Disturbing trend on MFP….



  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    For Mexican food, can't you just drink the water and then end up with no calories?

    From what I've been told, if you drink Mexican water, it counts as negative calories.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Agree with OP about the epidemic of this sort of thread. I just find it a bit breathaking people cant use some common sense. It also underline the fact that understanding basci cico and a litle bit about nutrution generates all the guidance you need. For goodness sake chill out peeps.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Like I wrote in the other thread, i'm sure op is referring to...I just make sure I burn 1000000000 calories xtra that week and Im covered.

    how do you burn that many calories? Treadmill all day??????

    No--that's the number in the MFP database. Is that wrong?

    (Sorry I'm a little late to this thread.)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    can you do one of these for food high in protein too please.


    the constant question of "What foods are good sources of protein"...*smh* google is your friend

    lOL ohhhhh got ya…

    yes, maybe that will be my next one….

    I can start a series…NDJ's helpful hints..maybe I should just write book and sell it on Dr Oz….

    I believe sarauk2sf put together a pretty extensive list of protein sources for various eating styles already, I think it's in the ETP group.

    Helpful hints are generally meant to actually help people though, not be thinly veiled methods of complaining about stuff that annoys you. It's why MFP refuses to publish my definitive work: MyFitnessPal Forums: Arguing, Cat Gifs, and My Life with Babaji.


    Going back OT for a second, I do find the "OMG HELP ME - GOING OUT TO EEEEEEEEEAT!" topics kind of annoying, too. But then I think that other than being total noobs to weight management, maybe some of those people have been doing Nutrisystem or Jenny or any of the other plans that get you to eat only their food and may honestly have no freaking clue how that translates in a real world situation like going out to a restaurant.

  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    see there's more brown than white .. cos brown is da healthy version cos it be more natural

    ya get me?

  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    Good steps! I'm going out to a new restaurant in down town Annapolis but have already pre-planned my dinner out. But I definitely know that feeling of "F*** it. I want a damn burger dripping in grease" *looking at you Five Guys*
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    Sometimes I'll just repeat step 2 multiple times and then skip to step 7.

    Am I going to die?

    Why you don't invite me?

    how about the both of you invite me?

    Consider yourselves invited. Who's bringing the chips and dip?

    Me me me!! :wink:

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    How about step 1.5 - look online if calorie info is available and preselect meal. Otherwise, follow steps below as written.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited June 2015
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    What MFP does desperately need is a SUGAR stickie :huh:


    your sugar stickie(s) ma'am


    Ah hah touche' :laugh: :+1:

    But seriously, I give kudos to those folks who reply to those sugar threads day in, day out, week after week, month after month

    I think they are bonkers (both sides) for expending so much energy on it.

    Ah i see where the stickies come from now, am reading backwards. If you just googled there are perfectly good articles already . Muh more balanced and informative than the debates which happen on those threads.
  • Agathokakological
    Agathokakological Posts: 136 Member
    edited June 2015
    Things are only as complicated as you make them. I usually look at the menu online and the nutritional info before I go out. Then if I'm somewhere that serves really big portions, or if I hadn't had a chance to look up the food beforehand, I ask when I'm ordering to have the chef put half on the plate and half in a to-go container, and that keeps me from overeating.
  • Anniepi66
    Anniepi66 Posts: 45 Member
    So loved this post and all the replies! Every time I read where someone doesn't know what/how/when/where to do something, my first thoughts are: Where have you been? Do you not have a brain? We are in the 21st Century, Google it! Sorry for the rant. But I work in an industry where I am constantly amazed at the lack of knowledge people have and are always wanting someone else to give them the answer instead of putting in a little bit of effort and finding out for themselves or using common sense. Eating really is not rocket science or quantum physics. If 99.9% of the time Mexican food is fattening, then .1% of the time it won't be - that would be the little piece of broken tortilla chip lying on the table. Vegetables fried in a pound of lard are probably not a healthy choice.
  • stoogaholic
    stoogaholic Posts: 1 Member
    I approve the idea of a liquid diet on cheat day. Food is Sooooo overrated.
  • Keenqueen
    Keenqueen Posts: 3 Member
    I took a workshop called the Hunger Within and one of the things they talk about is mindful eating. One of the purposes of the exercise is to realize a chip is just a chip and the only meaning it has is the one we give it. A chip is not more powerful than you. You are powerful over food. The goal is to unpack the emotion and attributes we place on food whether its food at the grocery store, at the office or a restaurant. Coming to this realization can take time so if it helps to avoid eating out for a while until you get yourself together and stay on track then do that. I applaud those who have figured out that that works for them but that is not sustainable over the long term. Eventually, you can learn many of the habits listed here in this comment thread and gain skill in quickly assessing the best option for you on the menu. We shouldn't down play that this is not easy for some people when they first start thinking consciously about their food choices especially when there are like 10,000 things on the menu ( I hate those places... geez! Stick to what you are good at restaurant people or just become a buffet style place!). That one donut can feel like a slippery slope if you are an emotional eater...many people have trigger foods I know I do-- maybe it's the chemicals in the food but I for one cannot just eat 1-2 slices of pizza so I avoid it. Cookie? I am good with one. We are all different. The goal is to know thyself and figure out what works best for you.
    @ndj1979 thanks for raising the subject! Life is too short to get stressed out at a restaurant-- eat, enjoy, live!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    rjmudlax13 wrote: »
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    I actually dissected a kebab today to figure out the calorie content. lol

