

  • Rabbit914
    Rabbit914 Posts: 246 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »

    My grandmother passed away 3 months before my grandparents would have had their 70th wedding anniversary - yes- seventy - not a typo. My grandpa was lost after that, he was not complete. All he had known for 70 years was with her by his side, she was a housewife all those years and cooked for him 3 meals a day - he had to learn to do all things for himself. He did manage to go on for another 4 years after that, but he was not happy after she was gone. He passed away last summer July 7 at age 94.

    That is so sad but so amazing at the same time. 70 years is a rare and huge accomplishment. I'm sure it was so difficult to be without her.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Confession: I'm a bad friend. My best friend is moving into a new house in a couple weeks. She created an event thing on Facebook asking people to come help them move. I have no desire to help them. I hate moving myself, why would I want to move someone else? I'm also not overly fond of her family, or her husband and his family (who will be there). What makes me feel worse about my laziness is that she's 8 months pregnant and isn't able to do any of the moving/lifting. In my defense she will have (at least) her husband, 2 brothers-in-law, 1 sister-in- law (and her boyfriend), and most likely both sets of parents moving them. So... with 7-9 people helping, do I really need to be there? I feel terrible, but I still don't want to do it.

    Sometimes I feel like an alien from outer space. I see you all describe situations like this and I'm left blinking and wondering if it is normal to expect other people to help you move. I'd probably be suckered into it just because I wouldn't know whether or not I was supposed to do it. I don't think you should do it just because you feel terrible though.

    I'm the same way. I don't get the "expectation". Then again I'm known as the meanie in real life because I drive a full size truck. It's often "assumed" I can / will help since I have a truck to help haul! NO. If I'm going out of town do I expect to drive your economy-sized car to save gas? Well alright then. Hire movers or figure it out. No one touches my truck. (sorry, rant, touchy subject for me)

    My husband also has a truck (it's a lowered [read slammed] 63 long bed Chevrolet with VERY little ground clearance) and people are constantly asking him to help them move/haul things. He is a wonderful man so he rarely says no even when it could cause damage to his truck. He's just too nice sometimes. Well, most of the time.

    Oh, he's MUCH nicer than me! There is no way I'd use a 63' Chevy to help people move. That would be a "show" car, not one used for hauling. I'm selfish, though.

    I'm also the opposite: I prefer my trucks lifted. That way I can see everything in traffic that is happening around me and if anyone pulls out in front of me they get a grill in their rearview mirror.

    You, I like. I drive a full size truck with bigger tires, but no lift kit. I rode with a friend last weekend who has a Mustang GT. How I hated getting myself in and out of that!

    I know! My husband drives a Honda Accord and I feel like I'm falling on the ground when I get out of it. I also feel like an ant on the road in it. Like everyone is going to run me over.
  • getup25
    getup25 Posts: 119 Member
    ythannah wrote: »

    Whistlers grate on my nerves! Especially if they're shrill.

    FINALLY someone else who hates whistling!

    Whistling has always been nails-on-a-chalkboard irritating to me, especially the hissy or breathy kind. The really skilled tuneful variety, which seems to be only found in older men of European origin, doesn't bother me at all.

    Unfortunately, my SO likes to whistle and he's a breathy whistler. Even more unfortunately, he likes to whistle in the mornings when my tolerance is at its lowest.

    I never say anything, just grit my teeth. I have to remind myself that if he's whistling, he's happy and that's a good thing.

    My x was a whistler. I hated it. He knew it too and would do it when I was trying to study. (I was going to school to get my degree.)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    Also my MFP was not working yesterday. I was able to read everyone's posts but couldn't quote or even reply at all. Got back on this morning and I was 15 pages behind. I'm still behind but getting there.

    Confession: I miss living in Japan. The culture there is so wonderful. And the people are so much more thoughtful and lovely compared to Americans. I am an American, but other Americans disappoint me a great deal. I don't mean to offend anyone. We could learn so much from other cultures. Where we lived there was ZERO crime. You could sleep with your windows and doors wide open, leave your car unlocked. The mailman would actually come into your house and set your mail inside your house. I could go on and on, but that's just one small example.

    Could not agree more.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    @lovelikewinter, you look great! Love the color of those pants.

    @rungirl1973, I get irrationally angry when people show up at my office unannounced (for personal reasons, I mean). I had to put my foot down and am very clear that I do not handle personal issues at work. I still get occasional calls, but I only continue the conversation if it's an emergency. Otherwise I'll say, "Oh, this is a personal issue. I'll call you back later tonight."

    Just a me thing. When I'm at work I like to be professional and not intertwine my personal life.

    YES! I asked him while he was here, "Is that it?" and he started to lean down to give me a kiss. NOOOO

    I don't mind text messages or emails, I can respond to those when I have time. Personal phone calls are for emergencies only and visits? Ugh. Come at lunchtime and I'll meet you outside.

    You are the first person I've known of that feels this way, too! My family does not understand it and they get all hurt. I only work 40 - 50 hours per week. All the rest of the time I'm off. You can call me then.

    I won't even give my family my work phone number. I have my cell on me. I will answer it if I can. There is zero reason they should be calling my office.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I eat powdered sugar by the spoonfuls

    Try mixing it with peanut butter! It tastes exactly like the inside of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup!!! I may or may not have done that by the (small) bowlful! :neutral:

    Will so have to try this sometime.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    The Smart Ones Chicken Strips and Fries I just had for lunch merely angered me, so I'm eating 2 Oreo Pop Tarts as well.

    I laughed out loud at this.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I have to confess that although I've been feeling this way for a while now (not sure why) I lost all interest in continuing to work at my current job yesterday while talking to the owner of my company. It's not even that I want a DIFFERENT job, I just don't want to work. at all. period. Honestly, if it weren't for the benefits I get (really inexpensive insurance, 2 weeks of vacation, 3 sick/personal days, free fitness center, and a pretty decent wage), I would quit and be a SAHM even though my daughter is 13.

    You know, it's funny, so many people I know wish they could be a SAHM... but I wish I could work, lol! I'm not a people person but I still miss human interaction. Honestly, if it wasn't for Internet I'd feel very lonely, I think. I moved here 5 years ago and I really have no friends (except a couple other moms I talk to once a week after school while the kids play). Mostly it's the sense of accomplishment I'm missing... but I guess I never really felt it while I was working either. It is sad when the only things I accomplish in a day is catching up on laundry, doing groceries, and cooking dinner (and making laundry soap. Which I still haven't done).

    I mean, I enjoy the free time obviously, but I'm afraid in 10 years I'll look back and will have accomplished absolutely nothing, and won't even be able to find a job.
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Skipping 4 pages just to say that I found the Halo Top ice cream at Wegmans. They only had vanilla.

    And I'm completely shocked because it's actually VERY good.

    Confession: Part of me wishes you had said it was terrible. The other part of me is totally going to my Wegmans tomorrow.

    I want to go again now and buy the last 3 pints LOL. But I'm lazy. And I have too much ice cream in the freezer.

    I don't think it's sad, but if you are feeling unfulfilled then my suggestion would be to start pursuing things now that interest you since you have time. If you do want to get back into the work force eventually then now is the time to start volunteering places, adding skills to your resume, taking skills-refresher courses, etc. Try it until you find something you like!

    I just have no idea what I want to do, which really doesn't help, lol. I'm not going to worry about it until September at least... then we'll see.

    I'm the same way, which is why this topic interests me. I'm fortunate that I really like my career and the field that I'm in. But as far as hobbies and interests??? Other than working out, I've got nothing. I don't feel empty or unfulfilled but a while back when I was trying to figure out this part of me I read something that says, "What do you enjoy doing so much that you completely lose track of time?" Um. Blank. Not a thing. Still trying to figure this one out!

    I feel like I keep busy, until someone asks me what I do for fun, or in my spare time and I don't really have anything to say. Ummm... workout... walk my dog... I play a lot of Sims... Then I feel like a loser lol.

    Oh, I'm firmly in the "loser" category. I lamely list a few things like working out, occasionally watching the grandkids, reading magazines. Short ones. With lots of pictures like Time and Sports Illustrated. Sleeping and listening to music don't count as "doing" something apparently. But, I'm always busy, too, so oh well.

