June 2015 Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    dawnna76 wrote: »
    so about a month ago i posted here when i was really struggleing and at the time i hated running. I was in month 5 of marathon training. a few people gave me some postive advice the rest kinda jumped all over me (what happened to runners be a awesome community?) Training for a marathon, working a full time job, raising my kids 3 out 4 weeks alone while husband works in another state and an injury just came crashing down at once. I think people forget just how challenging marathon training can be, mind and body.

    well I still wouldnt say I love running but to the poeple that were kind and offered advice, i followed it. and am happy to say on Saturday i ran 26.2 miles injury free and with a smile on my face the whole way. It was a amazing expierence and I will never forget any moment. I even loved the hard moments.

    I had a coworker say to me "you like running don't you?..." I replied cutting them off " I don't think anyone truely likes running "...

    I don't know if its a battle of sheer determination or if there are those that are masochistic on some level or maybe some live in a fantasy world. Running is hard. The pay off of that accomplishment is like nothing else. The physical triumph and mental strength it develops can not be take away from us. I'm proud of you. Congratulations!
  • Harpin_Maddog
    Harpin_Maddog Posts: 52 Member

  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    Did 71 miles in May. In for 75 miles in June! :)

    June 1st - 5.2 miles
    June 3rd - 5.1 miles
    June 6th - 6.2 miles (10k!)
    June 13th - 4.5 miles
    June 16th - 5.6 miles

    Total: 26.6 miles


  • davetheperson
    davetheperson Posts: 124 Member
    I overdid it with some non-running workouts and was too sore to do anything for three days. Then I had a wound on my foot that got infected. Anyway, I got back out tonight and did 2.61 Miles.

    6/2/2015 2.78 Miles
    6/6/2015 3.01 Miles
    6/7/2015 2.0 Miles
    6/9/2015 3.0 Miles
    6/16/2015 2.61 Miles

    Total 13.4 Miles


  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    Sorry it has been a tough month to date!

  • Toria718
    Toria718 Posts: 396 Member
    got another run in today :) makes that 9.3/31
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,406 Member
    edited June 2015
    shanaber wrote: »
    MrsKGrady wrote: »
    @juliet3455 great PB on the 10K :star:

    A virtual race is a race that you can run anywhere and, usually, any time. For example, I paid my fee (which, in this case went to a fellow runner) and pledged to run a 5k sometime between April and the end of July. I generally do them if I can't find a local race I want to run as it gives me incentive to make those miles happen or if I really love the medal.

    That is pretty cool, I never heard of that. Love the socks!

    So I went out and looked at some of these, very cool. I love that the money goes to charity (at least for the ones I looked at). But I did notice some say they give 10% of the profits to charity and others give 85% and more so I guess you need to watch who you are using. Very neat.

    I saw one on Facebook that I believe is still in the planning stages. It is being planned for a runner's son who was a police officer and killed by someone texting while driving - I will post the info if I ca find it.

    @skippygirlsmom, @MrsKGrady, @ddmom0811 and anyone else interested - here is the information on the virtual run I mentioned in honor of the State Trooper who was killed
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,406 Member
    @dawnna76 - Congratulations making it through all your training and completing your marathon! Excellent accomplishment!!
    @Stoshew71 - thanks for the links!
    @7lenny7 - Kody is awesome! I am sure my husband would love it if I trained Hobbes to fetch him a beer! Maybe for next Father's Day! Hobbes does well and also never goes in or out of the house without being given the command to do so. He is also good about food on the ground and up until this last week was really great about not counter surfing... we are back to reinforcing that one. He is still young (for a Vizsla) but is coming along nicely. He is just a goof and loses focus easily!

    Nice, fast run for me today although I didn't really get out early enough because of work and it got warm. Rest day tomorrow, although I may flip it to Thursday. Going out tomorrow night and won't want to get up to run on Thursday.

    06/02.....4.71.....10.20 - Race pace +Strength training
    06/03.....0.00.....10.20 - Rest
    06/04.....4.15.....14.35 - Sprints +Strength training
    06/05.....4.89.....19.24 - Easy
    06/06...12.43.....31.67 - Hard fought long run
    06/07.....0.00.....31.67 - Rest
    06/09.....5.81.....42.15 - Race pace +Strength training
    06/11.....7.78.....49.93 +Strength training
    06/12.....5.76.....55.69 - Easy
    06/13.....6.85.....62.54 - Was supposed to be my long run but was feeling sick. Terrible run
    06/14.....0.00.....62.54 - Rest
    06/15.....5.48.....68.02 - Feeling great again
    06/16.....4.85.....72.87 - Race pace +Strength training


  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @HonuNui - That app is confusing. Apparently there's the base version, the Pro version (which used to be called the Gold version) and a Premium version. I don't know what the differences are. I was all set to evaluate all the different apps, but then I bought my FR305 and have largely ignored the apps since then. I'm very happy with the Garmin Connect website, other than a few quirks I need to figure out. I did grab the "pro" version of Runtastic, just in case.