    I took apart a damn tuna hoagie the other day to weigh the individual components. The extra helping of shame put me over my calorie goal for the day.

    Sorry for the off topic but are you from near Philly? There arent many people that i know who call it a hoagie.

    I'm 10 minutes from Center City (on the Jersey side of the Delaware) and can hear the stadium fireworks from my front yard. You nearby?

    Was it from Wawa? B)

    I love my Wawa!!!

    The biggest news in my area is the city approved a plan for a wawa. I had tears of joy.

  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    How about step 1.5 - look online if calorie info is available and preselect meal. Otherwise, follow steps below as written.

    I second this.

    Other than that it's an awesome list!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Keenqueen wrote: »
    I took a workshop called the Hunger Within and one of the things they talk about is mindful eating. One of the purposes of the exercise is to realize a chip is just a chip and the only meaning it has is the one we give it. A chip is not more powerful than you. You are powerful over food. The goal is to unpack the emotion and attributes we place on food whether its food at the grocery store, at the office or a restaurant. Coming to this realization can take time so if it helps to avoid eating out for a while until you get yourself together and stay on track then do that. I applaud those who have figured out that that works for them but that is not sustainable over the long term. Eventually, you can learn many of the habits listed here in this comment thread and gain skill in quickly assessing the best option for you on the menu. We shouldn't down play that this is not easy for some people when they first start thinking consciously about their food choices especially when there are like 10,000 things on the menu ( I hate those places... geez! Stick to what you are good at restaurant people or just become a buffet style place!). That one donut can feel like a slippery slope if you are an emotional eater...many people have trigger foods I know I do-- maybe it's the chemicals in the food but I for one cannot just eat 1-2 slices of pizza so I avoid it. Cookie? I am good with one. We are all different. The goal is to know thyself and figure out what works best for you.
    @ndj1979 thanks for raising the subject! Life is too short to get stressed out at a restaurant-- eat, enjoy, live!

    You needed a workshop for that ?

    What did you think a chip was? A tyrannosaur?

    Joking :D
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I used to be that way, scared to go to restaurants especially mexican, until I woke up on the dark side!! ;)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You forgot step 10

    10. Get drunk as *kitten* with your SO, go back home, and have wild monkey sex.

    If I do this first part the 2nd part doesn't happen...I just wanna sleep..he can have all the wild monkey sex he wants I just wont be participating much.
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    You forgot step 10

    10. Get drunk as *kitten* with your SO, go back home, and have wild monkey sex.

    If I got that drunk... I'd pass out. So i'll skip the drink and just stick with the wild monkey sex!
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I go straight to "blow out" at Buffalo Wild Wings. One look at the menu and I'm like "Gotta have cheese curds! Oh look mojitos. I love their mojitos, I'll have one of those. Boneless wings with sauce on the side and all the blue cheese you will give me plz! I need another mojito." DH got to BWW before me last night and ordered a veggie app and barred me from ordering a fried app saying the boneless wings was enough fried food for one meal. :grumble:

    yea, when football season rolls aroundI am a buffalo wing and beer nazi …coincidently, that is right when bulking season starts..hmmmmm

    Sadly my decade long bulk cycle came to an end. :cry:
    You forgot the part where you shove finger foods in front of your toddler so he doesn't take a margarita bath and then shuffle your four-year-old to the bathroom and miss the waiter taking your order....

    This trip down memory lane makes me so glad my girls are old enough to walk themselves to the bathroom. Also a solid reason as to why I was not sad DH didn't want a 3rd spawnling. ;)

    I don't want to wish their lives away, but darn if this doesn't sound exciting. Also when I don't have to spend a billion years cutting their meat up into less deadly pieces while my food gets cold.

    You just wait until they're walking across the stage getting their high school diploma. Then you'll wish you could cut up their meat again. :cry:

    This what I'm afraid of. It sucks now but I know I'll miss it so much some day. :frowning: