20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Stephanie- I can relate, I have been doing as Nancy the same pounds up and down. At night I have carbonated water and lemon to try and not eat. The carbonated water does fill you up. I didn't weigh today but will tomorrow I usually weigh every day if not, I am in real trouble.

    Today I went to the dermologist and got an all clean on my skin. She did give me a presciption for Retinol A to diminish some
    bumps I have on my face. I hope it works, some days I don't care and some days I want laser which I would have to pay for.
    So I will try this first. All things I want done are considered cosmetic.

    One more apt today and then done. I wanted to walk but the weather just keeps on raining. Maybe after dinner I can squeeze
    a walk in.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I love your pictures you posted on the golden Sneakers. Groups. But have one question do you all dressed up to go sailing. By the way your husband looks like a movie star at the wheele in his suit and tie. I am so used to my family dress in there fishing clothes. Well they got here that the guys wear Jean to church and funerals nothing formal any ,more. And I guess the girls do to but really have not notice. Or paid attention to it. Time has really change. What happen to the Sunday going to meeting clothes? Bye bye Marie
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I agree Marie, I think more people should dress up more often. I know I wish I would! I find it just makes me feel good when I'm dressed up(though rare).

    @Sunnyfarm It sounds like you're going to be doing a lot of good at your new job.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    My sinuses have went nuts, and the draining, makes my throat hurt, more, I had a rough night trying to sleep last night and blowing my nose all night, I ended up taking some medicine in the middle of the night, and I took more today, I hope I get over this pretty fast. On a good note my husband feels alot better. Its beautiful here today, I wish I felt like enjoying it. I dont normally have this, not sure if is upper resportory infection or just sinuses. Well gotta go, I hope everyone else is doing well.

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I hope you feel better tomorrow, Janice! The weather was wonderful today. I got bored sitting inside and went and sat on the deck by the pool today, it was just too nice out to not enjoy a little bit of it.

    I have a roaming headache/migraine tonight, not sure what's up with that. Hopefully it's gone by morning. We should have some house showings lined up for us on Friday, so I'm looking forward to that. Hopefully I'll have a good weigh-in that morning, and have good progress house hunting after that. That's of course assuming that some of the houses come back as not being in "flood zones", we'll be looking in Shepherdsville on Friday.
    I'm feeling like zero progress so far this week, I hope the scale surprises me, in a good way, on weigh-day.

  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Well sweet Rachel, you are due for a good surprise on the home front ❤ sending good thoughts your way! There is no way in my neck of the woods realtors would get away with that more than once, let alone what you have experienced. Insofar as the flood insurance is concerned, be aware it was brought on to recoup the huge claims paid by FEMA and the large insurance companies from New Orleans, Sandy and the like. A couple years ago my friend bought a house on a river that has zero chance of ever flooding because the house sits high above on the lot, but FEMA stepped in and he had to pay huge for flood insurance because of the portion of land that touched the river. We just recently figured out we could hire a firm to review the flood records and actual lot site, and within weeks got a decision from fema they could exclude the possibility of flood insurance. I think we were quoted originally$2000 but only ended up paying $600 to get the exclusion. Just a thought, not actually knowing where you are looking :)
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning, misfits and losers! Happy Wednesday!

    :) Looks pretty quiet it here right now, but you guys were busy yesterday.
    :) Good see to everyone and know that we're still committed to the same goal.
    :) I was looking at the sheet that I filled out when I started the personal training in December. My goals were to improve: strength, endurance, flexibility, and weight loss...in that order. It's good for me to remember my "why" and remain committed to it. I am working on those goals I set for myself in December. My strength, endurance, flexibility, and weight have improved, and I am in much better health than I was 6 months ago.
    :) Today I feel that I am a winner because I am well on my way to meeting/ exceeding all the goals I have set for myself. It is a lifestyle, and I am committed to being the healthiest I can be to avoid major health issues later on.
    :) Thanks guys! You never know what little thing you may say in your post that strikes a chord in someone who really needs to hear it in that particular moment!

    Make it a great day, losers!
    <3 Connie
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    feeing better today!! heading into the city for some appointments and meetings. will check in later!!

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Hello, friends! I see my GP for my annual exam in two weeks. I was really hoping to be down on the scale, but alas... I won't be. At least my BP has been good on my meds. That's a positive. :)

    I think I will start looking toward my next personal challenge date of my wedding anniversary (Oct. 24). That's 20 weeks from now. I hope to lose 20 lb by then. 1 lb a week seems fairly reasonable (maybe!).

