

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    I updated my profile picture. It's not summery, and is actually about a year and a half old, but it totally shows how short I am!

    (That's a Tesla Model S I'm sitting in!)
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    For those of you who sew I'm using simplicity 1773 and 1551 as templates for various parts of this.

    I'm more excited about this than I should be. Please share pictures when you are done. That is so cool!
    That made me smile. All I have done so far is look at the patterns and pictures and make sketches and notes. I am excited too.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Confession: I hate Facebook. Why does everyone feel the need to emotionally vomit everything they can possibly think of that happens in their life all over the feeds? Does nothing in life remain private anymore? :-/

    I feel like a weirdo because I absolutely love Facebook.

    I have reconnected with so many friends that I've lost touch with over the years. People say all the time "well, I'm in touch with all the people I care about". That is not true. When I was 19, I got pregnant, married the jerk and moved to Colorado. I lost touch with everybody from my life. This was 1993, not many people had email back then. Facebook has helped me reconnect with several really good friends. I even found an old friend from grade school that had moved to Florida when she was 14. When I went to Florida and visited with her the first time, it was like not a day had passed.

    Yes, some of my friends post stuff I don't care to see, but I typically either ignore it, unfollow them, or unfriend them if it's somebody I don't care to interact with at all any more.

    Edited to add: My least favorite thing about Facebook right now is the huge number of people who are using it to market their latest MLM garbage.

    I agree with you! I have family and friends all over the US and my brother and his family live in Germany. I would not see pictures of my nieces, nephews, and friends' kids without it! I unfollow people that annoy me! Totally get why some people hate it, but it serves it's purpose in my life!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    arv51862 wrote: »
    Wow, This is a tough one but it will feel good to get the 'secret' off my chest...
    My profile pic, It's not really me...
    Whewwww, I feel better already ! =)

    Your honesty has inspired me... in the interests of full disclosure, I have to share that mine isn't me either.

    I refuse to accept this.

    Damn. Anonymity... out the window.

    After today I have 6 days' vacation. I have to admit that I'm getting a little anxious about being offline for long periods and 90 gazillion new posts appearing on this thread.

    Plus I'll miss all of you. :/

    We'll miss you too, @ythannah but know we'll be here waiting when you get back. Oh, and have fun!

  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KimFergie wrote: »
    Sometimes I eat an entire package of spaghetti, with just salt and margarine. An entire package. SMDH

    Ditto, but with ranch dressing. Sounds gross but it's so good haha!

    My stepdad's one relative put mayonnaise on his spaghetti. Yuck! I think he puts it on pretty much everything.

    When I was younger I would put weird stuff on popcorn like mayonnaise, mustard, & maybe ketchup.

    People think we're weird but my whole family (extended family included) loves potato chips with cottage cheese- such a guilty pleasure snack! When I go home (like I am this weekend) I can be sure to see my family eating it!

    My DH calls it "Heather's fat girl food" (and nope I'm not offended; I laugh every time) but when I was very heavy I used to LOVE nacho cheese doritos with either sour cream or cottage cheese. OMG so good! It's salty, creamy, cheesy goodness.

    I don't eat Doritos anymore because my stomach can't handle them :(

    Aw that's a shame! I LOVE cool ranch doritos! My tom go to foods are a bag of cool ranch doritos, a snickers bar, and Ben & Jerry's Half Baked :)

    I dated a guy who used the nacho cheese Doritos as a scoop to eat Spaghetti-O's. He made me try it, and ever since then I don't want any of those things. I like the ranch ones though!
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    I worked in the bar industry when i had my son. After I came back from maternity leave one lady asked me when i was due...I wanted to punch her in the face!

    No, the right answer is "three weeks ago [or whenever]". And then just stare at her, dead serious expression, and watch her turn red and stammer and stay silent as she tries frantically to apologize. She would never do it again after that :D

    Yep, I did that once. Still feel bad about it... :(
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm completely procrastinating on filling the dishwasher.

    The wife and I both hate doing that, we will use every dish in the house before loading it. If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is hire someone to load the dishwasher.

    I would hire someone to do my laundry. I hate doing laundry. I FULLY REALIZE it just involves sticking a bunch of clothes into a stupid machine, and then sticking them into another stupid machine. Doesn't matter. Still hate doing laundry.

    Will it make you jealous if I tell you that I have a fully automated washer that will wash, spin, and then dry the clothes, all in one machine? o:)

    Editing to add: Speaking of household chores that I can't stand... I hate, hate, HATE ironing.