    I'm a loser too. Hubby and I run races and drink wine. Those are my hobbies, I suppose. I read A LOT and he loves to putz around in the yard. I have a Florida room / 3 season room, so I spend a TON of time sitting out there with the cats reading while he's in the backyard. I really need to find some local friends besides work friends... Problem is, I like the status quo too much.

    That sounds wonderful. I would stick with the status quo!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Confession: I'm a bad friend. My best friend is moving into a new house in a couple weeks. She created an event thing on Facebook asking people to come help them move. I have no desire to help them. I hate moving myself, why would I want to move someone else? I'm also not overly fond of her family, or her husband and his family (who will be there). What makes me feel worse about my laziness is that she's 8 months pregnant and isn't able to do any of the moving/lifting. In my defense she will have (at least) her husband, 2 brothers-in-law, 1 sister-in- law (and her boyfriend), and most likely both sets of parents moving them. So... with 7-9 people helping, do I really need to be there? I feel terrible, but I still don't want to do it.

    Sometimes I feel like an alien from outer space. I see you all describe situations like this and I'm left blinking and wondering if it is normal to expect other people to help you move. I'd probably be suckered into it just because I wouldn't know whether or not I was supposed to do it. I don't think you should do it just because you feel terrible though.

    I'm the same way. I don't get the "expectation". Then again I'm known as the meanie in real life because I drive a full size truck. It's often "assumed" I can / will help since I have a truck to help haul! NO. If I'm going out of town do I expect to drive your economy-sized car to save gas? Well alright then. Hire movers or figure it out. No one touches my truck. (sorry, rant, touchy subject for me)

    My husband also has a truck (it's a lowered [read slammed] 63 long bed Chevrolet with VERY little ground clearance) and people are constantly asking him to help them move/haul things. He is a wonderful man so he rarely says no even when it could cause damage to his truck. He's just too nice sometimes. Well, most of the time.

    Oh, he's MUCH nicer than me! There is no way I'd use a 63' Chevy to help people move. That would be a "show" car, not one used for hauling. I'm selfish, though.

    I'm also the opposite: I prefer my trucks lifted. That way I can see everything in traffic that is happening around me and if anyone pulls out in front of me they get a grill in their rearview mirror.

    You, I like. I drive a full size truck with bigger tires, but no lift kit. I rode with a friend last weekend who has a Mustang GT. How I hated getting myself in and out of that!

    I know! My husband drives a Honda Accord and I feel like I'm falling on the ground when I get out of it. I also feel like an ant on the road in it. Like everyone is going to run me over.

    Same here. I have been drivng elevated vehicles too long to go back to a sports car. I'll take my truck and my Jeep thanksomuch!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Here's a confession for @Susieq_1994. I decided to stop hijacking my husbands farm (and his iPad) and start playing Hay Day on my own. I am now on level 23 and I just started last week! I'm seriously obsessed. The good news is, it helps me cut back on my boredom eating and I think I will actually record a loss this week.

    Congratulations! ;) It's a lot of fun, isn't it? :o It gets harder to level up as you go along, but as a level 55er, I have a money-making tip for you: (Anyone who doesn't play Hay Day, look away--this is boring) If you've unlocked the market stall, stop working on the notice board and start making things JUST to sell in the market stall. You'll make much more money that way so you can buy new upgrades and machines as soon as they're available to your level. :) It will also de-clutter your barn so you have more room to save up the screws/timber that you need to increase your barn/silo space.

    LOL I've never played so none of this makes sense to me and it's like you're speaking in code :smile:
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    @lovelikewinter, you look great! Love the color of those pants.

    @rungirl1973, I get irrationally angry when people show up at my office unannounced (for personal reasons, I mean). I had to put my foot down and am very clear that I do not handle personal issues at work. I still get occasional calls, but I only continue the conversation if it's an emergency. Otherwise I'll say, "Oh, this is a personal issue. I'll call you back later tonight."

    Just a me thing. When I'm at work I like to be professional and not intertwine my personal life.

    YES! I asked him while he was here, "Is that it?" and he started to lean down to give me a kiss. NOOOO

    I don't mind text messages or emails, I can respond to those when I have time. Personal phone calls are for emergencies only and visits? Ugh. Come at lunchtime and I'll meet you outside.

