

  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I've eaten over my calories for the day and it's only 7, and I can't exercise because of the storm. Oh well. I'll just drink a lot of tea and not eat anything else today, and be better tomorrow.

    Other confession: I'm having trouble finding a summer job because a.) I have no work experience, b.) I don't like talking on the phone, c.) I don't like (all) children, and d.) I have basically no transportation. I wish there were a job where people could email me documents and I could check them for grammar and spelling but microsoft word does that already. Or give me physical documents for me to type into a word processor. Unfortunately there is not a large market for either of these -__-
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here is a picture of my lovely bruise. My leg is really swollen, it hurts constantly, and my foot keeps falling asleep. I think working out this week was not the best idea, but I'm trying to do all I can before I go on vacation and have to be seen in public in a bikini. Yellow means it's healing, right?!


    Oh wow. That is a big bruise. I hope that you are okay. Hopefully it will be gone by the time you go on vacation (I think it will be).

    Me too. Yes, the yellow means the bruise is healing, but the foot numbness concerns me. If that doesn't go away completely after the bruise fades I'd have it checked out. Could be some nerve damage or something. Be careful!

    Duly noted. Thank you.

    I must have missed what happened to your leg? why is your foot numb??
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I've eaten over my calories for the day and it's only 7, and I can't exercise because of the storm. Oh well. I'll just drink a lot of tea and not eat anything else today, and be better tomorrow.

    Other confession: I'm having trouble finding a summer job because a.) I have no work experience, b.) I don't like talking on the phone, c.) I don't like (all) children, and d.) I have basically no transportation. I wish there were a job where people could email me documents and I could check them for grammar and spelling but microsoft word does that already. Or give me physical documents for me to type into a word processor. Unfortunately there is not a large market for either of these -__-

    There are jobs online of filling out surveys? Could look into that?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KimFergie wrote: »
    Sometimes I eat an entire package of spaghetti, with just salt and margarine. An entire package. SMDH

    Ditto, but with ranch dressing. Sounds gross but it's so good haha!

    My stepdad's one relative put mayonnaise on his spaghetti. Yuck! I think he puts it on pretty much everything.

    When I was younger I would put weird stuff on popcorn like mayonnaise, mustard, & maybe ketchup.

    People think we're weird but my whole family (extended family included) loves potato chips with cottage cheese- such a guilty pleasure snack! When I go home (like I am this weekend) I can be sure to see my family eating it!

    My DH calls it "Heather's fat girl food" (and nope I'm not offended; I laugh every time) but when I was very heavy I used to LOVE nacho cheese doritos with either sour cream or cottage cheese. OMG so good! It's salty, creamy, cheesy goodness.

    I don't eat Doritos anymore because my stomach can't handle them :(

    Dortitos with dill pickle dip.....mmmmmmm

    I am starving right now, we are going to ribfest in an hour....

    I saw you mention this earlier - what exactly is it?

    It is a food festival where six of the best ribbers in the province get together a different city per weekend and serve BBQ chicken, ribs, pulled pork and corn bread. Then there are other vendors that do like corn, fries/potatoes, and desserts like deep fried cheesecake, funnel cake, fresh doughnuts etc. The ribbers get judged on best sauce, best ribs etc. There is also live bands and vendors selling things like bags or jewelry and whatnot. It is a bit expensive, but so worth it....I have gone three years in a row, this is my daughter's first time, she is really excited and we are both starving lol. So, with that, I am off to shower and go eat some meat!!

    Ah, we have something similar here. Just went last month. I'm vegetarian, but my husband and kids sure love all the BBQ! There are also bands and vendors and games and rides for the kids. Have fun!

    We did and now are ready to slip into a nice comfy food coma.....
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    levan11 wrote: »
    I'm a bit behind but had to chime in on the road rage thing. Apparently it's no joke these days. Last year there was an incident where a father and son were being tailgated by someone for quite awhile so they pulled into the parking lot of my gym (not necessarily for any type of confrontation I don't think, just to let the guy pass), but the guy followed them into the parking lot and SHOT them. The son actually died. Way too many crazies these days.

