

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    metallaxi wrote: »
    :) jogging over 1 hour on the road by the seaside where I live, nice summer morning cool breeze

    That sounds heavenly. Where are you located?

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    kathyrain wrote: »
    New here.....Kathy from Virginia

    Welcome. Glad you found us. A great group.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Good morning, all... yes, running yesterday did indeed shake off the post-event blahs.

    Welcome to the all the newbies! We're kinda international around these parts... (sorry, Leslie! couldn't find a smiley with a Tasmanian flag, I did try... :wink: ) lots of folks from both sides of the various ponds. Join in, tell us who you are, what you'd like to be called, what your goals are for June, and join in the conversation wherever and whenever...

    All the non-scale movers… I had a two-week stall, which drove me insane...EVERYone told me you must bring your calories up, you’re eating too little, and I resisted, and I resisted, and felt guilty for every extra calorie, and I did it and I’ve dropped a number of pounds in the last two weeks. While, as my beloved says, “A double-blind study would require you wear a blindfold on both sides of your head,” and this is only anecdotal, I do agree with the ones who say it’s worth changing your calorie count or your exercise up or down for a week or two to shake your body out of its groove if you’re stuck. I'm always kind of shocked when I get on the scale in the morning and it doesn't go UP.

    Yanniejannie – I struggle every night to get even six hours sleep, and the Fitbit’s proving it, which is a good thing I guess? I don’t know. I was hoping regular exercise would even it out and it seemed to for a while, but I’m back to five or six hours at most. Not sure what would change it—but won’t go back to sedating myself with food, which is the only thing that seems to make me sleep more…

    So many of you - I started listing the names, but there were so many! Thank you all for the compliment on the picture--My favorite six-foot-tall niece, who is drop-dead gorgeous, came on Facebook, saw that picture and told me how much I look like her grandma, my Mama. Made me tear up, as she knew it would. I appreciate the compliments from y’all so much, you know as few do how we concentrate on what is yet to go away, like the bingo wings. Sylvia - I've started wearing tank tops, as you saw in the picture, and acknowledging that the skin's just not going away... But I can't bring myself to wear shorts, and I'm thinking I never will. Tight jeans are the best girdle known to womankind, as far as I'm concerned. rotfl.gif

    Jules – The book is This Little Pig, A Flak Anders Mystery… and I know I’ve sworn off beating y’all about the head and shoulders with my books, but I just approved the proof of “She’s Thinking Out Loud,” so the print will be available on Amazon in 24-72 hours, and in e-book form as soon as I can get it reformatted… It’s NOT a mystery book, but a collection of my op/eds, which range from funny to inflammatory. You can always check my author page at Amazon anytime to see what’s available. Do a search for “Lisa C Hannon.” May the good Lord bless and keep him, my husband married two women named Lisa, and so I use the middle initial religiously! My personal website is www.lisachannon.com, as well, and announcements of new and upcoming books can be found there, too.

    Heather in the UK – your personal story gives me so much hope that I will eventually be to the point where one single pound lost makes me so happy—and will not looking at a huge wall of 40-something left to lose, which sometimes feels insurmountable. Congratulations on that pound, and so hope your floppy disk drive can rescue your history! I’ve got stuff going back decades as well… but have converted as I went. Benefits of geeky grrrldom. :D

    Barbie – I LOVE that phrase “Don’t count them, tend to them.” Love the fuzzy furbabies, too... :smiley:

    Mary from MN – I’ve moved 30 times in my adult life, as an ex-Air Force wife, and hoping the next ten years keeps us right here… I have so much sympathy for what you’re going through. And yes, your belongings do have relations behind your back and spawn things you have never seen before. Mine always did. I still find stuff I’ve never seen before in my jewelry box. I’d say I’m prematurely senile, but I’m no longer sure it’s premature!

    Joyce from IN – No, the ex is no longer slim and trim. When I married him, he was 5’10, weighed about 125. Seriously. Skinny as a rail. But then, so was I—we were both Air Force. He’s Czech descent, and had high cheekbones and a chiseled jaw. He was always very pale, and had an overbite, but was overall a nice-looking man. In the recent picture, he was wearing white pants, shirt and jacket had a gut that was out to yonder, had completely lost all his hair. It was as if… well, to be completely uncharitable, as if the Michelin Man had illicit relations with an albino beaver. I will go to hell in every possible religion for laughing at that picture, I know, but it genuinely caught me by surprise. smiley-ashamed002.gif