    You are the first person I've known of that feels this way, too! My family does not understand it and they get all hurt. I only work 40 - 50 hours per week. All the rest of the time I'm off. You can call me then.

    I won't even give my family my work phone number. I have my cell on me. I will answer it if I can. There is zero reason they should be calling my office.

    Yes! Thank you for making me feel better about imposing my boundaries!
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    Another slightly embarrassing confession:

    If I have alcohol in my hand, I will spend no time at all drinking the whole thing. I don't do it on purpose, I guess I'm just a fast drinker! Everyone is always telling me to slow down, which is a little bit embarrassing :lol: I just poured myself champagne and drank the thing like I would a soft drink, forgetting it contained alcohol!! Guess practice makes perfect :/ I don't know how people drink so slowly.

    ... I will make myself sick one day.

    this is me too
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I just finished reading the "You're too skinny!" Do others ever make you question your maintenance weight?" thread and now am feeling very grateful for my friends and family. I have only had good comments about my weight loss, so far. Of course, I still have a long ways to go. But man, reading that thread made me realize how rude and unsupportive some people are.

    I first got down to my normal weight nearly 20 years ago. I went from around 500 to around 175. People who didn't recognize me treated me completely differently than they did when I was big. I got smiles and courtesy, doors held open - and I don't mean flirting, it was men and women, any ages, the way they treated me was night and day. People who were absolutely cold and wouldn't acknowledge me before would go out of their way to say hi.

    Overall, I'd say that had a far bigger impact on me than the random "you need to eat a hot pocket" type comments I'd get once in a while. I'm very distrustful of people in general, now. It takes a very long time before I decide if they're actually a nice person, or if they're a "nice as long as you fit my cookie cutter mold" person. Outside of some dysfunctional family relationships, most of the comments like those in that thread will stop after people get used to seeing the smaller version of the person, but the really rude and unsupportive people are far more subtle.

    the massive difference in ppl i experienced after losing 100lbs was ridiculous, i can't imagine how that must have been for you. it's made me even more bitter and cynical about people in general. because i can't help but think, how different would i be if for my whole life people just treated me like a normal person and were nice? or even just decent?

    Gosh that sucks, I'm sorry y'all must have just encountered some pretty *kitten* people :( I can't believe people treat others that way because of their size it's so mind boggling to me!

    Until yesterday, there was a subreddit on reddit called fatpeoplehate. It had over 100k members around the world. They would comb MFP and sparkpeople and instagram for people's before pictures, post them in their group, and make fun of them. Some of the really dedicated ones would track those people down on social media and harass them directly. It finally got nuked yesterday because they posted the names/addresses/etc of the owners of Imgur, in retaliation for Imgur removing some of fph's stolen images from their website.

    Today, those 100k+ members are running around the internet protesting the violation of their "free speech" to harass people and steal their pictures, while some others are complaining because they considered those stolen images and the millions of posts making fun of them to be good inspiration for their own weight loss.

    There are a lot of screwed up people in the world.

    Holy hell I can't believe there are people like that. I don't get it. They don't have anything better to do with their time? Talk about needing a life!
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I just finished reading the "You're too skinny!" Do others ever make you question your maintenance weight?" thread and now am feeling very grateful for my friends and family. I have only had good comments about my weight loss, so far. Of course, I still have a long ways to go. But man, reading that thread made me realize how rude and unsupportive some people are.

    I first got down to my normal weight nearly 20 years ago. I went from around 500 to around 175. People who didn't recognize me treated me completely differently than they did when I was big. I got smiles and courtesy, doors held open - and I don't mean flirting, it was men and women, any ages, the way they treated me was night and day. People who were absolutely cold and wouldn't acknowledge me before would go out of their way to say hi.

    Overall, I'd say that had a far bigger impact on me than the random "you need to eat a hot pocket" type comments I'd get once in a while. I'm very distrustful of people in general, now. It takes a very long time before I decide if they're actually a nice person, or if they're a "nice as long as you fit my cookie cutter mold" person. Outside of some dysfunctional family relationships, most of the comments like those in that thread will stop after people get used to seeing the smaller version of the person, but the really rude and unsupportive people are far more subtle.

    the massive difference in ppl i experienced after losing 100lbs was ridiculous, i can't imagine how that must have been for you. it's made me even more bitter and cynical about people in general. because i can't help but think, how different would i be if for my whole life people just treated me like a normal person and were nice? or even just decent?

