in need of ways to not be prego in public!

    Use the diet excuse - tell them you're buckling down and as much as you love beer you need to pull out the stops for a few months to get the last of the weigh off. My sister is thin as a rail, she had NO way to cover so she drank but very slowly and would "lose track" of her glass of wine or beer.

    I think I get the Redneck title from Jess today - I've turned the horses out in our back yard, beside the chicken "coop" - a dog kennel with a dog house for shelter and a litter box for a nesting box! My neighbors are probably freaking out about now!

    (picture in my profile)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Melinda: I love the redneck picture! Of course, I don't think it's redneck, but I thin that's because I'm a "horsey" person!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good
    exercise: good - mowed the lawn to get some exercise in
    water: not so good
    proud: that I flew threw the lawn mowing even though I really didn't have time

    My class last night was about insulin resistance and how we develop that by eating too many carbs and transfats, and how it takes time to 'heal' our metabolisms by cutting out trans fats and high fructose corn syrup (most processed foods). I realized that I was probably regressing for the last couple of weeks because I was snacking on seemingly innocent saltines - but loaded with transfats and sodium. Might explain my weight gain last week. I also have been eating too much dairy (I'm supposed to limit my dairy protein to once a day - but since I LOVE cheese I was eating that several times a day again). Falling back into a few old bad habits, got back on track today.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    ARGH!! TOM snacking is the worst. Goodbye all those yogurt covered raisins! They are not a good snack if you eat MULTIPLE servings Lauren!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    OK this was a bad night :(

    Calories - 1400 at dinner so yeah! BAD
    Water: awesome
    Exercise: stil grounded

    Proud: that I'm rooting for the Mavericks for my MFP bud! Oh yeah! I love explaining why I'm loyal to that team! (and at this moment Dallas is winning!):drinker: Whoot Whooott!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: On target
    Water: 67.6 oz.
    Exercise: Three hours volunteering
    Proud: I didn't stop for the strawberry malt I was craving.
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    Busy week at work this week. So stressed by all of it. I lost almost 10lbs the first week+ I was doing this... but now I'm stagnant at about the same weight and still eating 1200calories or less. VERY frustrating. Go weight, GO!!

    Checking in for yesterday (and the days prior... LOL)

    Calories: Under... under under under. Feel like I'm doing great with this!
    Water: I'm drinking a ton more water than I have and I'm working on increasing that even (thx MiO!)
    Exercise: Walking every night for 20-40 minutes with the fiance :)
    Proud: I've been staying on track pretty well and avoiding the package of Klondike bars in the freezer!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Busy week at work this week. So stressed by all of it. I lost almost 10lbs the first week+ I was doing this... but now I'm stagnant at about the same weight and still eating 1200calories or less. VERY frustrating. Go weight, GO!!

    Checking in for yesterday (and the days prior... LOL)

    Calories: Under... under under under. Feel like I'm doing great with this!
    Water: I'm drinking a ton more water than I have and I'm working on increasing that even (thx MiO!)
    Exercise: Walking every night for 20-40 minutes with the fiance :)
    Proud: I've been staying on track pretty well and avoiding the package of Klondike bars in the freezer!!

    Oh no ma'am. Eat more, please!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hey Kd - I'd eat at least your allocated 1200 calories so you can get all your nutrients. And make sure they're quality calories (whole foods or at least resonably good foods). Also remember that your body is a little confused. If it were as easy as cutting calories and walking that would be fabulous but just to make things interesting we get to deal with bodies who never read our diet books and don't seem to know when to drop the pounds!

    Hang in there and you'll start seeing the changes! One day at a time and aim for a pound a week :flowerforyou:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I'm still around and logging! I FINALLY got my own computer at work, so hopefully that will give me some more time to participate :)

    Hope everyone is well!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hello girls, hope everyone is doing good.

    I had a rough day, you know i know i fell off the wagon some but after today i just was soo upset.

    FYI - vent!!!!

    I had a meeeting with a PT , i thought it was an intro to all the machines and stuff, but really was a selling meeting. This guy was telling me that i have failed at getting to my goal and that i needed a pt 2x a week for several months, pretty much if i didn't i wouldn't meet my goal since i haven't met my goals yet. THat i needed him to tell me what to do since apparently i didn't know what to do, that since i hadn't been doing strength that is the reason i gained weight , that my nutrion wasn't good since i was mainly only looking at calories.

    at 1st i was thinkign , maybe this guy is right and i really need him, but the more i thought about it and with dh perspective that he is telling me all this so i think i need him.

    Made me upset cause i think i have done good , even with my setback, i still have lost around 50 lbs and i don't think that is anything to sneeze at, for this guy to tell me that i have no clue what i am doing just took a stab into confidence that i really can't do this.

    Hubby has tried to reassure me i can do this without paying this guy thousands of $$
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