    Glad to have gotten the opportunity to catch up on all your posts!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have lost 2 post already but did want to get one off before we head out to the hearing aid place. Connie so flag to hear you are in a plosives mood today you have had a wonderful six months and if you can do it in the next 6 months you will have a wonderful year
    Want to let Esther we are all praying she get wonderful news with her doc.

    Becky will be with you in reaching your new goal
    For Oct. 24 you can do it

    Steph hi girl glad you are feeling better

    Janice hope you get over that sinuse infection I had it last year and it lasted 6 months . Really wore me out
    Let's all have a fabulous event day

    <3 Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I see Ihave some misspelled words but don,t have time to correct them

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning to everyone,
    Connie, I so agree with you everything you said in you post this morning. I know my strength has improved,
    have less abdominal flab and in general feel healthier. That is something to be happy about!!! Although I have
    felt like giving up at times, I am so happy to say again I am here for the long haul and am committed to reach
    my goal and beyond with all of you wonderful ladies.

    Have a happy Wednesday,
    Nancy :)
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Tami, thank you! We can use all the good thoughts possible with this process. :) It's really sad what FEMA is doing with these new "flood zones", it's literally kicking people out of their homes. There are quite a few nice houses on the market now because the owners can't afford the new insurance costs. I wish we could try the exclusion process, but I feel like in this area we might have more trouble than it's worth. I do feel very bad for the home owners who are having to sell because of it though. I was doing a little reading on the FEMA flood zones the other night and it looks like they're able to label property as a flood zone when it has as little as a "1% chance" of flooding within a year. It's terrible. I mean, even my second-floor apartment has a 1% chance of flooding. :P Hopefully Friday goes well though. :)
    We'll probably be going down to my in-law's on Friday night after looking at houses. My husband ordered me a Fitbit Flex (yay!), and whenever he orders from Amazon it defaults to his parent's address, so it should be there waiting for me by Friday. I would assume we'll stay the night there, so it may be another high calorie weekend for me. As long as I see a loss on Friday, it will be ok.

    Connie, your positive attitude and approach is what will make you successful! :)

    Becky, I hope your appointment goes well. And if you dedicate yourself to the process, I'm sure you'll see a nice loss by your anniversary. :)

    I need to figure out something good to eat and hit the gym. I think I'm getting a little bored with my normal workout this week, so I'm going to throw some elliptical in there. I really do feel stuck as far as weight this week, I hope last weekend didn't actually do me in!

    Have a great Wednesday!

  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    edited June 2015
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    edited June 2015
    My post entry up 4x. Tried to erase but it will only let me edit. :D
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    edited June 2015
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    Looks like it's going to get hot. I need to get a curtain on the window over my stairs it points directly at the thermistat and it already says 80 degrees at 8am.

    Barbie and Connie I wish they had a like button. Thank you both for the encouraging words. Right now my goal is to log on everyday even on days when I'm feeling low or the day is busy.

    Have an awesome day everyone.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I see Ihave some misspelled words but don,t have time to correct them


    That's ok. Most of us can read typo. B) I use the excuse of little buttons and fat fingers on the phone. And some of my daughters friends are dyslexic so they always text typos. o:)

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hello Gals,

    Today was Yoga class and I am glad it was a gentle but holding postures longer. I was tired today didn't sleep like I should
    have last night. Today is my cleaning day and i have to get moving. I just finished lunch, a smoothie. I did pick up a few
    things after Yoga and its nice being in a small town where people know you. She saved my goods until tomorrow so
    I can get the Senior discount. Yay! I have a hair apt tomorrow so I can pick it up after.

    I am glad you are feeling better, Connie and Stephanie. Connie, you are the rock here to keep us going. Marie you are
    the discipline with your new eating plan to keep us going. I am so happy you have found something that works.

    Well got on the scale and it was down, but that doesn't mean anything. I did get a walk in yesterday after my two apts.

    I better get moving and get this cleaning done.

    Marie - Yes some of the club members do dress up but most don't. Its like everything people just
    don't dress up anymore like they used to. Remember dressing up when going a plane trip. I do !


  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    You all are doing great, just keeping up with lives and struggles. I know I don't generally post in here, but I do read along. I am over on the July thread regular-like. It's going to be close on that goal, but I am thinking it will at least be better than when I started!

    I plan to continue on and like Becky I'll have a new goal of another 20 down for the fall. And another 20 down for Spring hopefully I can hop back into the Easter group for reals when it comes around again.

    Keep up the good fight, up or down the efforts continue to inspire me and others.