    Pip/Poop – I get what you’re saying about exercise I think. It’s what I’ve been trying to do, and you’ve already done. Even on the days we whine (and there have been a few of mine, but I’ve really only been back on this horse for the last 80 days or so) if we’ve gotten to the point we need to be, we actually feel guilty when we don’t exercise. I know I do. I have to give my knees a break one day a week or they start breaking down, and I know it. And I STILL feel guilty when I don’t run. Now, mood, or no mood, rain or no rain, sun or no sun, I put the headphones on, and I run. smiley-sport033.gif

    Another person said something about “all the gear.” That’s part of it too… I’ve trimmed everything I could OUT of the exercise equation. Everything I looked at and said “I can’t run without…” I quit using. No weights, no gloves, nothing except music. The music keeps me from thinking about how much it hurts and how hard it is to breathe and how hot it is (or cold or wet or dry or whatever). I just keep matching my feet to the rhythm until I can’t anymore…

    I’m not saying I’m all that and a bag of chips—but I am saying I was the master, and I can't emphasize this enough--much as I want to blame my ex--every single one of us are the masters of self-sabotage. That’s why we’re here. However, we can swap that around if we choose and groove that the other direction. We are the only ones who can. ‘Cause the last time I looked, the only voice inside my head is my own.

    So far. Check back tomorrow. Could be anybody in here! smiley-char064.gif

    Lisa H in West Texas

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    So much to catch up on this morning. It will have to wait till later. However I wanted to share that I had a weight loss this morning of 0.2 pounds! It is definitely because of all the wonderful support I received here!
    Will check back later to catch up and report today's doings!

    Cheri (in weight loss happyland this morning :) )
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! Today I am going to mow the lawn for three hours. I love doing that it is so relaxing! Then of course I will be packing!

    Joyce - my DH where's a CPAP mask as well because of it I have to wear earplugs. It does leave marks on his face but they go away.

    Allison - very encouraging! You choose your life and happiness. That is why you are here. You are choosing to make a change, together we will!

    Heather-weights to make your body transform. Any type of strength training really is beneficial isn't it!

    Barbie- you have such cute puppies!

    MNMargaret- have a safe trip home!

    Kathy - glad you're here! There are a couple of ladies that do the 5K.

    Janetr- congratulations on your loss! Recording and exercising really works.

    Lisa - congratulations on your loss! Sometimes your body tries to hold on if you eat too little.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Keeping a friends fur baby. She's an Springer Spaniel. The two look like mutt and jeff following each other around the house. When they look out the glass front door and start barking at anyone walking by, it's a hoot.

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Keeping a friend's pup this week. She's a Springer Spaniel. With my Pom they look like Mutt and Jeff. They enjoy looking out the front glassed in door and bark at anyone walking down the street. Her bark sounds like a bugle.

  • KIL1810
    KIL1810 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone....I was taking a few moments to explore MFP & found you :).....so glad I did. I'm a little new to posting on forums, so you may find me lurking more than participating...but I have already been motivated by all of you :)
    Kathleen (Toronto, Canada)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    morning peepsters and welcome new peep-stees !

    another busy day. at least kirby is off and we'll be able to go workout together.

    lhannonm- well.... i AM sayin i am all that and a bag of chips. i may not b the flavor other people like, just my kind of chips (if i ate them) :0/ u r right, for music, i am very beat oriented. i run to the pace that i run at so it keeps me on beat, so my playlist (when i run) is called beat jogging. when i first started the beat was slower, as i got faster, then i would have to drop that song and add one that is more to the pace that i'm now running at. lately, i have been running only on an incline and i HATE hills, but you do what you gotta do right? kirby just told me he wants to run 10 miles. ughhh.... i'll decide if i am gonna do the 10 with him or if i will change it up and do other stuff while he does his 10... i will decide when i get there. later peeps

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Well here it is.... MFP says I have logged in for 365 days!! YEAH... if I knew how to find all those smiley's I would fill the page.

    THANK YOU to everyone on here. I have not always responded to you but you have all motivated me in one way or another. Your struggles, your achievements, your NSV's. Love the jokes, the pictures.


    I didn't take measurements or pictures when I started my journey. :'( However I have seen myself in other people's pictures, that has been enough of an incentive for me. After a comment on here about looking in the mirror and seeing a change for the good... I thought - well I can do this. WELL... yes - my baby fat roll that I have had for 27 years is disappearing. Sure there are dimples and wrinkles there BUT it is going away and the scale is going down. How do I do it? Be very aware what I am eating, LOG every bite!!! Drink WATER WATER WATER!!! WALK WALK WALK.... no I don't do sit-ups. I use hand weights when I walk and this is helping to tone my back boobs and my arms.