    Um there is such a thing? Who makes it?

    I have a washer/dryer all in one too. It's pretty common in the UK where space is at a premium. I don't have a dishwasher though. Jealous of you people moaning about loading the dishwasher!

    Same. If someone asks if I have a dishwasher, I say "Yes", and point to myself.

    We do all our dishes by hand too.....don't you have to prewash most things before the dishwasher anyway?

    Nope. The instruction manual that came with my newest one stated pretty explicitly DO NOT PRE-RINSE DO NOT WASTE WATER.

    It's my third dishwasher and I've never prewashed or rinsed dishes except when they have egg or oatmeal. And my dishes can hang around in there for a week or longer when it's just me in the house, so stuff is pretty hardened by the time it gets washed.

    My dishwasher says the same thing, but I cannot stand to not pre-rinse. We always have. Thankfully my husband feels the same way. For me, it's more about the fact that we run our dishwasher once per week. There is nothing worse than opening the door to put something in there and be bombarded in the face with nasty smells! I suppose if I ran it every day I wouldn't pre-rinse, but that would be a huge waste of water as well.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Oh, I just remembered. To everyone who has read/is planning to read my book... First off, I'm seriously flattered. Second, I'd really, really love to know your (honest) opinion of what you thought of the book. :) I take constructive criticism well, but most of the Wattpad users that I know are of the type that think everyone needs a participation medal, and would never really tell me if the book stunk/needed improvement. So I'm not too confident about my writing skills when they're the only judges of the quality.

    I have to admit that ^that^ feels a bit like a self-promotion of sorts? It wasn't meant as one... And was also totally embarrassing to ask. Please feel free to ignore it if you don't want to give a review, I'm mostly just curious about what adult non-Muslim readers would think of the book. Almost every one of my readers is under 18, and they're all Muslim. You could say that I want an "outsider's" perspective. Oh God, I'm really making a mess of this, aren't I. I think I stuck my foot in my mouth here. Did I offend anyone? No? I hope not. :D

    Nothing that you said was offensive. You were asking for honest opinions from people outside your faith. Totally understandable!
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    Confession: I hate Facebook. Why does everyone feel the need to emotionally vomit everything they can possibly think of that happens in their life all over the feeds? Does nothing in life remain private anymore? :-/

    Editing to add: I'm obviously not dissing this confession thread--I love this thing. I'm referring to the people who like to air all of their dirty laundry and that of their family in public for all to see. I find it extremely distasteful.

    My "favorite" thing is when someone is fighting with their partner or a specific person and is posting all kinds of passive aggressive and hostile comments about it publicly instead of just messaging that person - or just talking to them in real life - because half the time they are sitting in the same house.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    arv51862 wrote: »
    Wow, This is a tough one but it will feel good to get the 'secret' off my chest...
    My profile pic, It's not really me...
    Whewwww, I feel better already ! =)

    Your honesty has inspired me... in the interests of full disclosure, I have to share that mine isn't me either.

    I refuse to accept this.

    Damn. Anonymity... out the window.

    After today I have 6 days' vacation. I have to admit that I'm getting a little anxious about being offline for long periods and 90 gazillion new posts appearing on this thread.

    Plus I'll miss all of you. :/

    We will miss you too!! Have a blast on your vacation though and can't wait to hear all about it!
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Oh, I just remembered. To everyone who has read/is planning to read my book... First off, I'm seriously flattered. Second, I'd really, really love to know your (honest) opinion of what you thought of the book. :) I take constructive criticism well, but most of the Wattpad users that I know are of the type that think everyone needs a participation medal, and would never really tell me if the book stunk/needed improvement. So I'm not too confident about my writing skills when they're the only judges of the quality.

    I have to admit that ^that^ feels a bit like a self-promotion of sorts? It wasn't meant as one... And was also totally embarrassing to ask. Please feel free to ignore it if you don't want to give a review, I'm mostly just curious about what adult non-Muslim readers would think of the book. Almost every one of my readers is under 18, and they're all Muslim. You could say that I want an "outsider's" perspective. Oh God, I'm really making a mess of this, aren't I. I think I stuck my foot in my mouth here. Did I offend anyone? No? I hope not. :D

    I'll make sure I send you some feedback after I read it on Saturday.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Guys, I think I'm in trouble. I just made these:
    (picture removed)
    ...And I think they're going to be lunch.