    That is absolutely awful! I've gotten angry at other drivers on more than one occasion...but I can't imagine someone being so angry that they feel the need to shoot/kill someone!
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I mentioned before how much I love hot sauce... I bought a bottle of Frank's last week and already it's almost gone. Frank's hot sauce isn't very spicy at all (I could probaby drink the whole bottle and not get much of a burn) but it's DELICIOUS to me. It just tastes so good. I've been pouring it onto a spoon and eating it on its own :neutral:

    I told my mom that I had bought some and she said ''Awww man, we brought you up two bottles!'' So now I have a lot of Frank's... it'll be gone soon enough :lol:

    I love hot sauce too! I use apple cider vinegar, hot sauce, and Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb spice as my salad dressing every day. And hot sauce goes on pretty much everything else too! I use a bottle of it every week...just for myself.
    I've been doing pretty much the same thing- yesterday I ate a big bowl of spinach and cucumbers with hot sauce, rice wine vinegar, and some spices that I randomly threw in. The good thing about that meal/snack is that it was virtually no calories at all, and I find it so delicious.

    Yes, same! I pair my salad with that "dressing", an egg white/cheese pita sandwich, and raw veggies dipped in spicy mustard for my lunch every day and it's 190-220 calories (depending on which/how much veggies I have) and keeps me full!!! Love it.

    I would probably get eaten for ever daring to promote a cauliflower substitution for ANYTHING in the main forums, but what's probably my most favorite meal on the planet right now is mixed fried cauliflower "rice". It's the only thing I've ever tasted in which cauliflower actually tastes like/has the texture of the real thing, and I can eat a bowl the size of my head for less than 400 calories. I'm seriously in love with it. It is SO GOOD. *drool*

    Yeah... I made some. Ate the whole thing (seriously, a whole cauliflower plus all the toppings etc). I managed to make myself sick of it after one attempt. Go me.

    Still love cauliflower but nope that way anymore LOL.

    Trying to catch up... you all have been busy. I went to see Jurassic World instead of working out. Then got home, made myself a huge salad... and had 3 cookies and 2 squares of chocolate. Should still be within my calories though (there's a school party with food trucks tonight but I'm having dinner before going, I don't need a 1200 calories meal).

    How was it?
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited June 2015
    Wow, I've missed so much. I tried catching up but ya'll are just too confession-happy :wink:

    I haven't noticed any ant problems where I'm at, but we did see this creature on our office doors this morning.

    I confess I took an alternate route into the office to avoid it.

    Time to burn down your office.

    :sweat_smile: Yea, apparently this ancient looking creature from the void is called a Dobsonfly and is relatively harmless. See those scary-*kitten* pincers? Those are just to impress the ladies. The females have much smaller ones that can actually bite you!

    It's even scarier when it's in the larvae stage & is called a Hellgrammite.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Today's confession.

    I brought up the stepdaughter thing with my husband yesterday because we haven't seen or heard from her since she graced us with her presence Monday, and it did not go well. I think I might be PMSing because I lost it. I yelled, said things I shouldn't have, then cried afterward. I felt bad because I started in on him basically as soon as he walked in the door. He told me he should have just stayed at work. I hate it when he says that.

    Anyway, after both of us calmed down, he said that I need to let him handle things his way but he is going to talk to her. I will not be a part of that conversation which is best for everyone. He expressed that he doesn't feel like she's taking advantage of us because he's her dad and he would do the same for Rachael. He also said this is NOT how he pictured a life with her and he's very upset (sad) that she doesn't want to be in our circle (I laughed a little when he described our family as a circle).

    I appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers because I don't want this to put a strain on our marriage especially when we leave for Florida in 15 days and we're getting ready to celebrate 15 years of marriage.