    It is overcast and cool here today and is supposed to be all week, with showers. so I am going to get the rest of my bedding plants potted and out into the yard. It will also be easier to walk today so will definitely get my 10,000 steps in.

    So.... have a great day everyone. Persistence pays off.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Poops, was wondering when that hunk was gonna go blond. Don’t forget to share a pic for us.

    I haven’t lost anywhere near the weight you have so I can’t begin to imagine what your lose skin is like. I know what mine looks like and what a disappointment it is, considering that is the actual main reason I started exercising. But what I can tell you is about the lady at the restaurant last night. She was really obese and shoveling in food. I can’t judge weight but know she was well over 300 lbs and all I know is, I’d rather have folds of lose skin that I have to keep covered, than look and feel like her. Remind yourself that we are beautiful people no matter how much lose skin we have and that this journey is about health as much as our vanity. You know you feel so much better and only forget what you looked like to others. You are such a wonderful person that you family wants and needs around for a long time, so try to embrace the new you and just keep getting healthier. I for one, am so proud of what you have done to get all that lose skin. Hopefully, with time, some of it will disappear but if not, please don’t let it define you. We love you!!! ROFL, love the joke. It has been a while since I heard it and as DH says, I forget so much that everything is new to me. Lol

    Chana, welcome. This is a great group for support and information. Wow, great job on your weight loss. We have many ladies here that have reached their goals and are simply maintaining so they don’t gain it back. This is a great place to come every day to stay on the right track. Good luck.

    , oh, I misunderstood and thought you went to work for him. Me=confused??? I can’t imagine. Well then, how nice that you got to go with and stay with a doc that you liked. Okay, what was your MIL going to get for a surprise gift and who was it for?? (You can’t leave me hanging here!)

    Allison, I don’t know why, but just had an idea. Since DH loves your strawberry jam so much, the next time he is a jerk, try to bribe him with it. LOL He needs to realize all the wonderful things you bring to that marriage and learn to appreciate you for it.

    , you made a very good point about us learning to put ourselves at the top of the list for commitments. We all know we are worth it, but somehow are raised to always put others first. Well I think we are all old enough that we have put others first for long enough. Here’s to us!!

    Barbie, when you say you got up early, I know you mean “early”. The poodles look ready for their walks. (even if this picture was taken at another time.) Have a great day!!

    Kathy, welcome to a group of very supportive and informative ladies. It sounds like you know what you are doing, so join right in and post when you feel like it. Enjoy the journey.

    Janetr, a big CONGRATS on your weight loss. Keep up the good work.

    Lisa, with the weight you started with, I’d think you would soon be at the point of celebrating a 1 lb loss. I do know what you mean because when I started, they came off so much easier. But, geeze, after weeks of no loss, a pound seems like a ton. Lol Okay, ROFLMAO about your remarks on ex. Too funny for sure. “Michelin Man had illicit relations with an albino beaver”. You writers have a way with words.

    Cheri, congrats on your loss.

    Peach, they are cuties. How long are you babysitting?

    Kathleen, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Come often and post when you feel like it. Tell us a bit more about yourself, like how long on MFP, weight goals, life goals, family, whatever? We are happy to have you with us.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I slept well last night, which I do most of the time. I really feel for those who have a hard time getting a good night’s sleep because that can really affect your day. I’m going to do exercises and then figure out what I want to do with the rest of my day. Do I sit and read or get something done around the house? Heck, I might do some of each. DH went grocery shopping bright and early this morning and bought some large packages of chicken breast and ground chuck, so I need to divide them up to freeze. He is such a good shopper and keeps up with all the sales. If he weren’t here, I’ll bet I’d spend twice as much on groceries. He is such a dear. It’s going to be very hot and humid so whatever I do will be inside.

    Have a wonderful day my friends and stay cool. B)

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    For weeks, the scale's been hovering around 162 to 163.5, though net Cals rose above goal (which predictive text just tried to turn into "above God"!!!) only 3 days since May 15. Today, UNDER 160!!!!! I don't usually break out the bangs (editor slang for !!s), but I'm excited!!! So excited I got in 1200 steps in front of the mirror rather than my usual 300 - 400. YAHOO!!! WHOOP JAMBOREE!!!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    Love the picture of Brandy and Sasha give them treats from me
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    Hi My name is Kate and I turned 50 in April. I have been depressed for 7 years and live alone. I have little support. I have always been over weight. Since my depression I have become a couch potato and lost all muscle tone. The Good news is I have taken back control. I will not be depressed any more.
    In March I started to cycle under a Cycle for health scheme to get me out of the house and fitter.
    Goals for June
    Keep a food diary for the whole month
    Do more cycling - aiming for 3 times a week. I do 3.4 miles twice a week and 8 miles once a week.
    At the start of June I weighed 280 pounds and I am not weighing me until 1 July.
    I am weighing the food I eat so I dont need to weigh me too.
    I have difficulty with my lower back that stops me walking (hoping the bike riding will help but I know I need to do stretches too)
    I have cut out sugars and pre processed foods. I include sweetners in the cutting sugar category.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2015
    Janetmmcc- congratulations on your weight loss! That is really a great reason to celebrate!