    Even though you're younger than me- will you be my mother? I hate baking! I need someone to do it for me! :)

    Consider yourself adopted, if you'll save me from myself by eating my baked goods. I LOVE to bake! But then I end up eating a little too much of what I baked... :p

    YAYY!! I would like some chocolate cake with white whipped cream icing :) Haha that is why I'm glad I hate baking because if I did I wouldn't be able to stop myself from eating everything I made!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    arv51862 wrote: »
    Wow, This is a tough one but it will feel good to get the 'secret' off my chest...
    My profile pic, It's not really me...
    Whewwww, I feel better already ! =)

    Your honesty has inspired me... in the interests of full disclosure, I have to share that mine isn't me either.

    I refuse to accept this.

    Damn. Anonymity... out the window.

    After today I have 6 days' vacation. I have to admit that I'm getting a little anxious about being offline for long periods and 90 gazillion new posts appearing on this thread.

    Plus I'll miss all of you. :/

    Awesome! We'll miss you too! Where are you going? Sorry, if you said and I missed it.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Confession: I really don't think today is going to be a good day, calorie-wise. I'm all cravey and my will power is hiding in a corner somewhere...

    I'm hungry today too. The only thing that's going to save me if I refuse to go to the store and buy junk to eat. So I have to eat what I brought to work.

    In other news, my weight was 189.8 this morning and I didn't have to resort to "drastic measures" to get it there.

    Awesome! Congratulations!

    Ahh sorry @Glinda1971 somehow I missed this- congrats!!! :) woo hoo!
  • JadaFerris
    JadaFerris Posts: 3 Member
    First confession as a newb: (just joined Monday)

    I'm hungry all.the.time.

    When I get hungry between meals, I drink a bottle of water, then chew gum. For hours until the next mealtime. :(

    Tell me it gets easier?? Ugh.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »

    So, this is the result of my late night Pinterest binge. Let's just hope I can actually stick to it....

    Edited to also say excuse the bad handwriting lol :flushed:

    You have amazing handwriting! Like, it should be a computer font. I would use that as a font.

    Aww, thank you! :)
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    I have to admit that geeking out with a bunch of you guys over Sims has made me want to play it again. But oh golly, is that thing ever a time suck! I purposely left my Sims CDs (The original game + a couple of the extensions) with my little brother when I got married and moved away, because I didn't want to drown in my fake life when I have a real life to live... A pretty boring one, but a real one. ;)

    I want to play now too. I almost actually played it on Monday night which is strange since it was before all you guys started talking about it again.

    I've done all the bad things to my Sims as well (take the ladder from the pool, lock them in without doors, etc).

    I actually saved up and bought a computer when I was younger JUST so I could play the original Sims game. :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Confession: I hate Facebook. Why does everyone feel the need to emotionally vomit everything they can possibly think of that happens in their life all over the feeds? Does nothing in life remain private anymore? :-/

    Editing to add: I'm obviously not dissing this confession thread--I love this thing. I'm referring to the people who like to air all of their dirty laundry and that of their family in public for all to see. I find it extremely distasteful.

    My "favorite" thing is when someone is fighting with their partner or a specific person and is posting all kinds of passive aggressive and hostile comments about it publicly instead of just messaging that person - or just talking to them in real life - because half the time they are sitting in the same house.

    Exactly! I also especially hate the dramatic "fishing" ones where they say something totally vague like... "I'm so sad..." or "I can't believe this!! Ugh!!" and wait for everyone to ask what's wrong and if they're okay. -_-
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here is a picture of my lovely bruise. My leg is really swollen, it hurts constantly, and my foot keeps falling asleep. I think working out this week was not the best idea, but I'm trying to do all I can before I go on vacation and have to be seen in public in a bikini. Yellow means it's healing, right?!

    Yowza! That looks painful!
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    Confession: I hate Facebook. Why does everyone feel the need to emotionally vomit everything they can possibly think of that happens in their life all over the feeds? Does nothing in life remain private anymore? :-/

    Editing to add: I'm obviously not dissing this confession thread--I love this thing. I'm referring to the people who like to air all of their dirty laundry and that of their family in public for all to see. I find it extremely distasteful.

    My "favorite" thing is when someone is fighting with their partner or a specific person and is posting all kinds of passive aggressive and hostile comments about it publicly instead of just messaging that person - or just talking to them in real life - because half the time they are sitting in the same house.

    Exactly! I also especially hate the dramatic "fishing" ones where they say something totally vague like... "I'm so sad..." or "I can't believe this!! Ugh!!" and wait for everyone to ask what's wrong and if they're okay. -_-

    Ugh, my terrible SIL is guilty of both of these. Hence, the "terrible".