    Gosh that sucks, I'm sorry y'all must have just encountered some pretty *kitten* people :( I can't believe people treat others that way because of their size it's so mind boggling to me!

    The difference between my highest weight and lowest (which at the time, I'd lost 160 lbs) was insane. People held doors for me, looked me in the eye, listened to my opinion, etc. I was invisible when I was fat. It sucked and I actually went through a stage where I was mad at everyone for not giving me the time of day when I was fat and being all over me skinny. And I noticed as the weight came back on and I was eventually 40 lbs heavier than my lowest, people were starting to be ruder, not hold doors, notice me less, etc.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sounds like you're a naturally strong person, so you probably don't need it. I do. I'm quite the weakling. Well, physically anyway. Mentally, no. Mentally I'm known as the Boot Camp Drill Sargent in my family. Physically, well??? Let's just say that sometimes going in and out of the grocery store I step onto the automatic door thingy and the door doesn't open. Thankfully, I learned from "Toy Story" to jump up and down once or twice and the door opens. My son finds this highly amusing and will lag behind me just to watch it happen.

    See and I can picture that and it's awesome. haha

    Awesomely embarrassing, yes!

    I don't jump up and down, but sometimes I have to cha cha back and forth to catch the sensor. We'd be a blast trying to get into the store together.

    I just wave at it... When I was a kid and I was too young (read: short) for the sensor (it's at the top of the door around here...) to see me, a male employee came over and just waved at it and it opened. I've been doing that ever since, and it works every time. I probably still look like a moron, waving at the door... "Hey there, door!"
    This reminds me. My husband thanks inanimate objects for things. He's embarrassing at the self-checkouts that talk to you because he'll actually bend down and say 'Thank you' to it. :|

    Oh that is funny! Well, only because you have to deal with it and I don't. My husband spends way too much time home alone now that he's retired. He talks to himself constantly and when he's not talking he's whistling. He now does this out in public. Drives me nuts. Seriously??? Shhhhhh. It's like walking around in public singing. Can you please NOT call attention to us for no reason?

    Whistlers grate on my nerves! Especially if they're shrill.

    There's an old man who shops at my store who sings & it's adorable & hilarious all at the same time. The one day he went around singing The Star Spangled Banner. Now there's another old man that brings a piccolo in that sounds freaking awful! Makes me want to ram the piccolo down his throat.

    Are we twins? I thought I was the only one!! My dad whistles ALL the time, I can't handle it!! Especially when he does it in the car! GRRR whistling for me is like nails on a chalk board for someone else :#

    I also hate when people have a pen & keep clicking it or people are tapping their fingers. It especially annoys me when I have to count back almost $2,000-$5,000 dollars for someone's paycheck.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited June 2015
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Confession: I'm a bad friend. My best friend is moving into a new house in a couple weeks. She created an event thing on Facebook asking people to come help them move. I have no desire to help them. I hate moving myself, why would I want to move someone else? I'm also not overly fond of her family, or her husband and his family (who will be there). What makes me feel worse about my laziness is that she's 8 months pregnant and isn't able to do any of the moving/lifting. In my defense she will have (at least) her husband, 2 brothers-in-law, 1 sister-in- law (and her boyfriend), and most likely both sets of parents moving them. So... with 7-9 people helping, do I really need to be there? I feel terrible, but I still don't want to do it.

    Well, normally I would have said 'Meh, she has enough people' but I'm light of the friend issues and being cut out of friendship groups going on, I'm inclined to say, maybe you should show your face at some point.

    Ya, I think I'll pop over for a couple hours, but make sure it's clear I won't be staying for the entire day.

    I could 'hear' your Canadian accent in this post.

    What part gave it away?

    It was the 'ya', then after that read the whole thing (and the next few posts) in a Canadian accent in my head. Probably nothing like your Canadian accent as I've just been to Ontario and Manitoba (and very briefly Quebec because it meant I could say I'd done 3 provinces in a week).

    Lol, next time I'll throw in an "eh?" for good measure :wink: I'm in western Canada so I don't think I have that type of accent. I didn't notice any difference between me and the people I spoke with in the Phoenix area (aside from the ones who were obviously from different parts of the country).

    ETA: I was in Maricopa, which apparently some locals call "Little Canada", since so many Canadians bought homes there, so maybe that's why I didn't notice a difference lol
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sounds like you're a naturally strong person, so you probably don't need it. I do. I'm quite the weakling. Well, physically anyway. Mentally, no. Mentally I'm known as the Boot Camp Drill Sargent in my family. Physically, well??? Let's just say that sometimes going in and out of the grocery store I step onto the automatic door thingy and the door doesn't open. Thankfully, I learned from "Toy Story" to jump up and down once or twice and the door opens. My son finds this highly amusing and will lag behind me just to watch it happen.

    See and I can picture that and it's awesome. haha

    Awesomely embarrassing, yes!

    I don't jump up and down, but sometimes I have to cha cha back and forth to catch the sensor. We'd be a blast trying to get into the store together.

    I just wave at it... When I was a kid and I was too young (read: short) for the sensor (it's at the top of the door around here...) to see me, a male employee came over and just waved at it and it opened. I've been doing that ever since, and it works every time. I probably still look like a moron, waving at the door... "Hey there, door!"
    This reminds me. My husband thanks inanimate objects for things. He's embarrassing at the self-checkouts that talk to you because he'll actually bend down and say 'Thank you' to it. :|

    Oh that is funny! Well, only because you have to deal with it and I don't. My husband spends way too much time home alone now that he's retired. He talks to himself constantly and when he's not talking he's whistling. He now does this out in public. Drives me nuts. Seriously??? Shhhhhh. It's like walking around in public singing. Can you please NOT call attention to us for no reason?

    Whistlers grate on my nerves! Especially if they're shrill.

    There's an old man who shops at my store who sings & it's adorable & hilarious all at the same time. The one day he went around singing The Star Spangled Banner. Now there's another old man that brings a piccolo in that sounds freaking awful! Makes me want to ram the piccolo down his throat.

    Are we twins? I thought I was the only one!! My dad whistles ALL the time, I can't handle it!! Especially when he does it in the car! GRRR whistling for me is like nails on a chalk board for someone else :#

    I also hate when people have a pen & keep clicking it or people are tapping their fingers. It especially annoys me when I have to count back almost $2,000-$5,000 dollars for someone's paycheck.

    The only crime (or felony, whatever) I fear committing is murdering someone for incessantly clicking a pen.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    For those of you that don't know, my name is Monique. Unlike some of you, there are LOTS of nicknames/parodies for it. The thing that's most annoying about having an uncommon name, is that I can never find any personalized items with my name. You can find Monica all day long, but I've only found a Monique keychain once and you better believe I bought that baby.

    i can never find my name spelling, christy christie or kristy, sure!
    Kristie? pretty much never.
    i finally gave up on even looking for it years ago
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Drinking Mountain Dew Kickstart after two cups of coffee. So far good

    Have you considered switching to dewfee? Just add mountain dew to the coffee maker instead of water, saves time. ;)

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    There's this video called ''History of Whistling'' on YouTube by a musical group called CollectiveCadenza. I love it. Listened to that video (and many of their other videos) probably about 30 times. I really hope my own whistling isn't very shrill or annoying, though I'm guessing I've annoyed at least one person out there :tongue:

    Will have to look that up sometime.

    My favorite person on Youtube has to be Sungha Jung

    I can't believe how good this kid is.

    Some of the literal videos on there are pretty hilarious. Whatever you do don't watch the Smells Like Teen Spirit literal video. Awful.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    GUYS, I JUST DID TWENTY PUSHUPS, IN. A. ROW!!! (Yep. I'm that excited about it. :D )

    Woo hoo! You are Super Great! :)

    Shark Super Great?!? Woo Hoo!!!


    You can never have enough Shark Super Great!!!

    Holy hell, this makes me laugh so hard. Why is this funny?!

    The shark picture always reminds me of Bruce from Finding Nemo "Fish are friends, not food!" Haha :)

    Super Great Shark is my favorite and I always think of Bruce too :)

    I always think of Finding Nemo too:).

    My favorite are the Sea Turtles.