    Kate - good job on taking back control of your life! Come often and join in the chatter.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    KateKyi wrote: »
    Hi My name is Kate and I turned 50 in April. I have been depressed for 7 years and live alone. I have little support. I have always been over weight. Since my depression I have become a couch potato and lost all muscle tone. The Good news is I have taken back control. I will not be depressed any more.
    In March I started to cycle under a Cycle for health scheme to get me out of the house and fitter.

    Goals for June
    Keep a food diary for the whole month
    Do more cycling - aiming for 3 times a week. I do 3.4 miles twice a week and 8 miles once a week.

    At the start of June I weighed 280 pounds and I am not weighing me until 1 July.
    I am weighing the food I eat so I dont need to weigh me too.
    I have difficulty with my lower back that stops me walking (hoping the bike riding will help but I know I need to do stretches too)
    I have cut out sugars and pre processed foods. I include sweetners in the cutting sugar category.

    Hi Kate - Welcome. I have lower back trouble too. Bike riding is better for me as well. Best of luck to you in your journey. Come back every day. You are not alone here, because there is lots of support.

  • elizabeth50inCalifornia
    Hi Ladies,
    I am new to MFP. I just celebrated my 50th birthday. I am committed to getting fit this year. I have about 40lbs to lose. In addition to the weight loss, I want to get fit i.e. strong, healthy and active. I really like the positive support I see in this group. How do I join?
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    Good morning, all... yes, running yesterday did indeed shake off the post-event blahs.



    For your collection :) and for Leslie!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Thanks fanncy0636....I live in New Orleans and my goal is to lose about 50 more pounds.... back in 2010 I sthatd a weight loss journey and in about a year I lost about 90 pounds ever since then I have been playing with about 20 pounds back and forth... Well now I have been diagnosed with diabetes so I have gotten really serious.... I go to water aerobics at least 4 days a week and I ride my stationary bike everyday.... I thoroughly enjoy the water aerobics.... At one point I would walk in the park 3 days a week but I had to stop because doc said it puts too much stress on my knees.. So I ride my stationary bike instead.... I just want to communicate with folks that's one the same journey that I'm on.... just call me chanagraves!!!!

    Welcome! My sister lives in NOLA. She went to Mardi Gras when she was in her twenties and liked it so much she just stayed. It's a fun place to visit, but I prefer my North Georgia mountains. I am a born and bred hillbilly. Tried to get away from my hillbilly roots by marrying a man from Minnesota, and his last name is Norwegian for hill top dweller.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Welcome Kate and Elizabeth! I'm not much of a walker either, though I'm better at it than I was. I take painkillers before I go out, if I remember. That helps a lot.

    Janet - I forgot to answer your question about the cruise. It's two weeks long. D H has not worn a tie since the day we got married over 10 years ago. He has worn a suit with an open neck shirt to weddings. He hates all that sort of thing. I'm not crazy about it myself, but I think I will buy a maxi dress so I don't have a problem with my legs. Too white, hate tights, hate my ankles, can't find shoes etc. My next task is to find something to wear for the big weekend in October. :sad: I might find something that will do for both. :|

    Moved a zucchini plant, did some weeding. We picked loads of gooseberries and DH has cooked them. Picked arugula and radishes. Took a photo of our runner beans (string beans) to send to DGS as he planted them. He told his mum yesterday he wanted runner beans and beer traps for the slugs in their new garden. DDIL sent me the most fabulous thankyou postcard with a photo of the two grandchildren on the front. DGD is so happy in her mum's silver shoes! ! ! ! ! I have asked for an email version so I can post it. I made yoghurt and podded some fresh peas that DH bought for dinner.

    DH has taken his bandages off and is healing well. He is up to 400 cals exercise now. He pruned the plum tree the other day. Still not entirely back to normal, but not far off. He hasn't mowed the grass yet.

    Nearly finished the paper. Nothing on TV tonight but my French/Spanish film arrived yesterday. :bigsmile: It's about a French man in Barcelona. :drinker:

    Lots of love, Heather in sunny Hampshire UK