    @ddmom0811, the key to training dogs is to be consistent, and when starting out never give a command unless you can enforce it. I could go on and on, but this is not the place. Two books I recommend for dog training are "How to Train a Puppy You Can Live With" and "My Smart Puppy". One other thing Kody is trained to do is to NOT go upstairs. We have no gate or barrier. He's been trained he can't go up there. We have to have one level of the house that is dog hair free! @skippygirlsmom, sorry, but dogs are a lot easier to train the people!

    @dawnna76, It sounds like you overcame some tough challenges and came out on top! Congrats on completing your first marathon!! Some day I hope to be able to attempt that. Right now I'm just focusing on my first 10k on July 4th or July 18th. I'll do at least one of those, maybe both.

    @Stoshew71, thanks for the links, and keep kicking butt on those miles!!

    On to my progress:

    June 2 - 1.0 mile
    June 3 - 4.1 miles
    June 5 - 5.6 miles (in two runs)
    June 6 - 4.5 miles
    June 8 - 3.0 miles
    June 10 - 3.5 miles
    June 11 - 4.0 miles
    June 13 - 5.0 miles
    June 14 - 2.4 miles - first trail run
    June 16 - 6.2 miles

    Tonight was an awesome night for running. 64 degrees, overcast, and a slight breeze. Also a few rain drops to cool me down, but not enough to get very wet. Just before I went out my daughter came home early from work and wanted to run, but not until later. So, I went out and bagged 3.1 miles on my own, then stopped by the house again and picked her up. Does that physiologically count as a 6.2 mile run if there was a 20 minute break in the middle.

    Katie had been running with a friend the last couple of weeks but wasn't enjoying it. Her friend is fitter and faster, so Katie would end up huffing and puffing. I've been teaching her to go slow (and I know we're going slow enough because she talks nearly the ENTIRE way!...and I love just listening to her!) and not surprisingly, she can go much farther. She couldn't even make a single lap around the pond with her friend. She said she really enjoys running with me and I made it very clear that if she let's me know her schedule, I'd gladly work around it to get to run with her. I'd drop my 10k and HM training plans in a second if it meant more time with her.

    Because my foot and Achilles pain went away quicker than expected, my progress is well ahead of schedule.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,406 Member
    @7lenny7 - That is so awesome about that you can run with your daughter! I have a Catie as well and she has signed up to run the SF Half Marathon with me. We don't get to run or train together as she is in school in Seattle and because of that school she doesn't have time to run much. I had planned to race this one but I am going to just enjoy the experience of running and finishing the half with her!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @7lenny7 - That is so awesome about that you can run with your daughter! I have a Catie as well and she has signed up to run the SF Half Marathon with me. We don't get to run or train together as she is in school in Seattle and because of that school she doesn't have time to run much. I had planned to race this one but I am going to just enjoy the experience of running and finishing the half with her!

    Excellent! That will be a fantastic experience, and much better than racing it. My Katie has agreed to run a 5K with me before she goes back to college in August. I just need to find one that fits our schedule. Her sorority has a 5K in April and I told her I'd run that one with her too, if it works out with my schedule. She seems intent on continuing to run in college so in a couple of weeks I'm taking her to the running store to get her a proper pair of shoes and some socks.

  • omnipotentmiku
    omnipotentmiku Posts: 107 Member
    Halfway point everyone

    Goal: 40 mi

    Day 1: 1.5
    Day 2: 2.21
    Day 3: 1.65
    Day 4: Rest
    Day 5: Rest
    Day 6: 1.42
    Day 7: 1.81
    Day 8: Rest
    Day 9: .76
    Day 10: 1.42
    Day 11: 1.62
    Day 12: 5.3 (metrocon)
    Day 13: 1.62
    Day 14: 1.42
    Day 15: 1.62
    Day 16: 1.62
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    dawnna76 wrote: »
    so about a month ago i posted here when i was really struggleing and at the time i hated running. I was in month 5 of marathon training. a few people gave me some postive advice the rest kinda jumped all over me (what happened to runners be a awesome community?) Training for a marathon, working a full time job, raising my kids 3 out 4 weeks alone while husband works in another state and an injury just came crashing down at once. I think people forget just how challenging marathon training can be, mind and body.

    well I still wouldnt say I love running but to the poeple that were kind and offered advice, i followed it. and am happy to say on Saturday i ran 26.2 miles injury free and with a smile on my face the whole way. It was a amazing expierence and I will never forget any moment. I even loved the hard moments.