    On a positive note, if I'm PMSing this early, that means my period is coming soon and I'll be done before my trip.

    I hope he does talk to her and it all works out for your family! Is Rachael going on vacation with you and hubby?

    Um, no. This is really like a belated honeymoon since we didn't have one the first time around. She's pretty peeved about not going, but I told her that I've waited 15 years for this so she'll just have to get over it. She's going later in July with my mom anyway, so it's not like she's not going to miss out. Really, the only things she'll miss out on are our incessant make out sessions, hand holding, and occasional (probably more on his part) butt grabbing/patting. I'm sure she's not at all sad about missing out on those things. :wink:

    I hope things work out too because we REALLY do want her to be a part of our circle. :smile:

    We got married last March - honeymoon was Maui in April. We were the only old people constantly making out in the pool at our resort. We had a very quiet beach at night. Let me just tell you this - sand doesn't give as much as you may think. Sex on the beach wasn't nearly as much fun as I thought it was going to be.

    It really isn't :disappointed:

    OMG reminded me - in the Bahamas last week, hubby was snorkeling and snorkeled right up on a couple having sex in the water! LOL!

    Ahahahahaha! Whoops. Who was more embarrassed, him, or them? :smiley:

    ETA: That won't be happening either.

    Oh. Now sex in the water, that I would recommend. ;)
    Easier for him to hold you up in the water than in the shower.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Update on the biopsy, they got the results really fast... and there is no cancer - no concerns! WooHoo! Now time for my weekend to begin.

    Yay!! Great news!!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Just have to share, I had an add for Pure Protein Bars on my homepage. Why does MFP want me to have diarrhea? :/

    Well, you said you wanted to get ahead a couple of pounds before vacation. Just trying to help. Lol
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Today's confession.

    I brought up the stepdaughter thing with my husband yesterday because we haven't seen or heard from her since she graced us with her presence Monday, and it did not go well. I think I might be PMSing because I lost it. I yelled, said things I shouldn't have, then cried afterward. I felt bad because I started in on him basically as soon as he walked in the door. He told me he should have just stayed at work. I hate it when he says that.

    Anyway, after both of us calmed down, he said that I need to let him handle things his way but he is going to talk to her. I will not be a part of that conversation which is best for everyone. He expressed that he doesn't feel like she's taking advantage of us because he's her dad and he would do the same for Rachael. He also said this is NOT how he pictured a life with her and he's very upset (sad) that she doesn't want to be in our circle (I laughed a little when he described our family as a circle).

    I appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers because I don't want this to put a strain on our marriage especially when we leave for Florida in 15 days and we're getting ready to celebrate 15 years of marriage.

    On a positive note, if I'm PMSing this early, that means my period is coming soon and I'll be done before my trip.

    I really hope you guys are sort this out and come up with a solution that works for all three of you!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Confession: I mentioned before that we had some family issues going on that were making me more stressed and depressed than usual. Because of those, we had an uninvited and unexpected houseguest staying in our tiny apartment for the last three weeks, and I seriously resented the intrustion on my privacy--I'm horribly antisocial and hate being around people--especially strange people--for long amounts of time, and having one in my "safe place" was killing me.

    Anyhow, she finally left last night. And this morning, the first thing I did when I woke up? I went to the bathroom to pee and yelled out to my husband (who was still in bed, trying to sleep), "HEY, HUSBAND! LOOK AT ME, I'M PEEING WITH THE DOOR OPEN! JUST BECAUSE I CAN! HA. TAKE THAT, [PERSON]!" ;)

    I may be a little strange... My husband definitely thinks so.

    Haha! I love it!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Today's confession.

    I brought up the stepdaughter thing with my husband yesterday because we haven't seen or heard from her since she graced us with her presence Monday, and it did not go well. I think I might be PMSing because I lost it. I yelled, said things I shouldn't have, then cried afterward. I felt bad because I started in on him basically as soon as he walked in the door. He told me he should have just stayed at work. I hate it when he says that.

    Anyway, after both of us calmed down, he said that I need to let him handle things his way but he is going to talk to her. I will not be a part of that conversation which is best for everyone. He expressed that he doesn't feel like she's taking advantage of us because he's her dad and he would do the same for Rachael. He also said this is NOT how he pictured a life with her and he's very upset (sad) that she doesn't want to be in our circle (I laughed a little when he described our family as a circle).

    I appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers because I don't want this to put a strain on our marriage especially when we leave for Florida in 15 days and we're getting ready to celebrate 15 years of marriage.

    On a positive note, if I'm PMSing this early, that means my period is coming soon and I'll be done before my trip.

    I really hope you guys are sort this out and come up with a solution that works for all three of you!

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited June 2015
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    annette_15 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I might get a little too excited about my breakfast every morning...and it's the same thing every day. It is just so good that I can't bring myself to have anything else.
    I also confess that I don't mind listening to my son's DJ Shuffle Volume One cd when driving in the car. I actually really enjoy it and sing along to all the songs. I get sad when he wants to switch to a different cd.

    What do you eat for breakfast??

    454g (2 cups) of Fage 0% plain greek yogurt, 140g frozen strawberries(defrosted for about 30 still slightly frozen, but soft), 10g(2 tbsp.) of Hersheys Special Dark Unsweetened Cocoa, and a generous amount of sweetener(I use Stevia) to taste. Mix it all up...A LOT of food, very filling, and only 330 calories.
    Sometimes if I'm out of strawberries, I'll use chopped raw apple(about 100g), OR 122g(1/2 cup) of canned pumpkin, and cinnamon in place of the cocoa. Also delicious for the same amount of calories.

    Ahh, yeah that does sound really good!

    I do a 90-minute work out every morning and it's all I think my reward for getting up at 4:00am and busting my butt. It's like a chocolate pudding with strawberries...and so much of it! :) The other ones are good apple pie and pumpkin pie flavored yogurt. Mmmm... now I'm excited for tomorrow morning.

    I was on one of those kicks several years ago. But I was doing 90 min. straight cardio sessions on either the treadmill or the elliptical. It was a great stress reliever and I was so physically tired by the end of the day that I slept great! But, for me, I was concerned I was risking an over use injury and was worried that I'd become reliant on that much cardio to maintain my size, so I cut back. Now I do 30 - 40 min. cardio sessions 3 - 4 days per week and lifting is my main source of exercise. I feel better and am really happy to have so much time back in my day, but I do get a little jealous when I see others doing that much.

    I'm very shy and would never go to a gym or run outside where people can see me. I also have to work out early in the morning before my son gets up...because my husband is getting ready/going to work. Anyway so yeah, I have to work out at home and always did the treadmill. I never minded it and, as you said, it was a great stress reliever. However, I've now started doing 30 minutes of circuit training(video) and then the remaining time on the treadmill. We have an elliptical too but I almost never use it.
    As you mentioned, I do rely on it to maintain my size. I admit that I do cardio/treadmill so much because of all of the stress/emotional eating I've done over the past year and it's the only way I know I can keep myself from gaining a bunch of weight.
    Every day when I wake up, I have no clue if I'll end up giving in to a binge and killing my calorie goal by 2000-3000. I am jealous that you slept good though...that's something that I struggle with...which also doesn't help when trying to not gain or give into binges.

    Good idea to add in circuit training. But from your picture you clearly have nothing to hide by going to a gym or being seen in public! I used to be that way, though, so I understand. Now? Don't care. I work out in the weight room along with all the young men (I go to the gym early to late afternoon and it seems to be all youngsters) and don't care at all. I just do my thing.

    Thanks. I've just always been really shy..especially about people looking at me doing things. Like, I HATED gym class where people would see me trying to do a sport...or doing a presentation in a class. I used to hate walking into restaurants, bars, a party or any crowded place first(I always made someone else walk in in front of me...or I'd get there early). Eating in restaurants, I like to face the direction that has the least amount of people facing me. I'm a little better son makes it easier. He's always with me so he gets most of the attention! :)
    But yeah...I wish I could just not care. :neutral:

    I wish there was a way to teach people how to not care! I feel like it makes life a little bit easier. I'm on the far side of the end of that spectrum haha I have no shame and give no *kitten* :) Life is too short to worry so much about what others think. I guess it's easier said than done though as my mother says I've been this way since birth haha

    I wish you could teach me too! ;) I really am getting better at it though..I used to be really bad.
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I might get a little too excited about my breakfast every morning...and it's the same thing every day. It is just so good that I can't bring myself to have anything else.
    I also confess that I don't mind listening to my son's DJ Shuffle Volume One cd when driving in the car. I actually really enjoy it and sing along to all the songs. I get sad when he wants to switch to a different cd.

    I always get excited when it's breakfast time & I can eat my Quest bar again. My favorite at the moment is White Chocolate Raspberry. I still want to try the mint one.

    It's definitely the meal I am most excited about each day...unless we go out for dinner at a restaurant...then I'm pumped and save up calories for the day. And I'll admit, I've never tried a Quest bar...but plan to at some point.
    Were you one of the people that commented about trying the pb and powdered sugar? If so, let me know if/when you try it and what you think. It's a very dangerous combination for me...I had to throw out the bag of powdered sugar. I can't throw out pb because my son loves his pb&j sandwiches. :)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here is a picture of my lovely bruise. My leg is really swollen, it hurts constantly, and my foot keeps falling asleep. I think working out this week was not the best idea, but I'm trying to do all I can before I go on vacation and have to be seen in public in a bikini. Yellow means it's healing, right?!


    Oh wow. That is a big bruise. I hope that you are okay. Hopefully it will be gone by the time you go on vacation (I think it will be).

    Me too. Yes, the yellow means the bruise is healing, but the foot numbness concerns me. If that doesn't go away completely after the bruise fades I'd have it checked out. Could be some nerve damage or something. Be careful!

    Duly noted. Thank you.

    I must have missed what happened to your leg? why is your foot numb??

    My husband and I are the youth group leaders in our church and we were playing softball and I was pitching, well one of the boys hit a grounder right into my shin. It happened so fast I didn't have time to react. Needless to say, it hurts. Not sure why my foot is falling asleep but I just noticed I have bruising on the top of it so that might be why.

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    levan11 wrote: »
    I'm a bit behind but had to chime in on the road rage thing. Apparently it's no joke these days. Last year there was an incident where a father and son were being tailgated by someone for quite awhile so they pulled into the parking lot of my gym (not necessarily for any type of confrontation I don't think, just to let the guy pass), but the guy followed them into the parking lot and SHOT them. The son actually died. Way too many crazies these days.

    That is absolutely awful! I've gotten angry at other drivers on more than one occasion...but I can't imagine someone being so angry that they feel the need to shoot/kill someone!
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I mentioned before how much I love hot sauce... I bought a bottle of Frank's last week and already it's almost gone. Frank's hot sauce isn't very spicy at all (I could probaby drink the whole bottle and not get much of a burn) but it's DELICIOUS to me. It just tastes so good. I've been pouring it onto a spoon and eating it on its own :neutral:

    I told my mom that I had bought some and she said ''Awww man, we brought you up two bottles!'' So now I have a lot of Frank's... it'll be gone soon enough :lol:

    I love hot sauce too! I use apple cider vinegar, hot sauce, and Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb spice as my salad dressing every day. And hot sauce goes on pretty much everything else too! I use a bottle of it every week...just for myself.
    I've been doing pretty much the same thing- yesterday I ate a big bowl of spinach and cucumbers with hot sauce, rice wine vinegar, and some spices that I randomly threw in. The good thing about that meal/snack is that it was virtually no calories at all, and I find it so delicious.

    Yes, same! I pair my salad with that "dressing", an egg white/cheese pita sandwich, and raw veggies dipped in spicy mustard for my lunch every day and it's 190-220 calories (depending on which/how much veggies I have) and keeps me full!!! Love it.

    I would probably get eaten for ever daring to promote a cauliflower substitution for ANYTHING in the main forums, but what's probably my most favorite meal on the planet right now is mixed fried cauliflower "rice". It's the only thing I've ever tasted in which cauliflower actually tastes like/has the texture of the real thing, and I can eat a bowl the size of my head for less than 400 calories. I'm seriously in love with it. It is SO GOOD. *drool*

    Yeah... I made some. Ate the whole thing (seriously, a whole cauliflower plus all the toppings etc). I managed to make myself sick of it after one attempt. Go me.

    Still love cauliflower but nope that way anymore LOL.

    Trying to catch up... you all have been busy. I went to see Jurassic World instead of working out. Then got home, made myself a huge salad... and had 3 cookies and 2 squares of chocolate. Should still be within my calories though (there's a school party with food trucks tonight but I'm having dinner before going, I don't need a 1200 calories meal).

    I have made a curry cauliflower dish for years but I have not made it for while. I'm going to have to fix that problem soon.

    Recipe? Pretty please?

    Has anyone else been getting randomly added by people you've never interacted with in the forums or anywhere? I find it annoying, especially because my profile is designed to avert friend-collecting friend requests. They don't even bother to leave a message with the request, which means they probably didn't even read my profile... So why add me at all? :-/

    I have no idea how having friends on here even works. I had one person send me a request after reading my first post on this thread...but I've never seen her post in here since responding to that post of mine. I've gotten a few random ones with no messages. I only accepted the one from this thread although we don't ever interact so I don't get it?? And I'm too shy to send any...

    I get a ton of random ones-from where I have no clue! I deny all those because while I like having friends on here of course but it's easier accepting friends requests from people you know from threads because then at least you know who they are and what they're about :)

    I once had a request from someone that had over 3,000 friends on here. Seriously, what do you need with that many friends? On my older name I could barely function with 30-40.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Just have to share, I had an add for Pure Protein Bars on my homepage. Why does MFP want me to have diarrhea? :/
    It doesn't. It wants you to cleanse.

    Maybe it's prepping me for my vacation. Maybe I should thank it for being so thoughtful.

  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    Ryudori wrote: »
    Confession: I'm terribly immature and I giggle every time I see someone post a topic like "Tips for eating out."

    I had to sit through safety training a couple months ago and the instructor kept saying "the erection of scaffolding" or "erecting scaffolding" and I giggled every time.

    I'm still WAYYYY behind...but we have a client that operates cranes named "Gibbons Erection" ...

    ...and every time they pop up on my caller ID I picture a horny monkey abusing himself on the other end of the line.

  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    I have 2 confessions.

    1. My HUGE naked *kitten* has hung in a public art gallery for the world to see. Worst thing is it was a self portrait lol

    2. I also write erotic fiction.

    Those are strong first contributions to this post. Well done! @asflatasapancake take note!!!

    Agreed. Welcome aboard.

  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    MilicaX wrote: »
    I have a drug problem.

    Seek help sooner rather than later! Trust me. 11 days in detox, 35 days in rehab and a move to a place I didn't know a soul and now 8 years clean!!


    Sober 3.5 years...and I'm SO P*SSED that I didn't do it 10 years ago!!

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here is a picture of my lovely bruise. My leg is really swollen, it hurts constantly, and my foot keeps falling asleep. I think working out this week was not the best idea, but I'm trying to do all I can before I go on vacation and have to be seen in public in a bikini. Yellow means it's healing, right?!


    Ouch; hopefully, it's healed before vacation.

    Speaking of bruises do any of you see a bruise & touch it to see if it hurts LOL?

    I don't have to touch this one to know.