

  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    arv51862 wrote: »
    Wow, This is a tough one but it will feel good to get the 'secret' off my chest...
    My profile pic, It's not really me...
    Whewwww, I feel better already ! =)

    Haha! This made me laugh!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    arv51862 wrote: »
    Wow, This is a tough one but it will feel good to get the 'secret' off my chest...
    My profile pic, It's not really me...
    Whewwww, I feel better already ! =)

    Your honesty has inspired me... in the interests of full disclosure, I have to share that mine isn't me either.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I also want to leave this pic in here, because it cracks me up


    I enjoyed this greatly.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I might get a little too excited about my breakfast every morning...and it's the same thing every day. It is just so good that I can't bring myself to have anything else.
    I also confess that I don't mind listening to my son's DJ Shuffle Volume One cd when driving in the car. I actually really enjoy it and sing along to all the songs. I get sad when he wants to switch to a different cd.

    Did you already share what this magical breakfast is, and I missed it? I need to know!
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited June 2015

    So, this is the result of my late night Pinterest binge. Let's just hope I can actually stick to it....

    Edited to also say excuse the bad handwriting lol :flushed:
  • levan11
    levan11 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a bit behind but had to chime in on the road rage thing. Apparently it's no joke these days. Last year there was an incident where a father and son were being tailgated by someone for quite awhile so they pulled into the parking lot of my gym (not necessarily for any type of confrontation I don't think, just to let the guy pass), but the guy followed them into the parking lot and SHOT them. The son actually died. Way too many crazies these days.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KimFergie wrote: »
    Sometimes I eat an entire package of spaghetti, with just salt and margarine. An entire package. SMDH

    Ditto, but with ranch dressing. Sounds gross but it's so good haha!

    My stepdad's one relative put mayonnaise on his spaghetti. Yuck! I think he puts it on pretty much everything.

    When I was younger I would put weird stuff on popcorn like mayonnaise, mustard, & maybe ketchup.

    People think we're weird but my whole family (extended family included) loves potato chips with cottage cheese- such a guilty pleasure snack! When I go home (like I am this weekend) I can be sure to see my family eating it!

    My DH calls it "Heather's fat girl food" (and nope I'm not offended; I laugh every time) but when I was very heavy I used to LOVE nacho cheese doritos with either sour cream or cottage cheese. OMG so good! It's salty, creamy, cheesy goodness.

    I don't eat Doritos anymore because my stomach can't handle them :(

    Aw that's a shame! I LOVE cool ranch doritos! My tom go to foods are a bag of cool ranch doritos, a snickers bar, and Ben & Jerry's Half Baked :)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    edited June 2015
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I might get a little too excited about my breakfast every morning...and it's the same thing every day. It is just so good that I can't bring myself to have anything else.
    I also confess that I don't mind listening to my son's DJ Shuffle Volume One cd when driving in the car. I actually really enjoy it and sing along to all the songs. I get sad when he wants to switch to a different cd.

    What is your breakfast every morning!? I'm on an apple/ Justin's Maple Almond Butter kick right now. I could eat it every meal!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member

    So, this is the result of my late night Pinterest binge. Let's just hope I can actually stick to it....

    Edited to also say excuse the bad handwriting lol :flushed:

    You have amazing handwriting! Like, it should be a computer font. I would use that as a font.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    Confession: so I tend to eat "low carb"; like less than 50 gms if I can manage it. But I'm having a pumpernickel bagel for breakfast right now and it. is. glorious. It's so good I may even have popcorn at the movies tonight to keep my carb high going. Yay for carbs!

    I actually eat low carb (and not because it's trendy, I have IR and PCOS so when I eat the way I'm supposed to, I generally do the < 50 g carbs thing, too) but I do buy into the "carb reset" days of higher carbs. I'll do 701-00 g that day, stay off the scale for 2-3 days, and I'm fine. I time it around higher exercise days. I've been known to eat bagels then, too. They taste like HEAVEN when you normally eat LC. Of course, then I also bloat up like a mofo and my stomach hates me...

    I eat <50 too, usually around 40. I too will eat high carb once a week or once every two weeks. I shoot up like 3 pounds for a day or two, and then it goes away.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I might get a little too excited about my breakfast every morning...and it's the same thing every day. It is just so good that I can't bring myself to have anything else.
    I also confess that I don't mind listening to my son's DJ Shuffle Volume One cd when driving in the car. I actually really enjoy it and sing along to all the songs. I get sad when he wants to switch to a different cd.

    What do you eat for breakfast??
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    arv51862 wrote: »
    Wow, This is a tough one but it will feel good to get the 'secret' off my chest...
    My profile pic, It's not really me...
    Whewwww, I feel better already ! =)

    Your honesty has inspired me... in the interests of full disclosure, I have to share that mine isn't me either.

    Wow. Just when you think you know
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Your sims can die by all kinds of normal things, like old age, or a house fire. If, for whatever reason, you want to kill one off, you can help them along. In the one you quoted, I did it by locking them in a room with no door so they couldn't escape, couldn't eat or bathe. It's not the best way to do it, because it takes forever. After they die, the grim reaper appears, and you have a chance to beg for their life with another sim. If you don't, or if that doesn't work, you end up with a little urn of ashes, or you can place it outside and it turns into a gravestone. After that, the ghost of the dead person will wander around the house at night, which is a good thing if you have sims who want to see ghosts, or a bad thing, if you have a sim who has an anxiety disorder.
    W. T. H. ?!!!


    Holy crap!

    I already found the concept of Sim-dom to be interesting, when I first heard of such, many years ago -- however, this is another freakin' ballgame, I do declare... the aforementioned 'choreographed nightmare' (lol :) ), which offers disturbingly informative clarifying detail (if ever there were a time when being horrified, while simultaneously thanking someone (for the explanation therein), were ever to be relevant, then this would be it! lol :smiley: ), could perhaps be seen as being (and among the so many Sim-specific 'alternate universe' -type incarnations one could concoct) a kind of Sim AfterLife Soap Opera Channel (or so it would seem (and with Lifestyles of the Paranormal thrown in, to boot!)) -- whereby one can be writer, producer, director, and all-out 'puppetmaster'... and of the whole shebang!

    ...Sims with anxiety disorders?! ...Sims who are 'into' ghosts?! ...locking the poor things in a room, and with no means of escape?!

    What have they not thought of?!! (and by they, I'm referring to the Sim creators (as in, the Sim creator-creators (but not creators of actual creators -- but creators of that which the secondary 'creators' will virtually create (how much more convoluted could I make this?! ;) )), and not the player-based Sim creators (as in, orchestrators of virtual horrors :open_mouth: ) )...

    Oh, my... the Nightmare on Elm Street -esque 'rules of engagement' found in the realm of Sim-specific 'realities' could plausibly 'facilitate' the development of a sleep disorder, or some such form of 'reverb' -like negative consequence (or so it would seem), when it comes to being the master of said domain (who would have dreamed that a Seinfeldian reference might happen to 'fall out of nowhere', in a brief bit of commentary about virtual worlds (that's it! that's what *I'll* do! -- I'll recreate Seinfeld episodes in a Sim world! (which now has me wondering -- is there any way to have a Sim character 'enter a room' ala Kramer-from-Seinfeld's bursting-through-a-door-only-to-suddenly-arrest-momentum-and-immediately-engage-in-seemingly-casual-movement-and-interaction-and-as-though-nothing-unusual-had-just-happened -- ? ;) )))...
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I mentioned before how much I love hot sauce... I bought a bottle of Frank's last week and already it's almost gone. Frank's hot sauce isn't very spicy at all (I could probaby drink the whole bottle and not get much of a burn) but it's DELICIOUS to me. It just tastes so good. I've been pouring it onto a spoon and eating it on its own :neutral:

    I told my mom that I had bought some and she said ''Awww man, we brought you up two bottles!'' So now I have a lot of Frank's... it'll be gone soon enough :lol:

    I love hot sauce too! I use apple cider vinegar, hot sauce, and Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb spice as my salad dressing every day. And hot sauce goes on pretty much everything else too! I use a bottle of it every week...just for myself.
    I've been doing pretty much the same thing- yesterday I ate a big bowl of spinach and cucumbers with hot sauce, rice wine vinegar, and some spices that I randomly threw in. The good thing about that meal/snack is that it was virtually no calories at all, and I find it so delicious.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I was having dinner with my family, and my uncle was talking about how his roommate like metal "like KISS and stuff" and I just kind of automatically whispered "KISS isn't metal" without thinking. Only my friend heard and she laughed at me. Apparently I have elitism tourette's.

    Also, my taste in music is kind of cheesy and my current guilty pleasure is 80's heavy metal which I wasn't even alive for. I am currently listening to warlock and I have a stupid grin on my face. Why?? (Is this what pop does to most people?)

    Back in the late 70's, in my small town, KISS was hardcore. I remember everybody thinking that people who listened to KISS were Satanic. Seriously. My older cousins loved KISS and listened to them in their Clubhouse, and I remember being so freaked out at their crazy music. Now, KISS is like elevator music. LOL
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    edited June 2015
    levan11 wrote: »
    I'm a bit behind but had to chime in on the road rage thing. Apparently it's no joke these days. Last year there was an incident where a father and son were being tailgated by someone for quite awhile so they pulled into the parking lot of my gym (not necessarily for any type of confrontation I don't think, just to let the guy pass), but the guy followed them into the parking lot and SHOT them. The son actually died. Way too many crazies these days.

    Holy cow! What is wrong with people? Seriously, what is WRONG with people?
  • clover157
    clover157 Posts: 23 Member
    Wooow... 2000 new comments when I finally get a chance to have a looksie!! Wish I could binge read them all!!
    I confess, I feel like an idiot. I started the C25K last week and made it through the first week easily, pushed myself too hard even when it hurt and now my knees are so freaking sore I haven't run in 5 days. I've been a bit emotional lately, I even cried that I can't run yet today.
    On the plus side, I've found a super delicious vanilla mug cake recipe :D Cake makes everything better, right?
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    I have to admit that geeking out with a bunch of you guys over Sims has made me want to play it again. But oh golly, is that thing ever a time suck! I purposely left my Sims CDs (The original game + a couple of the extensions) with my little brother when I got married and moved away, because I didn't want to drown in my fake life when I have a real life to live... A pretty boring one, but a real one. ;)
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KimFergie wrote: »
    Sometimes I eat an entire package of spaghetti, with just salt and margarine. An entire package. SMDH

    Ditto, but with ranch dressing. Sounds gross but it's so good haha!

    My stepdad's one relative put mayonnaise on his spaghetti. Yuck! I think he puts it on pretty much everything.

    When I was younger I would put weird stuff on popcorn like mayonnaise, mustard, & maybe ketchup.

    People think we're weird but my whole family (extended family included) loves potato chips with cottage cheese- such a guilty pleasure snack! When I go home (like I am this weekend) I can be sure to see my family eating it!

    Tortilla chips with cottage cheese mixed with salsa I've done. Never tried it with potato chips. Hmm Actually doesn't sound bad. There are never potato chips at my house, though.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    levan11 wrote: »
    I'm a bit behind but had to chime in on the road rage thing. Apparently it's no joke these days. Last year there was an incident where a father and son were being tailgated by someone for quite awhile so they pulled into the parking lot of my gym (not necessarily for any type of confrontation I don't think, just to let the guy pass), but the guy followed them into the parking lot and SHOT them. The son actually died. Way too many crazies these days.

    That is absolutely awful! I've gotten angry at other drivers on more than one occasion...but I can't imagine someone being so angry that they feel the need to shoot/kill someone!