    CONGRATULATION'S. Be proud Be very very proud.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for May
    6/1 10.6 miles - 10.6
    6/2 10 miles - 20.6
    6/3 6.2 miles - 26.8
    6/4 6.2 miles - 33
    6/5 6.55 miles - 39.55
    6/6 15 miles - 54.55
    6/7 REST DAY
    6/8 9.6 miles - 64.15
    6/9 10.3 - 74.45
    6/10 8 miles - 82.45
    6/11 8 miles - 90.45
    6/12 6.2 miles - 96.65
    6/13 15 miles - 111.65
    6/14 REST DAY
    6/15 10.5 miles - 122.15
    6/16 10 miles - 132.15
    6/17 8.2 miles - 140.35


    Today was a speed work day fail. Couple of buddies from my running group were going to meet at the HS track to do some tempo repeats but my glutes were too sore, so I ended up doing 10K worth of fartleks around the track instead. Followed up by a couple of easy cool down laps around the HS itself. I have to do more yoga.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    6/1 - 5 miles
    6/2 - 5.3 miles
    6/3 - 3.2 miles
    6/4 - 4.4 miles
    6/5 - 2.3 miles
    6/6 - 1.6 miles - rest day today but did this to keep the 41 Days of Awesome challenge streak going
    6/7 - 7 miles - I'm so proud of this run it was at 10:21 pace, which is fast for me - I was comfortable the whole run :smiley:
    6/8 - 4.4 miles
    6/9 - 5.8 miles
    6/10 - 1.6 miles - rest day today - just keeping the 41 Days of Awesome challenge alive. I'm trying to do this mile at a faster than normal pace for me. Then I grabbed Macy and took her for a 2 mile walk.
    6/11 - 6 miles
    6/12 - 4.7miles
    6/13 - 4.6 miles
    6/14 - 9.6 miles very hot miles. I think it was about 83 when I went to run. Went to the Greenway to be in the shade. Sweat was dripping off my shorts by the time I was done. I was ticked I couldn't run the whole 10 miles so I went back out after getting my water for a fast paced .6 mile walk.
    6/15 - 1.6 miles - keeping the 41 Days of Awesome challenge alive :smile:
    6/16 - 5.6 miles
    6/17 - 3.2 miles -short run, had to get Macy to groomer by 7:00 :smile:

    75.9 out of 120 miles


    @shanaber - thanks for the link, I signed both Skip and myself up and invited some other folks to join - so sad
    @davetheperson you have been having a tough time, glad you are feeling better
    @7lenny7 oh yeah it's 6.2 no matter how you look at it.
    @stoshew71 sorry this morning didn't work out, not surprised your glutes are talking to you, you have been doing some long runs.
  • JimCrackinDandy
    JimCrackinDandy Posts: 146 Member
    9 today- Less humid here. How about there?


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    June 4th = 7.4 miles
    June 6th up to 10.5 miles now. Running in the strong wind tonight was hard work.
    Up to 16.6 miles now
    22.9 miles now, the heat is an energy zapper though!
    29.1 now, horrible run today. I had to keep screaming at myself to suck it up and get on with it!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    6/1 - 4.0 miles, still a little tender from Saturday's race
    6/2 - 4.25 miles; 8.25/120
    6/3 - 4 miles, indoor track; weights/abs
    6/4 - 4.9 miles, Trek/treadmill - would it kill my Y to put some fans in the cardio room?!?
    6/5 - 4.4 miles, a little humid, but nice!
    6/6 - planned rest day
    6/7 - 8.1 miles, STICKY...summer is here for sure.
    6/8 - unplanned rest day - all that time watching baseball in the sun sucked it out of me.
    6/9 -4.1 miles; 33.75/120
    6/10 - 4.5 miles
    6/11 - BAGEL :/ Woke up feeling sick.
    6/12 - 4.5 miles, soggy and foggy
    6/13 - 7.53 miles
    6/14 - rest day
    6/15 - 4 miles, indoor track; weights / abs
    6/16 - 4.25 miles...lovely day!
    6/17 - 4 miles
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    June 1 - 5.1 miles
    June 2 - strength training
    June 3 - 5.3 miles
    June 4 - strength training
    June 5 - 5.35 miles
    June 6 -34 mile bike ride
    June 7 - 42 mile bike ride
    June 8 - 2 miles
    June 9 - Strength Training and Yoga class
    June 10 - 6.63 miles -
    June 11 - rest day
    June 12 - 3.21 miles - easy run; strength training
    June 13- 34 mile bike ride
    June 14 - 5.3 miles
    June 15 - 3.3 miles
    June 16 - strength training
    June 17 - 7.03 miles - my longest run ever! I'm slowing increasing my weekly long run to train for the HM in October that I'm running with my daughter. Using Galloway's just finish (but modifying it slightly).


  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    Hit the treadmill at lunchtime today after spending half the morning finding reasons not to go. Fortunately,they didn't get past by BS firewall, but it was a close call ha ha. feeling great for it now B)
